(Weiss Schnee-POV)
"My gods, did you see… you saw that right?" someone from within the crowd had said aloud, and why wouldn't they? The blind light from the camera hadn't blocked the view of the sky from where they all stood watching this 'barbaric show', their beam was visible as it stretched through the sky before erasing their moon and turning it into confetti. Weiss gulped, she'd seen Kron attempting that same transformation and she remember he had needed the moon to use such a power-up to do so, he wanted to transform either because he wanted to finish the fight more quickly or… this green alien was tougher than he looked.
"Hey look! That uh… Kron has landed on the ground and that fur which had appeared has gone away." Jaune pointed out, the camera had indeed zoomed onto Kron's from, his armor was damaged as one of the shoulder pauldrons had been blasted off from the last attack.
"So… you guys know this 'Kron', tell me, did you know he was some kind of extraterrestrial being hmm?" sharply turning towards the source of the voice, it was some girl with raven black hair and smoldering amber eyes, the smirk on her face was causing Weiss's right eye to twitch slightly but it was her eyes she didn't like... it reminded her of those White Fang members when they tried to kidnap or kill her when she met Kron. Yang answered before she could even attempt at explaining anything or making something up.
"No, we didn't know, still, he's on our side right, I mean, he's been fighting those other's who've have the same uniforms as him and then there's this 'guy' posing on the camera, he comes off as a right c-" she yelped by the elbow Pyrrha done to her.
"All we know is that Kron is ridiculously strong, and he doesn't even wield a weapon. Why, what do you know about him?" Pyrrha cut off Yang before she could use the 'C' word and rightfully too as Ruby was around.
"Oh, nothing… but I did see that girl, the one with the bow in her hair hang off of him like they were… together, do you think she knew much about him, being that intimate with him-" said girl had heard the conversation, Weiss glanced her way as Blake had approached this… bitch and her team. Before she could close enough though, the unnamed raven-haired girl's eyes narrowed when she jumped away from an attempt on her life. The surrounding crowd parted when the woman named Amber had stalked forward, eyes narrowed on the woman.
"Ah… just our luck, so, you've caught us, have you? Well, no matter-" The woman blocked another attack from Amber as she lashed out at her, without explanation. Before Weiss or those she was with could even begin to question anything, Yang and Ruby's uncle had come close, weapon in hand as he beheld the ongoing fight in the cafeteria. The surrounding students were either watching the events on the various hacked screens of the broadcast or now the fight within the mess hall, all had backed up to get out of the way, their teams included.
"You guys, these 'four' are criminals in disguise, the reason Amber attacks them with such ferocity is because they had almost killed her the last time they fought. Alright, listen up students, clear off and report to the professors, you've got missions to be assigned! bugger off now!" Qrow had yelled and begrudgingly, those students had left slowly. Team JNPR and her team RWBY were about to leave as well when the woman under attack had made another attack move… but against Blake.
"Do you think I would let you leave girl? Your boyfriend had done this to me! I will hurt him now!" she stretched out her hand which turned out to be some kind of cybernetic limb. The woman attacked, using her semblance as flames had erupted just where Blake was before but her friend had dodged. Blake went in, her weapons out in full display as she swung the woman blocked the attack with her cyber-arm and then struck the girl back, sending Blake into their teammates. Pyrrha had begun to attack, she was always armed with her weapon and thus when she reached range, she struck the woman. The three with the bitch who attacked them also attacked them, Weiss had to get her weapon from her locker though, along with Ruby, Ren and Nora.
"Let's get our weapons and help, Weiss lets go quickly, this lady is tough" Ruby had spoken up, glancing at the all-out brawl happening in front of them.
Weiss nodded and went to run with those unarmed when the girl with the pigtails and green eyes had jumped in front of them, the casual smile on her face had flickered briefly to fear somewhat while glancing towards Qrow but it renewed itself as she went to attack them.
