Till Dawn

After that debacle and calling in an ambulance, as well as the cops. She had explained to the police that they were attacked by the man and his gang, the police recognized the man's insignia and were sending along one of their own with the ambulance in order to have the guy arrested when he had the glass removed from his back.

"Well, that was… something. And thanks to those rapscallion's, a lot of time has passed and its late. Well, we might as well head back to Beacon then now, yes" Weiss was making sense, besides she had to shower and then read her new book. Kron however had other ideas it seemed.

"I'll walk you two back to the bullhead, then I'm going out again." he explained shortly, with no information as to where he wanted to go to. She didn't really mind, no, didn't care as it wasn't her business. Weiss however started to scowl at him.

"You drunken brute, you're heading back too, a-as your employer-"

"When I've escorted you back to the ship, I'm off the clock so I can go where I please." He retorted, looking pissed. Blake frowned, their arguing like an old married couple sometimes got on her nerves… for one reason or another.

"Fine then, let's go then. You might as fly us there, that is, if you're not drunk enough" Weiss snapped back, at that Blake was about to explain she'd rather stay on the ground but wasn't quick enough. They were both grabbed, just like luggage and suddenly, the air around Kron and them each had lightened up in and tinge of purple-like energy and they were off.

He blasted off, a bit quicker than they were used to… if you were used to flying through the air, which she certainly was not.


Arriving with such splendor and surprising some lay about pilot's who were smoking on the landing-pad, I let the two girls find their feet and stand. Weiss, having gave him one last look, walked straight to the Bullhead. Blake too had started walking, giving him one last look, and look I couldn't return without thinking about their kiss. I was no ladies man from before… girls just didn't go for guys like me, ah fuck… I need to focus on something else... I suppose she done it to distract me, in order to 'help' them gangsters from losing their lives.

"Hey, pilot, take them back to Beacon. And be quick about it" I yelled out, teeth grinding as I begun charging again. The landing pad started to shake and beneath my feet the pad begun to crack, before it got too bad, I blasted upwards and flew over towards some of the taller buildings.

"Now let's see…here, that bar was where… oh right" landing onto one random building, I reached into my pants and grabbed my scroll. Luckily it was still intact, not been hit by A stray bullet and so I check the location of Juniors on the map.

"Now, my scouter… oh would you look at that, four strong power-levels and all in the same direction as juniors bar. Well, well… I haven't taken a holiday since I began working hahaha" jokingly I laughed before my KI blazed around me and I jumped from the roof, scroll in my hand and laughter filling the air. Under ten minutes and I had arrived at the place, I landed on the same spot from before. The boom of bass and sound hit my ears as I entered, getting much louder on the inside.

"Hey, we don't let bums-" They guy with glasses didn't finish his sentence as I had grabbed him, headbutting the guy and smashing his glasses at the same time. Thankfully, no one had seen, and I looked down, having forgot that my Security uniform had many holes and was torn in places. The guy I had knocked out had A suit, so I took it and left the guy near the entrance, leaning against the wall.

I walked to the bar and leaned against the counter.

"What are you having mate?" Another red tinged gangster had entered my vision, but this one was more mellow.

"Sparkling water, I'm sobering up." I replied, the man's brows frowned and retorted.

"Ah, shouldn't you do that… at home or something?" instinct had almost acted out, as the glare I sent the man had him frantically nodding and getting my order. My scouter turned on, I don't know, either because it read my emotions or something, it scanned the man in front of me.

"Huh, Power-level 12…" the scouter read the man in front then it suddenly read four more power-levels, the circles with arrows above them showing the various numbers.

"Now I'm reading, 31… 24… and two 22's" I guess the two 22's are those hot twins, the 24 or 31 must be junior." the guy had given me my drink, he also gave me a suspicious look, or at least the suit I had on, before going back to wiping dishes.

Taking A few drinks, I had felt a little tired from drinking Alcohol previously. It seemed this place was getting more packed, the more time had gone on and after my second drink shit finally had happened. The meeting, as I assumed was a meeting must be over when I had spotted the fourth mystery member coming down from some stairs which must lead to Juniors private area. Roman Torchwick had come down strolling along with the owner in toe, Junior was still talking to him as I could see his lips moving. They got really closer now, and Roman turned to Junior who was now in front of Roman.

