The New Grimm Sighting


The earthquakes were brutal, almost happening right after the next one, after another. Glynda had gone and checked with the CCT to find the cause as this wasn't natural… and then there was the brief flash of light coming from where Mount Glenn is which lit up the sky briefly too. Her finding's from asking questions in the tower, the earthquake monitors had found that the quakes originated from the northeast.

"So… somethings happening at mount Glenn then. I'll have to send Doctor Oobleck to scout it out, hmm… which team is shadowing him though… Team RWBY is, yes, this will be their first mission as hunters." he murmured to himself, sitting down on his chair. The first year's missions are to be announced this week, but this mission needs to be assigned as soon as possible, for there might be something stirring within the ruined city of Mount Glenn.

Before he could go about organizing such the mission parameters, Glynda came in and with… Weiss. 

Ozpin, perhaps you'd better hear about this." she looked stern, glancing at Weiss more then giving him her full attention.

"I… well, Kron and I went for a flight, you know, and we went for Mount Glenn so… headmaster there was a Wyvern Grimm! -"

"-a Wyvern Grimm! we need to organize the huntsmen in order to repel-" Glynda was cut off by Weiss, who spoke rather quickly to calm the situation down, as much as she could.

"-Kron dealt with it, he overpowered it and then destroyed it. I watched the fight, if you want to speak with about it, he was in the cafeteria last, I seen him." she turned and made to walk back towards the elevator and leave, when he got up and followed her. Weiss heard him, Glynda had come too as they all rode the elevator down together.

"Now this, I've got to ask but, were those earthquakes caused by this fight too." He glanced at the girl who looked to be unsure of something, before she nodded in agreement.

"Yes… uh, headmaster. It was a giant sized beast, but Kron made short work of it…" she looked to be hiding something to herself but no matter, he would go to the source and hopefully get answers as to how Kron had dealt with such a Grimm… was it because of his semblance?

Weiss had walked off towards her team's room, leaving Glynda and he alone to ride the elevator down to the right floor.

"It seems an ancient Grimm was somehow defeated by our young friend, first he helps Amber and now deals with a Grimm easily classed as a city killer at least, I believe it to be so. Glynda, I want Bartholomew Oobleck up there to survey the sight. Would you organize that and have team RWBY accompany him, as their mission?" she nodded grudgingly before adding her two cents.

"If you're sure, but Mount Glenn is a dangerous place for a first year team. Maybe team CFVY or another team would be more prudent-" he cut her off, she needs to see the necessity of his.

"They are a good team, and yes, they are young, but if I can play my cards right, I can have Kron escort them too and myself to show me where this had happened. If he really dealt with such a creature… imagine what he could do against the other, more well-known ancient Grimm out there in the world. Just think… we'd have a way to combat such monstrosities…" the elevator had dinged, and they were on the first floor, where the cafeteria was. They headed there together. Another five minutes of walking and he and Glynda reached the cafeteria, almost immediately spotting Kron, surrounded by a stack of empty dishes and still consuming more food.

"Disgusting…" Glynda had murmured out loud, to which he heard and smiled but didn't reply until he stepped a little closer.

"It explains away his abilities doesn't it, with such power… needs a certain amount of… fuel to keep up, don't you think" he retorted glancing at her briefly before stepping closer to where Kron sat and consumed his meal. Sipping from his cup, they stopped in from of him, facing him directly to which Ozpin begun to speak to the young man.

"I've heard an interesting story from miss Schnee, she explained that you had battled a Wyvern Grimm, at mount Glenn. I am interested in seeing the sight of the battle, today when you've eaten. But first, could you explain what the creature looked like, so that I may ascertain that what it was I actually correct." Kron stopped eating, then glanced his way.

"It looked like a dragon, you know, with wings of red. Like a Grimm with their bone armor and spat acid. Black, heaps of spike's protruding from it, its body dripped with a black liquid which spawned Grimm. But not to worry though, I turned it into a black paste. "He regarded his meal and continued eating. Ozpin nodded and that indeed sounded like a Wyvern Grimm. Glynda spoke next to him.

"This Grimm, did it summon more Grimm or-"

"No, it spawned them, as in… made them on the spot, at least this is as good as reference to what I had seen. It created a small horde before I put it down, then I wiped out the rest of them so the Mount Glenn ruins will look like a battlefield." he said, then to Glynda's disgust, ate more food.

"I understand, it would be a waste going to check the battlefield as the Grimm most likely had rotted away, could you go there with one of the teams. Team 'Rwby' have a mission there and in case another of these 'Wyvern Grimm are there, you could deal with it in the same manner to which you've dealt with this one. I also need to tell you that Winter Schnee has been wanting to make contact with you, so you'd best make contact with her before leaving. Good day, Kron." he and Glynda left, Glynda had gone to her own classroom while he headed back to his office.




I took my scroll out and turned it on, the messages saved inside number almost in the hundreds from Weiss, Blake and some from Winter as well. I ignored them and instead rung Winter, waiting for her to answer.

"Hello, you're speaking with Winter Schnee, my personal line." she answered, Winter sounded a little irritated.

"Winter, what do you want?" I asked, wanting to hurry this along.

