Survived the Encounter.

The chill I felt immediately upon once again waking, it was still Emblem. and I was lucky the tide wasn't in. But the chill wasn't what had woken me, it was the clear sounds of a propulsion system waking me, that of a Bullhead. Thankfully, this wasn't one of the Fang's, but of Atlas, displayed by the Atlesian Army Emblem. I heard it and saw the spotlights on the front circling the general area while it had landed, kicking up sand and dust as it did land. It was then that the spotlights suddenly blinded me, the shone in my eyes and in the general direction of me while I heard the ramp lower. I couldn't very well see much while blinded but it seemed they no longer needed the lights as they were directed in opposite direction from me.

I still had good hearing though, hearing the clicking heels from the ramp, I could make out Winter Schnee and then next I heard much larger imprints of steel rattling the ramp. I made out two of them AK-130 Atlesian droids heading onto the beach.

Winter had come upon me quickly, assessing my situation without a word, until she bent down, to my face, eyes checking my various wounds.

"You awake, Kron? Hmm… most wounds are superficial and… he must have gotten burnt, self-inflicted? No, he must of… cauterized the bleeding. Pick him up."

I was awake, yet I couldn't really move too much. As prideful as I felt in being picked up and helped, I knew it was just Saiyan pride talking and let it happen.


It didn't take long securing Kron aboard the bullhead. He had minor injuries and had some internal wounds now that she had better light on him to look better. She couldn't do nothing for him but to get him back to Beacon. Of course, she was to report on what happened and since she couldn't ask him, she could at least inform general Ironwood on this situation.

"Sir, we have successfully retrieved Kron, he was grievously wounded by-" at this point she briefly paused, contemplating his injuries. Shaking her head, she continued.

"Sir, there were no signs of other people at the place where we extracted Kron from, he must have fought off Grimm and survived the encounter. Our medics are seeing to his wounds, but it looks like he'll be out of commission for a bit. Asking permission to-

"Denied specialist, your sister's welfare will be looked after by Ozpin and his staff. Make sure the medics get a blood sample, I want to know if he's in the databank somewhere. You have a mission which I will brief you in person, until then specialist Schnee." The general dismissed her, before hanging up the visual call. Winter saluted him before he ended the call. She then headed to where Kron was kept. The room was an unused storage room within the ship, with medical supplies and two medics of Atlas training, the medics were currently treating his wounds.

"How is he? He looks like he was shredded by multiple Beowolves" Winter promptly asked her subordinates, the left medical officer replied.

"His injuries have been treated, there are some broken ribs and the wound he cauterized saved his life. His blood levels are low, so we have him hooked up to an IV drip. We don't have his blood type, he's going to need a blood transfusion-

"Get some of his blood, not a lot, enough so it can be tested multiple times. Blood type, and DNA related tests. That last one is important as the general want to know more about him" Winter finished, the medical officer saluted before returning to her work. Winter left then with one final glance at the injured Faunus.


Deep In the unknown reach of space, a round saucer-like spaceship blasted through the darkness. The ship was of the PTO-make and origin, it had sizeable damage on the outer hull but luckily for the occupants weren't serious damages. Its course was a barren looking planet, which could be seen by its crew. Inside the command section of the ship, there was a humanoid being standing, glancing at the planet in sight.

"Ritalin, have you been able to communicate with the empire yet? It seems the soldier I had sent out to scout the next star system on my list has been killed… and by a Saiyan no less. before the Saiyan destroyed my soldier's scouter, I got the impression this monkey is smarter than most of its kind " The man asked one of the aliens, having finished talking about the Saiyan. An octopus-looking being which was working away at one of the monitors turned to the commander and answered.

"No sir, it seems that wherever that wormhole we have dubbed 'X0ZS579' has taken us out of range of the communications and the satellite. We have also determined that 'the when' in terms of time has also radically changed" Ritalin replied to his commander.

