The Heist.

I, in my infinite wisdom had left my window to my room at Beacon open, so it was easy getting in. I was pretty pumped, having rested on top of a building. Although now that I thought about it… my neck was A little sore. So, I decided to shower, then head off. Doing so, after ten minutes of showering, I was getting dressed. After that, fitting into my Saiyan armor and battle-suit, I took one last look at myself. My somewhat tan skin, along with that hair-style reminiscent of Goku stared right back. My body also looked very fit, reminiscent of a swimmer's body than anything else, the scars also added to my look. I nodded, satisfied of my presentable look, which I would be using when meeting with Mr. Schnee, Breaking in Cinder with and…

"Stop gawking Kron… First up, training." I headed towards the window again, before I stopped. I had little time for training, so I'd instead continue recreating Ki-Blasts from the show. I liked Raditz Ki-blasts, Nappa's 'Bomber DX' and Captain Ginyu's 'Milky Cannon' which were what I'd recreate first when I was not training to increase my power-level.

"I better make sure Weiss is alright… I might even be apologetic for last night… Then, I'll continue training That one move, 'Saturday Crush'." And by recreating another technique, I didn't want to just create it as just an attack that inflicted damage. No, if that was what I was aiming for, I'd already be done with it. I wanted to add that paralyzing effect that the game's had. The Grimm were good testing subjects and I feel that I'm close to being able to create more of my own personal attacks. Forgoing thinking about that move of Raditz I wanted, I went to leave. Instead of the window, which I left open. I decided to make sure my stuff was all packed up and ready before heading out into the hallway. The room across from me was her room, so I knocked. No answer. I decided to ring her, to find out where she would be. Dialing her up, she immediately answered.

"That was quick… Weiss, where are you, I'm knocking on your room door." I said, before she well…

"Kron! where have you been? You have to come to Beac- you have to come to me now!! I need to talk with you----, ah, yes, it's Kron---- yes sir, here." Her last words were to another, and I was right when the headmaster himself begun speaking, using her scroll.

"Kron, we need to have an important conversation. You're in your room I have gathered?" he asked.

"Yeah, just arrived actually." I responded.

"I am on my way to your room if you would please wait for me. Until then" He hanged up, wonder what this is all about? So, I waited for ten minutes or so sorting my stuff out, the knocking on the door was what snapped me out of my thinking posture and so I stood. Answering the door, I gestured the man come in. He nodded, but regarded me with calmness, there was A hidden look of suspicion there too. I sat onto my bed, he took one of the other beds, the bed unused by me except where I had put my clothes and armor on, my bags too.

"So, what did you want to speak about? I'd like to continue my training." I asked bluntly, wanted to stop beating around the bush and get on with it, irritation slowly creeping into me which I pushed back, my jaw tight.

"We can do that yes, However I wanted to ask you something first. I wanted to know of your origins… your real origins. You've been found out, both for your lying and I must now regard you with suspicion."

"And how do you know-"

"Science" he said, leaving me confused. Before I could retort as he was sure as hell leaving information to himself, I was about to ask what he meant by that, he however added.

"On the day you were saved from dying by your fight with the Grimm, Winter Schnee was ordered to acquire a sample of your blood. I generally believe you had A good reason for doing so, but can you tell how you're able to access this ability you have? And without an aura?" So, I have done, fucked up and now I'm about to be questioned by the 'good' cop, so to speak. I don't fear this man, if it came down to A fight… but, I have no idea how his reincarnation works, and he just might reincarnate inside me for all I know. Sighing, I suppressed the building anger growing inside me as best as I could before admitting it, bastards had me for now, not that it really mattered.

"Fine, you've caught me. Although I'm not sure what I should tell you about my abilities. You just might use them against me." Yeah, right but I said that while I thought what to say. I added, slowly. "So, they took blood as well, it was foolish of me to give you people a chance to discover more of me… not that I didn't have A choice in the manner, being unconscious and all." I said, Ozpin looked towards me, before asking.

