Dealing With Salem...

Salem had bid the 'Nevermore' to fly higher and higher, trying to catch sight of the aliens ships. While also staying out of sight of any troublesome element that might block her from her new goal, those of Atlas being the prime obstacles. She anticipated meeting such an individual that reminded her of those horrible gods, she would ask humbly for this ones help and hopefully attain what she ultimately sought after, her death. 

"Ah… there it is." licking her lips, she made her way to a nearby hill and landed.

She regally leaped off of the 'Nevermore' and commanded it leave before it was eliminated by the Atlesian soldiers surveying the area. One such soldier had approached weapon held high as he yelled at her.

"Drop any weapons and raise your hands in the air!" amused, she could easily crush this human and continue on her way to meet the one she sought but decided to keep things cordial and followed his instructions. None of them knew her, only Ozma knew what she looks like and even with her Grimm-like looks she had the advantage as just previously, aliens were found to exist and their world wasn't alone in the universe. Soon, other soldiers arrived and with weapons raised, all of them were alert as they had never seen someone like her before, maybe they even assumed she was an alien, the thought of that amused her greatly.

"Take me to your leader Atlesian soldiers, I need to speak with the one with the tail." she spoke up, her voice laced in a mockingly manner that had set some of them on edge. She would have laughed but anymore amusement she could bore from these men had paled in comparison to getting to the one who interested her. As she was guided to the make-shift base, she glanced around at all the circular domes she guessed were small space ships, whoever these aliens were, it enlightened her on how the place she called home was not the only place within the galaxy to hold intelligent life, her vast years alive and yet she was still learning. It was then she sensed him, his life-force was much more… illuminated then any other in the world, even more powerful in presence then Ozma. She could sense him on board that huge structure she realized was the command ship and felt giddy.

"Ma,am this one was found wondering the outskirts. She must be one of the aliens that had gotten away." The girl, a Schnee sneered at her as she regaled her looks and then motioned one of the soldiers over. 

"Get Kron, she looks different but she has no armor. She might be someone else who came on those ships." she turned back around and looked Salem up and down before speaking.

"We will settle this mess and afterwards you will cooperate, understand." Salem just smirked at the girl and the girl seethed a little at being mocked and surrounded by so many of her men. Sometime after that, she stood waiting around while surrounded by a entourage of men with guns until the one she seeks approached.

He approached, a young man wearing strange armor which she guessed the girl was speaking about before and she watched, sending him an interested gaze as he flinched, it was too quick to be seen by the other's, but she spotted it, how could she not, it was because of her. How curious…

"This one was found out side, Kron you look rested, so help with this. Is she any of those species from this Frieza Force you told me about; she doesn't look like any of the intact corpses we currently have on ice. Is she one of them, yes?" the girl, a specialist had asked the being she now knew to be this 'Kron'. 

"Leave her with me, she-"

"-What do you mean leave her with you, she is an unknown-" the specialist Schnee spoke aloud in an outburst, the soldiers still watching Salem herself tensely.

"-You're coming with me, before Winter here turns me into an icicle." he glanced at the soldiers and held out his right elbow and arm to her, she smirked and graciously held wrapped her arm within his arm as this Kron walked her away from the Atlesian soldiers and the Schnee girl who looked to be fuming at Kron's brush off.

"So your Salem, what do you want and try not to waste my time. And before you ask, yes I know who you are." he causally dropped as they walked inside the massive ship, she would have almost hesitated following him on board but instead she shrugged off his casual threat as she knew she was invincible after all. Instead, she smirked his way and answered.

"So you know of me, I won't beat around the bush as they say as I have to ask you for a favor. I've seen your strength, you power. I… I want to die, do you have such power to destroy an immortal like me, or is beneath even your god-like abilities?." He glanced towards her surprised and then continued escorting her along the ship. They entered a area where a lot of beds were aligned in rows in a room. Salem had nothing to lose, her maiden Cinder was dead, she knew this from the Grimm within her which was used to steal the spring maiden power's, going after the other maidens when Ozma had them either under his sway or hidden away, she couldn't go after the relics to summon the brother gods, unless she continued to plot in the shadows but she was tired of doing so and losing to her ex-husband. 

