Your Not Alone.

We travelled towards the sight of Vales failed expansion, with no hiccups. No Grimm, nor any interruptions. My Ki had surrounded Weiss and I but she made no mention as to what it was, the purple 'aura' which was my Ki and I believe she assumed it was my aura as in, like her and her people. The day was almost the afternoon, and the sky was cloudless and free of distractions besides the moon and another planet further out into space. Coming onto the city of bare skeletons of buildings and broken dreams, smashed apart from the Grimm and incompetent government ruling, we had touched down onto the ground in the middle of the 'city'. 

Releasing Weiss, I stepped back and pulled out my remote, watching her as she peered around before gazing at me, she smirked coyly before speaking up.

"So, what's the plan Kron, taking me way out here. And I hope you noticed but I'm unarmed and uh, at your mercy… not to mention the Grimm." she peered and at the mention of the Grimm had gone from flirtatious to concerned as she looked around the middle of the cracked street before looking back my way.

"Watch this then, I'll explain when it's time." I had pressed the button I order to call down my attack ball and waited, making sure it would land somewhere close by. I waited for another minute before Weiss had walked towards me, first lightly as if she was unsure… but she begun to boldly approach me after a second or three, lightly pushed me, before moving into my personal space, hands roaming my form before her hands reached my armored chest. She looked up and went for another kiss which I gladly returned, a gentler one, this kiss was. 

"As much as I'd like to continue uh… kissing you Weiss, I need to be prepared just in case-" I managed to say, through her continued assault onto my lips with her own, my head peering down to do so while my eyes glanced now and then towards the sky.

"Just in case what?" she mumbled, having stopped briefly before jumping towards me when the 'impact' of my attack ball landed, piercing the asphalt road.

"What the hell is that Kron, it's-" I hushed her with a finger before pulling her towards the ship. It would be cramped a little, but we'd manage.

"Here come on, trust me please. Don't get all riled up, I 'own' this ship-"

"-Ship?" she looked questioningly at me before I tugged her along gently which she hesitated before freely followed along.

"Yeah, now come on, before you attract the Grimm with your worried emotions, if that's how it works." I sat in first, and looked towards Weiss who was gazing at the interior before she glanced towards me. I nodded and slapped my left knee, she peered down and smiled before she sat down inside. The two of us were good, there was enough room and so I sealed the compartment and the ship begun to seal the door. I pressed one of the buttons for lift-off before inputting a custom route around the planet, the sun and then to stop near to Remnant.

"So, where did you get this kind of ship, I hadn't seen one like-" just as she had finished the last word, the ship had powered up and blasted off, which surprised the girl by the way she clung on to me… it was her scream that gave it away, but I had held onto her and made sure she didn't move.

"Hold on Weiss, I'm about to show you where I've been for fifty-nine days." As the ship continued soaring through the sky, passed what the limits of the people of Remnant's attempts in the past to reach space, Weiss was flabbergasted and she expressed that, vocally.

"Kron, we're… how, no ship has reached out into space before, did you design and build-"

"Nah, I didn't build this ship and I'm flattered you'd think I 'designed' this. I arrived in on one like it, six, going on seven months ago. My original ship was destroyed… uh, by myself on accident. I then buried the rubble and left. Weiss, I'm… not of this world." I held her, but Weiss didn't react. I continued.

"I'm from another planet and not a faunas like my 'tail' would suggest. My species are called Saiyan's and all Saiyan's all have tails like mine, strength similar to me, hunger for battle and gluttony for war, conquest and uh food…" she turned towards me, eyes widened in surprise and hit me when I said the last word.

"An alien huh… I hope this isn't the part where you take me back to your 'mothership' and abduct me. No, you're going to tell me everything to me now Kron. Now, go on. I'm not going anywhere." she turned towards the glass door and peered out as the ship left the planet's atmosphere and hurdled towards the sun, which she had tried to get a better look to her home planet.

"Alight, so, I had arrived after leaving my own planet called 'Vegeta'. The planet's named after the monarchy, the royal line has always been named Vegeta as far I know…, I can't remember why I left, it's been a busy half year on your planet, uh… So, I had left in the beginning because Saiyan's like me are sent to other planets to purge-'

"-Purge!" she had looked aghast, almost shrieking and I grimaced at my words. But I continued on before she started sucking up all the oxygen or something worse, like opening the pod.

"I however had left of my own accord, you see… my planet had been enslaved by a powerful organization, a space empire called the 'Cold Empire' or as it is more known more commonly as the 'Frieza Force'. The leader of the empire whose name is also 'Frieza' had took over our planet and that was how my race came to be conquered..., in his name but our people were always bloodthirsty people though so don't misjudge that we were coerced to do so, my people thrived on the carnage we wrought." I paused briefly before continuing. I was half right as the Saiyan's had conquered the Tuffle's planet after their original planet had blown up.