"I don't know the extent of your ability, but when Winter Schnee had arrived to where you were unconscious after your battle, on that beach… There was not A sign of any Grimm there. Most Grimm do disappear when defeated, though the time they take in dissolving is differential to the Grimm species and experience of said Grimm. They also sometime leave evidence sometimes, their bone-armor or sometimes even fur. There was no evidence of this, just you and your blood which still trickled from your wounds. Can you tell me who you fought with, were they after you?" Ozpin asked, he must be thinking I was attacked by Salem and her lot. I guess at this point, what with his planet becoming A battleground in the future to aliens and all, me included, I should tell him something. But should I omit the truth? And would he, in his very long lifespan even believe me? He's lived A long time and besides them two brother gods who could be aliens themselves since this world is… combined with the DBZ universe, there hasn't been any invaders from space before. Not to mention trust-wise, I've lied before. Before I could answer however, he added. But he does have magic, so he might trust me enough... at least until he wants proof. Proof, which I did have...

"I don't mean to put you on the spot young man, so let's just do this. I have A meeting in a few minutes anyhow, A very important one. Could you come to my office at 5:00.p.m tomorrow? There are others who would like to know. Others, that if your forthcoming… it would be advantageous for you to gain their trust by coming clean as i believe you could be in danger" I almost snorted, there was A good line i could retort with... the 'Breaking Bad' line would be perfect here, but Ozpin continued.

"You might decide you would rather leave, and I won't stop you. But everything is in motion and your future could depend on the information you freely give up. But I've said enough, I hope you could come to trust me with this." he stood up, cane in hand and walked slowly towards the door. Before he could fully leave, I spoke up, intent to give him A taste of what I knew. Spiteful of me but… I'll make him question himself, and Me...

"I'll be back on time sir…but that girl, the one I can sense in your basement. She's between life and death. I can feel her… energy from here, erratic… in pain... Watch over her for me would you" Ozpin was indeed surprised by the sudden turn to gaze at me with eyes piercing mine, and before he could retort, I had run towards the window before falling towards the ground. On the way while falling I powered up my KI and headed towards my training grounds, which were out of Vale.


How did he know? No, he said he 'sensed' her… sensed her 'energy'. He sighed, as the young man named Kron become even more confusing. It seems he didn't really care he was found out.

I'm honestly stumped, he knows Amber is dying? … Kron Knows Amber's below somehow… But how? He said 'erratic' he must meant her life-force? he can feel her pain? Just who are you, Kron?" He decided then and there to take the path of 'wait and see' and at least trust the young man.

"I hope this doesn't bite me in the backside later..." he sighed. He would instead get through the meeting with the Vale council and wait for tomorrow, his thoughts, he knew would be plagued throughout the councils meeting which wouldn't help things. Then he would prepare just in case Kron was a threat to Amber by contacting the likes of Qrow and other hunters/huntresses as backup… encase things escalate into violence. Reaching for his scroll, he sent Qrow a message, then went through his list of contacts in order decide which people he should obtain assistance from. He'd also had the power to call on as many hunters who weren't off on missions themselves for 'his own mission'.

"That'd be A waste of resources though... hopefully Qrow and some other's will be enough." His staff of course, Qrow and...

"Hmm, I'll have to organize this discreetly and get my staff in on it too. What an mess… James is not going to like this… his trusting issues aside." he sighed again, before heading to his office. Ironwood might act rashly, as he was hard trusting people and Kron rubbed him the wrong way from day one. Ozpin had to sort this mess out as quickly and efficiently as he could do, he didn't like this… Having no answers to questions he needed to know. He didn't like the unknown.


I didn't head to my usual spot, instead I went roughly south-east through the sky and followed the mountains. I was looking for the ruins of Mount Glenn in order to use it as a closer location for A training ground, and there were Grimm there I could use. I wasn't sure if the white Fang was there yet, but I believed they would be here after they collected enough dust for Cinder's plan's, which was I remembered, 'phase two' of her plan's. If they did set-up A base already, well hey… now that I thought of it, I should just collapse the entire underground of the place. No underground, no train, no blowing into the city.

"That's an smart idea… and I could do so by training here. It's a thought." So, with that in mind, A possibility, I continued to fly over the mountainous area. With my speed, it didn't take too long until I spotted the outlines of 'boneyard-skyscrapers on the horizon.

"This is it. Now where to land" gazing onto the streets filled with much destruction and decay, I landed on an intersection of road and begun to look around.

