The coming Storm.


"Ritalin! Bring the ship down, battle-stations I want pod landings onto this type-0 civilization. We've tarried long enough to learn their insensitive screech of A language" the alien commander spoke, his voice soft and effeminate sounding.

"Right sir, engaging battle-systems- All soldiers to your pods, I repeat, all soldiers to your pods!" technician Ritalin's voice rasped out towards the intercom, the interior of the control room had its emergency lights flickering red as the alarm blared out, almost drowned out by the command. The fighters were launched prior to entering the planet's gravity well and their ships alongside the command ship begun entering the atmosphere. They went on the dayside, no point hiding from inferior beings.

The entering of the multiple ships onto the world hadn't not gone unnoticed as planned as they had begun to be fired at by primitive anti-air lasers and his warrior's pods came under fire by scrambled interceptor's. The pods however were going too fast and blitzed through the on-coming fire before spreading out and heading towards multiple cities and important military targets, the command ship however came down and was an easier target, heading towards A more out of the way location. His ship was too strong to be damaged by the primitive's weapons. So, on his personal command ship, he chuckled to himself at their attempts as his ship was too superior for the ignorant dwellers of the planet, their efforts were wasted.

"Begin ground-operations, send the rest of the soldiers out when we reach the ground, then begin hacking into their communications network again and make A planet-wide connection. I aim to make an ultimatum to these fools. Long live the Cold empire!"

"Heil!" the word was shouted by multiple aliens of his command, all under lord Frieza. He watched, transfixed almost as his soldier's pods had landed in multiple cities world-wide, his warriors had A decent 600 to 1000 power levels where there was one of his soldiers left who could boast having A power-level 0f 6000 and even though he'd lost 44% of his initial forces to previous two worlds he'd enslaved, that in deaths and 'governor commands or policing these newly conquered worlds' he'd handed to worthy soldier's who'd proved themselves. he still had at his beck and call, over 134 warriors and 46 engineer's left. The last planet they conquered in 'his' name, was still in the final stages of resistance. He lost A few of his stronger fighters due to their 'new' governing duties and renamed the planet Frieza planet '451', unofficially for now. That planet was worth holding onto because of the manpower offered and their battle prowess. But he wasn't worried, losing more of his men. The planet had some rare materials that could be used for the empire, that was what the engineers he'd left there had reported anyway.

"Sir! Ketamine has located an enemy military base, he's asking permission to engage and make short work of it, he's waiting for orders." his alien commander Ritalin spoke.

"What's your status on the hack into their communication network before these fools continue to gut themselves against my army?" He asked instead, Ketamine could wait.

"Almost made the connection. The trans-communicator is…connected. System hack… complete, you'll be on live in…three…two…one…Live!" Good, show time. The spotlight is not wasted on me, this part of conquering these planets was his favorite part… A little camera hover-droid had disconnected from the ship and begun following the commander around, filming him.

"People of this planet, you all now fall under the might of the Cold empire, you will serve in this live your new emperor… Frieza. Or… you may serve in chains. Either way, if your leaders of this planet surrender yourselves to my good judgement, I won't have to do this." The man flicked some strands out of his eyes, the camera was following his movements and begun hovering much lower than he. In a motion, he bent slightly and looked up, glancing at the moons of this world, they would get his point across.

"Harrrghyaaa!" He shouted, bending his right arm towards the sky and unleashed A Cyan-colored blast of KI, the beam expanded and headed sky-bound, towards one of the moons. He stopped feeding KI into the blast and relaxed, briefly watching transfixed at his beam before turning towards the camera droid, smirking slightly as he leered into the lens and gave those watching him that he'd meant business.

"Lay down your arms and this won't happen to your planet" the skyline had lit up as the explosion of the hit moon engulfed it in his energy, which started to black out the sky, he looked past the camera droid as if to keep his eyes in view of the camera, he seen multiple shapes of shadows incoming.

"Surrender or die, these are your only option's… pick wisely" He turned around and viewed his handiwork, the small comets he'd made with their moon were incoming, spreading across the sky and falling onto the surface.

A day and A half was wasted, but it all soon ended, the most likely way it always did. The official surrender was an quick affair, The leaders were rounded up and swore an oath to their new Emperor, seeing as he wasn't there obviously, they swore it to him on Lord Frieza's behalf. They lost many of their men fighting against his soldiers, most of their fighters only boasted fighting power's of forties to hundred and twenty, there were some individuals who numbered in those numbers and two hundred. Many were slaughtered against his fighting force, and he lost few men of his own, mostly against their technology than their actual fighters. Those losses he suffered were few and far between as the newly 'acquired' race that called themselves the 'Amoxicillin" A reptile-like humanoid species had lost much more. They would make excellent soldier's once there fighting prowess and technology has been elevated to Frieza's standards. He was interrupted by one of his new governors for this world, one of the engineers who had A power-level at over six thousand, his last strongest warrior with A power-level over the average.

