Black and White-X2?

I came upon my room and sat down. I knew what to do now, I needed to accelerate my training, I couldn't waste any more time and I knew what was coming. When they do come however, I would share the technology with Remnant and kick-start their ascendance into becoming A space-faring nation, it would be the perfect time to tell them I was an Alien then and if they didn't like that I could leave and head to this universe's 'Earth'. That meant I would have to head back through that damn wormhole I came through as that alien I fought A while ago said it was where they came through as well. The bastard also implied that the wormhole somehow acted like the hyperbolic time chamber in that going through it was 'eleven year's outside' while it was an hour travel-time at least for the pod or ship. That meant that when I left planet Vegeta, I knew that day was when Vegeta was born. So, while traveling through that wormhole, he would have been eleven years old now and prince Vegeta was A kid when… Frieza blew up our home planet, uh, Vegeta…

"I've been on this… continent for six months so far, and so much has changed. But only six months have passed, and I've grown pretty stronger, what is my power level now?" I raised my left hand and turned on my scouter, it begun trying to scan the surrounding area and all the power-levels, but I canceled that automatic simulation and begun reading the wearer or myself.

"The fuck, my power-level is… hahaha, oh don't make me say it, don't make me fucking say it" I was astounded as my power-level read 9100, but how is it going up and without my training, unless the 'Aura-Sphere' technique was doing it having it constantly activated? I checked again, making sure nothing was glitched, but it still read the same.

"I might as well be some mutant of my race, this growth… it's unreal…" I'll head to the moon now and try and see if my idea will pay off, using A 'natural gravity chamber' and as the moon is cracked, I could theoretically get closer to the core, and the core should theoretically become denser and I would feel the gravitational pull while training there, if it didn't work like that then fine, there's bound to be A nearby planet I could exploit, there was only so much I could do on Remnant, training underwater was working but I needed to strengthen myself faster.

"I guess I better say good-bye to Weiss, Blake and see what Qrow wants. And so, with everything I would need out in space, which was what I already had on me, I left. It was late, so I hoped that those two girls were still up. I headed towards where I thought would be the ball room, I only saw it once first when I first had gotten A tour of the place.

"Oh right, I could just use my scouter or sense for them, sensing it is…" I felt where I could feel multiple people all condensed in one area, on the… second floor. In no time, as there were few people wandering the halls, I had reached the ballroom. Walking into the room, people were still up, meaning they still had some time before turning in for sleep, I quickly spotted some familiar people. Ruby and Yang were chatting, there was haha… Jaune, being himself and hah… like canon, hitting on Weiss. I spotted Blake, she was with Weiss, her dark purple futon was near to where I'd wager Weiss was going to sleep. And as I turned, I met the eyes of a familiar redhead beauty, the same one I had months ago promised to myself that she'd live A long life, and not die at… Cinder's hands.

I was curious of course, she was steering hard and must have gotten interested in me because of that fight I had with the girls. I pressed my scouter and made sure it would scan those I was about to look at. Clicking the scouter read Pyrrha, whose brow raised in curiosity as I glance at her back, she turned away and I got the reading.

"Hmm, she's got a power-level of 80 huh, that uh, well impressive, for this place." And I was impressed, I scanned my next target, Yang, which accidentally had got in the way of Ruby, so it read 63 on the blonde, Ruby was next and as Yang had moved out of the way, I had got the protagonist's reading too.

"Huh 44, that was. Uh no, I haven't actually got a reading of them yet, or Blake since I first met her." I glanced at the two girls who were talking together, Jaune was also hovering around, not yet dressed in his pajamas, although I know the reason why for that.

"58 for Blake, and… 57 for Weiss, impressive, very nice… now let's see Jaune's Arc's power-level." I joked to myself, laughing slightly. Some of those people surrounding me or laying on their futon's had looked at me queerly, but I ignored them, instead checking out Jaune. His power-level funnily enough was 45, and that was with no Aura or Semblance, if Canon is still true in term's to Jaune, then maybe it would jump tomorrow if it is unlocked, 'if it is unlocked'. Before I stopped my scanning of the main cast from the show, I had to get the last but not least, the duo which are together, but at the same time… not together.

Where are… ah, there. Right, so… 64 for 'N' and 59 for 'L'" I stopped myself from saying their name's out loud as it'd be weird if I mentioned their names when I haven't even introduced myself to them nor them to me. Switching off my scouter, I headed for the two I came here for, and snuck on them.

"-Snow Angel, what say we get to know one another, you don't mind uh, girl with the bow-

"It's Blake and can you be quieter, I'm reading and uhhh… Weiss! Can you be quiet as well?" she asked, I noted that none of them noticed me yet, besides Pyrrha that is. I was about to speak up when I felt A hand… slap my posterior, that better be A female! turning around and… I sighed in relief and annoyance…uh, just Yang, that firecracker…

"Howdy, there Kron the strong, were you looking for mwah?" she jokingly purred, at least I think so, Jaune was interrupted and so was Weiss, Blake looked, huh, her eyes… looked feral for a moment, slitted… or was that my, never mind.