"I left all that behind and ended up on your planet. I had to blend in as I had to eat and find a new purpose as my ship had been destroyed. And in short order, I met Blake, made enemies of the White Fang and then met and rescued you." I glanced out towards the sun we currently were revolving around. She stopped glancing out the window and leaned back into me.

"So, how'd you get another ship then, you said your old one was destroyed." She was calmer and being bold I had turned her face around a bit and kissed her gently, which she returned surprisingly. I spoke softly then as we stopped and stared at each other.

"Remember when I was injured, two and a half months ago. When I had to be brought to Beacon by Winter, yeah… it wasn't Grimm but one of my old uh 'co-worker's' who had done me in, I managed to defeat him, but he gloated about his boss, who was coming towards the planet." 

"What, so, there's more Saiyan's-

"No, these aren't Saiyan's. There are multiple races within the organization that being the 'Frieza Force' or the 'Planet Trade Organization' is it is also known as. Its probably confusing-"

"-It is, but I think I have the gist of it" she replied quickly.

"Just call them the 'Frieza Force' then, it's much easier." I glanced towards her and had started to run my fingers through her hair. She smiled. After five minutes of silence, she frowned when she asked another question.

"So, these other aliens are coming here then, it still doesn't explain where you've been the past two months." She turned around and stared out into the blackness of space. Sighing, I continued my tale.

"I was out here, I have created a ability to siphon air and therefore breath out in space, or anywhere there's no breathable air. I have been training off world for these other aliens inevitable arrival. I have to face them, before they wipe out your people." I said, waiting for half a minute to see if she would ask me anymore questions.

"And, how come you haven't told no one else about these aliens who are coming, the people of Remnant have-"

"-Have to stay out of it. It's not arrogance but fact's but there's none on this planet who can help against this invasion force coming here… I'm still not sure when they will arrive. The matter at hand is that these aliens could as easily blow up your world with one attack or… they'll invade. But I have a plan." my sensing ability was getting so pin point that I could sense the four different cities of Remnant. Hopefully, I would have an advantage before they arrive, then blow their ship from out of space as my ability to breath anywhere and everywhere would come in handy…

"Right and am I going to hear it. I… I want to get out of this ship, can you take me back down." She glanced towards me; I saw just a tinge of fear. 

"Sure, let me…" inputting new commands into the control panel, I changed the ship's orders and went to land. "It's going to be a bumpy landing, so hold on." She had leaned back into me almost straight away, before the familiar, at least for me, re-entry to the planet had heated up the outside of the ship. The ship impacted the ground and smashed through the old asphalt road intersection we'd smashed into.

The pod powered down, and the door unsuppressed itself, opening which Weiss had taken the opportunity to hop on out. She headed for the top of the hole my attack ball had embedded itself in when she slid back down, looking worried.

"There's Grimm up there, you'd better handle it Kron, yes" she came back down, and I nodded, climbing out of my pod and rising into the sky, floating towards the top of the crater. The was only Beowolves and one alpha version, curiously glancing towards me before they decided to attack. Raising one hand, I blasted them with a quickened charged sphere of KI, which exploded where it hit, within their position. Weiss had climbed out and glanced around and sighed in relief.

"Next time we go out, let me bring my weapon, yes. Right, so, what's next." she sat down, and I went near to her and sat next to her. I removed the remote from my person and inputted the codes to send the ship back onto the moon, where I park it usually. Weiss had flinched when the ship suddenly powered up and then blast upwards into the sky, she watched the trail it left before leaning on me.

"Right now, I guess I'll ask you something or rather, two things. Do you want to uh… make it official? you know… us…" I glanced at her, somewhat shyly as this was new territory for me, asking out a girl as I have only done it twice before in my past life. Weiss had smiled and leaned even further onto my shoulder before replying.

"I thought I had made that clear, uh… when I had seen you in your room. I'd staked my claim to you already, your mine. Usually, people would either treat me at arm's length or were after something, like my family name, to name an example. But you, you treat me normally, sometimes you can be rough though, but that's something I've grown to like about you, heh… your almost as arrogant as I was when we had first met" she smiled and glanced towards the horizon before elbowing me and laughing lightly.

"Well, you've made me a happy man-" she interrupted again.