"Sir, we have begun demilitarizing the various governments and have formulated A new government Centre. There's still some rebel's withing the general populace but now that the Amoxicillin leaders have come together and pledged their loyalty, they are only the minority. Your tantalizing show, uh… with the moon was genius sir, saved the troops some menial work" he bowed, one hand crossed over his chest.

"Arise. Now that this planet is ours, you will have A copy of the standard technology the Frieza-force has, get connected to the communication-network and make contact with the other two planets, I'll be leaving the same number of engineers and soldiers on this planet." There was two more planets, before he would deal with the Saiyan traitor. He'd then have to head on back through that wormhole and make contact with the empire, informing him of the three new planets Frieza-planet 449, 450 and 451 and hopefully he would not be punished for being Awol for at least twenty-two years from the wormhole travel. his power would be enough for this primitive monkey, but if need be he would use the remaining number of his men, they were expendable after all.

The man, waited upon his ship for some minor repairs to be fixed on the engines which had added some more time to his schedule. His command ship was much larger than normal ones, as he had to fit almost four-hundred personal on board, the ship could be piloted by one person if it was an emergency, but it'd be A bother. He glanced towards the screen in front of him, viewing the map they had charted in these unknown regions of space.

"Sir, we have found the problem, it would take at least two days to completely fix. Seems like one of this planet's pilots had tried to blow them up by crashing into it-"

"Get it done quickly, I'm already behind schedule. At least eleven year's worth." And he wasn't lying, commanders like him who were to assimilate fledgling civilizations into the always growing PTO had quotas in order to be payed and promoted. It was A prestigious job, going after and enslaving new races for the empire and he was really behind on that, from that wormhole phenomenon. The higher ups would understand of course...

He went out of his ship and paced around, various people of the newly conquered species had spotted him and cowered in fear or distrust, The soldiers that were chosen to help govern this planet were rounding up the higher-ups of this planets 'old' government for reevaluation and weeding out unneeded dissidents for execution.

"Well, I will relax for now, A man's got to have his beauty sleep after all." he spoke to nobody as he begun laughing.


Sitting in his office, he was in video-conference call with Ms. Schnee, she was worried, but he could assure her.

"He has been sighted, he come's occasionally back to his room. I can send the video footage if you'd like." He asked, gauging her reaction, or no reaction as it was.

"No, instead could you leave my number. I have something for him, and I know his ability to fly wouldn't hamper him coming to me." Winter said.

"May I ask what opportunity you have for our wayward security man, I wanted to discuss something with him, A job offer of my own seeing as he wields considerable amount of strength..." Ozpin had thought of Amber's situation, she was getting antsy, wanting to hit the road again but was weary of A repeat performance from those who wanted to kill her, stealing her maiden powers. Ozpin was also worried, but he figured that maybe Kron would be agreeable to the request of security for the wondering Maiden. He discussed with Amber where she wanted to go and Amber wasn't too worried, as long as she could wonder to her hearts content.

"Be that as it may, as soon as I can, I'll leave your contact details, easily spotted in his room. Don't fret my dear, he isn't lost or killed or anything like that, simply put I haven't got an clue what he's up to but Weiss had told me he had another job, out in the wilderness." Weiss and Blake were the closest to him, seeing as he protected one and gave the other A chance to live and change things round, he knew from Blake that Kron was ruthless with… most of his enemies, it doesn't add up when he spared Blake, but his body count lists female Faunas in it. A crush maybe? Who knows.

"That'd be fine Headmaster Ozpin, has the White Fang been apprehended or at least located, I still have misgivings on how you're going about the 'light punishment handed to these terrorists." She frowned at him. Interlacing his finger's, he breathed out and responded.

"You mean this Adam Taurus, we haven't located him since the… incident, sorry for not being there at the funeral-"

"It's fine sir, my sister's education is more paramount than 'that', besides, Weiss hadn't complained in the two months since she has started attending her lessons at Beacon, in earnest." It has been long, already, two months had passed, and the new students have found themselves busy with course work and learning to fight monsters. In another four months, the Vytal festival would begin. Time sure does fly.

"Aright, then Until then, Winter." She nodded in goodbye, then hung up the connection.

"Right, I better pen her contact information, her 'new' information now that she has taken the seat of her Father's, both the Council seat and the SDC." he began drawing up the required information, before adding at the end that he also needed to speak to him, an opportunity involving the woman he helped save. Once he penned up the information on the paper, he took a sip of his hot chocolate and stood up, intending to deliver it to his room, he had access to all the rooms, even those which were locked by the individuals scrolls. Heading to the elevator, he clicked the required floor and road the elevator down.

"Ah, yes, I better make arrangements for those of the other academies student's arriving here in A few months, Kron's room will stay his… although I might need it, for there is an need for the space. It's A good thing he had some friends he can stay with, but that can wait until he and I speak on matters." he waited for the elevator to ding, before exiting and heading off towards the right room, which considerately was across from Team RBWY.