"Hey! How did… you're the one who killed her… you killed my sister!" Qrow yelled out, as the woman who was busy fighting Amber, Blake and Pyrrha while Jaune and Yang fought the other two of this woman's teammates heard what he said before smiling. Yang had heard this and then, while she was fighting and Weiss could see her posture had changed, hearing Qrow's words… Yang had said she was looking for her mother, who was her uncle Qrow's elder sister. So, this woman killed her mom then? Yang would murder this bitch.
"Yes, funnily enough, I would have failed had she not been intoxicated, and I didn't have the help I did. Her sword now serves me, and I shall use it to shed her own family's blood. But don't fret, you'll soon be joining her… in the next dimension…" the woman said with a sneer, eyes lit with such power flowing out from them from the sides, sword in hand as she menacingly locked eyes with her target, who happened to be Amber now.
Amber used her abilities, shooting fire from her hands and launched icicles from her hands too, two abilities… before Weiss could ponder on it, the girl with the pig tails had changed… her looks went from the green eyes and pigtails to… brown and pink eyes and surprisingly, her hair was similar in looks to her eye colors but on opposite sides. Then, the woman winked at them, before she waved at them.
"That traitor! Hurrrghh!" the woman with the sword, launched an attack reminiscent of lightning from her fingertips at the waving girl, the multi-colored girl who was on her team… before said girl shattered in glass-like fashion by the lightning bolt.
"Well, she must have left… I can't feel her here anymore but that doesn't matter, let's get our weapons and help" Ren said quickly, already running off out of the mess hall, Nora hot on his heels and uncharacteristically serious for once. Weiss and Ruby nodded towards each other before following along, no longer unheeded by the weird disappearing girl.
(Cinder Fall-POV)
She launched attack after attack of her maiden powers at the maiden opposite her, the woman was skilled but like last time, she wasn't as skilled as her and Cinder had more experience in using the maiden powers better than her when she first took the powers from her.
But these others were getting in her way. Another shockwave had been felt from the battle and as she quickly glanced towards the window, she could see another dome in the north-west in the background- She shut her eyes, and others had too as the glass in the entire building was rocked and shattered by an invisible shockwave.
"Hrrrraaarrh!!" the ginger girl who had left before with some of her friends had come back with her weapon, she smashed it down and nearly impacted near Mercury with the blunt-end of her hammer-like weapon. The impact had brought her attention back from looking at the broken glass and the hijacked live feed of that broadcast as the girl with the hammer lunged at Mercury again, bringing her hammer downward to try and smash him into a paste, Mercury though was quick and had rolled out of the way. Cinder, now concentrating on the fight, launched another of her lightning attacks from her hand while trying to punch through the 'invincible girl's shield, instead the hit had knocked that girl backwards and her lightning strike had missed Amber, who had used her powers to blast herself out of the way.
The eldest hunter, Qrow had almost hit her cybernetic arm but as the 'ting' sound echoed out, she smirked and retaliated, sweeping her arm at the huntsman, making him block the attack but at the same time, knocking him away from her position.
Sneering at one of her main targets, the maiden and… the black-haired girl who meant something to that… alien bastard, she went for the maiden first. Using her new blade she took from the previous maiden, she rushed in and tried to at least decapitate the woman's arm as to wound her but was intercepted by a joint attack by the blonde girl and the 'invincible girl'.
"Harrrrugh!! take this bitch!" the blonde said through gritted teeth, swinging her arms with her weapons attached to them at her, she managed to dodge the attack by bending backwards out of the way but the blonde, smiled, a feral look as her weapons blew her back almost point-blank. The redhead, having switched to her rifle mode, didn't let up her assault, firing round after round at her as she backpedaled as to get more ground. Cinder, out of the corner of her eye, had seen Emerald almost beat her opponent, the blonde with the sword and shield, the guy was mediocre at best but Emerald, in her moment of almost triumphing over him, didn't see the two coming at her from the side.
