Excursion In Space.


She had run from them and avoided the Grimm as much as she could do so. 

The tribe was slaughtered to the last man and even Raven was killed by those… bastards. She had gotten a head start, with only her weapon with her and nothing else besides the clothes on her back. Going back there though would be suicide as those people and their robots might still be there. There was also the probability that the Grimm would be heading there, sensing the negative emotions which right now would be non-existent but not twenty minutes ago would have been strong enough to be sensed by the beasts. Vernal couldn't head back and bury those of her tribe, those she considered her family. But she would live on, she only had minor aura damage inflicted on her. 

"Shit, I… what the hell am I supposed to do now?" she had found someplace high, in a tree to gather her strength and keep an eye out for those people or the Grimm. The attack couldn't have been in retaliation for their latest raid.

"They had Atlesian-Knights, I think there were some of them spider bots too. Fuck, where the hell am I supposed to go, Anima knows my face and maybe my name." She contemplated, not realizing until she felt the tears rolling off of her check and onto her clenched hands that she was crying. For the loss of the woman who taught her everything, something akin to a mother. For those she had thought and bled with now to be Grimm food. And for the first time in her life, she cried not for her people but for herself and her present and future which was now shrouded in the unknown.

Vernal wanted to leave this place, but it was too dark, and the Grimm made the darkness it's ally easily. She'd have to camp close by to the mass graveyard that is her clan and wait for the morning.

"I'll avenge you all… somehow, that I swear on the soaked ground that is your resting place. I'll…" she clenched her teeth in anger, her fist clenching tight her weapon inside it and looked towards where she had fled from. Those who had attacked her were still there, but as those Bullheads had begun to take off, they were leaving. She saw them and not in the right mind as she was, emotionally, she sliced through the palm of her right hand and swore to avenge her clan…


I was currently doing some press-ups under intense gravitational force, pushing myself over the limit like nothing I had achieved before. The pain I felt was fought through by sheer will and intent alone… didn't hurt that I was a Saiyan, and training is now my life's blood... the genes I inherited with this body done the most work though. 

"Come… on, just three more" breathing in with my nose and out with my mouth, my 'Aura sphere' had collected the air breathed out and changed it back into breathable air for me to consume. It was working like a charm, as long as I had it fed by my KI, I would be able to transverse space easily, space flight took wasn't what I meant but to transverse on planets with no breathable atmosphere was now a walk in the park…

I had counted the days away and marked them whenever I headed back to Vale, to get re-energized by consuming mass amounts of food. I hadn't checked my power-level yet, I was hesitating as I thought as it was an older module, it would explode, and I would lose that advantage. But, seeing as it had been just about fifty-nine days, just two months since I had committed to this intense regiment, not to mention dangerous, I knew I was on the clock.

"Maybe I should check it today, first I would power-up to the max, then use the scouter… maybe then I would not explode, and I could gauge my new power." I had gritted out loud, finishing the last of the thousand press-up I attempted at the moment. Finishing the last and thousandth press-up, I relaxed before trying something more intense. Shadowboxing in a more intense area closer to the moon's core.

Jabbing at the air, fighting to overwhelming pull of the moon's erratic gravitational pull, Punching, kicking, moving was all choreographed out in place, remembering my boxing training and using it as a means to train, as well as remembering the way Goku would train on the way to the planet Namek on his ship, I had a lot of idea's going forward. My form had bulked up and my muscles had toned even more from the training I had achieved in fifty-nine days I was up here. I had checked myself out within the City of Vale, having needed to use a the guestroom of the various restaurants and fast-food chain's I had partaken in. I hadn't been back to Beacon in a while and so my scroll was uncharged and unused.

"Maybe I should head back sometime today? I need to check in on the place, see if everything is fine, the plot is still 'ongoing' still as much as it can with my interference. Hopefully nothing has changed drastically" I had said aloud to myself, before concentrating on my shadowboxing and attempts of movement in this more intense area near the core. 

