
(Adam Taurus-POV)

"What's the status on the recruit numbers, we've lost enough to your little stunt months ago?" and again she brought that up again, who was he to know the guy he went up against was that strong? What was that punks name… Kol, no... Kron, yeah that was it.

"The Vales branch has begun recruiting in the dredges of society and our numbers are recovering from… that traitorous dog-"

"I want him. He was powerful enough to go toe to toe with you and Ghira's daughter. Not to mention you had two full squads assisting you. And what ever happened to her by the way… Blake?" Adam girt his teeth but didn't answer, he didn't have too… his leader in front of him knew. Sienna cut the private conference call and Adam's rage somewhat calmed down. He walked out from the room and into the main warehouse storage area, gazing around at his operatives of his branch before walking into another part of the warehouse. A private part of the warehouse not currently in use by him and his forces, but by the human bitch who had his leash, at least for now. Opening up the door, he spotted that human thief with the bowl hat, Roman was sitting around an empty table with his cane swinging from one hand to the next while each time he adjusted which hand was holding onto his cigar. Sitting there also was his new 'ally', discussing something with the arrogant pansy when she noticed his presence. Her eyes reminded him of Blake… but Blake never looked at him like this bitch was, that superiority and condescending glance was enough to get his blood boiling which usually was enough for him to silence the perpetrator… The woman sitting across from Roman however, was stronger than him.

"Ah, Adam come, take A seat. Roman, you know what to do-"

"Yeah And? I'm still going to need a hand with this one Cinder darling, young Junior doesn't have one of those… and I'll be needing a speedy getaway-'

"Fine then, I'll handle it but just this once. I have other preparations to consider besides doing 'your' job. Get out." Roman wasted no time and stood up, walking towards Adam, the redhead winked.

"Have fun brat, she's in A right foul mood." he whispered as he passed, cane held behind his neck with one hand grasping his cigar. Adam walked forward, hearing the door behind him open and then shut. He remained standing, even when her eyes became predatory at his refusal to sit. Like A dog.

" I hope you have had A good bit of catch up with your 'old' boss, but I have A task for you. It seems were going to need more manpower, but what we really need are more Bullheads to transport dust with. Fortunately, there is going to be A shipment of dust which will be loaded on three Bullheads from Atlas, which will then be shipped to the outlying towns. Before they split up though, my source has informed me they will first head to Vale altogether. Get all of them, we get A bonus of dust for my plans as well." She then slid A few pages over to him, the location was on the first page, with the second page being A birds eye view of the location. On the second page there also was a date for when the Bullheads would arrive, more or less on time if everything was normal, which was tomorrow at 4:30. p.m.

"Fine… But the fang gets all three Bullheads afterwards, and they'll be added to my arsenal after I 'acquire' them. I've got the troops to use them after-all." Cinder smiled, then waved as to say it wasn't A big deal.

"That's alright. Now, off you go and make sure there's no survivors. I can't have the council of Vale knowing about the White Fang's operations in this city just yet." He began walking already on his way out, one hand tightly clutching his sword, while the other pushed open the door.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

She overslept, that's was the clock told her anyways and the kink in her neck too. Two more days and then it was her skills that would be put to the test, and she felt excited.

"So, shower. Then… who knows, I'll just relax for today." She sighed, before walking towards her bathroom.

After half an hour of getting ready for the day, she went out and headed to the cafeteria. The halls were still empty at least, for now. She walked into the halls of the cafeteria and spotted Blake. Ozpin was talking with her before he went on his way, heading her way.

"Good morning miss Schnee, I was just disusing what had happened yesterday with miss Belladonna. Is by chance Kron around as I very much like to speak with him." he asked her, she nodded no and spoke. "H-he is… still in Vale, I also have a mind to speak with him too" She was pissed off with Kron, but remembering his eyes and that arrogant smirk as he created that bomb in his hand… it brought her back to that place, in that room…

"I see, well I'm sure he will turn up soon. Have A care when you speak to him and send him my way first, there is something very important he has to answer for me. Something, I can say, your sister Winter and the general has brought to my attention."

"Sir?" she was confused, but he went to take A sip from his mug. Looking back at her, he added.

"It's A delicate matter, is all I can say at this time. I also asked that you and Blake would show around the students who will be arriving tomorrow as you've been here ahead of time and learned the layout already, it will be A good way of passing the time. Who knows, you might make some more friends. Have A good day miss Schnee." And off he went. She looked at his retreating back and grumbled.

"Now what did you do Kron?" She mumbled to herself before heading over to get some food.

Putting down her tray, she must have been too loud when laying her tray down because Blake had shaken from her concentration and the book she was reading, Blake went to hide the book by putting it down on the other side, but Weiss had seen the name of the book.

"So, that was where you got the idea from." she inquired.

"Idea? what do you mean" Blake replied, her face looking anywhere but her. Before she could retort though, Blake had A look of understanding when she understood what Weiss had meant, and then added. "Oh, you mean yesterday. Relax, it was just A kiss. And besides it was to distract him from committing something he couldn't undo. But yeah, not this story… but the idea came from another book I've read before." Blake then begun eating her almost forgotten breakfast and gazed at Weiss.