Cinder realized she had acted rashly, exposing herself and her plan's early, if only that Autumn maiden hadn't recognized her, that mute freak abandoning her, but she wasn't out yet… not by a long shot.
The remnant soldiers were nearly all wiped out, leaving an afterimage, I had moved behind one such soldier and a quick thrust, the aliens head was knocked hard, sending the guy into the ground. Landing on top of the grunt, I eliminated him as my eyes locked onto the… this guy… the poser.
"Harrrurrahhh!" quickly, I pushed my hand forward and launched a condensed beam of Ki, my 'Royal Spear', and watched with narrowed eyes as the attack I aimed had impacted. The explosion rocked the entire area, the guy must have taken it as I could sense him still within the explosion or he tanked it…
"Hmm, seeing as most of the alien grunts were either dead or hesitant in attacking me, besides those in his ship and from what I sensed, there still a big group of them but I needed to concentrate on this guy and end his- fuck off with those droids!" the droids, having been flung around by the impact and the resulting energy spreading outward, had come back into position and were hanging around me… filming me…
-MMPH-!!! The fist had almost hit me, but I blocked it with my open palm, then another fist was blocked by my other palm, gripping tightly onto his fists. The guy had looked no different besides his armor, his condescending smirk was annoying, though the attack didn't leave him unscathed as his features from what I could tell were- the guy swept my legs out from me, taking me from my thoughts and I retaliated with a swift kick to the guy's body, sending him into the air. I hurriedly followed and went for a haymaker. The guy flipped through the air, turning with his leg and hitting me in the side but as I was stronger than him, I grabbed his leg when it come into my range and begun to swing him around. Around, then another turn and repeat until after enough turns and he started to yell out, his other leg caught my jaw, but I held on and let him go. The result was him sent downward at high speeds, obscuring him in dust and dirt when he impacted. Already charging a Ki-blast within my hand when I released him, I threw it down onto him, this attack I fed enough power to leave a sizable dent onto the environment.
"Harrrghh… take this!" my hand raised above my head, I launched the sizable sphere after him, flying backwards after to get some space from the impending detonation.
The explosion ripped apart everything and then obscured the area, the sizable dome spread outwards, and the blinding purple light lit the sky, flickering through the cloudy sky. I landed, far enough from the impact and gazed at the area, a nearby river had begun to feed into the new hole in the ground, quickly filling with water.
"...He's not dead, I can sense the bastard. But his Ki… it was 'flickering' as if my attack had caused some or if lucky, serious damage. I better end this, and soon." I never tore my eyes away from the impact, there were other soldiers about but after that attack… I doubt they would try their luck again. Rushing water and the storm were the most prominent sounds now that the fighting had… halted. The guy was down- he burst out of the newly forming lake and a huge amount of water had been blasted up with him, like a bomb had gone off. He landed at the edge of the hole, armor heavily damaged and there were heavy wounds on parts of his body with dark green blood. He wiped the blood running down his chin and grinned… savagely, his yellow eyes piercing mine.
"You're something else… beast. Now, that I'm familiar with your strength… I'll let you in on a little secret. My power-level now is roughly 32,000… but, when I transform well…ah... well that would be telling, heh" he yelled at me from where he stood, his voice heard over the storm. Did he say... transform? … no way… he's one of 'Zarbon's' people, why didn't I see it before… the green skin, the yellow eyes, his hair was different but so what, if he transformed, I might just have a fight on my hands, one I could lose… I should feel dread but the only emotion I feel is elation, finally, I would have an opponent that wouldn't be a roll-over, like those from Remnant, sorry not sorry 'RWBY' cast but you don't compare to a real Saiyan battle. This was it. Intrigued, I jumped up and hovered in the air, watching him. He must have taken it as a sign as a curtesy or something as he grinned and begun. His arms raised outward, glancing at his stance… was when I fired another attack, this time a barrage of KI-blasts, my hands moving at speeds as if pushing air and the purple blasts fired after each movement of my hands, randomly impacting the green bean in front of me.