"When? What are you saying when, what do you mean?" the subordinate soldier looked on hesitantly, as if saying the wrong thing would end in his life being taken, the commander didn't care to know about this hesitance.

"Sir, it seems the probe we had picked up after we sent it through the 'X0ZS579' wormhole has finally been checked by the engineers. It seems that the internal clock sensors on it has told us it has been exactly eleven years passed since we entered and exited the anomaly. Entering it again would take us no more than one hour like before but when exiting, eleven years would have passed again. It is the conclusion we have come up with sir" The Octopus-like alien answered, a bead of sweat rolled down its elongated head, awaiting the commander's response.

Mulling over what was said, he asked the monitoring soldier if he understood correctly, repeating what was said as he understood it.

"So, traveling through the wormhole, has taken us exactly one hour on the travel to and fro but outside, 'time' is accelerated as if the journey took eleven years, yes?"

Which the monitor alien nodded in agreement.

"I see… so even if we get into contact with HQ, they will think we have been gallivanting through space for over eleven years to twenty-two years. Or overdue for this mission of ours, but it matters not, if this mission takes this another year or two on this side of the galaxy, then travelling through that wormhole again back to PTO space, we will achieve our goal in mapping this part of the galaxy and establishing A base on and inhabited world." The humanoid turned to the barren-looking planet they were currently heading to before musing to himself.

"So, there's a troublesome little kink in that plan, A Saiyan… possibly one sent through as a baby as those apes do… or an insubordinate monkey who ventured through as there wasn't no mission assigned to go through wormhole until my command was sent through to expand the empire" the being pondered more on the possible fight in the future with an unknown but weak variable.

"Tell me when we reach the next planet. Give the planet A quick scan for signs of life and strong fighters, before I return." The being walked off through the long winding corridors of his circular ship.


I had come to in a sudden jolt, it seemed I was back at Beacon in the infirmary, what with all the beds that reminded me of them infirmaries in anime. This room though had that Beacon look, I decided to look around more and found that my scroll was beside my bed. On further investigation, I could see that my Saiyan uniform was removed and placed aside on the floor near to my bed, hopefully that remote was still there. I have no idea where my scouter went, I'd have to ask around.

I had got out of the bed, still feeling tired but I had got a good look of my wounds, which were healing well. Pondering my scouter, I went towards my uniform and had a feel around. My new remote I could feel still where I had put it within my uniform in the pocket where remotes like them would usually go into. Underneath the damaged battle-suit, my scouter was, which I'd consider lucky still. The screen of the scouter was cracked on the earpiece part, so I went to check it.

Wearing the scouter, it wouldn't stay on my face without holding it which was A bummer. I went to check if it still worked, clicking a few buttons and waiting for it to run. At that moment one of the staff had come in to find me out of bed, ignoring her for a moment I checked my power-level.

"Shit! This must be one of them 'zenkai boosts', my power level increased to 4600. how the… must be because I was near death when I had fought-" The nurse was within earshot, so I changed what I was about to say.

"-fought them Grimm…" I lied, my monologue to myself interrupted when the nurse approached me as quickly as she saw me.

"You have to take it easy young man, your still in my care-" I nodded to her, but my mind was elsewhere. My power sky-rocketed from 1300 to 4600, that… was that normal? The nurse had stubbornly tried to get me back to the bed, mumbling about conducting more tests for my health, when the door to the infirmary opened. Ozpin had entered, looking towards me like a man on A mission.

"Ah, Kron, you're finally awake. I have some questions about your little… adventure if you don't mind my curiosity."

"No, I don't mind Ozpin. Ask away." I replied.

"I wanted to ask about that little device you have there, it is a curious make, I don't recognize it's manufacturer nor its origins are listed. Where did you come across it, as I have seen you wearing it from time to time." Ozpin was starting strong then, his tone of voice radiated smugness, as if he already knew or something.

