(Blake Belladonna-POV)
After that fight, she immediately sat down onto the nearest bench and her shoulders sagged. Leaning against the table, she remembered the blast that had consumed and ultimately… killed her friend and newly 'secret' boyfriend, Kron. Weiss left immediately too but she didn't follow the girl, she was too weary, from the fight, from the information Kron had packed into her head just hours earlier. Sighing, she stood to assess the situation, she would morn Kron, but now her teammates needed her. Yang was glowing, not her usual glowing mind and Ruby was still upset for her sister. The body of the… bitch who targeted her, who had a grudge against Kron was aways over near upended furniture, Qrow and Ozpin stood nearby discussing something heatedly.
Approaching Yang, she hesitantly placed her left hand onto the girl's shoulder and winced when said girl shrugged her off absentmindedly. Yang's head turned around and glimpsed her, their eyes meeting and Yang's sorrow-disposition changed into frustration.
"Blake, to learn about my birthmother only to find out my search was in vain… now all I have of Her's is her damned sword-" Yang's voice which was slowly but steadily rising was cut-off mid speech by herself. Breathing out, she continued speaking, glancing at her sister who was near her.
"Ruby, off you go. I'll be with you in a second." the youngest girl glared at her sister who glared back in challenge. Rubbing the corner of her eyes quickly, Ruby picked up her 'Crescent Rose' from where it lay and avoided looking at the corpse as she headed over to team JNPR who were heading to the auditorium as they were told to, although hesitantly.
"Well, here I am complaining about some woman that spawned me and left and you've also lost someone. I... also, feel weird…" Yang placed one of her hands onto her face and reached for her mother's sword with her other hand. looking at it curiously before shrugging. Putting on a tough facade, she grinned at Blake and reached for the girl, engulfing her in a hug briefly.
"I'm sorry about your mom too, I-" Blake was interrupted by the familiar voice of headmaster Ozpin, she looked as he approached them and stood more closer to Yang who also glanced at the man neutrally.
"-Excuse me, Yang, Blake would you excuse us. Head off to the auditorium, there's no time for chit-chat. Yang, we need to talk." headmaster Ozpin said, his hands interlocked over his cane as he stood nearby. Blake nodded, smiling briefly to the blonde and walked out but not to the auditorium, Weiss needs her.
As she walked off, the pang of loss hit her, but she would not cry, not now.
"Seems I've found the downside of having my aura unlocked, if it could be a downside…" here I was, already finished off the seven alien's meal's but I was still hungry. Upending the room in search for Another meal, my hunger not yet satiated yet.
I checked my scroll, which I forgot I had on me and consequently, it was annihilated from the Ki-blast I took, the ocean and also from having it submerged in the healing chamber. Checking my scouter, I could check the time with it, it also pointed towards the south-east, the direction of Vale.
"So, his 'full-power' seems to be more than what I was told by that scout I had killed, the alien mut have only known about his non-transformed state." mumbling through food, that commanders power stood at 57,600.
"...36,000 something... something... equals… 57,600 so he's it's, ah... fuck the math, he's much stronger than I am at least, at the moment… let's hope that my 'Zenkai' I definitely am getting has raised my power up a bit." Finally finished up with my meal, no time to delay anymore. I would travel quickly and by right's, reach that ogre before he reaches Vale, wishful thinking…
"Shit, hmm… maybe…" the quickest way to get back to Vale would be to steal one of their attack balls and beat the Muppet to his destination. There were plenty outside. Satisfied in my decision, I jogged out of the mess hall, keeping note of the personal on the ship that remained and headed outside. Reaching the ramp, my face was blasted with wild winds and torrents of rain while I looked around, the closest ship nearby was already opened, and was full of rainwater. The next ship along however was shut. Jumping inside, I powered up the craft and smiled in satisfaction as the ship had no locks or a code to activate the ship, powering up the craft, quickly hammering buttons with my fingers I programmed the ship to land in another quadrant on the planet that would hopefully put me near to Beacon.