"Can you do this, if it's payment you want I can offer you much." she said, there was much she could grant-

"-Hmm, you surprise me Salem, but no I cannot destroy you I don't believe, I can try but no, I think it would be a waste of effort. If you want me to try, however… hang on-" she almost began to fume at the dead end, but he continued speaking, while he begun to pace to and fro in front of her, stealing glances her way while he thought something over in his head.

"-I cannot believe I'm even suggesting this but, I'm leaving this planet, there is a way to get rid of your immortality, out there in space. If you come with me, I can help you and in return, you leave this world, it's Grimm to the people of Remnant to do what they will." She considered those words, giving up her home? Well, yes of course, anything for the death she so long sought, she would give up anything for that sweet release. She just met the young man/alien but she already trusted him more then any of her subordinates, maybe it was because of his power, or because of his saddened emotions he tried to hide or perhaps it was because she was a sap for the broken things. Salem nodded and Kron sighed out-loud.

"Answer me this first, young man. How do you even know about me, why trust me with this? I came upon you a stranger, but you seem to know of me. No doubt, Ozma has told you much about me, so why offer me this? Don't you know what I am?" her tone of voice soft spoken as she regarded the tense-looking young man named Kron. He answered though not what she wanted to hear.

"What I know will stay with me, make no mistake lady, I don't trust you but I know what you would do if I refused to help you. So where going to do this my way, I imagine your strong, but pardon my arrogance but I believe you've seen what I can do too. Instead of fighting, I could kill you here and now but you would only just revive, while your abilities would only tickle me." he makes sense, short of her using her ace in the hole, her magic which may or may not effect him to the degree it effected those of this planet, he really was an unknown anomaly… anomalies should stick together.

"I will accept, if you can help me get rid of this immortality, I will trust you in helping me. Just know, my wrath is insurmountable and my hatred eternal plus I can't be killed." he snorted but shook his head in affirmative, he had a sense of humor it seemed…

"Sure, anyways. We will leave soon, follow me to ." he glanced at her and walked off, trusting she would not attack him from behind or something. She followed, sitting up from the bed she had sat upon while she talked to him.

He to her to another room further down the hall, what appeared to be the command area and he sat down onto a comfy-looking chair. She was curious of the ship and continued to look around while Kron was busy typing something onto the console. She heard a click and turned back around to him, he pulled some kind of device from the console, a heavy looking metallic box. He turned to her and saw her curious expression.

"It's a computer, from what I know, the guys who used this ship handed these out to newly indoctrinated planets in order to 'uplift' their technology to space-faring civilizations, much more useful for the Frieza Force to use as canon-fodder then primitives." She was confused about a lot of the information he compiled to her and replied.

"And, this Frieza Force is…" the words rolled off her tongue, a strange name…

"It is run by someone who can easily turn you into a speck of dirt just by blinking, seeing as your immortal though, you would only get a kick out of it briefly, but there's worse things then death. You would most likely become his punching bag." he said and Salem nodded.

Salem found a place she could relax and lounge around while this Kron continued to tap away at the console. There were loud footsteps heard and she turned around to glimpse the girl from earlier. The Schnee girl. She looked quiet cross, with him while it seemed she ignored her presence outright for now.

"Why is this prisoner, not being held in a more secure way, she looks like she's just relaxing at her own pleasure." She snidely asked and glared her way then, acknowledging her now and Salem just smiled which irked the girl some more. Kron turned and replied for her sake.

"This… prisoner as you call her is coming with me, out into space, I gather there won't be a problem, Winter." he asked, before she could reply as she looked to be about to snap, he continued. "This console which I have removed here had all the technology your scientist's would like to go over, basically it's a care-package which when connected to your servers, would upload all it's data packages to your servers, Ironwood will be pleased I'm sure." he added, slumping back onto his comfy-command chair.

