I felt my strength slowly trickle back to me, the process was fast going in part because of the healing properties of the… synthetic Saiyan DNA? I was currently submerged in. This shouldn't take that long…
(Weiss Schnee-POV)
Weiss reflected another strike by the grey-haired boy, who went after her, she couldn't concentrate properly, not when she had seen and heard about the demise of Kron from that green… monster. That monster wanted her… Kron's body to be put on display, in her anguish, she actually tried to kill the annoying grey-haired prick in front of her but so far hadn't been able to match him.
Ruby, and Nora were fighting the green haired girl while Yang, Qrow and that Amber lady were fighting together against the one who started the fight. Blake, Jaune and Pyrrha were waiting in the wings, making themselves opportunities to attack said antagonist while Ren was helping her.
She went in again and had thrust her rapier blade, trying to skewer his torso but he reflected it with the sweep of his leg, the clang echoing the motion and she retreated.
Going for one of her dust bottles, she pulled out fire dust and reloaded her 'Myrtenaster's' cylinder load-out.
"Heh, come on Schnee, you've got to do better than that- tch wait your turn emo." Ren begun to shoot at the bastard from the side, pelting his aura. Jaune came over to their side from where he stood on guard before and went to attack the unsuspecting fighter, clumsily he kicked some fallen cutlery and the grey-haired boy heard his approach, turning. Weiss used that moment to attack.
Slapping the revolving Cylinder on her weapon, setting it to Fire, she ignited a dust infused attack, launching small, inflamed orbs towards the guy's now vulnerable side.
The attack launched, fire streams of dust which hit into the guy's side, exploding on impact, damaging his aura. Most hit, the first one being the one that forced his attention back towards Weiss in which he dodged or even snuffed out the flames using swift kicks, but the attack had done its job, wearing him down a little. Still, that damnable smirk was still plastered onto his face, the sweat rolling down his forehead told the true story however and Weiss could tell he was on the verge of defeat.
"Mercury, target the bitch with the bow! She knows- knew that mongrel Faunus- hah! The one that just got annihilated before. Kill her, I won't be long with this weak maiden…" the bitch, Cinder wasn't she introduced herself as when she had first arrived at the school. Who knew the bitch was a psychotic bitch and one Kron should have captured or… killed earlier. Now he's dead and she, her team and her friends had to clean up her… idiot's mess. She couldn't shed tears, not now, Kron was dead and now they had to fight against these people whose goals are unknown and then there's those aliens Kron failed to fight and win against." she sighed, wiping sweat from her forehead before it rolled into her eye and observed the situation again, fighting hard not to instead start crying, looking to make another attack.
"I need you to head towards Vale and link up with the council, the cities under attack from all the panic and having one of Beacon's staff there could do some good, if any. Give them this letter and send them my condolences that I can't explain to them in person for I have to organize the students right this instant." he explained to Bartholomew who was looking at him with an understanding expression. Handing over the letter, roughly written and basically just a piece of paper ripped out of a instructions manual for the technicians in the CCT building. Speed was key now.
"I understand, we need to get the communications back online but that signal… that young man was an alien? And now he's dead and those aliens are running amok on Remnant. What are we to do against… God-like beings that can detonate entire landscapes, from what their systems hack has shown on the broadcast?" the man, talking quickly had nodded and didn't let Ozpin reply, instead leaving for his task. Ozpin was heading back to the school from the CCT building when he was intercepted by Glynda, she held her hair out of her face as the storm was still ongoing, the rain and wind drenching those outside while sapping their body heat.
"Ozpin, I'm on my way to the mess hall. I swore I could hear fighting going on, we need to address to entire student body and announce emergency missions.
"I agree, the CCT was a no-go, the systems from what the technicians told me couldn't remove the foreign signal form their systems and thus that was a bust. We will have to rely to rely on the students, turn the teams into 'runners' for communications and fighters… I will have to send Qrow to link up with Vale's hunters and coordinate an defensive position around the kingdom and surrounding towns but for that…" he needed Bartholomew Oobleck to get the permission he needed and now, which is why he sent the man, speed was useful as his go-to with the council.