Yah! Yah! Hah! Rah Raaahh! Raaaahh!…" after a moment… I ended the surprise attack, breathing deep breaths, sensing the- he, his face now reptilian-like was the first thing I had seen, rushing out of the explosion and within range for melee, he swung at me and sent me flying, I had recovered however and went into strike him.
That was my mistake.
He was bulkier, which helped him take my fist to the face and my kick to the kidney, his hands gripped my arms, and his rancid breath was the first thing I had felt on my face, before he brought his head down and headbutted me. Knocking me from the sky, I recovered clumsily and done a flip as to land safely onto the ground.
"And you call me a beast… look at you, your damn hideous-"
"-that hurts, right here." he impacted his own chest, where his heart is, I think. His voice went from that condescending droll tone and changed into a savage-guttural tone, his features had changed too, his nose was now nowhere to be seen and… he was damn ugly... "You don't get it little Saiyan, you've seen my transformation now… now you die, it's that simple you little runt." he rasped out, he sneered my way, his elongated fangs protruding from his mouth.
He moved suddenly, his speed was quite fast for a big guy, I was able to jump out of the way, up and used the momentum to kick the reptile into the face, jolting him a little. He raised one hand up, I felt the pull as he successfully gripped my left leg and pulled me down, impacting my face with a hard right, sending me flying. I could hear the cunt chasing after me while I tried to recover from the hit, still being flung through the air. As my eyes were currently closed, I could hear the commander's heavy foot-steps impact earth and his haggard beast-like breaths as he ran after me.
Finally, I could recover and wiping my face with my blue sleeve of my armor, I powered up and burst away from the prick. My face, where I could feel the wound… had closed up rather quickly… Must be my newly unlocked aura healing me. Thankyou Blake.
"Jesus Christ… I should have gotten that-" I should have concentrated, the guy was on me, having engulfed himself in his KI and blasted after me, hitting me in the stomach with is strong hit and knocking me further away. The impact had knocked the air from my lungs, dammit, I need to breath.
"Haha, right now has been the most enjoyable part of my job, giving these plebeians a good show, and teaching them the price of defiance! Now you little shit, it's about time I put you down, like the mongrel you are!!" I could feel the urgency, my senses told me he was powering up, for Some 'final attack', the KI I could feel radiating off of him was staggering… It was beyond my own now, damn my damnable Saiyan instincts, I should have finished-
He yelled, a guttural cry as he raised his arms as if to flex his arm muscles off, his hands tightened into fists as a beam shot from his mouth, the light momentarily blinding me from the attack. It raced forward and at an alarmingly quick pace before reaching me, blasting me into the earth. I held back a guttural scream as the attack had continued to push me backwards, right out to the stormy sea and off the beach before I was blasted right underneath. The beam continued to shoot me down but finally, I could shake myself off of it, damaging myself in the process. The attack continued to fly down, before it hit the shallow area and detonated. I was caught in the blast initially but from the force of the explosion even underwater, the attack heavily damaged me, I felt… so hurt, I felt my stomach and realized I was heavily bleeding from there as the there was an open wound, my armor was damaged heavily, beyond repair.
But still, the rocky sea as it dragged and flung me among the rocks had given me an idea, I was heavily injured, he was definitely too powerful for me right now, no amount of training would help me now that I now knew his 'true power', training was over for now, no, I had no time. Holding one hand onto my stomach as I tried to righten myself from the torrent of strong ocean currents, it clicked in my head, this idea… finally, I had found my strength slowly return to me as I righted myself and floated in the now calming seawater, sapped as my Ki was from what I could tell were heavy injuries, I hid my power-level pulling the remaining power within and used to bare minimum to 'feed' both my new healing ability, at least to 'stitch' my wounds up and also to power my ability, 'Aura Sphere' so I could breathe down here indefinitely while I had Ki left. I would wait for an opportunity, either to get away and recuperate or… or... and that's if I could manage it... to sneak into his ship… and recover quickly within one of them healing pods… yes... but first, I had to wait, and hope this guy believed he done me in.