After about a half an hour later, exhausted and almost out of KI, I headed towards my ship. It was easier walking on the moon, especially when I had left the pull of the moon and headed towards the surface, where my ship was parked. I had to step over multiple craters left by my ship as landing in the same spot was just not possible. Being in space had taken days getting used to too, with my fear of it somewhat being rid of as I had gone above it all and trained my hardest.

"Well, I better head back down, power-up and have a check on the scouter. Those lackeys of Frieza would arrive at any time, I have to be ready. There's also my Oozeru transformation to train with too as I hadn't given myself a test with it for a while now. I can do that, plus using and creating more techniques on Remnant. Less chance of blowing up my training 'gym'. heh." I sat down and begun issuing commands onto the control panel, the pods door shut and sealed, before powering up and heading on back down towards the surface. I'd done this many times before, using the controls of my ship had become easier and quicker. It didn't take long before I had reached the Grimm-filled continent as the pod smacked down and left another creator. I stepped out, taking with me my scouter and scroll before glancing back at my pod.

"Right, better send you back up where you can't be stolen… or destroyed" I reached back into the pod and removed the remote, carefully taking it in hand as I was still getting used to the planet of Remnant's more easy and relaxing gravity-pull on my person. I then hit the right button, the pod begun to power-up, closing the door and sealing it before blasting off towards the moon, on the more stable side that is.

"Now, Beacon, I need to… yep, definitely need to take a shower and… get this armor washed." I would relax for now then I would check my new power-level later. I would also require a shave… this beard I had started growing was almost connected to my hair. With that said, I powered up enough for my journey back towards Beacon, jumped up and blasted off through the sky.

It was an easy affair, nothing in my way, although I was tired by now, I had enough KI to fly around for almost effortlessly before I'd collapse. I had seen the signs of the city of Vale, first its buildings from over the horizon, the continent of… ah, damn I got to read a history book or something, anyway the mountainous landscape was viewed next as I gazed over from up in the sky.

"And there's… the school. I haven't been back here in a while" I raced downward and then glided over the lake in front of Beacon. Glancing up towards the cliff face and to the building of Beacon and its many towers, I glided closer to the lake still and took a dip. Submerged, I blasted through the lake as to quickly wash off the sweat and dirt that had accumulated since today. Usually, I'd just swim in the sea whenever I head back to the planet for rest, not today though so I'd thought that using the lake would suffice. Leaving the water, I wiped my brow and changed trajectory, flying along the cliff face and up until I reached the top.

I headed towards the school entrance as it seemed my window was closed. Sighing, I landed upon the marble path and entered the entrance. Walking through the halls, it was early morning and so I walked slowly. Coming up to my room, I unlocked the room and walked in.

"What's this… eh, an letter." I placed it back down and headed off to have a shower, then I would rest. Before entering the bathroom, I decided to plug in my Scroll, with that done and with it laying on the spare bed in my room, I went into the bathroom and showered.

"Ahh… yeah, that's better." I stayed in there for seven to ten minutes and walked out into my room, stretching my arms and drying myself at the same time. My tanned skin and more defined form were much more refined, damn… I could feel the tension in my body, I would rest now. Sitting onto the bed, I remembered about the letter which I took and opened up, removing the hastily scrawled piece of paper, to which I read aloud, well most of it I would skim through.

"Dear Mr, Kron. Down below disclosed is Winter Schnee's new scroll number, she has something urgent she needs to ask you. Please do so as soon as you…- so I'm going to have to, hmm… -Also, please I ask you to come speak with me as I also have something urgent, we need to discuss, another job if you will to which I need someone strong enough to do so, much like yourself. Sincerely, Headmaster Ozpin." the rest of the letter at the bottom was just Winter's number for her scroll. I stood up and check how charge my scroll was, which it was still low.

"Well, no sense ringing her this early. I'll get some shut eye, then ring her." gulping, I remember our last time spent, which 'emboldened' the fierce warrior wrapped up by my towel. Breathing out in a quick way, I began to get dressed and left my previous armor off before wearing, huh right.