"I have a feeling… he will be heading there, the maiden power-levels were in the 800's. This guy looked like he would deal with the strongest first." unsure in my conclusion, I needed to at least get there and then meet the bastard half-way before he got to a population center like Vale where it would be easy for such scum to vaporize the city on the spot.
Blasting upwards, the pod sped upwards out through the stratosphere before continuing its trajectory in a wide angle, the ship was encased in its energy plus the flames that nicked it as it left the atmosphere when it stopped dead in space, it didn't take that long reaching the half-way point, just shy of four minutes. The ship was tilted face down onto the planet, viewing the orb, the ship immediately blasted back down but onto the right trajectory.
(P.T.O Commander Valium-POV)
The horizon offered a wonderful sight, the first buildings of one of the population centers were beginning to appear as he and his men blasted through the sky, he smirked before laughing. many of his men begun to chuckle along with him, seeing what he saw.
"Right men, follow my lead, first we identify the leader of this city-state and then wait for them to surrender. If they don't well, you know your jobs men."
"Sir!" was shouted from multiple directions, some of his men cockily begun to laugh out much louder than previously. Another ten minutes later, his men and he had passed over the city… and multiple scouters were picking up immense amounts of readings from around the city, the majority of these battle powers were of the weak but there battle powers in the one hundreds scattered around, some even blinking out of existence frequently... how quaint...
"Seems like they are under attack, you there yellow lizard grunt, head down there and assess the situation. then head regroup with us. Quickly, quickly." his gruff voice echoed even through the oncoming wind that hit them as they flew.
"Heh, hee… heh fine, agh… right sir." the alien with the yellow skin and elongated head nodded before dropping downwards.
His target was in sight though, across a lake from where he and his men flew was a strange assortment of buildings, towers and courtyard. This was the place-
He and his men landed just as one of his attack balls came down in front of them, ripping the courtyard up and digging deep. The ship's hatch opened and out stood…
"Saiyan! ah, you've survived then... ah... What a wonderful sight and you're reading on my scouter as a meager ten battle-power... very sneaky of you... and here I was thinking I wouldn't have another fight that was worthy enough for me. Seeing as you've lasted this… you're not wounded hmm, you've been wondering around on my ship then, leaving your grubby prints all over my ship. I got to tell you; you heal up quick.... For a filthy animal" his voice which usually frightened his enemies while he was in his transformed state had no effect on this Saiyan this time around, for he remembered how the beast in front of him had flinched when he first turned into his 'monster form' hours ago.
"Enough talking freak, it's time for you to die-" the monkey swiftly pushed his hand forward quickly in a straight motion, the Ki-wave engulfed half of his men while swallowing him whole in its destructive energies, blocking his vision as the explosion engulfed him. He smirked, being blown back, without a scratch on himself.
He caught himself mid-air and hovered down to the ground, blocking the explosion with his fists raised in front of himself while the explosion ripped the courtyard to pieces. Debris and smoke formed after the explosion and then quickly as it appeared, parted to show him the Saiyan, hand raised still… smirking?
"What are you smiling about, heh… didn't you remember what happened last time you fought me-"
"-your men are dead, that last attack of mine has dealt with those you'd had gathered in your party. Just look around, your buddies corpses are either disintegrated or strewn about... in pieces, heh." he glanced around, the monkey was right. He would be getting no help from his men, not that he needed it… he begun to laugh, was that what the Saiyan was boasting about?
"...heh heh… that it? What, why don't you take an extra good look at me. Do I look like I need men to help me take out the trash? Things will be slow I will admit, but ultimately this planet and its weak people are not really worth… annexing. They aren't needed, in the grand scheme of things." Valium glared at the beast in front of him as the Saiyan begun contemplating his words. Yes monkey, yes… mull it over in your head, and I'll do this.
