After explaining myself, the same information and taking Blake for a ride through space so as to prove any points I'd told her, we headed back down.
"So, that… was, what can I say… so, we, as in, people here… aren't alone in the galaxy?" Blake whispered, still trying to put her around it.
"Yeah, it's a big wide galaxy…" I answered, Blake had taken the information I shoved metaphorically down her head calmer then Weiss had, even the bit about my race being a part of the 'planet Trade'.
"So, you, came here to… get away from all that planet…-"
"-Trade, yes." I finished for her and answered at the same time.
"Right, and your abilities, they are not like our abilities-"
"-No, they are… different, no semblance, no aura. Hey… trying to unlock my aura, I want to see if I could have one. Go on, for me." she blinked, then nodded.
"-what… right, sure… come here." Blake, looking confused, had walked slowly towards me, I was fiddling with the remote one last time as to send the ship back to its usual parking space, on the moon and waited. Let's see if I can get one this aura… or semblance the people of Remnant boast about. She placed her right hand onto my cheek, then the other on the opposite side. I felt a tingle run through me as Blake chanted and to my surprise, a light had begun to light up the sky shine outward from me but… I was used to KI, and I didn't feel that different.
"Yeah… I felt something, but I'm not really sure if I will benefit from it much." I answered as she stepped away and gazed at me, watching me flex my arms in order to feel something. Maybe I gained some sort of healing factor…
"Blake lets head back. I want to test something." I wanted to get something sharp and cut myself with it, and test if I heal more quickly or if the aura had some sort of shield for me, which I would have to stop feeding Ki to my 'Aura Sphere' ability to know for sure as that also protects me marginally.
"Oh and… my abilities, maybe I will teach you about them and how to use them." I was sure they could learn such abilities as Remnant, their people were a part of the DBZ universe now, there are aliens and plenty of aliens, myself included knew about KI, why not these people?
"Those powers you've been using, are teachable. Well…" but before Blake could continue speaking, I suddenly sensed Ki, no, multiple signatures and I realized quickly that they were coming from above… closing in fast."
"Blake, we've got to go-"
"What is it-" her eyes darted from me to look around the surrounding area.
"My old work buddies are here" I glanced towards her seriously and she nodded, enveloping me in a hug which I used to hold her in place. I then flew off, heading for Beacon and keeping in mind the multiple Ki signature's I could feel, still far off but… getting closer.
(Cinder Fall-POV)
Arriving with the rest of the riff raff from Haven Academy, Cinder smirked as her plan was back on track and that so far, her infiltration was going according to plan, however, her sneering smirk made way to the hatred she felt, for that bastard who had maimed her. Reining in that smoldering anger, she had spotted Ozpin a few times as they had been undercover in the school for at least a weak now, but she hadn't made positive id on the fall maiden yet. Lounging around the cafeteria with her 'team', she ate in silence, no need to discuss anything while in other people's presence.
"So, anyone of these… students do you want me to fight, I see the 'invincible girl' over there, she might- don't look now but… there's that Faunas, the one who crashed our party…." Cinder, facing Mercury who was speaking before, had turned around slowly and Cinder clenched her remaining hand. He indeed had come in, wearing the same armor and with a girl…
"So, he does have a weakness… I see a girl with a bow, add her to the list… I will use this one against him…" she said through clenched teeth, watching with narrowed eyes the one who had set-back everything for her and her 'mistress'.
"Emerald-" Cinder spoke quietly, eyes narrowed on that asshat.
"I'm on it, I'm started using my semblance on him the moment he entered, ma'am, is our cover blown, with him being here?" Emerald asked, concentrating on her ability to render themselves as illusions as to not be seen by him.
"...None, whatsoever." Cinder said, although she herself didn't believe such a statement, the twitching of one of her eyes annoyed her very much.
"Blake, this is where I leave you, keep your head down." we were walking into Beacons cafeteria and over to team JNPR. It was lunchtime, and you could see multiple academy uniforms, most likely for the Vytal festival.
"Right, what do you want me to do-" I cut her off, talking into her ear while she used her fingers to sweep back some of her hair.