"Yes, just make sure your men know where to go. You'll get a cut of course, if they don't drop the ball… expression, heh. So long Mr. Xiong" the condescending tone had Junior almost growl, but the man controlled his emotions rather professionally and just glared at the thief's back and rubbed his temple. I really wanted to just step in, snap up Roman and then take him out back and torture him for the location of Cinder, but if I done that…

"Ruby probably won't become A huntress early, huh…" I said that as my gaze tore from the back of Roman, to the blonde striding through the club. My scouter scanned her automatically, which read 29, so she was stronger than Blake at least from what I could gather, at least when I first met Blake that is. She walked with a purpose, an air of superiority or arrogance and a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Who's Ruby, baby?" The voice from my right had interrupted my thoughts. A girly voice from my right had spoken sensually, I looked towards the direction it came from and spotted the white themed twin, what was her name? Mel?

"what's it to you doll? are you that guys escorts or something? he's about to get some more action... if you catch my drift." I retorted, checking out the hot piece of ass that had interrupted my thought process… she's a fine piece of ass., this twin had A beauty to her I liked. I nodded towards the blonde, intent clear as she walked straight towards Junior. The twin in white turned to look at the Blonde, and before her face left my sight, her smiling face turned into A fierce scowl as she went back to her boss to back him up. However, the other twin in red was waved off by junior, and having seen where her twin was had decided to come over to where we were.

I didn't know what came over me then, I was most likely horny and… bold but I smacked the rear end of the girl who's name I had forgotten and smirked when she shrieked cutely, looking back.

"So baby, want me to get you A drink?" Smirking at her hot flush-like scowl, I was on the bandwagon with this it seemed. Blood going in the wrong direction.

"You've got some… big balls… I like that. I'm Melanie. however, if you get anymore hands on without my permission... prepare to lose them."

"The names Kron. However, you're not really understanding me. You're really going to be busy tonight." She was starting to get pissed it seemed. Thinking I was trying to get into her pants she glared and retorted.

"Is that all you can say, if so-" I pulled her towards me then, just as her right hand had reached her right hip as to scoff at me. She almost came close to my lips when she was pulled over, her face a mixed array of emotions but I then pointed in front of her towards Junior's direction. Her gaze followed my finger and thinking I was pointing at her twin, she looked back at me with an almost feral look with teeth arrayed at me.

"Are you like, trying to piss me off? Hitting on me and then trying for my sis-" Bolder still, I let go, grabbing her hair and bunching it up into an ponytail before tugging softly, which worked as a charm when she squealed in surprise and turned back around to where my free hand was pointing.

"Not your sister idiot, your boss. Look."

"You're checking out my-

"Shut up, your… boss is about to be laid out… and not in A good way" I chided the frustrated girl and let her hair go, her sister looked on concerned for her sister but relaxed when I released her hair and Melanie didn't bat an eye as she strode back over to her boss. The other sister followed when she saw her sister and also spotted the problem.

"Well, I might have a chance with that one. Still, time to lay out A blonde… and not in A good way, haha" I got up, grabbing my drink and finishing it off before following the twins, keeping to the bar as to be out of the way.

"Hmm, looks like we have an audience… this must be kinda embarrassing for you huh… awkward…" The blonde said in front of the three of us, not noticing the thunderstorm she was about to unleash… not me as this wasn't my fight but the two twins who were getting closer. And it seemed that Junior too had noticed his two best employee's but still replied like the girl in front of him had him by the balls…and yeah, the blonde still did.

"L-listen b-blondie… s-sir, if y-you w-want to m-make it o-out of t-this c-club alive… I-I suggest y-you let m-me go, n-now." Junior ground out through clenched teeth from the unbearable pain Yang has him in. Yang released him, and the man moaned out in relief.

You'll pay for that… Melanie, Miltia… deal with this brat." Yang looked at the man in surprise, then turned to the forming group of henchmen in her field of view, most likely looking for girly henchwoman in the formulating crowd of gangsters. Not seeing any females, she turned to her left, then continued on turning until she spotted one spiked boot and long-clawed fist heading her way.

I guess there wasn't going to be A kissing-punch scene like in canon, but still this was interesting enough and so I leaned against the bar and watched the spectacle in front of my eyes unfold, drinking my rich-man's water.

