Both Arms Covered.

I took Blake out, not by the hand or nothing but we walked together until we left the academy. She kept glancing my way and I knew this because I was doing the same thing. To think, that Weiss was alright with this and with her… we are together now, so having Blake in the mix was… well, would it be right to say I like where this was going, heh?


It was A close one, but she made it to the continent 'Sanus'. Having almost reached the ruin that is 'Mount Glenn', she decided to camp within one of the first buddings outlying the place. That was last night, come morning she had headed into the ruined city and then…

"There was that giant Grimm, then there was that flying Grimm… well it made sense, seeing where 'she' came from and how strong she was…" Vernal had to find the one who had done her leader in, reclaim her sword and have her vengeance. But right now, she was in a predicament. After the Grimm had fought with the other which was weird in that of itself, the one that one had shrunk down to human-size and flew off… without wings… Now when she had reached the city ruins and made her way around the new cave-in hole within said city, she spotted the same figure come back.

"Who the hell is that, and how is he flying?" she said to herself, watching as the being had landed further away from where she currently was. The silhouette had become two people and she realized that one of them had arrived with the other. Then in A split second… the two silhouettes become one again.

"Hello girl, what brings you out to the arse-end of nowhere?" A masculine voice echoed near to her ear which had immediately made the jump into a defensive stance, she gritted her teeth at the interloper. A Faunas was standing close-by, near to where she just was, smirking towards her. 

"Hang on, I'll be back." he spoke and then jumped up before flying… she guessed where he was before. He came back with another in his arms, A girl with black hair, her hands were in her hair holding the bow upon her head and her hair out of her eyes. He landed again and the girl, still clinging to his form, gazed at her.

"Who's this girl?" the unknown girl asked. Vernal was readying herself for an attack from these two when the male raised his hand to the side, A light flickered from where his hand was and then A beam of light had shot out from his hand and homed in on the distant landscape, detonating it in an explosion.

"Now, I'll ask again, what's your name and what's the play." the guy asked, if he could do that then… he might be able to help her.

"Names Vernal, as to my play… I'm tracking down this… bitch who murdered my… family… but first I need to track someone down, the brother of my uh… 'late' leader. Its why I was heading to Vale, now can I go or do you something further." she growled out, still holding the handle of her blade encase.

"Right, and was your leaders named Raven-"

"-You knew her-"

"-No, but I've heard of her, wait for A second, I've got that 'brother's' number..." the guy fumbled into his armor and removed A scroll and was clicking in place, navigating the device. He threw his scroll at her, she nearly dropped it as she was holding the handle of her blade but had managed to catch it and heard it ringing.

"Yo Kron-" she heard the guy's voice which grated on her ears, he sounded drunk.

"-this isn't him, I'm… an associate of your sister, or more like she was my leader-"

"-Ah right, one of the band of-"

"-the 'band as you so mockingly brought up is down to just… me 'she' along with the rest of my people were killed by-"

"-What! Right… w-where are you, we need to talk, face to face." She glanced at the muscle-bound faunas and the girl before answering.

"I'm on my way to Vale, I've reached mount Glenn." She answered. The call had hung up and she handed the scroll over to the faunas.

"Well, if you want, I could take you there. It will be no trouble, come on Blake." the guy, who she now knew to be Kron had said, sweeping the girl next to him in an arm and bringing her close.

"Right." the girl said and Vernal watched the two closely. They bug levitating and then the faunas reached A hand out to her.

"Grab on, I'll get there quickly in no time, hurry up." his tone broke no wasting time, and she approached him awkwardly, still her guard was-

"Hey bastard, easy with the hands-"

"How else are we getting there, now don't puke all over me nor Blake-"

"don't look down, it helps." the girl spoke quietly, her dull tone shown the seriousness of her words. She would add this 'Kron' to the list and have her vengeance!

(Qrow Branwen-POV)

He hung up and seeing as he was almost back from the mission, he just finished days ago, a search and destroy mission against Grimm, well… he needed to head to Beacon and confront this girl and ask everything she knows. Transforming into his 'crow-form' he made the trip back so much swifter. After the hour-long trip in which he wasted no time, he made it to the headmasters office as his own personal window was open, as always and he returned to his original form. Stretching out, he glanced around the room to find that the headmaster wasn't in…

"Right… where's Oz at?" he grumbled to himself and made his way to the elevator when the elevator dinged, indicating that it arrived at the floor he was on. Raven… what have you got yourself into? Ozpin had entered from the elevator and seen him standing there, Ozpin walked a bit faster to his deck.

"Qrow, your back. How was your-"

"Oz, something's happened, I haven't got all the details, but Raven might be dead" he said, Ozpin nodded grimly and the responded.

"It correlates to what general Ironwood had told me, some of his war-droids and munitions were stolen from A couple of armories months ago and then just last week they found A battlefield or… massacre within A village on Anima, way south of Mistral. Your tribe was spotted, along with some debris of Atlas's droids… the bodies of the dead were gone through… Grimm were congregating in there when Atlas specialists had arrived." 