"Be careful, tell Weiss what I'm doing… and don't be a hero…" I went to leave but she grabbed my arm, turning, I grabbed her right shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze before smiling grimly, walking quickly away. I headed outside then blasted upwards and headed towards the stratosphere, that would be where I 'meet' the enemy as well as charge to my full power. Will be heading into the stratosphere above the dragon continent so nothing 'important', more like no people would be under me.
The dark clouds, the storm that was already brewing and the spits of rain that had begun to drop down to the planet below, I was high enough up. Folding my arms for a second while sensing that they were almost here, I flexed out my arms.
"Let's give their scouters something to track…" unfolding my arms, I begun to yell at the top of my lungs. My Ki begun to surge throughout me, and by gosh, the environment had begun to be affected.
(Weiss Schnee-POV)
Weiss, Yang and Ruby entered the cafeteria together, seeing Blake over with Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora and Ren, her teammates went towards them. Yang spoke up, a wry smile on her face.
"So, what do you think Blake and Kron were doing eh? -" wagging her eyebrows up and down, Weiss rolled her eyes. The storm looked to be getting worse, Blake had seen her then, as she and the sisters sat down at the table. Looking towards the Faunus in disguise, said girl begun to speak up, looking way more serious than usual.
"Kron said that his old co-workers have arrived, he said-" Blake stopped mid-sentence when another voice spoke over her.
"-Co-worker's, isn't he private a security-guard, as in, he works for himself, doesn't he?" Pyrrha, who was listening in, had interrupted. Blake glanced at her for a few seconds before continuing on where she left off.
"-he said to be careful and don't be a hero." Weiss nodded, looking around the mess hall and towards her teammates and team JNPR. Pyrrha glanced at Weiss and to Blake before continuing to eat.
"I'll tell you what though, that storm is something fierce, the lightning-" at that moment, a bright, purple electric surge was seen far off to the north-west. It looked like lightning, but instead of normal lightning where it would strike briefly and in different spots, these streams were a constant surge of energy and light. Weiss and Blake had stood up to get near to the windows, where a lot of other students were doing as well, the wind had picked up, but instead of blowing towards them, it was heading for the storm. Weiss knew, this was Kron… was he already fighting those other aliens or was he transforming into that 'giant Ape' form of his, she couldn't tell.
"He's like… a god, don't you think." Blake said, both of them continued to watch the lightning, their faces never leaving it.
"Yeah… let's hope we didn't make a mistake-" Blake cut her off sharply, surprised she had said it.
"-mistake?" Blake said, giving her a weird look.
"A mistake at not telling anyone about this…" Weiss was worried about Kron, but also about the consequences at not telling the headmaster that there were people after Kron, they could help him. They needed to help him…
(James Ironwood-POV)
"How goes for the preparations, we need to find out who took our equipment and used them to assault that village." Atlas military was on high alert, he was on edge and almost ordered that Atlas and Mantle go into martial law but the behest of Ozpin, he has proceeded as planned and was in the process of organizing the logistics of moving the mass amount of Atlesian Knight's and Paladins for the Vytal festival.
"They are going well sir, the last touches before loading up the troops are just days away before final briefing and then loading the non-personnel onto their transports. We've also found out some clues as to the village itself, the specialists were able to determine that the village had been ransacked days before the attack. There was a body although badly mutilated by Grimm, the deceased has been identified as Raven Branwen, leader of the Branwen tribe which as of that night, had been wiped out." James knew who she was, Qrow's elder sister and one of Ozpin's soldiers until she cut and run. He has to-
"Dammit, that's another power outing… specialist Bree, your dismissed." She saluted him and marched out of his office. He sat back down in his chair and contemplated his frustration with the council. Out there, most likely from Salem's side, someone had stolen huge amounts of Atlas weapons, and he still hadn't found the culprits. There were also some problems with him and the council, who had refused to support him in declaring 'martial law', the entire army was mobilized but still the council didn't want that, saying it would incite fear and panic.
