Fallen Star.

The wind swept through my hair, I was heading to my hideout in the badlands at speeds that would shock onlookers, but I hadn't trained yet and I was getting impatient. The Ki flowing through my pumped-up form was itching to be released, that I could tell and so I needed to continue to become stronger. Becoming stronger, in A place with weakling's might seem like a waste of time, but there might be someone stronger here and also my new Saiyan instincts demand conquest… so training is a good alternative I'd think.

I began to descend onto the ground, the land was like I left it and so begun to head for the water. I was ready to go deeper this time, my 'Aura sphere' ability was activated and so I would be fine, breath-wise. I began to power through the water, going down deeper as I went, the pressure would increase, which would put a strain on me which would allow my strength to increase. That was the theory anyway. And So, I began. The training I was going through at depths that threatened to strain my body was intense, I was interrupted an few times by them same giant fish-humanoid Grimm but was able to detonate A few Ki-blasts into them. It gave me an idea, to create another technique. Something I saw Goku do on Namak on the series.

"Alright, hreuhhm ha! Now stay there." I slowly backed away from it and 'willed' it mentally to stay there, hoping it wouldn't detonate involuntarily or mistake. I fired another similar sized Ki blast in another direction and also back away from that one, which now I had to mentally control both of them into not exploding or moving. And finally, one more, the same as before. With these three blasts floating away, not moving even from water currents or by me, I wanted to make an attack which could be used for offense as well as defense, like that one android 18 can use, I forgot that name for her attack. I waited for a while, by training while them Ki-blasts were still being mentally focused on to not explode, the blasts were surprisingly good for training, my Ki-control hopefully would become better as to create any Ki-blast into any shape I wish which was a good thing to have, easier to make my own attacks and such.

A few hours of constant agony, training under the ocean at this depth and regularly would be good for my power. I sensed, faintly, more Grimm heading my way. A larger group which now feeling them out, were stronger than previously encountered.

"Show time." I closed my eyes, willing my three Ki-blasts to launch on the closest target, only at signs of aggression, seeing if it was possible to 'hardwire' my Ki into following enemy combatants would be cool to do.

"Yeah, that's right you ugly bastards" I mentally thought, seeing the glowing red orbs penetrating through the darkened water. I waited for the beasts to come closer, waiting if my attacks would automatically hone in and explode. It seems I'd need to practice more, as the three attacks had slowly honed in towards the eight or so Grimm humanoid beasts but these Grimm had effectively outswum the attacks, which had all begun to detonate. Only one was caught by the blasts, the other seven were outside of the range of the attacks, coming at me.

"Royal Spear!" mentally I thought of the attack, as I was already for the failure with excess Ki, the attack quickly materialized and formed, annihilating the rest. I would continue to formulate this technique and use it for the next three hours, it would have been longer, but I was wearing out fatigue-like.

And so, when I broke out of the water, my Ki-levels heavily diminished, I went for the shoreline. While I hovered over to the beach, I had felt accomplished having finally learned how to create KI-blasts that I can control wherever they're launched. The next step would too able to create or recreate Krillian's 'Destructo disk' and/or Frieza's 'Death Saucer's'.

"Ah, now, it's time to head back. It's getting late. I wonder what's for dinner-

My monologue to myself was interrupted when my scouter suddenly started up, scanning upward.

"W-What! Power reading of 2400!" I made sure I was reading it right, tapping one of the buttons to scan again but by then I had visual confirmation when a familiar looking Attack ball was visible overhead, impacting the ground nearby. I didn't really have any time before I heard the door from the attack ball open. A humanoid shape had hovered upward and landed at the edge of the impact crater.

"Ah, so a monkey is on this dust ball, eh? And I also read your pathetic power-level while entering the planet's atmosphere." the aliens raspy voice wheezed out, I got a better look and saw the alien. Dressed in a similar uniform as I, he wasn't a Saiyan but one of them fish-looking aliens with the gill on his head and on closer look, his teeth are razor-sharp. The being's skin was a light purple. I went ahead and check my power-level, I'd know I was weak at the time with my training and all, I hadn't any time to heal when this fish-looking prick had arrived, time to fish for information.