"It's funny that you mention the general, he has just landed with the scientists." Salem glanced at the girl, she knew the general knew about her but wasn't sure if Ozma had shown him what she looks like and so wasn't that really worried. Kron stood up and looked at the Winter girl.

"Right, that ship I took before, I'll be taking that, I will need another ship for her. Then I will leave this planet. I will unite you with your sister again." Winter looked taken aback but then sighed and turned her back on him.

"Right, then. Well, the general waits." she walked off quick ignoring his last remark as she come and kron stood up to follow. He looked back and then spoke.

"Wait here, Salem. I doubt the general will attack me, but seeing you might just tick him off." she shrugged and stood up, before sitting in his comfy-seat.

"Hurry back, I'm eager to remove this curse on me." she spoke, Kron nodded curtly and left.


I left the Grimm queen inside the command room of the ship and caught up to Winter who had heard my approach and slowed down.

"you and that… woman look to be close. I have to ask, is she an alien too, she looks quite… Grimm-like" her narrowed eyes, looked deep into my own and I grunted.

"Never-mind her, here, I've got the data-storage for your general. Then I'm off." she glanced at the box in my hand and then back to my eyes. She huffed and then replied.

"Right, your still on about that." she said and refusing to argue, kept silent. Leaving the ship now, I'd seen more of them Atlesian warships hovering above the sky and spotted one that stood out to be larger than the rest. There was a smaller troopship leaving it and Winter had gone from her rigid pose to a more professional look, complete with lacing her fingers behind her back as she stood at attention. I watched, amused at her change in attitude before waiting for the ship to land.

"Winter, I need two ships. Hope James Ironwood won't try and throw a fit. He's lucky he's even getting any of my uh, spoils of war." she nodded, distracted as the general left the dropship and headed for us. The man himself stepped out and curiously glanced around the scorched earth and at all the ships scattered about, he then seen both Winter and I and approached us rather… quickly.

"General, this is a surprise, what, you look eager to get your hands on all these toys." I said.

"Quite. Kron, I'm surprised your still here. Specialist Schnee here has informed me of your leaving. I should let you know that the kingdoms councils, including myself and Ozpin will be coming together to discuss much of the past few days, much will be about what to do with yourself as well as the as you called them, spoils of war." I glanced at Winter had not met my eyes and begrudgingly agreed I had no right to blame her for anything, she, like me, has lost someone precious. I turned back to James and replied.

"Oh? What, does your people believe they can… arrest me, or something more along those lines. Yeah right and anyway I'll be leaving and for good reason too." James glanced at Winter and then back to me, some of the soldiers in the background begun to walk off as the general waved them off.

"Specialist Schnee, I have a task I want you to fulfill, I would like you to go with Kron here, to be Remnant's liaison to any other civilizations out in the galaxy that Remnant can build relations with when we re-engineer the technology to begin exploring and eventually, expanding into space ourselves. Kron, I would like to ask some questions before you leave, about this… Frieza Force." The man asked and I hummed, Winter had looked shocked and she expressed that surprise by yelling somewhat.

"Sir!!, going out into space, I will miss my sister's funeral-" Winter grit her teeth when the general held up a hand and interrupted her.

"According to you, Kron has expressed he knows a way to 'revive' her, help him in this mission and then once your mission is carried out, return to your sister. I hope you know I am not forcing this mission on you, you can return to Atlas if you'd like but understand the gravity of such a momentous task I have given you carefully." so, Winter has been blabbing to the general it seems, no surprise there as she is first and foremost a soldier for Atlas, not just my friend and Weiss's sister... I won't blame her, even though it somewhat irked me. Looks like Winter is coming along, with Salem going along too off planet, Remnant should be safe now from her influence. I should tell Ozpin before I leave, see what he says. The guy might start panicking but the guy should get over it right quick, no Salem means no need to worry about those brother bastards.