"-You better be, so what was the other thing. You mean-"

"Keep what I have told you a secret, my origin's, the imminent alien attack. Once I deal with them, they're going to have a lot of technology your company could take and re-engineer. I could imagine, The Schnee name would add another branch to your company, SSC!" I said, loudly proclaiming the last sentence which got a chuckle out of the girl.

"If you're sure, although… I think the council would try and seize such technology then leave it to a dust company to dismantle and research. " She trailed off, wrapping her arms against her knees and looking glum.

"They could try, remember that they'd probably learn the truth by then and I will find myself either wanted for being an alien or wanted for the destruction I'm sure I'm going to cause fighting Frieza's soldiers. I'll still need to train, so I'm still going to be busy. Actually, there might be something I can show you, one last secret about my species, uh… if you'd like to watch." I was thinking about my Oozeru transformation, heh… I'm going to get an kick out of this…

"Well, go on then, another big secret won't hurt" she said haughtily, she going to be surprised. I wrapped a arm around her awkwardly and hugged the girl, she smelt really nice as I had inhaled her scent. 

"Right, then well stay here. I'm going to have to get as far away from you as possible so you can see." I had absorbed enough Blutz-waves during our trek among the stars on the return flight in the pod and I had enough control to change at will now, even when it wasn't late. But before I do though i decided to check my power-level now before I transform. Leaving Weiss near to the crater where we landed.

"Time to check my scouter… don't blow on me baby…" I had clicked the device on and waited for it to come online to scan myself.

"And… hey that's good, fucking righteous." The scouter didn't blow up and my Power-level was now 42,264, I'd round it to 42,000 to make it easier to figure out the times ten bonus when I transform.

"So… 42,000 times ten… just add a zero… and it should be 420,000." well, I better show Weiss what's she's getting into, I was stoked that my power had raised from 9100 from my last check to 42,000, my training method was good, not going to lie. I jumped one intersection down and begun to power up, my full power. I shouted, at the top of my lungs.

"Harrrrrrggghhrrrruuhhhaaaaaa!!!" the landscape begun to flicker and then shake with me as my power raised to its maximum, the air around me begun to blow and the sky darkened, surges of my Ki had flickered randomly over my form. The lightning had surprised me somewhat, but I continued on, feeling my power swell up from within. Where I stood, I could feel the asphalt split and then the ground beneath that had cracked, stones, rocks and various debris had raised from the ground and floated or flew outward from my position. I felt the precipice of my power surge and with contentment, I calmed down, however the weather had continued to be a mix of electrical storms and rapid wind, but the shaking earth had calmed with me.

I felt unstoppable.

"I think I outdone myself, still though… it's going to be me versus who knows how many combatants and there's also their leader… I can't be cocky." I thought, scratching my over-sized mane.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

She squinted, keeping the debris and wind from hitting her eyes, the sky had gone from the afternoon sunlight to a storm in an instant… when Kron had begun to ah… she'd have to ask him what the hell that stance was called. But right now, he was fumbling with that unknown tech that he wore over his eye.

"So, he can control the weather? Is that what he wanted to show me? Honestly that man-child, why do I have to be over here for..." she held her right arm and prepared to march over towards his position when he begun to uh, shake? Shiver in anticipation? He's an alien, no, a Saiyan right so this must be their way of gathering their strength or something, or he was mocking her? She glimpsed, watching him shaking, his fist's raised in front of him and heard him roar.

"What in the world!" she watched from the distance she stood as his body had begun to morph and change, his hair had gotten much more prominent and even begun to grow over his body. His body, that delicious looking body had begun to outright expand to-

"What is this!" she accidentally fell over in shock, watching as Kron's height had rapidly grown to heights she thought was as tall as the Leviathan Grimm.

"No! it's… he's getting even bigger!" her mouth agape, she watched transfixed as Kron's armor had expanded with him in awe. He stopped growing and was as large as the height of Mantle to Atlas in the sky. Then he spoke, a guttural growl and monstrous sound came from Kron's newly expanded snout.

"This is called the Oozeru transformation. Only Saiyan's can achieve this transformation and only at first would they need to transform under the night sky and absorbing the moon's light radiating down onto said Saiyan. We get much stronger with this transformation and even at our size, the speed Oozeru can utilize is immense for an over-sized beast. This form is mostly used by the weakest Saiyan's or the infant's when They transform for the first time-" Kron, under the immense weight had started to fall through the ground. Weiss had watched in shock and just a little amount of humor as Kron had started to fall through the ruined city as he flailed about.

"Oh! Right, wasn't this place built upon a cave network or something?" she questioned herself as she walked a little closer to where he had fallen into, where only his head was still half out of the newly formed hole.

