(James Ironwood-POV)
This 'play' which at first, he believed to be a fake movie been hacked onto every system within the military and also the Atlas Academy was everywhere. According to troops whose had returned from Mantle and Atlas from their posts, had reported that every and all of the communications were hacked, one of the council members had come to his office, led by his soldiers and reported just the same some twenty minutes ago, before leaving. He, however, was watching the fight, he only knew one of the 'actors' of this live stream, those being 'Kron' whose was under constant assault by fighters adorning the same armor and insignia. This insignia which was easily viewed on the 'green man' with the cape who posed for the camera, looked to be two F's one near the other in an almost 'mirrored' display but flipped with the background surrounding it 'burgundy color' and the two F's were a reddish white.
"And those ships…" he missed the start of the stream, but now as the storm had somewhat cleared to a light rain and the clouds were being dispersed or blown away from the fighters on the screen, these ships that looked to be like orbs of white were spotted easily, within multiple craters. James had tried to use his Scroll to call Ozpin, but the scroll was projecting the same live-stream as his computer and the video-conference screen in front of his desk.
"This is not good… I have lost all ability to communicate with the army, with anyone out of ear-range. If this was a prelude to an attack…" he got up, he was the general… he needed to organize and act, instead of watching this… he wrote and rewrote the same message on different papers and signed them.
"Soldiers! At the door, locate all the specialist's and my high-command and show them these written orders, they are to meet in the main-hall of the academy, we are preparing for war… here soldiers, and make sure they hand these papers back to you two as you are only to be handling these written orders. This is your mission, now dismissed." the soldier salute, taking one of these identically signed and written messages before moving with haste in carrying out their orders. With no communications, Atlas was essentially dark in regard to information of this threat.
Now that the low-powered soldiers were in retreat, after countless bodies hitting the floor, these remaining wearily, intimidated soldiers had begun to pull back and stand defensively. This commander who was too busy… watching me maim his men, making stupid poses and then the occasional comment here or there which I couldn't hear properly at the time as I was further away from the Muppet and from the storm... he almost made me laugh. was this the famed '36,000' commander I had trained in preparation for? If I didn't know better, I'd say he was mocking me.
There were countless soldiers left over, how, I haven't even scratched to surface of the numbers this man had at his command as I only fought against them with Martial arts and taken their weak Ki-blasts and used them against them. Even with those I had vaporized or outright brutalized in the short ten-minutes when they had arrived here. That last attack, from the warrior whose name I had overheard from before, Ketamine, had been annihilated in his attempt, even if he put in his licks with that Ki-blast, my armor was damaged I meant. ...However, I had noticed that when I had been unlucky enough to be wounded that left a cut, well… that had healed and pretty quickly too. In the moment, it reminded me of when Jaune had healed when he had his aura unlocked for the first time in the series. I was an idiot to have not gotten it unlocked earlier. Oh well...
No time for thinking about shit, I begun to power up, condensing an amount of Ki into one of my signature attacks… I wanted to wipe out at most, a huge amount of the vast amount of Frieza force soldiers without expending anymore KI or time on the effort, I needed to fight this 'big fish' and thus needed all my strength reserved for this... clown.
"-seems the Saiyan is powering up, let's do a quick check on his power…" the unknown fish-looking grunt cockily said before that cockiness made way for fear as the fool begun to stutter. Acting at once as my ki was ready for my attack, I pushed forward my hand pushing the right amount of KI into the attack for my 'Tyrant's Wave' Attack which should do the trick as it 'AOE' attack. The attack released a purple wave of energy, surging with vein-like energy surges and static as it covered the area in-front and the sides where I was aiming. I licked my lips in anticipation for the fight I knew to be ahead against the green commander, trying to hear the screams or bouts of shouts from the fools who stood by as my attack washed over them. The strike, was surprisingly fast as it converged onto the aliens and the explosion rocked the entire area, lighting up the sky in a white and purple light. And well, for the enemy soldiers that survived the attack by moving away was still a high number, the attack had purged a huge amount of them as only a few had managed to retreat from within the danger-area whilst…
The brief screams of various voices were snuffed out in an instant from those who perished, I didn't stand idle and flew upward into the cloudy storm to gain some advantage. Unlike these guys who had to track me with their scouters, I had the advantage in sensing where the guys were, I capitalized on this to pick my next targets and there are plenty more still to kill. Seeing the commander, still 'goofing' off in front of what looked to be some kind of droids which hovered… ah, I see, these 'droids' were tracking my movement somehow but had lost me and thus went on some kind of 'tracking mode' to try and locate me.