"Let's hurry, this storm is getting worse and Kron… that, he's dead and the one who killed him is some kind of transforming monstrosity. I can't believe… we're not alone in the galaxy, Ironwood must be having a fit." she briefly chuckled, most of the sound drowned out by the ongoing storm, the lightning and gloomy forbearing darkness that was slowly approaching from the north-west. Ozpin nodded, the two of them ran towards the mess hall from the outside and both immediately notice the fight that was ongoing. Qrow and Amber were fighting, along with the student Yang Xiao Long, another student who arrived from Haven Academy. There was a massive battle, with teams RWBY and JNPR fighting alongside Qrow and Amber. It looked to be aa stalemate, even with only three versus ten.
"Enough! What is this about-" he reflected with his cane 'The Long Memory' and realized the attack was magical in nature, he could feel the magic and now knew that this woman was an infiltrator and the one who stole the maiden powers from Amber before losing them to Kron's interference and seeing her properly, she was the one who had taken the maiden powers and consequentially, killed Raven.
"You're the one, who killed Raven Branwen and one of those who stole that military equipment from Atlas. My negligence has allowed you to infiltrate the school… it seems-"
"-so, what, I killed the bitch heh! … yahhh!-" she launched an attack with her outstretched hands, scorching flames zeroed in on Amber and onto me, screaming beams of flames pulsed from the floor and up, Amber used her Maiden powers to blast herself away with her own flames and Ozpin rolled away, using the momentum of said maneuver to get closer to striking range.
Qrow was in range, using his scythe, he managed to nick the woman on the arm.
The spring Maiden then brought down her own blade, that blade… Ravens sword onto Qrow's extended scythe blade, the clang of steel echoing throughout the room. From where Ozpin was, he'd seen the fierce scowl on Qrow's face, the hatred rolling off him was easily read on his facial features. Being behind Salem's tame maiden, he went for a strike at her back while she was turned. His strike, swinging his cane multiple times in succession struck true, rapturing past her aura and one of the hits landed in a critical area.
The back of the head. It was over for this 'maiden', she had begun to collapse. Yang had stopped mid-step as the woman's eyes glimpsed her before they shut. The maiden was unconscious at last.
"...It's a good thing I keep my cane 'The Long Memory' charged or else this fight would have-"
"-Cinder!" the green-haired girl yelled out, it was capitalized on by Pyrrha who had an opportunity to end this farce, the 'invincible girl' used the blunt end of her blade and struck, hitting the hysteric girl in the head.
The domino's had fallen it'd seemed, one after the other… until it was just the boy left. He held his hand's up, his smile an attempt at hiding his nervousness. This one had raised their hands up in surrender-
"-Hyrrrahh!!" Qrow brought down his scythe onto the unconscious woman, Yang had dropped to her knee's while Ruby… had consoled her sister, burying her head in the nook of her eldest sister's neck, looking away from the killing blow her uncle inflicted.
"-Don't say it, Oz. I had every right at-" Ozpin pointed at the man's nieces, the youngest sounding to be in cusp of tears whilst the eldest brooded, a lone tear streaming down her face. Never to meet the woman who had given her up. Qrow heavily sighed, both from exhaustion, mental as well as physical as he approached his nieces, falling to his knees and delicately… almost hesitantly, wrapping the girls in an awkward hug.
The rest of the student's awkwardly stood by, noting the somber mood in their own ways. But… what happened next had honestly, bemused him…
"It seems that the next spring maiden has been chosen…" he watched on, raptured like most in the room when those powers, wisps of magic had flown from inside the corpse of the slayed woman… and right into Yang, it was almost ironic knowing Raven had them before Salem's piece 'acquired' them for herself.
"...So, young Yang is the 'next' spring maiden…hmm" he murmured to himself. Glynda confined the other two with her semblance and took them away, to the schools holding cells in the lower levels. He nodded her way and glance towards the hijacked screen within the mess hall which had still shown the storm and since Kron was dead, they would have to resist against these invaders.