"Right… so, I forgot about the cave system-

"That's what I said… uh, so… Are you going to change back now?" Weiss questioned, looking into his red eyes in wonder, getting a better look at his bestial face. Before she could look further. The ground below her had collapsed but Kron had caught her with his gloved hand.

"Sorry about that-" his voice was loud and feral-like.

"-No, it's fine" she had gritted out, landing onto his large open palm with a yelp. Weiss had climbed to her feet upon Kron's enlarged hand and looked down into the cavern below, he brought her closer to his chest before he said out loud to her.

"Grab my fur and hold on Weiss." he begun using his strength and begun digging himself out of the pit, she could hear the howls of the Grimm below and glancing down, they were no match for Kron's enlarged form, his feet merely stepped upon them, and they were instantly killed. There were rockfalls and more parts of the ruined city collapsed into the Kron-sized hole in the ground and as he climbed out, one of these rockfalls had giving way to a horrifying discovery. The sound it had screamed out had sent shiver up Weiss's spine and in fright as she glimpsed the beast.

"That's, uh a dragon Grimm? No, something worse. Kron! That Grimm is coming this way!" Weiss held onto Kron with fistfuls of his fur as Kron glanced around in his bulky form and onto the Wyvern Grimm which had been freed from its rocky prison or slumber.

She didn't have her weapon, but her glyph's… maybe she could make do and augment Kron's arm's or directly attack the Wyvern Grimm. Before she could decide which way she wanted to assist in the fight, Kron had grabbed her, swept her inside his right hand and roared, jumping up and kicking the beast into the side of the hole, debris and boulders rolling on both Kron and the Wyvern, it was…down? 

The Grimm screeched loudly from where it landed and then snapped it's jaws towards her and Kron before it launched an projectile lodged from its throat, a greenish-yellow acid attack which hit Kron's armor, but he replied by blasting it in the face by and energy beam from his mouth, the beam hit only little of its tail as the Wyvern had already begun flying, heading north west… Weiss warned Kron by yelling.

"Kron! it's heading towards the-" she stopped as she watched the beast move, its blackened body dripped some kind of tar substance constantly as it moved and… hordes of different types of Grimm begun to rise from the tar droplets hitting the ground.

Kron, as a giant ape had punched the goliath-sized Wyvern Grimm into another cliff-face and went to stomp onto the beast, but it raised its head in defiance and spat at him, another blob of acid breath that she had to make sure she wasn't hit so she hid into Kron's hand. Kron raised his hand which had her inside and out of the incoming projectiles path before he jumped upwards out of the crater. The Grimm spawned much of its kind just by merely existing and as such there was already a small horde of newly created Grimm created at the Wyvern's feet. They attacked Kron at the feet, but his boots were made of sterner stuff, and he was quite agile for an over-sized monkey.

"Come on, stop showing off and end that beast already. Do it quickly-" Kron moved back and opened his jaw, unleashing an intense blast of purple light which struck into the Grimm, the mountainside and kept on travelling through the earth, even damaging more of the ruined city. Weiss quickly covered her eyes from the debris and wind that blew every which way from the impact of the blast. She tried opening her eyes by has still been blinded by the wind and the simmering light which begun to fade.

"OK, change back now and let me down! Honestly Kron you're going to crush me soon, manhandling me like this." and with even the small horde of newly formed Grimm either being wiped out or retreating, the area began to become somewhat safe, at least far out of the city in Kron's presence.

"Right then, hold on." his animalistic voice hit her ears more loudly then intended on his end and he lowered his fist with her inside to the ground, onto a flat and more secure part of the old, cracked street. Weiss stared up into his red eyes, watching transfixed as he begun to shorten in size, he was breathing heavily and the fangs inside his jaw receded up into his gums. He shrunk marginally quickly before he was back to his normal size, his armor also stretched back down and fit him snugly.

"OK, that was… something… will have to report it to the headmaster of course." she spoke, watching Kron come closer, rolling his neck and stretching both his arms around the back of his body a few times.

"Ah, you mean that, Dragon or-"

"-Wyvern, yes. They are recorded in the book 'The Bestiary of Known Grimm' but they are, or I suppose 'were' a very rare sight, nothing known about them beside their ability to fly. I think I might be able to get some good grades writing about such a beast." Weiss somewhat squealed, excited about making such a discovery and having the ability to report such a Grimm, and its abilities too.

"Right, well… I'll take you back, I've got to eat then… I'll need to keep an eye to the sky, those bastards will be here soon." Weiss nodded and walked up to him, he glanced at her and smiled somewhat smugly before enveloped her in a hug. The then flew off towards Vale, towards Beacon.