"I don't have much time, so I better get started." I began warming up, for a quick but intense training session of KI manipulation. I left out the physical fitness as I wasn't going to be working under pressure out here, instead I would be focusing on creating the paralyzing effect with my KI. I needed every advantage over that 'PTO commander' on his way here, paralyzing an enemy in A fight, even briefly could be used to my advantage and strengthen my ability at manipulating my KI.

"What should I name this one though, recreation and all. Raditz should either be born or just a kid at this point." I focused, closing my eyes and sensed around to see if anyone was in the area or if there were grimm. The scouter had picked up A group of 8 power-levels of 130 and one other being 230, close-by. I sought them out, spotting those, Blake called them Goliath's yes…

"Elephant's, Goliath's are excellent for target practice." I charged up a sphere of Ki, the purple glow shone outward, I focused my Ki, turning it in the sphere, like a rotating movement and watched with glee when it begun to overcharge little lightning-like spokes begun flickering off of the attack. The Goliath's which had just spotted me and begun to charge were wide open.

I threw the attack, hoping my will and focus had paid off. The attack hit the biggest one head-on and exploded.

"The was wrong… I killed it. Let's try less KI this time." even with the alpha killed, the Goliath's still stampeded towards me, two of them almost were upon me when I left and after-image on contact, appearing far in front of the wild beasts where they could see.

"Yoo-hoo, over here. " I mocked, attempting the technique again, they continued heading my way.

I spent the next six hours attempting the technique which was supposed to paralyze or briefly if I could manage. After the group of Goliath's were used up, I found some Ursula and Beowolves to practice on. I used less KI but condensed the attack with condensed KI which was more tightly packed and was able to formulate it into A kind of static that circled an orb if I could best explain the process. I could now paralyze with this way of using KI and begun using it in order to get used to the feeling. I ended up killing all but one of the biggest Ursula and threw continuous spheres at it which damaged it little but was able to stop the beast in its track temporarily. It got so to the point that, the KI would spike all over the target randomly and keep it immobilized for 4 seconds by shocking it, locking it in place. After more of the attacks of Ki, the Ursula couldn't take much more and died but I was happy it worked.

"Now, should I name it and make it a specialized move? Or should I continue to use it as just a small Ki-blast and try to incorporate it into all my KI-moves from this point on… yeah, both ideas would be smart to do. I'll improve on it and try to extend the paralyzing effect." I went for some more Grimm, of different types and sizes in order to see if 4 seconds was the max or was it varied on the kind of target effected. After hunting around and target both ground and some Nevermore Grimm as well, I could conclude at least for the Grimm that this technique had A different time on paralyzing targets depending on the different Grimm I used it on, the bigger 'Alpha' Grimm were able to shrug of the paralyzing effect A bit quicker than normal.

"I'll have to test it on humanoid targets to be sure of the timing, but if I continue training in this ability, I should be able to increase the timing effect of paralyzing the target." I reasoned, arms crossed as I whispered to myself on A ruined roof.

I stopped for a bit, as I took A little break to conserve KI for tonight. I used my Scouter on myself. Checking that currently, according to my scouter, my KI-reserves stood at 5954 out of the max 6994 as I had used a bit today.

"My Ki has also gone up from 6600 to 6994. That's weird… bah, getting stronger isn't weird. I must be some kind of mutant or something…" I couldn't figure where the increase came. A mystery for another time.

With my ability to immobilize my enemies with KI, I felt accomplished and was about to think about what I could improve on further when…

"Yeah, I sure am hungry. I'll head back and feast like A king, though where to… maybe they will be open again." I said while my stomach growled rather loudly. And so I went back northbound, back to Vale at A low height so I could continue to practice on unsuspecting grimm with my new ability.

Looking at the time, it was nearing 3:26.p.m when I Made it back to Juniors, discretely as the day got overcast with clouds there were a lot of people mingling through the streets, so I had opted for landing in another alleyway near the building. The place looked to be open again, so I made my way over. My Saiyan armor was A bit dust-covered from all the debris and dust kicked up from practicing my new technique and my tail was exposed. Wrapping my tail around my waist, I noted that the place was still closed, I decided looking around the area for a restaurant or takeout place would suffice.