Melanie wasted no time and attacked Yang from behind, just as Yang seen the attack coming was when the blonde had gotten hit, and her aura took A little damage. Yang had activated her weapons on her fists, locked and loaded them and attacked. Miltia went on the offensive with her claw-like gauntlets but Yang had retaliated, punching the red themed twin, while firing at Melanie as the other twin tried to kick her. Yang's gauntlets 'Ember Cecilia' exploded on contact with Militia's clawed gauntlets and pushed Militia flying backward.

Every hit Yang took was alerted to me by my scouter, just little climbs in her power-level, 1's or 2's. The rest of Juniors goons wasted no time and attacked the blonde too, except Junior himself who, was pacing away from the scene.

"He's either getting backup, or his weapon." I gazed at the back of Xiong's head, before focusing back on the scene in front of me.

The grunts of Junior's had begun to attack Yang in earnest, firing long-range with their guns and keeping out of the two twin's way, of course they didn't realize what pelting Yang with attacks was doing for her power-level, which steadily begun rising until...

"That's her semblance huh?" I mumbled to myself, watching as a yellow hue begun glowing around her body. The various attacks and combination of the grunt's rounds pelting her had reached the limit it seemed when Yang's eyes had changed to a piercing red. Her blows become more forceful, A punch enforced with the rounds of her gauntlets had knocked Melanie on her ass and the blonde wasted no time laying into the other Militia until the red-themed twin was knocked out. Yang aimed more of her gauntlet's projectiles at the crowd of grunts who were now hesitating against her might.

"She peaked 60 with her semblance then, but now she's all out of gas… at least until she absorbs more damage. I see now how it works… Oh would you look at that, Junior has come back, and that blonde brawler has no idea she's about to be hit from behind… again."

I guess now would be A good time in introducing myself to this fellow battle maniac. I had my arms folded as I had watched the fight, within my right hand and beneath my left elbow had begun glowing a sickly purple color. I charged up another one in my opposite hand. The orbs of Ki were small enough to intercept the now firing round… ah rounds…Junior's bazooka-like weapon had launched multiple missiles which honed in on Yang, launching the attack just as Yang had turned to the sound of heavy artillery firing behind her was when from the angle her vision was in then, she witnessed my attacks and the incoming projectile hit each other.

I widened my arms out and launched enough by throwing them in order to intercept each and every individual missile that had gone the blonde's way. The explosion knocked the blonde back ways, a combination of smoke mixed with fire and the fading light of purple light mixed in the middle of the dance floor, Other less unfortunate grunts were knocked back even further but were mostly not harmed by the explosion.

"Thanks for the save hottie-" I interrupted her, as she cheekily grinned towards me.

"Continue fighting Blondie, then will talk" I dismissed her quickly.

"Tsk, anyway… Junior, that's an in impolite way in getting my attention!" Yang, stalked forward, gaining ground on the stumped Xiong. Said guy mecha-shifted his bazooka weapon into A baseball bat, and held it as if ready for the pitcher, looking between Yang and in confusion when he glanced towards me. But I just watched, not interested in ruining Yang's fun…

(Yang Xiao Long-POV)

Beginning her attack again in earnest, Junior was little threat for Yang, she could feel herself getting stronger again as her strength begun building up again from the various hits, she had taken from the dressed-up goon squad supporting their boss. Her aura took the brunt, but she could feel her aura building up.

"Take this, Hiyaah!!" Xiong took A swipe with his weapon, which to Yang, was an easy dodge before she uppercut him and socked him in the gut, sending him backwards. He was knocked out, so she went after the rest of them too.

So, do you bitches want to go another round with me? That's fine by me" She taunted, seeing the two twin girls gather themselves for another attack.

"Ughh, this bitch…" the White-themed bitch said through gritted teeth. The other said nothing although she was pissed off, but they suddenly rushed at her and were quite skilled with their weapons.

She soon seen red as her eyes turned bright red when strands of her beautiful hair had fallen carelessly to the ground and one hair-strand was entangled on the red-themed bitch's weapon before falling to the ground as well.

She reached boiling point. How dare these skank's mess with her beautiful hair!

The two girls hadn't realized until both of them were jabbed in the body and were sent flying through the front entrance, Yang decided to wail on them A bit more and so with vicious intent, went after the two cunt's who messed with her. Seeing the downed girls who were more or less out of it, she somewhat calmed down and clarity came back to her by the innocent voice of her sister.

" Yang, what are you doing here?" her sister, Ruby was on the street and Yang lost all killing intent, she sighed before awkwardly answering.

" It's… A long story." she just didn't know what she should 'actually' tell her little sister...