Arrival at Beacon.


Sitting alongside Weiss, my new uniform on my knees as the car drove through the city, it was just us now and the silence had become unbearable, it was understandable however as we were basically strangers. We were on our way to one of them landing zones throughout the city for the bullheads that land, primarily used by beacon students. I couldn't say I wasn't excited seeing A place known only to those who've watched the show and seeing it up close would be interesting.

"So, what's the agenda for today? After we get settled in your new home away from home. I hope there's lunch" I asked, trying to get out of the silence and get to know Weiss better.

"Nothing. I'm going to be settling in then thanking the headmaster for hosting me early, you can do whatever it is… that you do, until tomorrow." Weiss sniped, shrugging to her answer, I decided to wait before engaging in conversation with her again. Instead, I checked my new uniform I was supplied, which consisted of a suit and slacks and even having from what I could tell, a Kevlar infused vest. The suit itself was normal and from what I could see, was sure to fit me. There also was two glasses-cases, opening up one, sunglasses that were black-tinted were inside. And the last effects they'd supplied me with was a leather generic-looking firearm holster but with no gun. Glancing at it carefully, I had no need for A firearm, but in giving me this, I suppose they expect me to get one or something? I'll ask Weiss later, maybe she knows more about it. Besides this uniform I was supposed to wear, I'll keep on my battle suit on too, the school has A forging area. I'll be able to remove them shoulder pauldron like Vegeta wore his suit when he lived on earth.

Another hour of sitting beside the Schnee heiress, we arrived at the Bullhead that was to take us to Beacon. The driver drove closer into the landing zone before stopping, Weiss waited while said driver had already exited the vehicle, opening the door for her. She wasted no time, while I had got out of the car, she was already on her way to the trailer before turning towards me.

"You can load up my bags, I'll just be taking the Dust case with me. See you on the airship… Kron" And there she went, that strut of hers had me eyeing her up, but the cough from my side had told me the driver was waiting for me to move-aside or open up the trailer already.

It was after walking back and forth three times before the last case was on board, my stuff was also there, kept in the same pile as hers. The driver was good help, but he was just hired for the ride here, Weiss had paid him for the trouble, and he left. Once on board, the pilot had advised us to sit during take-off, but were free to roam around once airborne.

The journey was relatively quick, over the lake and into Beacon airspace, our arrival did not go unnoticed, A rather heavy-set man was waiting for us to touch down, reminding me of 26th President Theodore Roosevelt in looks, that man was Peter Port.

"Buckle up you two, where about to land" the pilots voice was heard via intercom, Weiss had listened, But I on the other hand, wanted to show off A bit. As the Bullhead was open from the sides, I had casually dropped from the moving VTOL, hurtling to the ground, landing on my feet. Falling from such a height, hitting the ground feet first and startling the professor, I waited for the airship to land with the man.

"Young lad, its ah… good to make your acquaintance. Excuse me, my name is Peter Port, but you can call me professor Port. Haha, you seem eager to be at Beacon, you must be Kron I assume?" he was pleased at my nod signaling he was correct at my name. The VTOL was just landing now, the engines were waning until they'd turned off and Weiss was seen leaving the airship.

"And you must be Weiss Schnee! A pleasure meeting A potential student, oh right, you can call me professor Port my dear. Your bags will be your responsibility to take but there are some helpful trolleys around here…uh somewhere, when you're ready unloading I'll be escorting you through the grounds. You will be then taken to your rooms. Any questions? no? Good" The jolly hunter professor was finished, the man sure was boisterous.

"Alright then, Kron, let's go. You can help me with my stuff." Weiss wasted no time ordering me, but since her orders we're to be followed, prideful feelings.

"Sure, lets" we headed back towards the airship, seeing the pilot had already secured two trolleys from within the bullhead storage which made things easier. Packing didn't take more than five minutes before we headed back to the professor, I could tell by the smile on Weiss's face that she enjoyed being here, I didn't comment on it, instead taking the time to gather my bearings and gave the place and look over. It really was a nice place, further musings were interrupted when we finally got back to the professor.

"Ah, done are you, let's get going my young friends. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask." With that said the portly man turned around and begun striding back to his place of work. Of course, Weiss had followed and I in turn followed her.

"Ah, professor, where is the training grounds? I'd like to put in some time training on my own time while here, while not guarding miss Schnee here." I wanted to know where the cliff-face where the initiation had started and have a look later on, checking out the places from the show I'd thought of myself as a tourist. I wouldn't be training here of course as Ozpin had cameras scattered everywhere, the sea was still the safer bet to train, for now. Weiss looked at the professor expectantly, also waiting for an answer as she looked interested also.