Valium raised both of his arms in a pose as if he was flexing his arm muscles, the teal beam of Ki left his mouth and point-blank range, hitting the Saiyan. The light from the attack hadn't been snuffed out surprisingly, his attack had not yet exploded like usual and slowly he realized why. Damnable monkey was holding the Ki-beam at bay, and from what his eyes told him, slowly pushing the beam back, although he can hear the Saiyan yell in pain from his surprise beam. Valium couldn't speak thanks to his choice of using his mouth to suddenly attack, his beam was locked in a struggle with the Saiyan and finally he could make out the Saiyan's purple-colored Ki Beam which was connected to his, slowly washing over his teal-colored beam. If he jumped out of the way, at this range, the beam would at least nick him either on the legs if he flew up, or to the sides if he went either way to dodge, the monkey was slowly winning the Ki struggle as the lands around them slowly tore itself apart from the struggle of KI. He made to move, snapping shut his mouth and disconnecting his Ki from feeding his surprise attack further whilst simultaneously he moved to the left and was only partly singed from the opposing beam that was sent and now engulfing his own attack which combined, heading for his previous position he was at.
The explosion of impact shattered windows of the nearby buildings and ripped up the earth and courtyard, shaking the very planet in its blast. The explosion headed more his way, seeing as it was the way the impact had happened, spilling over the side of the cliff-face near the big lake. His thoughts were interrupted when he was sent flying, courtesy of the fist hitting the side of his face, squarely in the jaw.
"-Gakkh, how… did that monkey see-" another hit, this time to his abdomen, he retched forward, a spittle from his mouth released from the hard hit before, he felt another blow on top on of the head which sent him reeling down into the side of the cliff. He felt as he hit the cliff but continued through it, knocking through rock, grass and dirt as he continued to soar uncontrollably to the lake below him. The impact into the water sent waves as high as those cliffs he'd just passed through before.
Valium was fortunately saved from further damage by the water, which slowed him down enough for him to right himself up. His scouter was lost, and he was mad. Rightfully so too, how dare that creature tarnish his fair skin? He couldn't glimpse the sheer hatred on his face, he didn't have to, he was feeling those feelings and as he seethed, his Ki jolted forth from his body when he begun to charge his Ki.
".….-" almost losing himself to his righteous fury, he forgot he was underwater as he begun to, well… try to yell. Instead, he begun to channel his Ki, charging his energies. The water around him begun to boil and moved far away from him, the water glowed much greener than was normal as his Ki aura manifested around himself, if he were on land, he would be laughing right now, this Saiyan… he will soon know his… displeasure…
(Weiss Schnee-POV)
In the midst of her tear's, in her and her teammate's room, the window's had suddenly shattered hard, and a large earthquake was felt, the tremor's up-sided things in team RWBY's room. Wiping her eyes, she moved quickly as the bed she was under had almost fallen on top of her, her weapon was underneath the now capsized bed and she reached to pull it out. Once securing her rapier, the tremors she felt were getting louder? Confused, she headed for the window and-
"He's… h-he's alive? That idiot! Here I am cry- wait…, he's fighting that… t-that monster." she watched enraptured as those tremors were being caused by the… fight in front of her as she gawked from the window. There he was- he and the green monster! - there he was again! - they were moving at speeds she could not keep up with, only seeing them once they landed a blow on the other. Those tremors were caused by those blows on each other, it was... unbelievable. Brother's… the very air… seemed to move at each of their movement's. Every hit, every kick seemed to affect the environment in some way, whether it be the wind from their attacks, the earth from- ouch… Kron was sent into the ground by the green alien's double swing from its fist's raised highly above its head, sending him spiraling into the ground.
'...Weiss! come on. The building's shaking- huh?" she didn't hear the other girl walk in nor call to her as her concentration was held onto the fight in front of her eyes. She turned to the other girl, she must have looked a mess because Blake's eyes softened a bit before reaching out to her right hand to pull her over and away from the open window.