Not paying any more attention to that, I dodged one of the soldiers who had attempted to swing at me with a haymaker, appearing from behind him. I kicked him in the back of the head which sent him spiraling into the ground like a missile. Another one, looked to be a fish face alien with gills on his face, with a equipped hand laser, he fired at me with his 'toy'. Whacking the weak energy beam aside which sent it elsewhere to detonate, flying downwards on two aliens preparing to aim their hand laser's my way as well, they begun to flounder around and get back into position to fire but as I had reached them before they could point their weapons at me, I fired some simple Ki-blasts which ignited on each of them, the twin purple explosions killing them. After these three, I managed to hear one of the alien's raspy voices shout out in alarm or fright.
"-Saiyan is decimating us sir! We r-require your-" the alien's voice, which I had just came in close enough to properly hear had been vaporized by a cyan-colored explosion, curtsy of the one guy I should be fighting, but instead… the guy reminded me of the Ginyu force, what with his posing and insistent chatter towards those floating droids.
"Men! Attack that foolish traitor, and at the very least 'weaken' the animal. Remember, you are being watched by our 'new' audience... this planet's people and protentional slave-labor." the guy, smirked my way, rain drenching everyone, briefly blocking my view. The man continued to gawk my way before facing one of the droids and from his words, these had to have been some kind of camera bots or something along the lines as I could now see that I was closer that they had some kind of lens on them. My power was surging through me though and thus, I launched my technique, 'Royal Spear' immediately towards the blundering fool. The attack lighted the sky, even through the rain and clouds, briefly lighting the entire area in the purple glows which was my KI. The attack affected the environment too as the raindrops were being pushed away from the beam, entire gusts of wind kept pushing away from the attack's trajectory and even the sky had begun to launch more frequent bursts of lightning bolts down onto the planet below. The attack impacted the guy, who hadn't moved and instead just smiled, watching it incoming. Very worrisome.
-BOOM! The resulting explosion had easily pushed corpses from where they lingered, the remaining soldiers caught in the blast had been engulfed in the explosion while others were only pushed far away from the kinetic energy released, like the corpses but some of these soldiers were able to halt been flung around and right themselves, either in the sky or on land. Myself though, I had been pushed back a little from being in close proximity and as I used A huge amount of KI into the attack, something I had forgone for a while as i had no need for using that amount of Ki to destroy my foes.
After a tense few seconds, the resulting blast had dissipated, leaving only wet debris and a hole where the blast had impacted which was easily the size of that guys ship in size or the size of a small lake as that was what it was going to be after this damn storm, I knew the guy had dodged that as I could sense him further outwards, that or he was blasted backwards by the blast. Hopefully the fight won't take that much longer...
"Ah huh… I can make him out over there now, not a scratch… what a condescending-" one of those droids had hovered within arm's length of me and I swiped it out of instinct, taking it within my hands. Looking over it briefly, it was definitely filming me, I squashed it, crushing metal and electronics which sparked in my hand then brushing the resulting scrap to fall to the floor. I glanced towards the sky, catching a break, I glanced at the moon which could be now seen and begun absorbing blutz-waves, it was the perfect time to deal with this guy while his decimated forces were recovering from my last attack-
A light cyan-colored blast with two smaller beams which circled the main beam had been fired from the commander, the guy didn't aim for me though and in the realization half-way through the transformation I was trying to undergo as the sky had again been blocked by the stormy weather… this blast had lightened up the sky in a cyan-like color, pushing away clouds to form a ring of them circling the beam as it headed out into stratosphere... before heading outwards into space towards the very moon I was trying to utilize.
