The Long Month.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

"-Sky Lark. The Four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward you work together as… team Cardinal, led by… Cardin Winchester." The four were honored by the applause of the crowd, while the headmaster continued speaking.

"Jaune Arc, Lie-Ren, Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white Rook pieces. From this day forward you work together as… team Juniper… led by...Jaune Arc-

"What, me!!" Jaune had said out of turn, while the professor had smiled, or was that A smirk… Weiss couldn't make it out from where she and her group were waiting.

"Congratulations young man" the professor said, nodding towards the panicking blonde who was being congratulated by A jumping for joy 'Ruby'. The other's, Ren and Nora had hugged each other… well, Nora done the hugging enough for the two of them.

"And Finally, Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieve the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together as… team RWBY… led by… Ruby Rose." the applause was heard as their team had left the stage and Weiss couldn't believe she didn't get the leadership role, but Ruby had gotten it. She would give the girl a chance, mind you, Weiss would be making sure 'her' leader would be doing the best she could do. Normally she'd be pissed that she hadn't gotten the role and instead someone younger than her had gotten it, but she had somewhat mellowed out, her friendship with Blake and Kron's personality also helped too. Her inner musings were interrupted when Yang had shouted near her ear.

"Hey!, Weiss, hey… are you listening-"

"Yang, what did you say…" she tried to keep out her absentmindedness out of her tone, but by the look on Yang's face, she hadn't succeeded. But Yang simply smiled and ignored her tone before winking at her.

"What are you thinking about, not A certain… chiseled man named-"

"No! And why would you come to that conclusion, besides your sister is going to be leading us now. Hey Blake, where's-"

"-Yeah," said girl had heard her name and came over, Ruby had followed along too, seeing as she would be standing by herself and still on stage. which she was A shy girl

"-where is Ruby... oh right, Ruby hey!" Weiss spoke, stomping towards the girl.

"What's up Weiss, uh were all A team now, are you excited!" she asked and squealed.

"I just wanted to congratulate you, for becoming leader. But just know I won't condone slacking off. You're representing us and-" Yang had interrupted the girl.

"Heh, lay of yeah, Ruby will nail it. She's very talented and smarter than me-" Yang said.

"-You're her sister, you're supposed to say-" Weiss was cut-off by yang.

"Well, it's the-" Yang stopped when Ruby grumbled, stopping her sister from further embarrassing her.

"Guys, enough. Let's get off stage before we make A bigger scene. Weiss, thanks for being nice. Now let's head out! we've got a big mission to complete now!" she yelled out and on stage too.

They all left the stage quickly and out of the way of the rest of the teams being formed. Going to leave the stage, the four of them nodded at each other then laughed together at Ruby's antics, Weiss heard the headmaster mutter something to himself but paid it no mind before they got off the stage. She knew she was spoilt but having someone like Kron in her lives had shown her that her attitude towards others needed changing as Kron had shown, his attitude was just as arrogant when they met though he somewhat mellowed out as they got to know one another, if not more so than she was when they had met, as she learned more about him. It also reminded her too much of her… father…

"I uh, I'm going to pack up my room here-"Yang had interrupted her by almost speaking up but Weiss spoke quicker. "Yes, I was an guest here because of the attempt on my life, Blake was here too-"

"Ah right, I heard about that. Not about Blake being here, the attempt on your life I meant. Well, what are we waiting for, let's just crash in your-" Yang nodded calmly… interrupting her again before she herself was cut-off by Blake speaking up.

"Why would we pack up though, Weiss our room is just like any other and were on the same team anyways. Lets show Ruby and Yang to 'their' new room." Blake spoke up, walking over with Ruby who was done glancing over Pyrrha's weapon before she was called over again. Ruby had gone through team juniper's weapons while the rest of her team, she included were chatting about rooms before coming back over with Blake.

"Yes, it would make sense, girls your room is your new 'team' room and congratulations for passing the test" Ozpin had come over as he too had left the stage, most likely he had overheard them talking while in passing, them being still near the stage and all. Weiss was about to thank him, both for the information about their room and for the congrats before team juniper had come over and quickly passed them, heading to their rooms. Pyrrha had stopped, hesitated before asking headmaster Ozpin something.

"Sir, there was this... monkey Faunas, I hadn't seen him at the initiation exam. i hope he wasn't kicked out." she spoke and Ozpin regarded her. Weiss also regarded the red head before glancing at Blake. Blake had shrugged before smirking.

"Kron isn't A student or to-be. He was hired to protect miss Schnee here but yes, I wouldn't have minded if he had joined Beacon although there will be none, he'd be able to partner with as he would have been the odd-one out. Strong enough to leave those craters and even that wasteland within the forest was his mess. He trained out there for A bit you see" Ozpin explained, Blake and she had watched him go at it once, not close up mind you, but from afar as they knew he went there and so was about to go closer but then the energy domes enveloping the land and the explosions… he left carnage in his wake... that idiot...

"And yes, he did train there until when I had seen the damage he'd inflicted I asked him to go elsewhere, He would have wiped out the Grimm there and ergo, there wouldn't have been A 'initiation'." Ozpin had added to the discussion. Yang spoke up.

"Yeah, that's cool and all headmaster but why was the Grimm attracted to those Kron-made holes in the ground?" Yang asked, Pyrrha looked interested, as did Blake. Weiss was also interested in such an answer and the last three, them being Ren, Nora and Jaune were also listening. Ruby looked on as well, clearly interested but also glancing at all their weapons again.