"No, sir, I can do this…" her teeth were bared as she winced a little, snapping out of it, she saluted the general and begun to walk off, not dismissed. James sighed and turned to me.

"Kron, your barred from this planet too, I hope you understand the populace is going to constantly fear you and your power, the governments will fear you as your strong enough to conquer the planet if you wanted. I… appreciate at least that you didn't attempt such." he brought up and I could hear those around me tense up in preparation for something… Maybe waiting for if I begin to snap and prove him wrong.

"Your planet has brought me some good memories, I admit I lost two of those reasons for me to stay which Is why I am leaving and for good. It was… fun while it lasted, I will take good care of Winter though and send her back later on. Seeing as it will be Winter and I leaving, I am in the mind of taking the biggest ship with me." James nodded surprisingly not fighting my taking the biggest and the most impressive of ships here and begun to contemplate what I said carefully. After a brief pause he nodded in agreement again and then he replied.

"Done. As long as my scientist's can give it a once over before you leave. I suggest you stock up on as much food and water from my fleet as you and Winter need and leave As soon as my engineers finish glancing over the… command ship you will be using."

"No need, this here-" I signaled to the black-looking data box I was still carrying. "This has all the technology you'd ever need as well as from what I can gather, nearby planets of interest and there are two Frieza Force planets as your neighbors, I suggest you and your planet learn what Ki is and fast. The information is on there by the way, and from what I found, very knowledgeable about the topic. Ki is what I use by the way so have fun with that." I added and he grabbed onto the massive computer-sized drive tenderly as I handed it over. He signaled two of his soldiers to take it with them on board his drop-ship and nodded.

"Excellent, I will be sure to spread this around to the kingdoms and explain that you were the one who gifted this to our people. With this technology and knowledge, the fight against… ah, 'her' will be to our advantage" he said, knowing he was bringing up Salem without mentioning her to me. He really was happy with me leaving, Ironwood was practically 'begging' me to leave and quickly, after his last words, he expressed his 'gratefulness' by walking up to me and awkwardly holding his hand out to shake mine. I returned the gesture as to me he really is an alright guy and stepped back after a brief but firm handshake.

After a while, While The soldiers begun hoarding the food and spare water on board of my new ship, I parked the attack ball that I took off the ship back into the command ship and made sure that the soldiers put the supplies in the right place. I could barely sense Salem as she looked to have cloaked herself with her magic but she was still sitting… menacingly on my command seat and I left her there for now. 

"I'm about to ring Ozpin and tell him I am leaving with his ex-wife, thought you aught to know Salem. Winter, I'm going to need your scroll" I said casually turning to Winter, watching her face carefully for any sight of disagreement. Winter nodded and removed it from her pocket before handing it towards me while Salem continued to glance between us weirdly.

"Right, here." Winter said.

 I rung the man himself when the Atlesian soldiers were finished dumping the supplies on board. Winter stood nearby as she watched me work over the console which I easily managed to maneuver, much like the computer it is, They couldn't understand the writing but I could so I will be the sole navigator of this journey. Good thing the ship was at least for me, easy to find what works what, like the map which showed the general territory of Frieza's empire and some other planets that are points of interest, including earth which was listed here as a small minor point of interest, nothing about Namek though.

The scroll that Winter owns begun ringing and Salem had giggled evilly-sounding. I would have sweat dropped if this was an anime, instead I tapped my foot repeatedly on the metallic floor of the command ship while I waited for Ozpin to pick up.

"Hello Kron, how are you feeling, I hope your feeling better. What can I do for you young man." he asked, Salem snorted just out of ear-shot which pulled my eyes to her before I replied.

"Not that good, physically I'm alright but I've got something to tell you. What I wanted to say was I am leaving Remnant. Now that I've dealt with my old employer's, I can leave, I have a purpose to fulfill so this is me saying goodbye and… thanks for letting me stay at Beacon all those months Ozpin." I could hear him swallow and his lips parted as he spoke.