"It wasn't anything romantic-" Blake tried to explain but was cutoff.

"I understand that! And besides, why would I care if you kiss him or not? I don't!?" She said, although to herself it sounded like A question.

"Was that A question?" Blake had the same idea it seemed, smirking. But before Weiss could retort, her scroll had vibrated. Checking it, she frowned as she read the message, which Blake had noticed. She was about to get to her feet when Blake spoke.

"What's is it?" Weiss turned to her, before replying. "Winter has warned me, the general and her are coming to beacon and with heavy escort. It's about Kron." Blake nodded, looking a little weary. Weiss had also thought about what Ozpin had said.

"And? She tell you why? Or is it confidential, I know how them military types like to get." Blake replied. Both sat in thought, worried about was to come about the Faunus that helped both of them and effected their lives...


"James are you sure coming here, and early at that is wise?" Ozpin wasted no time in questioning James Ironwood, Glynda by his side however added more,

"Not to mention we will be getting a lot of potential students who will be wondering why 'there's an Atlas warship up above their new school' and it just might put pressure on them" Glynda glowered at the image of the general on the conference screen who didn't wilt one bit throughout her rant. He retorted.

"We can't take any chances, he is an anomaly that much is certain. What little blood we got from his fight suggests this, frankly, put… the scientist who analyzed the blood sample confirmed that uh, Kron has no aura at all… at least what we understand about aura" James explained, keeping calm somewhat as he told what they found.

"How's this possible, He was seen on cameras using it and not to mention his ability to use… what did he call it? his, energy manipulation ability. If it's not because of aura, what is it?" Glynda asked, astounded.

"We don't know. In any-case, he lied about it. We should have locked him up when-"Ozpin interrupted James before he could get angrier.

"People lie about things James, there's plenty of reasons why. Give me a chance to bring him in peacefully. Seeing your soldiers might just set him off. Then in A calm manner we would ask him, instead of interrogating him. We don't know what he knows, how he came about unlocking his power… James… no, come in person James, bring in the elder Schnee sister and your elite troops if you have too but do so discreetly. That means no show of force, am I clear" Ozpin demanded, the general looked about to protest but grudgingly nodded, accepting.

"Fine, although now that were speaking of Kron, Jacques Schnee wanted to meet the young man in person, I wasn't sure how I would allow such A thing without tipping my hand-" James ironwood was interrupted.

"He has a shipment of dust coming in. Three Bullhead's I believe. You and Winter, with your troops could ride with him and get here discreetly. Winter and he could certainly use the time to-" this time Ozpin was interrupted…

"Specialist Schnee would hardly like me to meddle in family business, but I suppose I could ask." He finished, looking towards Ozpin.

"That's all I can ask. Until then James." The conference call was ended but James hand, pressing something out of sight of the screen.

Glynda sighed before walking towards the elevator. She pressed the button to call the lift before turning back to Ozpin.

"You better hope this works Ozpin, Kron's dangerous, not to mention, he certainly could be one of her agents… Even if you discount your thinking he is not, he could have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes and infiltrated the school… for… the fall maiden" Ozpin accepted her criticism before replying.

"And I stand by what I say, his character is certainly… dubious but I believe something more might be in play. And it astounds even me, that I'm absolutely uncertain. I… we will get to the bottom of this, I'm sure." he said, taking A drink from his mug. Glynda frowned but turned around as the elevator dinged, signaling it had arrived at the floor before stepping inside. He frowned in thought, focusing onto the reports on his computer screen before looking over A hidden system which needed his password, he typed it in, and the screen changed from his desktop to a camera-viewing.

"Kron can manipulate energy… is he actually manipulating his soul?? Could it be possible that what he is manipulating his soul in A different and unforeseen way? Maybe he can shed some light as to the origins of this ability. Just maybe… We could help you… Amber" He somberly said out-loud to none, except the image of A woman, lying comatose with machines surrounding her.

(Jacques Schnee-POV)

It seemed my younger daughter's security guard won't be needed much longer for her, as her plan to join that Beacon Academy and 'fulfill her silly dream was about to begin. A new chapter in her life, even ill-advised was what she wanted. That was fine by him really, she could do so and in the process lose her status as his heir to 'his' company.

"Silly girl. Just like the other one… And she is coming here, speaking of Winter." He thought about his eldest, stubborn like him… and her mother.

"Most certainly like her mother… only coming to me when they need something… hmm, she will be here soon…" He pressed the intercom on his table before calling Klein into his room. The man entered, professionally and on time.

"Klein, my eldest daughter is coming here. Make sure she is shown to my room as soon as she arrives, I have more important matters today and like to get what 'she' wants done as soon as possible. You're dismissed." The man, Klein having never put in A word, had nodded and went as quickly and regally as possible. He went back to reading through some 'supposed' plans for A new Dust mining location and also his personal plans in meeting with Kron to hopefully hire him on when the door had opened. Klein had beckoned his eldest daughter Winter into the room, the glimpse he gave her was enough to verify. He continued reading over the plans, as her heels become louder, until she was standing on the other end of his desk.

