


My gaze was lost upon the moon, cracked as it was but my eyes was locked onto it. I felt the familiar sensations of being stretched out, bone and skin. Gradually, my form expanded and reformed into that of the great ape along with my armor. Instead of mindlessly roaring and rampaging, I awaited the fool who attacked me, but why wait? No, I jumped upwards and seeing the purple bastard, I reached out. I was still tired and therefore I wouldn't be using much Ki, even in this form. I didn't have to, it was over already, I had the alien in my grip. Killing him quickly wasn't the idea yet. The landing shook the earth, my struggling alien friend bit me, but it was for nought.

"Now, I have some questions peon. If you want to survive being ripped apart, you'd better answer them" My deep, almost feral-like voice boomed over the land, the struggling alien warrior's frantic wiggling in my grip did nothing to calm me down. It was honestly easy to just kill him now, in my grip but I held back.

"F-fuck! aargh, OK…OK, I'll answer. Just l-let m-me go" the raspy voice of the alien of the PTO wasted no time, agreeing with my demands for answers.

"First question cretin. Is anyone expecting you to contact them?" the alien, pretended to not hear or something, but with a little goading, in the form of squeezing harder, he finally answered.

"I W-was told not t-to con-tact anyone until I make cont-act w-with any life on these w-worthless r-rocks… aargh… then I'd attempt t-to link up with the c-carrier ship and r-report to the commander via scouter" he managed out, struggling to breath and talk, I managed to understand his choked-out words. It did help that my hearing was much sharper. I decided to extend that question further.

"And can you make contact with Frieza planet no.79 or planet Vegeta from where you exited that infernal wormhole?" I wanted to know if they and therefore I, had the ability to get into contact with the PTO from Remnant. If they called reinforcements, I was not sure I could survive a frontal war against them all, I would have to better learn to hide my power and use guerilla warfare against them, hah… guerilla warfare… I meant stealth tactics though I suppose going Oozeru would work if I got stronger. Squeezing the fool and bit, as he was being stubborn again, he relented and begun talking.

"No c-communication w-with the empire, the w-wormhole must of t-taken us to somewhere o-out of r-range of even F.P.N.79. Even t-the c-command ship couldn't g-get A connection." the alien answered,

"Next questions, where is your… command ship, how far is it out and what is the strongest power-level. Answer me truthfully and I'll let you go. I'll know if you lie" he struggled a lot more now, but he was going nowhere, my natural strength held him at bay. I was tired of course, but being the size I am now I didn't have to exert myself.

"I-I… I was sent out t-to s-scout the s-systems in ou-r p-path, a-according to my p-pod, two-h-hundred- and eleven-days a-ago by t-the c-commander. He h-has an p-power l-level of at least thirty-six thousand (36,000). Now r-release me at once! Were all s-soldiers of t-the Frieza f-force, comrades right hahaha…" The disgusting laugh sounded like an chain-smoker. Seeing my mistake, I collapsed his entire head with my left clawed thumb, I already destroyed his scouter before which I figure was being listened to so lucky me already blowing it up. The alien instantly died as my hands turned his head into mush.

"Ah… shit, so it's like that huh? … so, remnant is in the same universe then, well that's OK news then… not some much for the people of this planet though." my booming voice, during my dialogue to myself changed as I changed back from the Oozeru form to normal.

"Ugh… so let's think back, I, well… Kron before we merged together, went out on his own on his own mission, then, uh… the attack ball got caught in an electrical storm in space. I remember the storm shrouding the path in which the pod was flying towards and then… the wormhole. Going through that and coming out on the other side was when Kron and I had become, well, me and then I crashed here when I realized the pod I was in had malfunctioned." in conclusion, this meant that I was really just a big fish in a small pond, and there were bigger… fuck, stronger foes and they were on their way here too, in 200 or so days. I'd have to up my training, until I can reasonably get my power higher, and more combat experience.

"So, for combat experience, I should hold back and fight physical from now on, what's the word… handicap myself. I'll have to go deeper under the ocean, the more pressure on me, the better my training would be. When urgh… when I can withstand the deepest point, then there's" looking upward at the still illuminated moon.

"Huh… yeah, hehehe… yes that would be a good idea. Hahaha yes. But first…" breathing harder whilst chatting to self, my body was feeling really damaged, beyond sore… hell, I was bleeding from multiple wounds and now that the adrenaline had worn off…

"Urgh… I guess I'd better inform the b-boss… -cough- Weiss" miraculously my scroll wasn't damaged, lucky for me, I guess. Dialing the girl who I had been with since, I heard her breathing on the other end, about to question why'd I rung no doubt, but I had instead spoke.

"I… I I'm going… t-to be, ugh… be late, s-see you-u tomorrow… ugh, boss" I hung up just as I heard an indigent cry from the other end but by then I ended the call. I was nearing the no-named alien's body, I went to my knees near him and searched his corpse. I found what I'd been looking for.