"Come on, the professor wants to arrange the team's missions and- is that green alien outside the window?" she asked, glaring past her shoulder with an intense hatred Weiss had never seen on the girl's face before. Before Weiss could explain more, explain that Kron was alive… somehow and right now fighting that oafish brute, Blake's eye's hardened and she left in a hurry, letting go of the other girl's hand as she ran out the room. Blinking, Weiss had realized and fast what Blake was planning on doing, the girl was most likely going to head out there and try and 'fight' the ogre herself…
"-Hey! Wait! -" she dashed after the girl, being a faunas, Blake was much quicker than Weiss and she already outpaced the heiress. Blake was already gone, and Weiss had seen just moments before what kind of fight the girl would be heading into… it was, was absolutely suicide to fight beings who throw around energy and effect the environment just by existing. Weiss had to stop the girl and explain things before she got herself killed.
I took another blow to the ribs while struggling to get back up from the dirt, the beast's left knee lay above my legs while he continued to punch me.
"Hah hah! You like t-that… monkey boy-" having enough, I erupted in a burst of Ki to surge from within and blasted it in all directions, the green lizard was blasted up while I also was bounced off the ground underneath me and used it's momentum to rise into the air and retaliate. Grabbing his feet whilst he soared in the air, I pulled him closer and begun hitting him with hard but controlled punches to the creature's face. He tried to kick me in turn, but I was able to dodge that and send him into the ground with a kick to his body. The alien was sent flying back down and hammered into the ground below. I was breathing hard, not out of exertion, but from the lucky hits that bastard had got in so far and at places that hurt more like the kidneys.
"...Royal Spear!" placing my hands out and cupping them, my circulating Ki was fed into the beam quickly and as the attack was rushed, it would not do that much damage, but it would buy me time for another more charged version of the attack.
"Gahhkk!-" the alien commander had just got to his feet when my beam struck him and then exploded on impact, the blast wasn't that bad but some of the closest buildings of Beacon academy were affected, bits of the roof tiling were falling off from what I could see-
-In front of me, from the explosion was when the beast had charged forward, caked in soot and wounds but the monster was laughing, a fist held out in front when he rammed it into my face which canceled out my gathering of more Ki.
"Cheeky little ruffian, this is a real attack…-" he begun laughing, the animalistic explosion burst from his lips as I could hear his Ki charging, his teal-colored aura of his Ki exploded out from him as he charged his attack. I was flung towards the lake, but I stopped the fall mid-air just barely hitting the water which blasted the water into every direction from the air-impact. When I was hit, I managed to re-focus me Ki again and while being flung, had charged more of it for another Ki-blast.
"-Valient Rush-" He roared loudly, the proclamation of his attack as a green beam of Ki rushed downwards, spikes of green lightning flickering around the beam as it headed my way.
"-Royal Spear! -" I yelled, with having fed a significant amount of my Ki into the attack, the purple beam with a arrow's tip flew out and met with the alien commander's Ki-Blast. The noise… the loud noise as the Ki-blast's clashed together rocked my ears, the colors flashing blindingly, each beam fought with urgency, either beam being pushed back before it would gain some momentum and continued to struggle against the other. I continued to feed more Ki into my attack, slowly my beam was gathering ground when it would suddenly lose and would be pushed back. The clash continued on, neither of us could gain the upper hand but still each of us fed more Ki into our own Ki-beams which ever slowly, expanded the beams and thus would widen the imminent explosion.
Slowly, the wind begun to push outward from the center point where the beams met each other, I could hear the water below me begin to move in rapid motions and the cliff-face nearby had started to collapse, an inverted dome of water formed where I was being slowly pushed back into in the water, which continued to kick back from the size of my Ki outside my body in an aura. The sky darkened from the clash, breathing heavily, I focused and fed a huge amount more of my Ki and watch in vicious glee as my beam expanded by the huge increase of Ki, the beam of purple begun to travel higher and then swallow the alien's attack. My moment of victory was dashed when the alien commander, I could sense moving quickly, he dashed out to the side as my Beam travelled outward, climbing higher into the sky.
