Regular Here.


As much I wanted to leave yet, I remember that there was one more person I should speak with, Qrow was A cool guy and hopefully he would offer alcohol if he wanted to thank him, I had my scroll with me, but I'd needed to charge it, so I was off to my room. Thankfully I hadn't walk into anyone I knew or not known and got to my room in record time, my charger was still connected and so after connecting my scroll to it was when I left. Locking up, I heard footstep's and so I turned around to see who was there and, I must have good luck. Qrow was there and looking pretty smug about something.

"What's up kid, seen you and your 'girlfriend' being frisky in the cafeteria. Hey, look, I wanted to uh, thank you for helping Amber. She didn't deserve to in an extended coma or to be attacked for that matter. Did you… end the ones who tried to do her in?" he asked, the 'girlfriend' part of the conversation was momentarily forgotten by the seriousness of the rest of the conversation, yeah let's see if your still thankful when I tell him I let the woman go.

"No, I blew her arm off with one of my techniques and get this. She had some kind of… Grimm within her arm because she became weaker as soon as her arm was gone-"

"Yeah… yeah, I remember seeing something like that, heh. Why let her live though, if it's because she is A woman then I have to inform you, even A piece of ass like that needs to be killed. She's an enemy and this is war. I know what she looks like too, I'll keep an eye out for the bitch. Hey, kid while we're on the subject, want to head out, head to A bar, how old are you, 21?" I nodded while lying. I'm definitely still 16 at least, physically. I wasn't going to say I let Cinder alive because I knew she was Salem's pawn and her latest attempt at going after the relics, so I didn't say nothing.

"OK, well let's head out. You got A scroll-"

"Yeah, but it's charging." I said hurriedly.

"Drat. Oh-well, meet me at the Bullhead outside I've got to say my goodbyes to my nieces. I'll meet you there yeah. He walked off, in the direction I knew to be where the Ballroom would be located. So, I headed out, being mindful of where Winter was.

Once outside, there was them Bullheads parked along the landing bay, the SDC one's. guess they would be leaving later sometime, but they weren't the one's Qrow, and I would be taken to Vale. No, I was currently leaning against it, waiting for Qrow to arrive.

"Drink with the guy, then… then off to the damn moon. I dread it, I really do… Space-travel is the stuff of nightmares." Yeah, I wasn't A fan of spaceflight, probably judging from when I had first woken up within an enclosed space… with A glass-like panel being the only thing between me and getting my eyeballs sucked out. Hell, I'm not even sure 'that' would happen, never mind the other theories of dying in space. But with my technique 'Aura Sphere', named after the Pokémon move, I should be fine… if at any point in the future I went and met with the other the… Saiyan of 'earth', this universe's earth anyways, I'd have to go through space to get there. But Remnant problems first, there's also those two girls' that have increasingly been on my mind lately. Then there was Winter…

"Drinking with A fellow lad, then training will help me keep my mind off… girls." I was by no means an expert in the fairer sex, by like 'Gene wilder' said, 'I know what goes where and why.'

"Hey Kron! there you are, let's get on board yeah, you were spaced out." Qrow yelled out from far away and directly headed onto the transport. Shrugging out of my thought's I followed him, I could fly but fuck it, the man might have something else to say while on board. Qrow was pacing around the Bullhead, before finding A spot to sit down. He also kept his weapon on his back, so he removed it and laid it across his knees. he looked down then my way, as if A thought had entered his head.

"You don't fight with A weapon yeah, Kron? Your aura control must be impressive." he said, my tail was out and so as I sat down, I wrapped it around my waist before folding my gloved arm's.

"Nope. My bodies A lethal weapon" I yawned and looked at Qrow before continuing. "Should we go to Junior's club first, there was this girl there that wanted to fuck me." I had said, not jokingly but Qrow laughed at the stoic way I had spoken.

"You do know that their bar is run by gangsters yeah? But fine, I've seen you fight. And what about Winter? She would be 100 times better than some tramp out of there you'd think?" he replied jokingly, smirking upon his last sentence.

"Very funny. You can eat there too; I'm going to have to eat my late-night dinner as well." I sighed before standing, I turned to Qrow before smiling which bared my teeth in an almost feral way.

"I'll meet you there old man."