"Oh, and what are you doing out here? I hadn't had any word that anymore of the PTO would be taking out this planet. As you would have seen from space, I am nearly done with the place."

"This planet was discovered after one of our carrier ships was temporarily lost when going through A wormhole. Of course, they sent someone through and now we know that it connects to an entirely different part in our galaxy. One of the higher-ups in the echelons of our organization had sent me and out as a scout to… comb through potential planets for establishing another Frieza Planet and low and behold… the Saiyan s had already sent out an infant out here" my confusion at the raspy guy's voices suddenly became clear when I thought about what he said. This Xeno prick thought I had been sent out here as an infant, going from what he said. I wouldn't begrudge him of his hypothesis.

"But still, you're what? And low-class trash you're king monkey sent out… you're really just fodder aren't ya, you runt" the bastard started laughing, that skeletal-like face in an uproar of laughter, and so I checked my scouter on myself.

"I see, only 789 huh? And decreasing. Tch and I needed my rest from training, I've no choice but to kill this bastard" I wasn't wounded or nothing but worn out and so I'd have to survive until it got darker, then I would crush him… figuratively and physically. Getting into my stance, my teeth clenched, I erupted instantly in a burst of speed, hitting the smug Xeno in the stomach, sending the creature across into the jungle nearby. I began charging up my most powerful attack, the 'Tyrant's Wave' which was my best AOE-type energy attack. Subconsciously I had turned off my passive power-up 'Aura sphere' during charging this attack.

"Harrrggh!' launching at wave, it melted outward and raced into the general area the alien grunt of Frieza's army, hoping to take him in one attack. The chaotic attack exploded upward and outward, expanding in A dome of condensed energy which dispersed over and out, the alien grunts ship was still close to the radius but only A little of the surrounding debris had landed near it.

"Smug shit, learn to dodge-

"Valiant effort monkey, but that was your only try" the raspy voice of the alien interrupted my speech, I saw him land near closer, across from his ship where I was, on the other side of his ships crater.


The sudden hit to my stomach had nearly knocked the wind from me, hurdling across the ground, the purple leg that knocked me away sent me even further, I tensed my body, stopping me from being sent even further out. I got my bearings quickly and retaliated, smashing into the cocky fish-looking prick. My blows were blocked, and I managed to block him. The stalemate was an series of both of us trading blows, anyone seeing from this planet would likely only barely hear us, going at speeds unseen.

"harrghugh!" I landed a blow to the alien's shoulder, then neck which knocked the bastard into the ground, the soldier barely righted himself up and landed safely onto the ground. I saw A trickle of blue blood running down the being's mouth, he went to wipe his face, clenching his teeth in anger and got into a sort of 'charging' stance.

I also noticed the alien's green scouter was broken in our bout.

"Stupid monkey! Take this you little runt!" he began charging his power, but just waiting for the Muppet to launch an attack was really stupid, so…

"Heeherrgghh heeeerrrttghh hrreee-omphf-" His attempt at focusing his power into a force in order to take me out was disrupted when I went for the bastard's face at an angle in order to not impale my leg on his bone-Finn on top of his head. The Ax-kick to the head had knocked him across the land, flinging the Xeno soldier into the side of a cliff. The cliff impact took the being into its crevice, the impact rocked the cliff and sent various sized rocks and boulders falling.

"Fuck…shit urgh, aah… I'm tired, but looks like I'm at the advantage for now-"

"Haurrreeegh haaa!" the alien soldier growled loudly, uniform A mess, exploded outward, sending earth and debris exploding everywhere. The alien looked wounded by my critical hit to his face. The Alien charged, disappearing then reappearing in front of me, I had blocked, but the next hit sent me flying, any impact to the ground was interrupted when the being appeared above me and sent both his arms clenched together and smashing down into me. I smacked into the ground hard.