"that's a good mind set, my young friend but since the academy hasn't started yet, the indoor facilities won't be in use so they can be used, in fact they're already in use by another potential student. You'll meet her tomorrow, I'm sure. Tell me, have you two eaten yet?"

"No professor Port, I am rather famished. Is the mess-hall open now?" Weiss answered, the man turned to look at her then at me in which I had also agreed, wordlessly shaking my head.

"Good, then I'll take you there as they're indeed open as the staff need to eat. Now onwards my two young people, Beacon awaits." pushing the trolley after the two humans, we were almost to the school. Another ten minutes we got to an entrance to the main-hall, which was empty, pushing the trolley over towards the wall out of the way, Weiss continued to follow the professor, who was still strolling along.

"This way now, we will be heading this way to the cantina, Kron you can… yes leave your bags here and we will grab them afterwards as we will be coming this way again. This way." And we off, following the professor still. Later on, we entered the large mess-hall, there were some cooks serving meals into orderly sections for people to pick and add to their trays, immediately the professor had approached with us quickly behind him, picking up trays for ourselves, we had lined up. I grabbed extra from each slot to fill my tray, I really had no problem with the assortment of different foods I had picked, which smelled deliciously filling. Mostly I had grabbed from the meat food group. Heading towards the first table was where I had sat and surprisingly Weiss had joined me. The professor had started a boastful conversation with one of the cooks while eating at the same time. Weiss had begun eating at an efficient and delicate pace, her etiquette was weird seeing. We ate in a comfortable silence with me holding back my more Saiyan-like eating tendencies. It was after eating, we were on our way back out when Weiss almost walked into someone familiar, to me. Blake looked no different than what she was last I saw her, her hair was a little, longer and bound into A ponytail at the ends, she had on her bow.

The black cat almost looked like she was apologetic to the heiress at least until when our eyes had locked, I saw recognition in them and in the way she unconsciously stepped back. I decided to do something to ease the tension which she must be feeling.

"Hey Blake, you remember me, don't you? It's so good to see you, I thought I'd see you here, come here." I said to try and put the 'fear of God' in her, but I must have come off as A weird bastard. I grabbed her by the shoulder and gave A squeeze, I could tell she was resisting as hard as she could, her eyes wide, you'd could smell the fear radiating from her. Weiss however saw me hugging another girl, which caused her to walk closer, after that though she gave a little cough which got Blake's attention. Blake spoke first, my having released her from my grip.

"Kron, I wasn't aware you were coming here. Nice to make your acquaintance, I'm Blake Belladonna."

"Nice to meet you Blake, I am Weiss Schnee. Now how do you know this idiot?" Weiss Replied Haughtily, Blake wasn't fazed and answered, telling lies.

"I met Kron in Vale on A train, anyway I'm off to eat, if you excuse me, it was nice to meet you" Blake had looked to me, seeing if I would contradict her or anything, I think. I hadn't and seeing this, she turned away and walked in a quickened pace.

"Likewise, now come Kron, you have to get my stuff to my room. Where is the professor?" Weiss whispered to herself the last sentence, whilst turning around the mess-hall. The man however was on his way over, having seen us standing near the entrance we came through to get in here.

"How was dinner, I take you're ready to proceed to your rooms yes?" Professor port asked, Weiss and I simultaneously answered yes, which I nod my head and Weiss saying, 'yes sir'.


"How's the preparation for the initiation, have all the written exam's been finished yet Glynda?" He had already let two such examiner's in, Blake was here already, and Jaune Arc would come later on with the other potential-students, even with his forged transcript's. The Arc family had A habit of creating powerhouses and anyone wanting to join Beacon that desperately was always welcome. Jaune would either make it or…

"Most of the exams have been marked, A few of them have failed and will have to try next year or give up. Ozpin are you sure having that... killer in our midst is a good idea? He's not in any database, except for what we've been informed by James, which is not allot. Are you sure he's not one of hers?" Ozpin looked at Glynda, nodding in thought, This Kron was an unknown, but having him where he'd be watched was an opportunity of its own, maybe he would even join the academy as what was known of him was, he is powerful.

"I've checked the files also, an interesting semblance. Dangerous but he's young, he still can go down a better path. No, I don't think he's one of her pieces... He is here for the foreseeable future so there is plenty of time to figure it out for real" Ozpin regarded his deputy with a stare before returning his gaze outward, towards the stars and moon.