"Most of these clothes I have outgrown… except for these tights. Guess I'll be wearing my blue under-suit and these tights-styled pants. I decided to just wear my pants and one of the undergarment's, boxes that would still fit. Leaving off the rest, the blue under-armor, boots and gloves for now before reclining onto the bed and relaxing.

I drifted off and slept.

Coming too, I checked the time from my alarm clock, blinking all the while, having spent most of the day inside my room sleeping, I had awoken to loud arguing and a bang from outside my room, another room maybe or someone within the hall. Irritated, I went to my door and unlocking it, before looking out there. It was 'Jaune and Ruby, along with Pyrrha, Nora, Ren and Blake. But down further on I caught the glimpse of another familiar blonde, Yang.

"Hey, cut it out yeah, I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled out slightly, shaking my fist to the culprit who was in fact Jaune, who was in the process of standing up-right.

"Uh, right. Sorry man, uh who were you again" Jaune had glanced around towards one of the others for confirmation onto who I was but, yeah, I was preoccupied from glancing towards Blake, who's flushed cheeks were… if I was a dense idiot, I would say she has a fever of some kind, but she was obviously blushing... admiring my denser muscles eh? I, uh... glanced around towards a few others and saw Pyrrha nearby Jaune and they looked like they finished some training of their own. Yang had come into view better and started gawking. She whistled.

"Huh, wow. Yum eye candy Kron, but uh, you might want to cover up, my sis is-"

"Yang! Shut up. Hey Kron, you haven't been seen in months, you're in big trouble. Yang come on, come with me, we've got to finish that written test. Bye Kron!" Ruby interrupted her sister and before I could question why I was in 'trouble' and who with, she disappeared and left her signature rose petals to sprinkle onto the floor. 

I sighed before waving at the retreating girl and uh…Jaune with Pyrrha had entered their team room, I caught Weiss coming around the corner when she stopped and stared before she marched up towards me, she glanced my way and kept her eyes from roaming… much. Before I could duck back into my room, she had followed me inside and slammed the door before locking it. What's this-

She slapped me, well it looked to have hurt from the way she held her hand and shook off the pain but then she calmed down.

"What's that for, -" her stern gaze hadn't given up an inch as she retorted almost immediately.

"For not answering my calls idiot. You realize I've been, not to mention Blake… have been worried and even Winter have been trying to reach you! The headmaster had asked me about your whereabouts too. I searched up where you could be but there was no job offers for you! Two whole months and you've been gallivanting off who knows where! I want an answer and now!" I was uh, really aroused right now, who knew anger could come as a turn on and I tried to hold back but instead decided to do something stupid, my hormones, I should just kick her out of my room or something but this girl…

"Fine." this stubborn girl, and really, I owned her no answers, not really…I grabbed her and, I was fucking acting out of the ordinary and more like a horny high schooler which I mentally I was not but this body, these hormones…, she brought something out of me, as I brought her close and pulled her towards me. 

What are you- mph-" I savagely attacked her lips with my own and held her arms with my own, pulling her closer as I sat upon my bed. She continued to kiss back and with daring, I tried to part her lips more with my tongue. Her resistance had slackened as she gave in to my dominance. I stopped and stared at her, her eyes closed begun to open and she glared at me.

"What was that-" I interrupted her.

"-we've being side-stepping this… attraction ever since we met and come to know each other. Why, am I wrong or do you like girls." I asked, she went from glaring to staring in whichever way. 

"I like… boys, are we… do you like me, like that?" she glanced around everywhere but my eyes, embarrassed... how cute...

"What? the kiss wasn't enough, or do you want to do something more-" her hands started to wave frantically before she could word her sentence.

"No! well… not now, in any-case, I want to know what you have been doing, if you can give me an answer…" she mumbled something.

"What was that-" I smirked, as her face heated up.