(P.T.O. Commander Valium POV)
"Hmmm… as you can see my soon-to-be serf's, Saiyan's have the instinctive ability to transform into disgusting 'larger' versions of themselves, I even heard that it can… raise their fighting powers. Now, those viewing the little 'taste' of combat I will use against those who don't surrender, look and behold at what I can do to your… backwater planet… as easily as breathing for me, heh..." he said, also keeping an eye on the Saiyan, who was in the process of transforming. He had heard that Saiyan's that transform raise their power by a certain amount, but he wasn't sure exactly how much power they got as the monkeys were a rather new 'race' within the hierarchy of the Frieza Force and thus stuff like that was still unknown.
"But don't fret those watching, your language was easily translated by our sophisticated machines, our technology is advanced and our will to serve our emperor is strong. Join the empire, and you too can have access to such technology, such power… of course… you'll have to 'surrender' some freedoms to our benevolent overlord." he smirked into the camera droid's receptacle the blueish light dying down from his attack as it reached past the stratosphere and out into space, then…
"Ah, camera droids, quickly shoot up out from underneath this storm and track that beam… I would like to show this… audience what happens to those who do not believe surrender is an option. Men, attack that stunted monkey while he's in the process of transforming instead of standing around like idiots! He's vulnerable now that his 'progress' has been halted… ah and would you look at that… doesn't that look like an excellent 'display' of fireworks to 'introduce your primitive civilization to your betters?" he pointed upward, the clouds had been parted temporarily as the storm formed an 'eye of the storm and where the moon was… there was an explosion which would be visible to everyone to behold… and no moon… no hairy monkey to capitalize on its strength…
He too stood in awe… and a certain amount of fear as he beheld something which had only happened 'once' to this planet's moon. But now, with that beam of energy detonating, the moon was now particles and even now, the moon-rocks were been shot towards the planet in a fire-trailing blaze of comets or small asteroids… there wasn't a speck of the moon in the dimming sky anymore… this 'creature' had shown just what 'true' power was and from what he could gather from the current live-stream… everyone on the planet witnessed this event too.
"...Fuck! … you see that! Our moon! Just… gone, like that! I bet Jimmy is having a brain aneurism watching that much firepower and within just one guy! Ozpin, we will have to act now-"
"-Act! You understand that our huntsmen alone would not be enough to combat such prowess, and that-" Professor port had spoken up, his raspy wheezing voice shown a hint of fear in his tone.
"-I meant Vale, heck, the entire outer-regions where our towns, outlying villages, Vale itself! The Grimm will be having a field day-" Qrow was cut-off, Ozpin understood his role in this 'invasion'. He had to weather this storm and organize the students, these were dark times now, like before when there were no intercontinental communications, he done this all before, but not an alien invasion...
'-Communications are out, the students will be led by the professors, to stand vigil within Vale until organized for recon missions while small forces are to be sent out on patrols with huntsmen now. We will need to secure the people who are going to be in a panic, outlying towns and villages. Amber, can you stay with Qrow? We will need your help" he knew whatever was happening, that Kron was on 'their' side, the side of Remnant and seeing his strength from both at Beacon and within the hijacked communication links had put that into perspective clearly, his killing blows against... his own people, aliens like him put that into perspective. Ozpin was downright mad that Kron didn't warm them of such an invasion, nor his origin story either, the later could be explained easily enough and he understood why he hadn't come forward with such information. The former however, has put the entirety of humanity on the brink of total collapse… and what a force it is, just by that show of force… the moon… gone.
"Oz... do you think 'she' will capitalize on this? It would be a perfect opportunity to do so at least, If I was 'her'…" Qrow had said softly, while the professors had gone to leave, and Amber was standing further away watching through the glass windows. Out the windows, the last particles from the explosion of the now non-existent moon had dissipated… the planet had once again been cast back into a new dark age…
"...I have no clear answer, these… aliens… our 'battle' has only ever been on 'this planet, but now, these invaders have added another element to the 'board' one I can't foresee, but… I must go, I will head to the CCT tower and ask about the progress of getting our communications back… as of this moment, humanity is now back 'in the dark'." he stood, and with finesse and speed, reached the already closing elevator, joining his professors to head down.