"Filthy animal… huff… huff… you'll be sorry for resisting me you runt!"

"Heehrrrggh…hahaha now where was I! time to die," The alien began charging again, high above me, Of course I had one last ditch attack… my teeth clenched, I opened up my mouth as wide as can be.

"Hrrrrhaaaa!" the beam engulfed from my mouth and again I had interrupted the alien and his gathering of KI. The blast lightened the surrounding area in a wave of orange light, washing over the land briefly.

"Arrghh...!!!" the guy's raspy voice was loud at first, but the beam had carried him further into the sky, which made the screams fade out. It was the last amount of power coursing through me, but I had a chance. I stood up, struggling hard to get to my feet and looked to the already setting sky, finding what I wanted, I stared intensely at my salvation in order to take in as many of the blutz-waves as I could quickly.

The cracked moon reflected brightly.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

Sitting across from my new… uh, friend at Beacon, we were currently in the library. She was attempting to make small talk with Blake, who was half paying attention and half reading.

"And then I came here. My goal of becoming a huntress was why I decided to leave Atlas. Yeah, I could have stayed home in Atlas and join Atlas Academy but staying so close to my father wasn't what I want, trapped in his sphere of influence." Weiss said, half out of breath from chatting with Blake. Blake had gained somewhat more interest in the conversation from the last words Weiss had spoken, eyes looking towards her instead of her book. Blake closed her book, looking around before returning her gaze at the heiress.

"So, when did you meet Kron?" Blake asked, curious in the response. Startled from the question somewhat, Weiss focused closely onto Blake before replying.

"Well, to say, I kind of found him." she didn't want to tell specifics.

"Found him?" Blake interrupted,

"The brute was already in the room I had paid for, it was strange at first, and he was…" Weiss started to whisper, Blake however didn't catch the last of her sentence as she mumbled rather then said any words, not because she couldn't actually hear.

"Was, what?" Blake inquired, interested.

"Well, he was naked, I uh, was about to scream at him as to why he was there when I saw, saw his…, at any rate. After that the White Fang had took control of the building and attempted to kill or capture me. The rest of my personal was killed and I… I witnessed them kill someone who had been with me for a long time. Then Kron, as later I found out his name from my father, had in turn, h-he butchered the six-"

"Six! the news only said there was three-" appalled, her eyes widening, the first true emotion Weiss had witnessed from Blake since she met her.

"Y-yes! Six, it was like in a blink. First, they were threatening us and then...they're… Dead, he killed them in no time, he made it look easy. I think he has some sort of grudge with the Fang, if I didn't know any better. And then the authorities had shown up, including miss Goodwitch." Weiss finished, Blake then gazed at the cover of the book she was reading before catching the heiress's gaze again.

"It doesn't explain why he's here, and with you. No offense meant, but he doesn't seem like someone you'd hire… at least as far as I know of your family. He doesn't really fit your type of… henchmen, if you catch my drift" Blake pressed on, not wanting to accuse Weiss in being racist or anything.

"If you're implying I'm racist, don't. I just hate the White Fang and all it stands for. Besides, my father was the one who hired Kron anyway, and from what I heard, only because it'd make him look better, hiring a Faunus as the bodyguard of his Heir, that being me." Weiss continued,

"Kron is rough around the edges, and has a bad habit of getting… into my personal space, but besides that he's-" she was interrupted when her scroll begun ringing, answering the call, she heard Kron's voice.

"I… I I'm going… t-to be, ugh… be late, s-see you-u tomorrow… ugh, boss" he hung up without giving Weiss any chance of replying, still Weiss had heard the pain in his voice, she stood up suddenly and almost hit the table doing so.

"That. That, where is, he? Blake I'm sorry, but I've got to go to the C.C Tower." she rushed off, however Blake caught the conversation with her enhanced hearing, and went after the heiress.