"It's a glasses lens, for my right eye. As you can see, I made it to look more intimidating-" Ozpin sighed, replying while I frowned as he interrupted me.

"Come now, young man. But fine, I won't press the issue… for now. still though, it has me baffled. You might not know as you have been in bed for five days-" I interrupted the guy, seeing him frown in turn.

"Five days! Right, I must have been greatly wounded. Those damn Grimm" I lied, interrupting Ozpin in the process.

"Hmm, in any case, I also wanted to know how you got back out to that desolate land and so quickly?" Ozpin pressed on, another question that I can lie about.

"It's a part of my semblance, like I told you before. Manipulating my uh… life force and using it in combination with my aura." Lying again, I wasn't sure he would buy it, but he nodded in acceptance. Before coming closer to where I was sitting on the bed.

"The emerald forest has much Grimm to test your mettle against, it is also a closer alternative then the one you've chosen for yourself, if you so happen to get wounded again, I asked before but, you will make an excellent applicant to Beacon academy." his eyes were gauging mine, seeing if I had changed my mind. Before I could re-confirm my previous choice of no, he chuckled and nodded, seemingly understood before I could voice it out.

"Interesting, I have other questions, but it looks like nurse Hull would like me to hurry my questions for now. Until next time Kron" said nurse Hull had been waiting impatiently for us to finish before she resumed checking me over.

It was ten or so minutes later when the door opened again and in walked two girls who looked to me were getting along swimmingly. Weiss and Blake had come in, the nurse was finished with me and discharged me five minutes ago, but still I sat. Feeling my energy coursing through me and getting the feel of the environment. I felt these two coming a mile away, my Ki sensing picking up their signatures. What I was currently feeling though was the person in the basement, their life energy fluctuating. I could help this woman.

Resolute in my decision, I would deal with Cinder now and put myself on the board. Ozpin and Salem would only watch on as another enters their little spat, but before that and after my security detail regarding Weiss was expired would when I would act. Let the woman plot her little assault against the school for now. When my job as Weiss's security detail is up would be when I strike.

"I will be quick, I can't waste any time ending… that bitch. The real problem is only getting closer. So I've been in bed five days, so only roughly one-hundred ninety-five days or so until the real problem make's it here to Remnant. Training for that… that will be my main concern.

"Kron, you're awake. You idiot! Honestly, you should have told someone. And maybe not go out that far, you're lucky I had the decency to track where you were. You should be appreciative of my help, we are even now, aren't we..." Weiss was a mix of emotions, fiery and huh… she was really worried?

"Thank you, Weiss, I would… be dead if it wasn't for you" I thought about that but decided to accept the L and be thankful to her.

"I owe you one now, if you need my help in anything, just ask." I smiled at her, and she nodded, a little smile shown through before her neutral look returned. The red hue on her face was there as she replied.

"R-right I will endeavor to remember that, Kron. Blake was also worried, right" Weiss turned to disguised Faunus girl, whose gaze hadn't left mine when I caught her staring, our eyes locked. She was more curious or cautious, I can't tell really.

"You fought Grimm, where you were. What kinds did you fight against as you must have defeated them before you succumbed to your injuries" OK, she was curious then.

"The elephant-looking ones were my main opponents. Besides them, there were those scorpion-ones too, big ones." I Lied through my teeth, having their attention at the mention of 'elephant'.

"So, Goliath's and death stalkers. yeah, I could see it, having seen you fight before-" Blake stopped talking, realizing she almost gave herself up. I smirked at her, before nodding, giving her a way out.

""Yep, you have when we met outside of Vale. You were on your way to Vale I remember, when you got ambushed by Grimm and I had to step in, yeah…" I said to Blake, watching her as she looked grateful before nodding along.

"I didn't hear this story, Blake. So, you two know each other already huh, small world" Weiss asked Blake, who nodded indifferently before walking to the door.

"I'll tell you some time Weiss, get better soon Kron" I looked towards Blake's back, before returning to my thought's.