"Nope" I walked closer to the two girls and turned around a bit so Yang was also in my crosshair's, Ruby too, now that I could see her.

"Did you want-"

"Yeah actually, I want to fight you again but uh, Ruby wanted to ask you something too." Yang interrupted me, which kind of annoyed me but I couldn't be mad, not really. Said girl approached the group, getting closer and looking awkward which reminded me of myself at least from before… all this.

"Hi, I'm Ruby, you can call me Ruby, K-Kron, you fought like my sis, b-but I noticed you didn't use A weapon! d-do you not have A weapon, like t-the rest of us?" she was curious, and before I could get A word in, Weiss had leaped and 'literally' too and spoke instead.

"No, uh excuse me, Ruby, I'm Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Duct Corporation, it's nice to meet you. Yang don't touch Kron like that again, yes. Oh right, Ruby, Kron isn't like us, I mean he's not planning to become A huntsmen… even though he'd make A good one… He's actually been protecting me ever since the White Fang had tried to uh, kidnap or… execute me when I first arrived in Vale." Ruby, hesitated, before looking Weiss in the eye, Ruby looked sad for the other girl which by the look on Weiss, had surprised her for Ruby's sympathy. Yang on the other hand was, laughing awkwardly over been 'scolded' over copping A feel on me.

"Yeah, I've got another job after this, uh, really important one and I'm going to need to head there soon" I somewhat lied, my job, was to clean up my mess and train to the point that the threat coming to this world could be extinguished before it tries to either conquer Remnant like some many other species of the Frieza Force or annihilate Remnant's people.

"It's why I came actually, Ozpin would probably try and stop me, but I went and seen your father today, Weiss and… Blake, Adam Taurus was there and in force, he had… killed your father before I even arrived, he was also-" she had gone to speak, but I grabbed her, and as awkwardly as I could muster, hugged her. I continued, being mindful of her breathing erratic then was normal.

"I… your sister was in a bad way too, she's fine, she's fine-" I added quickly when she gazed up at me, her eyes looking redder and only one tear fell, there was more on my armor to be honest, tears I mean. I looked around and glanced at the rest of them, the mood had gone and dipped and even Jaune was showing some restraint and sympathy.

"She's fine, actually I arrived in time, your sister had let anger get the better of her and, suffice to say, I wouldn't want her after me. She almost defeated the bastard, but I knocked her out-" She went to interrupted me, gasping as I said the last word, but I continued on before she could an word in.

"She was almost about to be hit by the guy's semblance, it's dangerous-" Come on, I trying to tell the story! Blake had spoken up, and She looked angry and hurt about seeing Weiss like this.

"He's right Weiss, Adam's semblance is dangerous, I uh, have seen… it, before…" She spoke up, realizing then that she almost gave herself away to the rest of the girls, she quickly added to Weiss's understanding.

"I saw him, a few times in the past… yeah." she looked at Weiss seriously and then to me, none of the others said anything. It appeared that talking about the girl in question had, summoned the woman we were speaking about, Winter had entered the ball room and Weiss had seen her, she detached from me and instantly went over to her. I think I'm about to be 'fucked' and not in A good way, especially when she finds out I spilt the 'beans' so to speak.

"You said Ozpin didn't want to tell her, at the start yeah?" Blake approached me and stood in front of me, closer then was appropriate. I nodded at her noticing her close proximity and before I could speak, she did instead.

"You couldn't have saved… her father I mean, you come off as all powerful, but I remembered when you were brought in, unconscious and wounded. You're not 'all-powerful' and if Adam came in force-

"He uh, did. I even…" I looked around and seen Yang looking like she was torn between being sad for Weiss losing A parent or scandalized at having tried to come between what she looked to be A couple consoling each other, to her eyes anyway. Ruby was also close by and so I didn't say the word 'kill' in my next sentence.

"I uh, ended a good chunk of the white Fang… permanently" I whispered the last word into her left ear, and oh god, it probably looks like I'm whispering sweet words into her ears, with all the surrounding people looking in our direction, this was… new territory for me, being this close to A girl that is. She heard the word and looked up at me and smiled, something I'd only seen a few times, before she went upon her tip toes, she kissed me again, this time on my forehead, leaving me flabbergasted… again. This girl…

I heard A cough from behind me, Blake instantly locked onto the person, I thought it would be Yang so when I turned around too, there was two girls, the same white hair color, one looking shy and the other looking… grateful?