(P.T.O Commander Valium POV)
He hovered over the seashore where the blast had impacted the shallows, glancing down and looking. He was still transformed as he turned towards one of the floating camera's and had shouted out to the closet one.
"Bring me a scouter and be quick about it.!" he looked around and even he was having a difficult time seeing anything from the damnable storm, which raged even now. One of his remaining grunts who had fought for him had flew quickly towards him and handing over his scouter. He snatched it and quickly equipped it, before scanning downwards, where he knew to be where his attack had detonated. The scouter kept telling him to look towards the land, he glanced where it was pointing and seen some strange number of creatures… local wildlife? Raising one hand, he tried to get the scouter to find the Saiyan, but it kept pointing to the hills, tree lines and the landscape.
"Damnable beasts, take this and get out of my way!" he flung an orb of teal-colored Ki and watched as the blast exploded, blowing up a huge amount of those 'black beasts' currently feasting on his dead soldiers. He rechecked the area where he defeated that Saiyan and was satisfied that he'd won easily. Though he was wounded a bit and had expended KI, his transformation had done some of the healing for him, his transformation had helped to 'accelerate' his healing process somewhat, but that monkey sure hit hard enough to weaken him, he would rest later though. First, he had tasks to hand out to the remaining men he had with him and to do that…
"It seems there's two power-levels in the upper 800's that way, that must be where their leaders are… I'll plan accordingly, heh… this planets population aren't even worthy of being slaves according to our doctrine, though these beasts… they would make excellent target practice." clicking his scouter off, he raised up into the air and headed for his ship. His remaining grunts followed behind him.
Not two minutes later, he arrived at the entrance to his ship and the two guarding the entrance saluted him, he might as well get started.
"You two, I want you to head towards where I fought the traitor and locate his body, I want that head mounted next to my command chair. Now shoo." clicking his scouter, he contacted his second in command.
"Engineer Ritalin, I want updates, how fares our troops, the ones I had sent off to engage the five most populated areas on this primitive world, what's their progress?" dusting off his majorly destroyed armor, his cape was decimated and littered with holes and rips.
"Sir, every team is accounted for, two soldiers for each city we've called these highly populated areas a through to E. I'm aware that the soldiers had landed and have begun to scout these population centers, only the northern-most city code-named 'C' has an army big enough to put up a considerable fight, the men at a through to E have contacted us for their debriefing. Shall I order their attack?" he rasped out, his elongated head occasionally swinging from side to side, working the controls and keys of its console. He'd lost a lot of his men to the Saiyan, he had enough troops for this planet but that was it, holding the planet however, peacefully he meant and without more men policing this rock, there would be more rebellions than was tolerated.
"Well, since this world has been 'tainted' by the pest, will just have to enslave some of the population and bring them back to empire territory. Give orders to those teams operating near the cities, they may commence their attacks once I contact them. I will have to arrive to those two power-levels at 800 which are together, they seem to be the biggest power-levels on this rock, and they are together... I will find out myself. Keep the ship here until I call for it, the slaves we will plunder from this rock will be stored in here of course." he begun to chuckle, the men around him begun to chuckle as well, the sheep… he powered up, his teal-colored KI erupted from him, engulfing him as he blasted off from his position. The twenty-seven men besides the other two who were to search for the Saiyan corpse had erupted in their own Ki, engulfing them as they went to keep up with their commander, some still chuckling along the way.