"Kron, so you've come out of that hole you've been hiding in, well then. First, have you been to see-"

"Yeah, Weiss and I are… together now…" I cringed at how I had worded it, but it needed to be said.

"Thats, good. She speaks about you a lot, and even more since you dropped off the map. I have a job for you if you want it, seeing as your currently unemployed." she spoke softly.

"What kind of job, if you'll be needing a security-guard, I'll laugh as you definitely do not need one-" she interrupted me, genuine laughter fluttered through the scroll and into my ears.

"I'm flattered that you'd think I can take care of myself but no. I need someone of your skills, to go on search and destroy missions, I'm hunting for new sites for mines and have found a few close by, but they will be costly, both in resources and lives. But as I have heard more about you, both from my sister and from what I have gathered, your strength should be enough to clear such places. I'll pay generously and seeing as you can fly to these areas, you can base yourselves wherever, well… except for my sister's room, no need to get her-" I could hear the amusement laced withing her voice and I interrupted her before she could get going and try to embarrass me.

"Yes. Fine, send me the coordinates and I'll get around to it sometime, I'll ring you to send in your personal when I have finished the first target, I still have something to do though so it will be months away. And stop trying to embarrass me. The pay better be worth it…" I said, waiting for her to stop chuckling on the other end.

"Fine than just don't keep a girl waiting, I've got to open these new mines so I can increase-"

"-You're cutting out." I made static-like noises and listened as she begun to retort.

"You-." I hung up. Standing up, I headed up to my room, I'll re-charge my Ki for a bit and then I might train some more, well, after escorting team RWBY on their mission.

Heading to my room, I almost bumped into someone, unknown to me and let them pass as these damned corners were such hazards. I continued to walk through the halls and unconscionably continued to sense for Weiss. She was this way, in her room and as it was near my room, across, I could talk with her.

"Hey, Kron." it was Blake, she looked calm as she glanced my way before pulling me in the opposite direction, to which I let her do so as she looked to be wanting to speak with me. 

"What's up, and where are we going." I asked her, she didn't respond until we reached the library.

"In here, we can talk here." she said, and continued to drag me, holding my arm and near her… tits as we walked on in. She sat down on a chair which was out of sight from the librarian and had some books which were pushed aside as to glimpse the entrance to the library, she pulled me to sit too, I grabbed the seat near her.

"I guess, I can tell you some things while were alone." I said, she still hadn't said anything. Then, when I was about to say something, she spoke.

"Weiss said you and her are… a thing now, is that true." she asked, no emotion shone on her face but her eyes… She looked towards me and looked… upset?

"Yeah, that's right. Why Blake, I thought you would be happy about it." She briefly glanced around and peaked through the book shelve before returning her attention my way.

"Weiss told me she would try and 'get together' with you. She told me exactly that during your little 'vacation' but I wasn't sure she would have done so and as soon as you'd returned. Tell, me, if I said I wanted you too… what would you say to that?" she glanced around, before assuring she and I were alone before she pushed her way into my personal space and attempted to kiss me, I stopped her before she could do so.

"Blake… I have just gotten together with Weiss, as big an asshole I might be, I'm not one to cheat on someone I care about." I watched her expression, clear as day as it morphed from angry, sad and then… she smirked sultry-like and came closer. My gaze dropped towards her boobs briefly, but I thought through and returned my gaze to her increasingly in-coming face. As she neared, her lips coming ever closer.

"It's a good thing Weiss is alright with this-"

"-what do You-" she kissed me on the lips, and I felt that kind of dread that would run down your spine as I heard Weiss behind me. Blake continued to kiss me softly, while Weiss had suddenly whispered into my ear. Shit… 

"We did talk about this, sharing you I mean. We've talked and argued about this, and it has distracted us from our schoolwork so, instead of breaking the heart of one of us… you should be happy having us both… Although, you better not add anymore girls or- mmm!" I stopped kissing Blake who pouted before grabbing Weiss and engulfing her in a kiss.

"Your certainly lucky, just make sure you don't tell anyone else, we don't want rumor's going around that we're going out with the same boy." Blake added through her panting, licking her lips. I couldn't nod or answer as I was busy assaulting Weiss, both with tongue and my hands as I groped her, listening as she could only squeal through the kiss and not fight me off.

"It's a pity you're wearing your armor, I definitely could have done something else while you sucked… face with Weiss." Blake boldly said, my left eye zoned in on her as she said that the bulge within my blue suit had grown much more and as I gazed at Blake who looked knowingly towards me, biting her lip sexily… who knew she was 'that' bold. Weiss finally had stopped kissing me, to somewhat yell as she knew to keep her voice down some as the librarian was nearby.

"Blake! As much as I want this to continue and go even further… Kron, you're better off telling Blake and even showing her the truth, you've shown me, then if she's in…" she smirked and walked away, a noticeable sway to her hips.

"Well, Kron… lets go, I think team RWBY have a mission sometime today." Blake said as she raised her hand from where it was… over my crotch where it was rubbing 'that'. Chuckling at my dismay, she glanced towards Weiss and smiled slightly.

"Fine, come on then. This way." I led the way out of Beacon, I might as well show her the whole spiel.