"...I see, there is a meeting concerning you that will happen sometime in the near future, a lot of people are scared. Rest assured, your sacrifice and those you've lost will not be in vain and Remnant as a whole have come out the better for it. I've been told my James that you know of a way to revive the late Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna, while I would caution you to not meddle in dangerous… magical abilities, I believe I would not persuade you. Actually, two people have come into my office right now. The parents of Blake Belladonna…" his voice was heard talking quietly with two other individuals and I felt some measure of dread tingle up my spine.

"Hello, this is Kron, the one who got-" the gruff voice of what it sounded to be Blake's father, what was his name? Ghira? Before he could get out even one word besides from the clenching of teeth I could hear grinding on the scroll, another voice had spoken up over him.

"Ghira dear, calm down. Your Kron right, I've heard some thing's about you and also seen a lot of you too on our television, when you fought for us against your own people. Blake only spoke with us twice since she enrolled and started to come to Beacon, once when she first arrived there and the other time when she decided to leave the White Fang. You were brought up both times. How did you know our daughter? I've been told by the headmaster here that your were close?" Kali Belladonna sounded slightly like Blake, only more regal-like and it weirdly tugged at my heart strings at almost having to hear Blake's voice again. I begun to spoke and clear my throat briefly before replying.

".…Yeah uh, she and I had become close, there's no denying that. I am sorry, for failing to protect your daughter and-" I heard a masculine gruff sound on the other end and then Kali replied over her husband.

"We're much to blame as well, but please try not to blame yourself too much. Blake was always a free-spirited young girl. We will morn her, in our own way-"

"-I will try not to but don't blame myself if I can't. Again, I'm sorry, even if it doesn't mean much." I heard a huff from Ghira but Kali sighed and then spoke up.

"I just wish we could have met, in person and in… different circumstances." I could hear when the scroll was placed onto a wooden surface and then the sounds as it was picked up and then Ozpin spoke. Hearing him, I snapped my attention back onto Salem who continued to stare my way curiously and so I spoke up, intent to explain about Salem and my plan on bringing her off-world.

"Ozpin, I'm leaving your planet like I said, but I'm not going alone. Here, someone wants to speak with you." I lifted the scroll from my ear and extended it to the ancient cursed human and she haughtily picked it out of my hand. She then began to speak up. Salem would explain better than I could.

"Hello… Ozma, it's been a century hasn't it, since the last war." Winter stared in confusion at the name of Ozpin's former reincarnation and also the 'century' comment. I, knowing everything was ready, began to initiate launching sequences as I confirmed that all the soldiers were off the ship except for Winter while Salem continued to chat with Ozpin, quietly away from both Winter and I and I sat in front the main console. 

"Winter, take a seat. I'm beginning the launch sequence so keep in your seat until then." she nodded before replying as she sat down onto a nearby seat in preparation for blast off.

"Right, sure thing." She sat down in one of the nearby seats as I begun to work over the Console, the ships controls were easy to understand as they were similar to the attack balls configuration, though there are much more buttons for other controls, like emergency lights and the ability to hack communications are two example's plus other mundane tasks the ship could run are more numerous then the attack balls simplicity.

The ship came to life as I fumbled around with the console, the ship had initiated it's launch sequence in a language only I could understand as I heard Winter mumble to herself . Salem causally walked towards me and handed me Winter's scroll back to me, it was still connected to Ozpin.

"he wants to talk with you dear, say goodbye to him will you." she sarcastically added as she went back and sat down onto the command sofa to wait out the ship beginning the launch.

"Yeah, Ozpin, what's up, hope I didn't blindside you with that." I asked, cautiously to not sour our last words to each other.

"...Thank you young man, for the small part you've provided for Remnant. With Salem leaving… good luck young man in your adventures." he spoke kindly and hung up before I could retort, he saved me from coming up with some sappy reply. Heh, it was a weird experience for sure, Weiss… Blake, I will bring you back…