I sensed their leaving, well most of them anyway. There were two approaching the last position where I had been blasted into the sea, but I had since moved from that area. No, I was where I wanted to be and I needed to act fast, I was heavily damaged and even having my aura unlocked, it was slow healing. That commander was heading off in the direction of Vale, that much I could understand, therefore I had to act now, get into one of those healing pods and then go for round two.
"Still, the Zenkai I will be… urgh… getting… should help me, but this time I should just kill him and don't fuck around. I have no idea of his goals, besides him heading towards… him and twenty-seven fighters, let's just check…" I clicked my scouter and the commander's power-level showed up immediately, going from 36,000 to 57,600, much stronger than I.
The other fighters were roughly in the 1000 with two of them being 4000. my scouter then checked the ship, the commander ship which had twenty power-levels roughly in the 200's while one had 400. the two leaving the area were roughly in the 2000 range. I headed for the ship, making use of my ability to sense others with KI and made way to the ship. The unguarded entrance, I could board silently and find my way towards the medical room. Thankfully, those who remained onboard were congregated in only a few rooms, I could sense them roaming around and I could guess where they were, but it would only be speculation on my part. No, I didn't waste time pondering that and instead kept focus only on where these power-levels were, where I was in regard to them and the finding of the healing pods.
After ten minutes fumbling my way around the ship, holding the area where I was still bleeding from tightly, I came upon a room, its metal door automatically opened upon stepping near to it, I spotted what I had come for.
"Right, Hopefully I can operate this… someone is coming." I went up against a wall, wincing at the sudden jerk but the door opened again. This… alien was similar in looks to Appule in the DBZ series, but this guy was red skinned, with blueish spots littering his elongated head. He wore a cape and as he entered, he spotted me as I lunged at him, holding him against the wall with sheer strength, superior to the alien.
"Hey, how are you-" the door shut and this time I punched the controls, a sensor device which detected those coming and going. The door would not open now.
"You! Huh, eh… Saiyan, but your dead!" he rasped, his hands feebly tried to pull mine from his person, he failed and could only struggle while I held him at bay.
"I've got a job for you, do this right and I'll leave you alone." I struggled to say, playing a big front as to appear fearless, I had to act quicker though. I was slowly losing blood…
"What d-do you w-want traitor!" he said, his grip still on my hands. I lifted him higher and walked towards the machine, nodding towards it from the side so he could glimpse what I wanted. I explained.
"I want you to operate the machine and no theatrics please… or this entire ship and its crew I'll destroy completely before you could even try anything. Now, what's your name and let's get this show on the road." I released the alien and stalked towards the machine, which was open and ready for receiving an occupant.
"The n-names Ritalin s-Saiyan. The machine can be easily set up for self-use, just p-press this button on t-the console here… and then before your submerged in the rejuvenation chamber, there is a red button w-within the chamber. First y-you stand within as the chamber has anti-gravity within until the healing fluid is added. Connect the two vital-checking lines to the sides of your head, but eh… you won't n-need them as you're not unconscious. There is another larger tube for breathing, place that over your face. Then press that red button within, or I could do it with this here console…" I glowered at him, sticking my hand through his stomach before ripping out his purple-colored heart and a few ribs.
"Thanks fella, but I can't really have you around to sabotage my healing. Thanks for the information though." I walked forward and leaned down, wiping the blood on my hand onto his cape and put my scouter on top of the console. Then I entered the chamber and looked for the red button within. I could feel light-headed from being inside the chamber and felt that gravity indeed was not acting upon me, the chamber closed when I pressed the button and then watched as the chamber slowly filled up from the bottom. Two lines hung down, which were the ones to check the occupant's vitals while the lager breathing tube also fell down and in range of my face. I added that one on and waited as the liquid slowly raised, filling the pod. My wound was still healing, and I felt light-headed again, I removed the breathing apparatus and gathered up some of the liquid into my hands… and drank it.
"Tastes like… my sweat… huh… well, I've tried it now. Curiosity satiated." I added the breathing apparatus again and watched as the tank became full in the healing liquid.