I mingled through the cities business district, I had found luckily... that old man who owned the dust shop serving food. His store was 'A simple Wok' so knowing he was an important person, I ended up staying there and ordering. I asked the man his recommended dish and order one for starters. He didn't take long, preparing and cooking the meal.

"Ahh, that's smells good… old man, cook up another will you" I asked, sliding another of the required lien across the table. I was hungry but I ate slowly. I spent an hour and A half relaxing, it really was cool just eating and watching the man cook, nostalgia and all that… It was the calm before the storm, and when the man mentioned that he was closing up for the day, making A good profit at my expense at that, I watched him for a bit while he began closing up. I decided to watch him while he walked but before leaving I added the place to my scroll's map app so I could eat here again. The guy walked eh… no he was pretty quick for an old guy, he wasted no movement, though I was able to sense the man and never lost him from sight.

Leading me to the store, I didn't enter immediately, and instead just watched for A bit, marking the location on my Scroll's map app and went off for more food, until it was close to sunset, Then I would head on back and ruin 'someone's' plans.

(Roman Torchwick-POV)

Strolling through the back alley at night, he led the Xiong gangsters towards where the Dust shop is located. There 'was' another store he was going to hit, but this one he had heard was an easier target, so it was first on his list for tonight. He smirked when he saw his prize in sight and took A draft of his cigar. Walking onto the road which had no vehicles but there were a lot of people around, some of these people had recognized him but he strolled through, pushing through A smaller group of the people who were in his way.

Entering the building, he only saw the one guy, an old man behind the counter. Mockingly, he removed his cigar and flicked the ashes onto the the counter-top and floor. Seeing that the man recognized him, fear become paramount on the old mans face. Roman decided to mock the man, by doing to thing he loved most... Talking smack.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find A dust shop… this late?" As he said the last few words, one of his hired thugs aimed their handgun at the timid old shopkeeper who quickly raised his hands in surrender.

"Please, j-just take my lien and leave" The old man spoke, but he interrupted him by shushing him. Mockingly he added.

"Calm down, where not here for your money… Grab the dust" he order his men, who got to work 'procuring' the 'refined' Dust by using tubes. While waiting for his men to secure as much as they could, Roman looked downwards noticing the uncut dust in the display shelf. One of his men opened one of the cases and demanded the man hand over the crystals, uncut dust, the old man began handing them out of the display shelf. Roman took hold of one of the 'Fire Dust crystals' and looked at it. As many of the uncut crystals were loaded inside the case, so he decided to wait for the thugs to finish taking the refined dust from the tubes. Rolling the fire crystal in his hands, his musing's were interrupted when one of the guys he hired were sent flying against the wall, he gazed at the display before making eye contact with another of the thugs and beckoned him to 'check it out'.

"Freeze!" the thug he ordered to check out the disturbance raised his gun at someone, before he could continue on with the job, the man was flung through the window which shattered it. A red blur had also followed the man through the window. On further seeing the one who was about to ruin this heist, he realized it was just A little girl, she had A massive scythe-like weapon which she held and was perhaps bigger then her, she wore red which screamed out to him annoyingly. The men who were busy glaring at her instead of engaging the brat, they needed to be reminded what their job was. Before he could, the girl looked at them, she smiled briefly before adopting A smirking expression where she stood, mockingly glaring at him and his thugs. She was skilled, he thought that much when she begun swinging the monstrosity around so flawlessly and piercing the tar-seal road with the sharp-end.

"OK… get her" he ordered sighing, the guys were brave, oh so brave… but the brat had skillfully dealt with them without killing them, instead knocking the men out with A series of kicks or the blunt end of her weapon, she used her weapon to gain momentum in order to kick them. The last man she knocked out was sent spiraling towards the ground and landed at his feet.

"You were worth every cent… truly, you were." he smirked at the girl.

"Well, Red. I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening-" he grabbed his cigar from his mouth and dropped it on the pavement, crushing it with the end of his treasured weapon 'Melodic Cudgel'. " And as much as I'd like to stick around-" he aimed his weapon towards the girl and prepared to fire. "I'm afraid this… is where we part ways." firing his weapon at her, the explosive round of dust and shrapnel just about making contact with the girl when she dodged upward, jumping high and landing on her feet.