"Hmm… I have… a meeting over video-conference call with Ozpin today, I better prepare for that, maybe he has some answers." he sighed, leaning in on his chair, he didn't get much sleep since this crisis had happened…
"Are we in enough position to initialize the connection of our systems to theirs yet." he asked, drinking a fine vintage from Frieza-planet #68. Standing in the bridge, looking out onto the planet below
"Yes sir, although the connections are pretty weak as there are only four strong connections and one weak connection. All of them are isolated and-"
"-What of the Saiyan, has he been found yet?" lounging on his command chair, observing the planet down below and its heavily damaged moon.
"Yes sir, readings from our ships scouter system have pinpointed his location, within the part of the planet. It seems the fool is training for our arrival, sir… it read his power at 43,000." Ah so the Saiyan has some talent, he has prepared for his arrival. But far be it that he was worried no, this traitor will be put in his place…
"I have still got my trump card, Ritalin, we will attack the Saiyan. Huh… actually, I believe I have a way to kill two birds-" he raised two fingers to indicate what he was proposing. "-with one stone, our fight with the Saiyan, I want it… sent to every and all connections on this backwater planet, I will introduce their new destiny whilst putting down an insurrection. That way, these 'plebians' will understand their' new world order' within lord Frieza's empire. And Ritalin, be quick about it would you." Engineer Ritalin nodded at him before quickly replying.
"At once Commander Valium, it will be done." he went back to work, while he stood awhile smirking at the orb below. Quickly finishing his glass, he placed on a nearby computer screen monitor and walked out, in order to prepare for the fight to come, sweeping a nice lock of his hair aside while narrowed eyes zoomed in on a glass panel, showing the reflection of his yellow eyes, greenish-blue skin and green hair as he gazed out into space.
Five minutes later, the ship and the attack balls had penetrated the stratosphere, ignited in surrounding fires from entryway, his scouter speaker had begun to ding.
"Yes, what is it… are we ready yet, I do love… to put on a show." he drawled out,
"Sir, connection to the planet's communications have succeeded, you can begin sir." Engineer Ritalin spoke through the scouter, his voice grated his ears, but the message had succeeded in making him smile.
"Good… activate the Camera droids and order the soldiers to attack the Saiyan. send in squads of two to get into position at the plebians cities and wait for my further orders." he said, sure, some of his men might die, but even a stronger fighter came be overwhelmed by numbers. The Saiyan boating a current power-level over… 44,000 and... it was still rising, would at least be damaged by an onslaught of Ki-based attacks, attrition after all, is a big part of war...
Having powered to the maximum of my abilities, I landed onto the ground and continued to glance upwards, their energy signatures were upon me. I didn't feel uneasy until I seen the ship, it looked like what Frieza would have on Namek, but this ship was uh… four times bigger? anyway it was larger than and that was most likely because it housed an entire army within. It came downwards through the storming clouds and landed onto the ground. There were multiple attack pods landing down near it, a lot of ships, I could not count them all in time even if it wanted to. They landed, impacting the ground around me when the drivers had leaped out of the holes of impact… and started to fire. a huge percentage of them at least from what I could see until the energy balls had filled up my vision, were wearing those wrist-mounted KI-cannons, so… I wasn't worried in the slightest as they were for 'weak' fighters-
"Well, its the saiyan, look at him... let me check the scouter." the alien went from confident to stuttering, the green scouter on his face showing him the numbers. More of the aliens, begun to look uneasy. but then another figure had landed, coming out of the main command ship. This figure had stood in the background and said one word I could hear. I could tell this wasn't the commander as his power-level wasn't high enough and checking my own scouter briefly confirmed that. It was one of his stronger fighters.
"Fire!" the horned alien yelled out, launching their own attack my way. the others followed this one's orders and begun firing onto me, either their wrist-cannons or their own KI-blasts my way.
Boom! debris and dust had covered my eyes, and I instinctively raised my hand's as to stop them from getting blinded, otherwise the on-going explosion which was currently rocking the entire location I was situated at had continued to blind me and my position… to the enemy. I could sense them still launching an onslaught of Ki-attacks at my position, still though… I was only taking minuscule trickles of damage,
Thanks in part to my 'Aura sphere technique and… my newly unlocked Aura…
"James, meet Vernal. We have an idea as to who had stolen your Atlas property. the descriptions told by Vernal has convinced me of at least one of the conspirators. The attack was the brainchild of one of Atlas's own, you remember him… Arthur Watts was seen by Vernal and was the only one she could name, there was another, a scorpion faunas and two more. The woman was unknown, but it has been confirmed by Vernal here that-" the communication was cut-off. Static had given way to an interesting sight. Vernal, Qrow and Glynda were with him, and Glynda had stood to catch a glimpse out of the window.