"Kron, could we go somewhere quiet. I'd like to have a word with you. Please…" she hesitated with the last word, but Winter had A look of determination in her eyes, I agreed wordlessly, and begun to follow her, Weiss stepped up to me, and she looked deviously towards to Jaune Arc, who was still hanging around. She had red eyes from crying earlier but it was offset by the smile on her face, forced smile but it was something.

You alright Weiss-" My mouth was covered, by her lips. She kissed me, an awkward first kiss from her but I'd trump it up to no experience kissing and it being her first. This girl… and in front of everyone too, I felt her lips sucking on mine and then felt her tongue trying to probe my mouth. She stopped, her lips looked red, and she smiled, her first genuine one I'd seen tonight.

"Thanks for s-saving my sister. I don't blame you for… my father…" she added, the pained expression returning. She stepped passed me and I could see the Winter's face regarding me neutrally. For A Saiyan warrior… I felt embarrassed being the Centre of attention. I coughed and nodded to Winter who didn't return it before she continued out of the room. I followed, like A puppy after it's master and not the warrior I was supposed to be.

We both left the ballroom, she continued to walk, and I noticed quickly that we were heading towards the cafeteria hall. There were a few older students hanging about, talking within their groups and Winter headed towards an empty table far from others. Sitting down, we faced each other, and I waited for her to speak.

"Thank you. I lost control and acted… rather unlike myself, but even if I hated him, the man was my father and seeing him killed and when I could have… Anyway, thanks for saving me, the general had told me I was almost killed when I acted in A manner un-like myself, almost berserk-like that had almost gotten myself and more of my fellow soldier's…"

"I left the Faunas alive-"

"Yes, and I appreciate that, I'll find that bastard and kill him myself…" Winter's teeth grinded towards the end, her eyes hardened but she snapped out of it quickly.

"So, what's going to happen now, your general has decided to forgo questioning me and decided I was well, trustworthy… at least, I think. He's-"

"Yeah, were heading back, Weiss will stay here for now, I believe the general wants me to take over as heir, but I'll run the SDC at least until Weiss is ready. I'm not one-hundred percent sure but father, in his arrogance wouldn't have made a will. So, Weiss will still be heir and I'm going to have to fix the mess my father left." She explained, I had to remember that she was groomed for being the next head of the SDC before she left to pursue her military career, so she would have an idea what to do and would have A less difficult time about it.

"Right, you don't need to thank me though. You're a hard girl getting along with you know, I don't know whether you want to impale me, or-"

"Believe me, you were annoying, arrogant… which reminded me of father. But you done your job professionally and I had grown to respect you… to a degree. I respect you more now, though I don't know how I feel about A playboy like you kissing my sister though...." she smiled, she really did have A nice one and you could see clearly that the sister's had similar features.

"P-Playboy! I, no… alright, I think we are done. I've got to-

"Got to still get your reward, for saving me, yes…" she smirked then, before standing. She begun to walk around the table and my eyes were drawn to the way her hip's accentuated just how beautiful she was, and the way she walked, slowly drawing closer. Fuck this, I've got to bounce, get the damn milk, something!

As she leaned down, I decided I'd better get away from this woman and quickly. Did she want me to jump her? Powering up subtly, I had left an afterimage as she had gotten as close as Weiss was. She ended up pushing the chair out which made a loud screeching noise. I had appeared near the roof and decided to get out fast, no time for girls, not when this world could be destroyed. I never saw her devious smirk, and huff when she left.

(Qrow Branwen-POV)

Amber was back, she never left yeah but she was back. Seeing her walking around was an relieve to him, he could apologize to her, about his failure in protecting her. Curse his semblance. Right now, though, he was across the table from her and eating A hot meal which he'd wash down with his booze. Amber was seated across from him, eating much more then he was but right now they were enjoying the silence besides their utensil's. Winter Schnee had flirted and rather, provocatively with Kron before said Faunas had retreated. It was rather funny watching actually, Kron reminded him, from the little time he had spent with him and from what Ozpin had opted to tell him, A little bit of the 'good' parts of his sister Raven, hell, he reminded him of himself!

"So, you're wanting another course? The food… yeah, you've had two plates already..." He asked Amber, whose eyes returned from gazing at the militarily uniformed Schnee to him.

"No, I'm nearly full, Although I'd kill for some booze. But heading to Vale, I'm a bit hesitant to be honest." She murmured the last part, looking towards her plate and he understood. Thing's were in motion; Salem's pawns were in the city. Kron most likely either killed the one who attacked Amber, or he let her get away, the point being that there were at least two maybe four others that Salem had in play and in our backyard. He should go and ask Kron, before he disappears and thank him while he's at it, for helping Amber.

"Hey Amber, I'm going to head out, find that young Faunas and thank him then I'm off to my regular pub. Uh, what booze did you want?" he asked her, remembering she wanted some. Amber smiled.