"I have an… theory about that… mind you, it's not accurate or dare say, just an observation. His 'semblance' is the 'creation' of energy, but what is energy from A semblance but a part of what makes up our Aura, from my observations and yes, I have been watching him train, just like how we watched your initiation. Aura is the manifestation of the soul and the Grimm actively 'seek' out us, because of 'our souls, I believe his abilities leaves 'traces' of his soul which is why those Grimm were fixated on those as you put it, Kron-made creator's. It's just… A theory mind you. I digress, off you go now student's you're got A big day tomorrow." Ozpin walked off then. Leaving the group of eight stewing in their thoughts.

They had split into their teams when they went to their rooms, Weiss and Blake were already settled in so they instead helped out with rearranging the room they were in so that Ruby and Yang could fit in.

"Right! let's get this girls night going!" Yang shouted jovially.

"Where just setting up the other two beds Yang-"

"Come on Weiss, Let's make A good time of it. You look like you're going to-"

"Fine! Any words from our 'fearless' leader, Ruby what your opinion?" Weiss joked, trying to put up a strong front.

"haha lets, party-" Ruby was cut-off by Blake who yawned very loudly.

Let's just get this done, I'm tired" Blake yawned after that, showing how tired she was, Ruby was busy moving one of the folded bed frames and moving it into place, which Yang had seen and quickly went to help so she didn't strain herself. Blake walked towards Weiss and looked at her, showing concern while they moved the other spare bed into position.

"You going to be alright, with you losing your dad I mean." Blake asked concernedly.

"Yeah… maybe, like it's, he…" she sighed and went to lie down, Blake gave her A look of concern but decided to let her be, she needed time.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

She has A big day tomorrow, today, the meeting with the board of director's had taken up most of her time. There were many in said group who still saw her as insignificant and spent a lot of time trying to outmaneuver her. They were laughable attempts at best, she might not be the heir of the company anymore, but she had A considerable amount of knowledge on how to maneuver through the business world.

"Thanks to…Father…ugh that idiot, getting himself killed. Those damn White Fang" She wouldn't treat the Faunas like what her father had, no, she would just take out her vengeance on those within the White Fang… until they're no more or they've stopped with their terrorist ways.

It was over a month ago when she had left the service and had begun as 'acting' CEO, there was still so much she had to do, Winter had stayed in touch with her sister, but had reported through secure channels to general Ironwood, on sightings and maneuver's of the White Fang. Her mentor had decided to keep an eye on the terrorist organization, the council was calling for blood for the death of one their own but Ironwood was still in command and offered caution, fighting in the shadows against such an organization was more viable at this point as the White Fang was operated within all the cities of Remnant and so finding them was harder. Descension within the higher bureaucracy of Atlas's council was high from the blatant attack on one of their own and the man they 'chose' as their general hadn't declared war on the White Fang, which either angered or worried these officials.

Winter went along with the general as she was expected to be on the council as she was now in charge of the SDC for now, an important life-blood of Atlas and Mantle, they were shocked she hadn't wanted revenge.

"I'll get it on my own. And with the wealth of the Schnee family no longer barred from…him, I'll be able to add A training-room within the manor. Maybe in one of the Ball-rooms… that bastard will fall to my blade…" She said aloud, still trying to read through some documents and failing to keep the anger out of her head, thinking of that terrorist.

Atlas couldn't afford to look weak , not when one of their 'own' councilmen was killed. The military was busy rounding up known 'agitator's' and those harboring 'sympathies' were shipped off to black-sites, secret facilities where Atlas harbored dangerous individuals. They had tried to ship them to her dust mining operations but she had put A stop to that, even while the council bemoaned that these were criminal's in the making and that people like 'them' were the reason her esteemed father was killed. Winter was still too busy getting the current standards of her various dust-extracting operations to acceptable levels, instead of the impoverished camps they currently were. It had a positive effect on the workers, their lives were slowly becoming better because of her efforts, still there was still a lot of mistrust. Winter sighed, she didn't blame the Faunas for their trusting-issues, they had an right to be dis-grunted. Still, she focused now, continuing with the new enemy she currently was fighting hard to eliminate.

"Damned paperwork… no wonder that father was such an bastard, heh…" she joked slightly before frowning, she need to concentrate.

Her brother was harder to communicate with these days, he was an spitting image of their father, personality-wise, but she had attempted to curb his worst tendencies. He was slowly coming around… at least in meaning that he'd talk to her more then A couple of words.

"And don't get me started… on mother…" she signed another document after reading carefully through it and picked up another. Willow Schnee was still lost within the bottle, although hearing news of her husbands demise wasn't exactly why she was still drinking. She was an alcoholic at this point, and Winter was to busy to talk to her directly these days. She figured sending her to rehabilitation would be the answer but Klien has been helpful in getting rid of mothers supply of booze. Not all of it, but it was slow going.

"Ahh… ugh, come on, now what's next…" she was still doing her new duties when the door was opened. Klien had entered.

"Madam, I had the gentleman's scroll traced but still couldn't find the location where he currently is. He must be out of the CCT Range." Klien stood at attention, waiting for her word.

"Keep trying, I have work for him." that, and Weiss was worried, he hadn't been seen at beacon since before her initiation, Klien nodded and left the room. Winter sighed again; it was going to be a long night.