"Ozpin… the storm is a hazard; I will need to go and make sure none of the students leave the grounds and make sure the crew know not to ferry students to Vale-" she was interrupted mid-sentence by an unknown voice. The yellow light on the screen had continued, however Ozpin, with narrowed eyes, gazed at the screen as the cameras had zoomed out, showing that this 'light' was actually an explosion...no… an ongoing explosion which looked to be under continuous fire by various individuals, no... humanoids was the more correct term. They all wore the same thing, however... armor like Kron's... Is this the machinations of 'Her's', an attack on one-
"Greetings type-0 civilization, your worldview will now change… as you see behind me, one of our own is under constant bombardment by my forces. I urge all to see and understand… 'this' will happen to you and your species if you do not surrender to my generous mercy." the humanoid, because this… person wasn't human, nor Faunas… the being speaking had dark green hair and light green skin, those eyes, were yellow and full of amusement as 'he' gazed at the camera. Hair blowing in the current storm while his face was pelted by heavy rain fall. But the uniform… 'that' was familiar.
"Hey Oz… check it out, those explosions are coming from multiple positions, see… those wisps of energy, I can make out… forty plus of them guys… shit, look what their wearing." Qrow looked agape, stunned. The elevator dinged and in walked professor Port along with Amber, while Glynda passed them by and used the elevator to head down. the professors looked tired, having looked like they ran a marathon to make it here.
"Ozpin, the CCT has been hacked, there- that! Video is live everywhere within the school and the CCT computers are also playing them, at least according to the personnel." the heavy-set man explained, wheezing. Ozpin nodded, eyes transfixed on the unknown smug person, wearing the same kind of armor that Kron wears although unlike his blue under-suit, this being had no such thing and also had a cape, that same device over his eye and that look in his eye… he'd seen that look before… that arrogance, this person has hostile intentions but to what extent? Ozpin picked up his phone, but it didn't work and instead a dead-tone sound had played.
"The phones are not responding… I can't phone the council to confirm this is happening everywhere else." Ozpin said, the man on the screen continued to speak then, as the explosion behind him had begun to die down.
"Hmm… my men have dealt the first blow against a traitor to my organization, an organization you and every government on this planet will soon adhere too. And mark my words, you will either join… or cease to exist." the man, whose voice was smooth and soothing to the ears, sneering at the screen as he spoke, licked his lips with glee.
(Cinder Fall-POV)
"-or cease to exist." this person, was dressed 'exactly' like that faunas who-
"Oh look... the Saiyan monkey has survived… how… droll, but not unexpected." that explosion, which looked familiar like what she had been through from that faunas… had started to part, thick dust had been blown away from strong currents of howling wind and heavy rain. Then… she saw him, that same faunas unharmed but his armor looked to be lightly damaged…
"Look, this traitor has survived the first wave. Soldiers! Kill him now." the man smirked towards the cameras while more of those wearing the same armor but from what she could make out, there was different 'being's' jumping… or flying towards the one, the target of her hatred in the middle of the now-dispersed explosion.
"Cinder, look… it's 'him'" Mercury whispered, the entire hall was watching various screens within the cafeteria, multiple screens all playing the live stream. The attackers were videoed expertly, by this… green man, who continued to smirk into the camera while behind him, those about to attack 'him' were almost in melee-range. One such… humanoid, had lunged at the 'him' when at that moment, almost as quick as sound, was dodged, then-.
"Wow! That is brutal!" that one thug from team CRDL who wields a mace and tried to flirt with her, when she first got here had exclaimed out loud, as-
"Kron! that's him! he just… killed that guy…" indeed, this Kron had penetrated the first target in a blink of an eye… with his fist. Then another had attacked, which Kron, had disappeared and then reappeared higher-up, kicking that attacker on the face, sending the being out of sight of the camera-frame. Another came in, this one sported an elongated head, purple spots and… what is this shit? Some kind of film, or someone's attempt at a joke. This one, was punched into another, same uniform of Kron but different... she didn't know what to call it, a different species? Then the camera zoomed out, one of those 'men' begun to charge his…aura?