"Wait!" Qrow yelled as I jumped out from the Bullhead, I briefly lightened up the sky with my purple KI which had manifested as I sped towards Beacon. Five minutes later, I had quickly gone through my open window and grabbed my damn scroll, I had no idea where to go otherwise, the split second when I had jumped out of the Bullhead was when I had realized this, and pride stopped me from re-entering the VTOL mid-air and go with Qrow.

"Idiot, I almost made A fool of myself, about to head to Vale… fool, you've only been an few times and with that map app!" I powered up and flew engulfed in my KI with my scroll active. I'd check the map again and head towards Junior's bar.

(Qrow Branwen-POV)

What an impatient little bastard… but yeah, the guy was his own person and what A bad influence he was on his hot-headed niece! Sighing, he waited for the Bullhead to arrive. He needed to leave Vale and head back to there as Ozpin was sure there was more at play, Qrow was sure there was too and with Amber back, it means she wasn't not A target.

"Ah what A waste, damn Jimmy and his paranoia. But still it was good seeing the girls… and Amber. Right, I wonder what kind of piss I should get her?" Qrow said, it wouldn't be A problem getting her something.

At last, after five more minutes was when the Bullhead, he had ridden in had touched down. Qrow wanted to do what Kron had done and jump ship, his crow form would have been faster but that would have made the pilot's piloting redundant, seeing as he was the only passenger left.

"Hey, you can take off if you want… I won't be heading back until tomorrow, cheers." he stepped out of the cockpit where the pilot had finished adjusting the controls and turning off the VTOL, the guy nodded and Qrow saw that the man had reached for A cigarette pack when Qrow left. Qrow walked away from the landing zone and seeing A familiar bush, he casually walked into it and changed form. His form adjusted quickly as he soared through the air, Qrow already knew where to go, getting information was one of his strong point's and knowing the various people within points of interest was A must.

Arriving on top of the right building downtown, he looked around, his smaller but piercing eyes scoping out the location before he dived down through an alleyway, continuing to dive, Qrow transformed back to normal and hummed.

"He must be inside, impatient brat. Well, no time like now." walking towards the main entrance, he walked on through. One of Junior's thugs was doing 'age checks' to A few girls of the young variety while he waited. One of the dame's had checked him out and oh yeah… he still had his weapon on him, heh well, can't do nothing about that now can he."

"Oi, no weapon's." the man had finished with them girls and turned his attention on him. Before Qrow could even plan anything, A young dame dressed in red, who had come behind the bouncer spoke up.

"Let him in, he's with that guy… Melanie's trying to eye-fuck."

"B-But he's pack-" she interrupted the thug, much to his amusement.

"I just said something alright. Hey, you, if you cause trouble in here, you're going to lose a lot of money... more than that actually well..." she spoke in A almost emotionless way, she wasn't finished when she sighed and stepped aside, letting him pass.

"We had A blonde bimbo rampage through here A few nights ago." She spoke before walking off, Qrow watched her go before heading towards the bar. This place was packed, it really wasn't his scene as it impeded on drinking and the relaxing environment he usually got when drinking in pub's. He spotted those two girls who just go in at the bar, he looked behind them and that was when he saw Kron and, A girl dressed in white obviously flirting with him, looking closer he also spotted that same girl from the door who let him in. He approached them.

-Why not? Huh, come on, come dance with me… and if you treat me right, I'll let you get… rougher… with me" The girl in white was whispering in Kron's ear... oh! the little minx had then bit onto his earlobe. He saw the girl in red which… now that he saw both of them clearly, were twin's… the one in red had rolled her eyes at her sister's attempts of sexualizing herself towards Kron.

"Hey barkeep, whisky on the rock's… and one of them… little umbrella's" Qrow sat down on Kron's other side, startling the one in white whose name was Melanie, according to the girl in red.

"Qrow, took you long enough. I've ordered my meal. White is Melanie and Red is Miltia.

"Sup" Melanie said before focusing back on Kron.

"Hey" Miltia had nodded at him before walking off.

"Right… So, this is the-" he was suddenly elbowed in the stomach, it was enough to startle him but not hurt him, heh… the brat must have known what Qrow had planned on saying next... tramp indeed, pretty though uh, not that he'd try with some kid mind.

"-This must… be the bar you told me about, not going to lie, I'm sort of impressed" he lied, he was on high alert here, tom much noise and not enough quiet to enjoy his favorite pass-time. His drink arrived and he took note that Kron's meal had arrive too. Melanie had continued to try and provoke Kron provocatively, flirting with him. She was certainly pretty, not that he was looking at her like that.