"Nothing! Now give it to me straight, where have you been?" she was right in front of me again, trying to put a strict-no-nonsense pose as she gripped her hips and glared into my eyes. I pulled her close, to which she had about to scream… or squeal.

"Right, right… hold on, where heading to mount Glenn-" cut off again, Weiss yelled out indignantly.

"Mount Glenn! why are we-" but 'I' cut her off this time, it reminded me of an 'old' married couple, uh which was kind of surreal, at least to me.

"Trust me, Weiss. It's better to explain… uh, where we can talk in peace and alone" she coyly bent into me, looking back and smiling, as to tease me. Plus, it was a precaution encase there were bugs within this room, couldn't have anyone else know what I was about to tell her.

"Alone huh, fine then. And then we can discuss this… us… thing, not to mention my sister has been calling me as she has a job for you-"

"Your sister can wait, this is more important, but first…" I pulled her into me and kissed her again, I like doing it and the noises she made and the way her hands touched my skin… well, it made me feel like a romantic sap. She pulled away and smiled, a genuine one this time and then she stood back.

"Now, you can get dressed, then you can take me anywhere you want." she said sarcastically, with an eyeroll. I stood up and begun to redress in my Saiyan armor. Her expression was one of happiness as she waited for me to dress myself, then that look went as if she had begun to think of something which had soured her mood.

"You know… Blake kissed you too, I remember it was after those fools had tried to mug us. What do… do you think about that, Blake and her kiss?" she was fishing for something now and it was obvious what, I like Blake and even lusted after her whenever I caught myself watching her, but I like Weiss, hell at this point I've fallen for her, she was so.... goddamned... beautiful... and I was not a harem protagonist.

"Blake huh… you do realize that I chose to kiss you right… I choose you, if she even feels like you do in the first place, I'm not sure but I'm not about to jump between you and make moves on her as well, definitely not behind your back nor nothing." She nodded slowly, in deep of thought as she begun pacing while I continued to dress.

"She felt guilt about that, knowing that I like you too-" she explained and before she could continue, I caught on to the word 'too' to which I loudly exclaimed.

"-What do you mean too-" She glared briefly and the first word she spoke was almost growled out, to get me to shut up and I immediately complied, surprising myself.

"Silence… It was one thing she told me while you were gone who-knows where, she felt guilty somehow about it and told me two weeks ago during our outing in the Forever fall for school, she hoped you didn't run away from her and that's the reason I nor her hadn't seen you since… well…" she glared towards me, before elbowing me softly. I wrapped her into my arms and beckoned her to hold on.

"No, it wasn't her kissing me, that day in Vale… I can't tell you exactly, but I can show you, so are you ready to go. We won't be long." I asked, she nodded. I walked up to her, looking down on her as I got into her personal space, she had begun to stammer and the blush on her face evident as I continued to zero-in on her. Wrapping my arms around her gently, careful of my power, I spoke.

"Hold on now, but please, trust me on this." She nodded and smiled, I glanced down and feeling bold, had kissed her on the lips again which she happily accepted. I walked towards the window and opened it, before supporting Weiss's head and flew upward, into the sky and-

"Shit, uh, hang on I better grab my scroll and uh… my remote." I awkwardly hovered back into the room, landed and let go of Weiss while stabilizing her and went to grab my remote and scroll. Weiss glanced at me and spoke up, eyes questioning me.

"So, why do you need… a remote?" she glanced towards my television which came with the room, and I sighed. Someone pinch me, but Weiss is definitely 'wife material' and I'm the lucky sap who she'd gone after. Damn, I was still in shock about it. She must have had practiced kissing or something, in the mirror… because she almost made me forgo my normal behavior and almost act like the beast that I am. Hopefully I'd get a chance uh, after I explain some things. I also attached my scouter to my face and turned it off, I'd be needing it later on.

"Not that kind of remote Weiss." I beckoned her over, which she 'hmphed' and approached, before pecking me onto the lips again, surprising me at how bold she could be.