"Team Ruby, Juniper, Qrow, Amber, we have to go. Come, to the audience chamber as I must now assign your new tasks. We are in a state of war…" Ozpin had felt the fires of war stir within him more times than he could count, but this one was a fight for survival…
(P.T.O Commander Valium-POV)
The rain pelting his face as he blasted through the air, accompanied by his soldiers as he continued soaring to his destination. The storm was still wreaking havoc on that empty continent that he'd landed on but as he got farther away from there, the storm begun to subside, and the first signs of better weather were beginning to show. His scouter suddenly alerted him, pointing in the direction he was going, one of those power-levels the one bearing 891 had faded. Another however had taken its place, this one a little weaker, but still in the 800's.
Valium hadn't changed back into his 'fairer' form for even transforming took a minuscule amount of fatigue to accomplish and so opted not to until this planet was secured.
"Men!! keep up but once we arrive split yourselves into three groups and be good dears and wait for my next orders, don't go mindlessly killing these primitive rats until I've decided what I want to do with them! Understood?" his rough, animalistic tone could be heard even when he spoke against the wind, at the speed in which they flew. The men, all various species within the empire, had all yelled out, in their own dialects, 'Yes Sir' which was music to his ears. He like being in charge…
It was two hours since his force had left the command ship alone and its crew minimal while he took the bulk of the force and one hour since they hit the end of the continent they landed on and begun to fly over ocean. He noticed, his scouter had picked up more power-levels and these ones were much higher than then from the numbers his ship scanned from space, those of the five cities… no, these were something else, curious, his left hand came back from where it was outstretched whilst he flew, and he begun to charge a small enough Ki-blast. The teal orb formed quickly; its energy was looking as if it was chasing him, leaving a trail of Ki but this trail line was because of how fast he was flying. He slowed down just a bit and lobbed it at the ocean, while quickly forming another. The first Ki-blast hurdled towards the water and exploded on impact. That one was a 'baiting' attack to see if any uh, fish were biting…
What came out instead was some kind of black, humanoid-like giant, his next Ki-blast already thrown towards the target.
"Heh… heh, so if I'm reading this right, there are more of these creatures, at least in the ocean… they are stronger than a large percentage of the plebeians of this planet. It's no wonder they only have five population centers… they are more and more looking like they will make excellent slave labor to be sold to our clients. Pathetic. May b e I should have toyed with that monkey some more…" He sneered, the glint of his exploding Ki blast sent shockwaves in all directions away from impact, a large ring of water formed and continued to climb higher and higher as it went. Nodding to himself, his speed increased as he raised his head and arms, glancing towards the horizon and those two power-levels he would 'toy' with next…
This feeling was new to me, submerged inside the healing chamber, but man… I was healing 'too' fast for it to be normal. It must be to do with my newly unlocked aura, which is as I know, to do with the soul and since KI is the life-force energy from my soul, my aura in theory or I guess… in practically would eclipse everyone who has aura. And since aura is the manifestation of one's soul, mine would be the size of the sun.
It hasn't even been long, maybe a few hours, I opened my eyes and slowly felt around my wounds with my left hand. That gaping wound was closed, but I think I would need sustenance before I go after that green Zarbon-reject, whatever they call their species anyways. Now, I wouldn't blast myself out or damage this healing chamber, so I pressed that same red button from before I waited for the liquid to empty out. Once, a few minutes later, it was over was when the pod door begun to open, and I stepped out slowly now under my own weight and not weight-less from the healing pod.
"Well, let's have a quick look around before I end this and... oh! I might as well check how high my power-level is." I glanced towards my scouter on the console, nearly kicking the corpse of the dead alien while doing so. Stepping over the dead guy, I floated towards the console and placed my scouter on my face.
"Actually… I wouldn't want to give the game away, that green ogre would be able to pick it up too. No, I'll look for some food-" my stomach begun rumbling.