He didn't stick around of course, using the moment of impact to escape, seeing an way onto the rooftops via ladder, he went up quickly and reached for his scroll. Quickly sending an text to his boss, to come pick him up, just as he had reached the top of the roof. Roman heard the sound behind him, that of A quick whip-like noise that reached his ears, that told him he was followed. He heard the girl yell out 'Hey' in order to get his attention, instead of attacking him.

"Persistent…" he whispered, realizing his boss was as close to him then he thought, seeing the bullhead rise out from where it was parked, roman was able to jump into the open part of the bullhead and looked back at the girl. He remembered the 'uncut fire crystal' in his pocket, bringing it out and holding it, he prepared to use it.

"End of the line Red!" he chucked the red crystal towards the brat when suddenly, An ape Faunus had appeared in front of his target, in hand was the dust crystal which he caught. The unknown monkey then crushed with ease the fire crystal, the look sent his way by the… was he flying? No matter, Roman aimed his cane and fired, the man was then engulfed in the explosion. He saw that the behind the faunas before the explosion had blocked his view that A blonde woman had jumped into step near the red cloaked brat and had blocked the shock-wave that had headed their way.

The blonde woman used some kind of glyph or telekinesis semblance to then blow the debris and fire away from out of the way. What shocked him besides the woman who he had confirmed was an huntress was the young faunas still hovering in place where he had shot him, not A scratch on him. Roman's eyes narrowed on the two new interlopers. The blonde woman had begun flinging purple wisps of light at the bullhead which was doing some damage to the airship, so he as steadily as he could, got to the cabin where Cinder was. His arrogant boss should be handling these hunters.

"We got hunter's." he spoke as loud as he could over the little explosions from the wisps attacking the ship, Cinder got to her feat leaving the controls unattended which he gladly took over before the VTOL crashed. When he got the airship under-control, the sky was engulfed by a storm that had formed by one of the two hunters outside. The storm begun to pelt the ship with icicles from what he could see. As Cinder engaged the blonde huntress which he couldn't concentrate on that fight as he couldn't see from where he was, he looked outside the cockpit in front of him and saw the monkey floating just outside.

"What the… out of the way animal." Roman tilted the ship forward and rammed the flying monkey… Instead of being smacked away by the steel airship in which he used as an battering ram, the cockpit had begun to be pushed inward, against the hunter in front of him. The man smirked then, before he flipped through the air using the ship to aim him and kicked the front of the ship towards the ground.

"Shit!…" he didn't have to time to warn Cinder before the bullhead had smacked into one buildings rooftops. The ship rocked, forward and Romans attempt to keep the ship from crashing somewhat succeeded when they begun hovering again.

"I'm getting us out of here." he yelled out to Cinder, and it looked like they had gotten away without A worry. Cinder came into the cockpit then, and sat on the other seat while he flew out of the city. He knew he had to go out north through the gap in Vales defenses, and circle around so no one follows them. He sighed in relief, the monkey man was strong enough to rock the ship with just A kick.

"What are these kids eating these days… huh" he whispered to himself. He looked towards Cinder and noticed she was glaring at him. He laughed somewhat fearfully before concentrating on flying the VTOL.


Seeing Ruby fighting was fun and even Glynda was formidable with her abilities… the skill she had with that riding crop…, But I kept to my plan and instead of destroying the Bullhead right then and there, I had used to distraction of the ships stabilizing its velocity to land on top of the ship. I looked back and saw Glynda, she could see me but otherwise didn't deign to acknowledge I was there. I ignored the readings on his scouter until now. The 31 for Roman, and the fluctuating power-level of Cinder. There was one more signature which was as close to Cinder as humanly possible… within her…, it's power-level was reading between 1 to 401, which flickered between it and Cinder. Cinder went from 96 to 496 at A rate so annoyingly quick, like if someone was flickering off A light switch, that it had made me turn off the device.

"I forgot that she had some kind of Grimm inside her, that must have the maiden's power in it and must be ciphering the power into Cinder…" I theorized, tomorrow I would be meeting Jacques Schnee, so until then I would ruin Cinder and destroy her when she lands at her hideout.