They spent their time well, Qrow had started to like the whisky here and the service was fast with all the thugs working behind the bar, it was when the one… Miltia? Had returned, drinking some weirdly pink colored drink, yuck...

"Excuse me, uh Kron, yes… There's someone who wants to speak with you. Come I'll show you."

"Come on Miltia, I can show him there. Kron baby, this way" Melanie was certainly not hiding her attraction towards the monkey faunas, Kron nodded at her and having finished his meal, brought his drink with him. Qrow stood too and followed them.

"Sorry, only Kron was asked to come. Do you want another drink-"

"Fine, give me anther yeah, and make this one something stronger" he said, not really in the mood to deal with these gangster's antic's, Kron would be fine, definitely would be without him there.

(Roman Torchwick-POV)

"Neo, my dear, would you like more of that ice cream you're scarfing down? Hey moron get Neo another would you and make it quick, Neo is not one to be kept waiting… neither am I come to think of it." Roman said, the idiotic thug nodded and hurried away, As Neo had told him 'yes' in her own way, eye's blinking from pink to brown and vice versa. They were up in the VIP area up-stair's and what do you know, the huntsmen Faunas had shown up here, naturally, he had to get the measure of the man who had at the last time they met, destroyed a lot of his effort in gathering the dust for that bitch Cinder. He had the twin-R go and invite him up here, there was another huntsman with the Faunas but he had made no moves to follow the one who knocked him out, then saved him from the cops.

"Neo, be on your guard as this one's dangerous, be ready encase we need to make A quick getaway." The man in question was escorted into the room, some thugs of junior's were acting the part of tough guard surrounding him, twin-R snapped her fingers and the men had followed her out. It was just them three now.

"First, let's get the introduction's out of the way, I'm Roman, I'm sure you've heard good things about me. This is my plus two. What's your name, friend?" he said, leaning over his chair and staring at the man who had sat down.

"hmmph, what do you want. Are you here to pay me back for sparing your life or do you want to see me angry again." the faunas scoffed, folding his arms and sneering towards him, ignoring Neo. Neo had stood from where she was and got up into the Faunas personal space, circling him and being her regular charming self, trying to push into his personal space and annoy him.

"I just wanted to know why you had spared me back then, I know where I stand, outside the… you understand, I bet. You huntsman types tend to follow-"

"Who said I was one of them 'types' as you've labeled it. I spared your life because at the time you were not my intended target, if you were of the Fang or truly with them who want to seed chaos, ah... no, I spared your because I felt like it, nothing more, we wouldn't be talking otherwise. You'd probably be in the ground by now, are we done? I've got shit to do, not indulge your curiosity or misguided attempt at getting on my good side, or any side for that matter."

"Well, you made a right mess of it, having failed and all, ah with succeeding in ah, taking out your intended. That woman... she is fuming even as we speak, I'd had to bring out my trump card in all this, encase she decided to go off with my head, introduce yourself Neo, oh... and she doesn't speak, so don't go off if she touches you in greetings or what not. "He expected she would amuse him and annoy the stick in the mud in front of him, what he didn't expect was Neo being grabbed at speeds he couldn't even fathom, and ah this guy… did he really want to impress Neo like this? Neo was lying over his knees and the guy had spanked his sidekick… Neo had certainly enjoyed it, though she couldn't really express that ah... with words but well, he knew her tells well... But, she knew she's on the job, but after the first hit and on the second hit, she used her semblance as he went for another, and he hit an mirage image of Neo which fell to the floor in a glass-like heap.

"Next time your 'sidekick' gets in my space, I'll spank her through the wall. You hear me."

"Yes… well seeing as I'm alive and because of you, the garbage bin non-withstanding, I owe you A favor, call on me… here give me your scroll, and do tell, your name?"

"Kron, here's my scroll. Make it quick." Roman typed in his number, his current 'burner scroll' and handed the man his scroll back, he smirked at him, stood and removed his hat before briefly bowing.

"Until next we meet, Neo." She stalked towards Kron, whatever look she had on her face it seemed to have annoyed Kron by the glare on his face to the girl. She paced backwards elegantly and touched his shoulder. They were gone, and their mirror selves were left behind.