"Food then, now… where's the grub on this ship." I began to stalk forward, using my senses to keep track of those others within the ship. Opening the locked door to this medical room, I left and walked down the winding corridors, my memories were not going to be helping me with locating anything on such a ship as I have ever only used the 'attack ball' module and haven't been on one of these big ships before.
There… I can feel these grunts, much lower to the floor. Maybe there sitting-" I carefully walked into the room which turned about to be a long sleeping quarters room which run a good length of the ship If I wasn't mistaken. There were some of those grunts, alien's well, I could sense four in here in a calm meditative-like state. Sleeping.
"I could use some better kicks." I looked down at my state of dress, my uniform was worn and torn with holes in the armor and huge chunks of the blue under-armor suit in different states of wear and tear. Nodding to myself, I zeroed in on some cabinets, they looked big enough for clothing or uniforms in this case. Opening up, I smiled and went for one of the same kinds I was already wearing. These ones though had the symbol of the Frieza force on them or as I could see, The two F's, side by side in a mirror-like image with the two F's uh… 'scissoring' each other? Heh… it was the best way to explain it in my head… right, I was dressed, my old dregs placed within the locker, and I was on my way out. a though occurred to me then, I could get one of these guys to lead me to their mess room and I could get my fill before I go and kill that commander. Shrugging, I went to the closest alien who was not that far from me, jumping down the room towards his sleeping form, I covered his mouth and shook him awake. His eyes opened in a angry scowl but before he could speak, I already had my hand over his amphibious-looking face, covering his mouth.
"Hey… fish-face… where do you keep the food on this metal bucket, eh?" I glared at the guy, swaying my tail around like an enraged cat, showing this weakling that I was that Saiyan his boss killed, alive and kicking. His facial features changed rapidly from angry at been disturbed of his sleep to out-right panicking. So, he should be. Lifting my hand slowly from his mouth so he could speak while my other hand was pointing at him in the 'form' of a gun which almost made me laugh out loud.
"S-Saiyan, you're a-alive-" his raspy voice and the stuttering irritated me, remembering almost dying to one of his species months ago.
"'Answer the question or you'll be swimming… with the fishes, heh…. No, you'll take me to your mess hall, I need to eat, right now. And I'd rather not have to eat you… I hate tuna fish." bunching up his uniform near his neck, I pulled him to his feet and grabbed the scouter the dweeb slept with over his eye before dropping it to the floor and crushing it My other hand was poised at his back, a single dig-get poking him in the back, seamlessly I kept it in the pose of a 'gun', one finger out and thumb raised. The alien was quick to lead me along, through the sleeping quarters long ways to another door which had more people I could sense through it. Oh well, it looked like he served his purpose.
My KI-control was top notch even when it somewhat risen from that Zenkai boost I had acquired from the ass whopping I was given earlier and as I entered the room with the alien being pushed forward, I sensed seven others, also lower to the floor in terms of where they were and upon seeing them, they were seated and the alien with me was quick to shout.
"Saiyan! -" interrupting the amphibian aliens screech, my right hand which was poking him in the back was where I attacked from, a thin wisp of KI the size of one of Frieza's signature moves, the 'Death Beam' had shot out from my finger. I then started blasting. The rest of those surprised and in different stages of eating were my targets and realized that quickly as they begun to stand where they sat but it was all for nought. I raised both hands and aimed like guns, shooting all of them before they could get a word out with their scouters while also keeping my Ki-usage to a minimum. The shots were accurate 'Clint Eastwood' style, leaving holes in the heads of those targets while the one alien fish-face I had with me was heavily breathing on the ground. I could have aimed for their hearts but well, there hearts might not be where I knew them to be, alien genetics and all that but that wasn't with aiming at their heads and so that was the safest choice.
"Anyone for seconds? No? Oh well, more for me then." I was in the clear, but I didn't have time to waste, I would eat and go. Before something else wrong ends up happening. Sitting down at one of the benches, closest to me. I casually pushed the dead alien aside and slid over, his dinner would be the first I dig into.