"Look, that's exactly how that… Kron individual had powered his attack." she explained, looking serious, watching the being behind the smirking green man 'power up'. Then… the dark-blue beam had been launched towards Kron, and engulfed-
"Whoa, look, to the north-west, look at the screen than… over that way… "someone within the crowd yelled, there was a blue-glow penetrating the gloomy-storm clouds, the dome's color was reminiscent of the blue glow on the stream. That and then, the wind, which was a moment ago, heading north, begun to smash the windows and head the opposite way, the lights which was seen through the clouds, was also the same color as the attack on the live stream.
"Cinder… who are these people, there all dressed like that guy-" Emerald asked quietly but Cinder didn't know, didn't know what the hell was going on any more than any of her 'teammates' did. Before she could even make a response, the green-skinned guy on the screen had spoken up, a nice silky voice that somehow had the gall to make her heart flutter... ugh...
"Ah… he survived that too, that was Ketamine, my viewer's my third in command, a total power-level… tsk tsk-" the guy flexed one finger in front of him. "…you don't need to know that, now-" Kron, who wasn't where the explosion was launched and was instead diving down from the clouds above, had fired one of his 'purple energy attacks at this 'Ketamine' fellow whose screams had echoed through the screen. At the sight of such destruction, Cinder hadn't noticed she was bleeding on her 'good hand' as her clenched hand was being penetrated by her own nails, digging into her own skin at that sight of that man's attack. That attack… brought back those fears she faced from before.
This attack was much larger though from the one against her, the dome that formed had exploded in blazing flames, dust and wind being pushed outward from the explosion. More of the 'soldiers within the screen begun to attack Kron again who took the brunt of the attacks and killed more of these soldiers, more and more of these soldiers, wearing the same uniforms were spotted, all different uh… could she say ethnicities? We're converging, moving quicker than even Tyrian Callows would move.
(Blake Belladonna-POV)
"This is worrisome. Can't we help-" Blake heard what Pyrrha was saying, standing in a rigid pose, watching the combat fixed on the screen. Weiss had tried to get into contact with her sister, but her Scroll had automatically loaded the same live stream being played everywhere where there was a connected video screen. They watched Kron, moving at speeds none could keep up with, and those whose uniforms matched Kron's to the 'T', although there was some diversity amongst them… diversity amongst species too, you could tell, plus with the information giving by Kron hours earlier… it gave context to those nameless fighters attempting to kill her… lover? Boyfriend? In any-case, Kron was being overwhelmed, it would look that way… but he was indeed winning against these fighters.
The ongoing storm made the battle harder to spot these fighters engaging Kron too, punches, kicks were followed by air being seen 'projected' outwards on every attack, like shockwaves. Blocking attacks with his fists or arms or legs, the dodges he'd make to another three or so 'aliens' trying to strike him, these were also 'manipulating the weather, knocking the wind and rain in kinetic, invisible explosion's. The fight was out of this world.
"This is intense… is this some kind of 'movie' being played by Kron or something, starring himself" Jaune had asked, transfixed on the battle scenes been projected on the screen.
"This is no movie, look, those killing blows look all too real to be faked, and the storm… this is happening right now." Ren spoke up, grimly watching the events unfolding with the tiniest amount of disgust. The being, whose mug was constantly been filmed on the screen had spoken up.
"This Saiyan… is impressive, nothing special compared to myself of course, 'that' fight will begin soon when my men- hey! Why are you hesitating, kill that monkey and be quick about it men, or…" the man raised a hand and blasted one of his own men, the light-green blast instantly detonated against the alien fighter in the background who had begun to walk backwards, hesitating to attack Kron.
"This guy… d-did he, just kill one of his own men?" Jaune spoke up, his voice stuttering, eyes still glued to the screen. No one had answered but everyone viewing the live screen understood that this movie was real when from outside of the glass of the cafeteria… a massive dome of Light-green energy was easily visible, far away… but looking as if it was close… its light shining through the murky clouds.