"So, this what I wanted, the remote to this guys… my new ship. And thanks to prior memories, I know how to operate it. So… lets… yeah, I'll reset the… owner… yeah, nice and then I… will…done. So, in order to reset, my hand must be on the interface and the ship will take in my DNA-signature… easy" I managed to slowly walk, groaning and in pain, hell, I was nearing to passing out. But I made it by sheer will. Finding the right screen, I'd laid my hand onto it. Now without the remote, no one would be able to even access the pod, if they did well, these things explode when tampered with anyway and with the coming of who knows" looking at the corpse of the alien I had killed.

"Who knows how many fighters would be coming with someone with that high a power-level." my tireless tirade to myself soon came to a close when I had finally sat down near the now closed pod, almost passing out.

"Well, ugh…" And I was out.

(Blake Belladonna-POV)


We had got to the CCT building, Weiss had used her family name into getting access. She knew what to do, calling one of the operators of the CCT in order to connect with Kron's scroll. By doing so, they were able to pinpoint his location, which to their surprise was outside the continent to the north-west. It didn't give an accurate reading as the location where the signal was originating was the ocean between and, but he couldn't be in the sea could he? The conclusion Weiss had said was he somehow made his way to the uninhabited continent and the CCT couldn't read were exactly.

She knew he could fly, that fight months ago had shown just that and Kron is fast too. Focusing back on the clicking of typing that Weiss was doing, she focused on what Weiss had said.

"I don't know when he left, but he sounded hurt. I need help, your still in town, yes? … yeah…, that's good news…, and come pick me…, I want to help too! fine. Bye" Weiss hanged up, Blake could have sworn she heard an older version of Weiss on the other end of the call, still, it wasn't her business.

"So, what's going to happen? I guess you have gotten your fathers company involved?" Blake inquired, Weiss however looked somewhat exasperated by the question before calming down.

"No, my sister is still in Vale, or nearby… uh, she didn't say. Classified and all that but I asked for her assistance in picking up that idiot from… wherever he ended up at."

"He can fly you know, at least I've seen it, like straight out of one of my novels. It'd be how he had gotten over there." Blake said, in which Weiss had nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I've seen him do so, when he saved me from the Fang, he showed off and swept me up in his arms, and… I thought I was about to die when he jumped off the building we were on, b-but he just floated in place. I don't know how h ended up injured, maybe he fell or something" Weiss said, Blake almost laughed when Weiss had said the last words, almost.

"Well, he seems like he would be in good hands, so, want to spar?" Blake asked then, Weiss smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Sure, I want to retry ringing Kron until I can get more from him, so expect that, but yeah. Let's go get our gear" Weiss was already walking, heading to the elevator of the CCT building, Blake smirked and followed along.


Waking up, after passing out before, it was hard staying coherent enough to understand where I was. The pain and the wetness, that of blood reminded me where I was, not long coming too after that fight.

"Shit, I better c-clean up the b-battlefield a little bit." it seemed I had recovered a little KI, charging up a small Ki-ball in my left hand which I held up with my right, I aimed at the remains of the fish-like alien and fired. The immediate small explosion and dust which briefly blocked my already strained vision only last for A few seconds. The attack had evaporated the body completely, but there were some blood spots, that of purple or blue blood scattered around.

"More mess… huh. Right then" I was able to get up a bit and walk, I was lucky there was a lot of sand where I was, I fell to my knees again where the blood was and began covering it. Working my hands and moving handfuls or even just pushing the sand outright with the flat of my hand, I had managed to cover the blood and therefore, hide the existence of the extraterrestrial's…, wait… no I didn't, as I'm one… huh.

"That's covered now, now the… s-ship" my right hand went into my battle armor and fidgeting around, I pulled out the remote.

"I have to hide this too, but where? … right… right, what to do, that answers obvious. I should… yeah, I can. I can remotely control the ship and put it somewhere else…" at least, I think I can, having no experience with doing so before. Pressing one of the buttons, I had the ship turn on by itself.

"Nice, i-it w-works. So… where to p-put it -cough- ugh…" looking towards the beach, my answer was clear to me.

"Underwater t-then." I programmed with difficulty over my pain in using the remote and using a combination of buttons in order for it to fly temporarily, then to hide the pod to the south of my position, into the shallow part of the beach. The pod came to life and an energy surrounded the pod whilst powering up, it launched suddenly and went skywards. The attack-ball had then drifted slowly south while it climbed into the sky before it came down again. The impact where it had hit the water caused a little tsunami wave that had fortunately reached where I was. The wave of sea water washed over me, somewhat cleaning my body of the blood and grime and also had drenched the sand. The leftover alien blood was washed away with the receding tide.

"I'll have to come back later and give the pod an p-proper search for any items I can use. But… for n-now -cough- I'd… better rest" I managed to find a nice tree to sit under and fell against it. I could see that only one wound was a major factor in me living or dying, it was bleeding slowly. I felt my energy level's, I was weak, but I could muster something. Raising one finger on my left hand, I created a tiny amount of KI and using my knowledge of forming techniques I have experience in, tried to convert my Ki into something useful.

"That's it… f-fire." I reached for the palm tree behind me and used the Ki-converted fire on it. I had to hover over the area I wanted on fire for a bit, but soon my work paid off. Stopping the use of my KI, the flame still burnt on the small area of the tree. Waiting a bit more, the wound I wanted cauterized was under my left arm, so I had aimed myself against the flame. The yell of pain came freely from me before I passed out again.