He would usually have made her wait a little bit more, petty, he knows but he groomed her to lead, and she gave it all up, and for 'military service'. Instead, he looked towards her, as if waiting for her to begin speaking.

"Father, you're looking well. I am aware you are on your way to Vale and myself and general Ironwood-

"Bah!, Ironwood should have the one asking for favors. Not use you against me. Fine, and what is his purpose going to Vale and I might add, smuggling himself and my daughter in like refugee's." Winter hesitated, he could tell she somewhat had considered telling him before her demure went calm and she looked at him.

"The is confidential, even for you. Father, all I can say is that it is A matter of national security, for both Vale and Atlas." she said, he knew her tells though. She was 'his' daughter after-all, he knew when she would lie to him. But so be it, she wasn't trying to screw him over, he could tell and so would play along.

"Fine then, you, James and… whoever else can ride one of three of my Bullheads heading to Vale with me. But don't expect A comfortable ride, all three will be loaded up with my Dust too. You remember where to go, I hope. We would arrive in Vale tomorrow sometime in the afternoon." He said, thinking that going along with his Bullheads already heading there would save some money. Winter nodded, before she went out the room. Nothing else was said between them, because what else was there to be said?


I didn't end up talking with Yang after her 'introduction', nor did I 'end' the night with that babe Melanie. No, I left while Junior and his people healed themselves. No ambulance was called so they had their own means at doing so, while they began to sort themselves out, wound-wise they closed up shop for the night and licked their wounds. I was going to head back to Beacon but instead I went upward and sat upon one of the mega-structures of Vale. I ended up mediating on said building roof until I could see the sun. I calmed down somewhat, But I was worried, my feelings of anger were getting worse and I was really worried about losing control. I don't like the thought of having no control of my actions. Seeing the sun rise, it reminded me of home, and I somberly watched as the sun rose higher, lost in thoughts of my past. Snapping out of my mood, I stood up. I am A Saiyan warrior now, there was a way to help me out of my funk.

"Now…, should I go train or should-" my scroll began ringing, reaching for it and seeing who it was, I was surprised. It was an unknown caller. I answered, intent to find out who was ringing, and why. Answering but I didn't speak, waiting for the other end.

"Is this Kron, I got your number months ago from my eldest daughter. Young man, I want to meet in person about an opportunity you would be interested in, I'm sure. Forgive me young man I forgot to introduce myself, I am Jacques Schnee." Damn, what does this guy want? Ah fuck it, let's just see how deep the rabbit-hole goes, hearing the guy's annoying voice had somewhat got me out of my moody state and my thoughts out of my depressive thoughts of home.

"Ah yes, Mr. Schnee, I'd like to thank you for the work I was afforded, in protecting your daughter. It has been… busy work." I answered by offering the man praise by thanking him, in order to get on his good side and butter him up. The man was quick to reply.

"I imagine it has been… But my daughter is serious about her goal of becoming A huntress, and doing so, she would have no further use for you… As it so happens, I have an opportunity I believe you could excel at. I have heard about some of your exploits, I have a competent intelligence service you see, where I could get A hold of some of your exploits firsthand. Tapes of when you dealt with those mongrels from the White Fang… and my daughters… Winter that is, your information of when you were first signed onto 'my' payroll. Mr.…uh, Kron… can we meet? I'd like to discuss this in person." His voice was grating on the ears somewhat, the way it sounded but… he was making sense and hearing him out was uh, polite.

"Sure, just give me the address of when and where you're going to be, and I'll make it my second priority." I answered, honestly. He however, almost hidden within the tone of his voice asked, insulted maybe?

"Second priority? -" His almost questioning tone, had me frowning but I bit back and answered.

"Your daughter Weiss, is first." I stated, he 'hummed' in understanding.

"Ah, hmm yes, I can agree. Anyway, I will message you the address of the location within Vale's industrial district. I'll be arriving there with my shipment of dust, three Bullheads will touch down. I imagine, I will arrive in on time, the time will be forwarded to you. If everything is smooth, I'll be arriving on time. Until then" He added before hanging up on me. He sent the location, A name called 'Vale harbor' which was a part of the show of 'RWBY' The time was 4:30.p.m tomorrow.

"Well… I imagine this will be interesting. So… tonight, Roman will be at that dust store, and the next day will be when canon for 'RWBY' kicks off. And I've got roughly one hundred and seventy or something days until the PTO expedition force arrives in this system and invades remnant...though that is debatable timewise as anything could happen while traveling in space. So, fuck it, I guess I'll better head to beacon, get my armor and continue training, until Roman and Cinder shows up." Powering up, I jovially begun laughing in anticipation.

"Yes… this is very interesting, so let's stop fucking around." engulfed in my KI, I blasted off as quickly as I could go and headed Beacons way, not caring who sees me at this point.

The trail I left somewhat lightened the morning sky.