"Jimmy tell you that much huh? And my sister, you've known all this time-"

"Yes…, but there were also signs, battle scars of A maiden having been present. "Ozpin sighed then, before slouching in his chair. He glanced up and into Qrow's eyes.

"Raven, or someone within her now extinct tribe was the spring maiden." he said and Qrow swallowed thickly, having known what that meant.

"So… they lose the Autumn maiden and then gain the spring maiden, Raven had to have been the maiden or, someone within the tribe had to have been it… but now-"

"-now Haven academy isn't safe any longer or as she be put, the 'vault' isn't, it so happens that the students of haven are arriving today so at least they'll be safe. I've told Headmaster Lionheart to be on the lookout for any agents of 'her'." Ozpin finished. Qrow spoke up, wanting to tell him about the survivor.

"One of the tribe-members had survived, I think we should see if she can tell us anymore of what happened with the Atlas robots and the attack, maybe there's something we've missed. Kron is on his way to drop her off, helpful brat his is." Qrow reclined onto the seat and stared past Ozpin, past the visual scenery behind him while he reminisced about his earlier days been at Beacon, Tai, himself… his sister… Summer… stretching out his funk, he sat up when he spotted Kron, with two others holding onto him had arrived back at the school. He looked closely, pointing down.

"He's arrived and he… seems to be leaving again. I'll go meet the girl, bring her up and we can see what we can learn." he spoke quickly, before transforming into his crow-form and flew through his window to meet the girl.


"So, were off again huh, you can't tell me here at least?" Blake asked, still pressed up against me and frowning… or is that pouting, the way she looks now sure is cute.

"It's better showing you, Weiss knows, and I trust her enough to show her so showing you, will tell you that I trust you too." I explained, plus it was more believable and not to be interpret as lying or making something up.

After arriving at A closer location, not all the way to Mount Glenn again but still far enough from the city and Beacon, I landed to which Blake had let go and looked around. Getting out the remote, I coded it to land nearby my location. Blake looked towards me and spoke.

"So, what's the big secret than, we're in the middle of Grimm infested land-" 

"-Look up, there's our ride." She looked up slowly having not spotted no Bullhead or any other VTOL incoming, her head tilted upwards but still couldn't see nothing.

"What-" I moved forward A bit quicker than needed but then the pod came down onto where I was just standing before… I thought I had programmed… fuck it.

"What the hell is-" I pulled her closer and as the pod door opened, I got inside it. Pulling her closer, she put some resistance to my strength but then let me lead her.

"This is my ship-


"-yeah Blake, now get in here and I can explain my story, Weiss done this as well, she trusted me with this." She gulped slightly, checking out the ship in awe before she too had slipped into the ship and seeing as there was no other seat, she already seen where she was meant to 'sit.' And so, I was ready to tell Blake my story, and maybe she too would be alright with it…


"So, is this 'good' cop, 'bad' cop or something, I only want to speak with the brother of Raven, even though she told me you were-"

"-nothing but A traitor, yeah, I've heard that spiel a lot of times darling and I'm alright with the headmaster listening in." alright was pushing it, Ozpin should have said something about the demise of his sister earlier but… he had to have had A reason or three for not diverging the information as soon as he had heard about it, right?

"Fine… but don't interrupt me. And… seeing as the tribe had done less than stellar-"

"-what raiding, kidnapping, murder and such? I know that as I had lived that life before, you can tell us." Qrow said, and she nodded.

"He's right, anything told here will stay confidential, we just need to find out who had done this and maybe their identities so we can find out their 'end' goals" the headmaster, Ozpin spoke up, fingers interlocked as he gazed at her.

"Sure… so, we had just finished raiding A village and the people who lived there were driven out or killed… the Grimm were cleared out from the area and so Raven, our leader had decided we would stay put and resupply from that village and the surrounding villages. We celebrated conservatively as we had to save our supplies, that night, still the boss had drunk a lot still…" she paused and looked at the two men in front of her, watching her and from what she could tell… their eyes… she couldn't tell if they were judging her or what…

"That night… was when the attack had happened, I was still up and nearby the boss encase needed but the front of the encampment was assaulted by robots. At first, I thought Atlas sent A squad from the northern city of Argus, you know as Atlas have A base there. But then, instead of Atlas specialist which you'd expect in such an operation against the tribe, it was just one Faunas and three humans leading the bot-army. She would tell them the whole story and then ask them what they knew, then she would find the cunt who took 'her' sword and 'her' life and end her.

(Cinder Fall-POV)

"Emerald, it looks like were about to arrive at Beacon, remember you three, we're students from Haven and thanks to Lionheart, we will enter, and my plans will be back on schedule." She whispered, Mercury had nodded.

"Right, Ma'am" Emerald spoke, nodding while Neo, the extra… well, he eyes blinked from their disguised green to brown and pink before back to green, weird girl but helpful semblance…

"Also… keep an eye on anyone who has seen our faces… like that professor… Goodwitch. And, seeing as there might be a possibility, keep an eye out for the fall maiden." she whispered, leaning against A wall and glancing down at her robotic arm.