He was too far out to see properly, I was winded by the exertion, but I had no doubt he too was feeling it and much more than me as unlike I, he never had the foresight to heal himself up. I raised up into the sky and met the same height as the green commander and got just a little closer, where both of us regarded the other without yelling.
From where we were still far enough apart, I could see him heavily breathing before he stopped that and smirked, showing of his sharp canines. He spoke, pointing downward with a sharp bladed finger, smirking towards me. I was breathing heavily, some of the more heavily damaged wounds on my person were beginning to heal thanks to my unlocked aura although very slowly… I felt better then I looked I bet. Following the prick down onto the ground, the beast begun to speak.
"You're not like other Saiyan's I've met, no, your something else… I heard that the king of your people was the strongest your primitive race has got, but now that I've seen you… well, that king of yours pales in comparison-"
"-Are you going anywhere with this, dickhead?" I interrupted the arrogant sot and watched as my words barely affected him. He chuckled, more like a growling mewl then laughter and then his eyes tightened onto me.
"Not really, I've seen how strong your Ki usage his and rightly surmised that we're not going to beat each other with Ki alone. So… come little Saiyan, your strength with Ki is admirable but your… strength of body… that, is where this end's… with your death!" the beast charged me, hoping to hit me by surprise but I could sense him building up Ki while he talked, tightly contained within him while trying to hide it behind boastful words, he was most likely using it to reinforce his physical attacks. Just as I was about to move, my own attack was already planned, he would come at me, and I will hit him with two small Ki-blasts and-
Reacting as quick as I could the two small spheres formed in both my hands as I launched them towards the unassuming prick and exploded onto him, purple Ki static ran up and down his form, it looked like it had worked, the paralysis effect barely affected him as he flinched.
"-Huh… urkk… hah… I can't move, you little shit-" I began to lay into him, launching punch after punch into his temporarily paralysis self while he remained that way.
-Kron!!" I heard Blake's voice and went to speak, but the commander, having broken out of the paralysis had retaliated with brutal blows to me and my interrupted state, his hits were more heavily damaging then what I looked to have inflicted to him, even while I momentarily had the advantage before. I shrugged off most of it, feeling my anger at boiling point, my Ki rolled off me in waves and I felt a spike of power I could use at my command, it was hard to concentrate though, and I really wanted to tear this guy apart now, maim this fucker…fuck this cunt!
(Blake Belladonna-POV)
She watched, falling to the ground almost immediately from the power these two were exerting off of them in the fight and had to tightly grip one of her blades into a solid part in the ground or she would have been sent flying backwards. Kron looked different, his hair which stood in that uh… palm tree style... he always had it in had risen upwards, there also seemed to be a red tint to the hair as-well. His muscles had bulked up even more… impressively, she almost forgot to swallow… but his skin was now a slight yellow hue. it was his eyes though… when she saw him glance at her, herself yelling his name in surprise at seeing him alive, they were… white, no pupil's nor irises… just... white. He looked frightening, she almost gasped when she glimpsed him fully, but she reined that in and instead focused her anger onto the green monster he was fighting.
She also noticed that his aura or Ki as he calls it had changed color from its usual purple tint to a more yellow tint with hints of that purple Ki randomly running out from him like lightning bolts. They attacked each other savagely, most of the damaged they inflicted towards each other was barely seen by her eyes, they were too fast. She slowly made her way backwards and found cover near the school where she could view the fight in a safer manner.
"Blake! we have to go. It's too dangerous here-" Weiss was blown over by the force of another impact the two fighters had made against each other. Blake was too far apart to help Weiss; she tried to wrap the girl with her unused weapons ribbon but missed. She gritted her teeth and released the blade from the ground and tumbled after Weiss. The two girls met up again near the main building of the school but were still blown back into the side of said building.
"This is I-insane. We've got to get out of here." Weiss shrieked loudly, as a piece of debris had collided between the two girls and exploded into tiny pieces.