After the ship reached outer-space, I made the ship navigate on its own by the onboard AI and became Salem and Winter's guide around the ship for the first few hours, just showing the two around if they wanted to be shown around. A few days had already passed by quickly, they both were in awe as we blasted out of Remnant's atmosphere, past the rocky remnants of the now destroyed moon and then through space but as days gradually passed, they felt very constricted within the confines of the massive ship. The onboard AI would take the ship to two previous planet's that have been visited that had Frieza Force presence, namely two before it would go straight for the wormhole that connected to Frieza's empire territory. Going to another planet, not to liberate it but just to eliminate the high battle powers of the soldiers I had learned from the command ships logs were stationed at the two planets, or if I had to, resort to just end up blowing those worlds to space rocks though I was hesitant to do so.
Salem had stayed within one of the barracks where the sleeping quarter rooms were located while Winter stayed close to me. The Schnee didn't trust Salem and also wanted to see the galaxy through the glass panels of the command room while trying and failing to keep still the excitement in being in space could be gleamed upon her features and kept the depressing thoughts of her sister out of her head. I couldn't train on this ship properly and there was that transformation I hadn't yet named, instead I channeled my KI and enhanced myself with it to try and simulate a gravity-increasing technique but had failed that, but I continued to try and meditate. I practiced mostly with using and forming my Ki into different shapes and spheres as to keep the Ki circulating through me. This journey would take some time, first to head to earth which was marked on the ships logs as a minor backwater world that could be conquered anytime and also to find the location of the planet Namek which was my goal.
I knew that traveling through the wormhole that first took me to Remnant would only be an hour trip, but it would accelerate the years gone-by, eleven years exactly when the ship travels through it, I thought it. I stopped focusing on my Ki and approached Winter, although I almost wanted not to as she did look like Weiss from behind.
"Hey, still pacing." I said, awkwardly looking into her eyes and then out into space.
"Yeah, what is it, is there something wrong?." she seemed a little moody, that was fine, I stopped looking at her as she gazed out of the window and stared at the blinks of stars that glittered the inky blackness of space. Looking her specialist outfit over, I had found something I could talk to her about at least.
" know that getup is not standard 'Frieza Force' material, there is plenty of spare armor-suits in this ship that I could show you, like mine. They are comfortable and more importantly, durable in fights." I tried small talk first, to ease into it and Winter continued to stare out of the ship before she turned my way, her gaze neutral.
"I also want to tell you that we will be heading to two planets before we leave the cluster of systems connected to Remnant's system. I need to deal with the Frieza force on these planets, so Remnant remains safe from them. I suggest you also study from the archives when you have time, learning the language the Frieza Force generally use would go a long way for you to understand the training knowledge stored in the archives." she nodded and her gaze softened in understanding that even while barred from Remnant, I was still lending a hand then her gaze became serious as she considered my words of studying. Training her would be hard for me as even now I was barely holding back the cage that was my rage from consuming me and more importantly, the ship we were currently in as Winter would die if the ship went boom so to speak. Winter went to speak when both of us turned when Salem spoke up.
"Hello, Kron. Schnee girl. So, Kron, can I ask about you." she stared at me, staring occasionally out into space through the nearby glass panels as she too was curious of space although she hid it more than Winter. I grunted out an answer.
"That can be arranged. Winter, I'll show you to your quarters later and to those armors if you'd like, you should know where you can go to view the archives, where I got that information package for your general Ironwood before we left." Winter nodded and sent one last glare towards Salem. Watching her leave, I replied to Salem.
"Ask away, though since you're not long for living, forgive me if I don't answer one of your questions." she looked almost amused at that statement.
(Winter Schnee-POV)
Walking away from the two of them, she still wasn't sure about the layout of the ship and every console onboard were in a different language entirely so looking through them would not help her boredom though the archives were interesting, but she had no interest to begin studying right now. Her scroll was disconnected and she could only glance through the contacts in regret. Her sister was still on there and she contemplated deleting her number, her mother must be worried too and her brother... Sitting in the mess hall, she looked around and frowned, the bodies were removed and were to be shipped back to Atlas for dissecting before they left, however the place was still a mess, she would ask Kron where she could find the cleaning materials and make use of her time cleaning up his mess for now to keep her head out of thoughts for Weiss. For now though, she sat inside the room and picked at one of the ration bars, not having the stomach to try the exotic alien foodstuffs onboard.
Once she settled down in the mess hall of the ship, having finished eating as hours passed by indicated by her scroll phone, She heard footsteps and Kron approached her before sitting down across from her.
"Did you want me to show you to your room now, you look like your about to collapse." he spoke, his eyes focused more on the food she had ate then her.
"Fine, lets go. Is leaving the ship unoccupied alright, there's no one driving this thing." she asked, concerned that they might fly right through some kind of space object.
"Yeah, it's fine. The ship is on auto pilot, very common for ship's within the Frieza force. This way, then I'll be heading to sleep myself. In a few hours we will make it to the first planet I will deal with, I can set you up so you can begin studing the language if you'd like too. Salem is already fine waiting although she is going to be a pain in my-" she glared at him as if to dare him to finish such a crass sentence and he awkwardly paused. Leading the way, she was led around the circular corridors and came upon a different room. He stepped aside and like the gentlemen he was not, walked inside first and then glanced her way for her opinion.
"This is one of the better sleeping quarter rooms, I think it was for one of the more stronger fighters onboard the ship as it has much more... personal effects than the general barracks rooms. It isn't the commanders as I gave that room to Salem to lounge around in, to keep her out of the way for now." Kron said as she looked around the room with an appraising eye. It wasn't bad and would suit her purposes, walking up to one of the green metallic doors within the room, she was surprised to find armor similar to Kron's stacked within. She looked at him.
"The armor can be any size as it is made out of some kind of stretching material, so it fits all. Try it out and later on if you're up for it after you learn a bit more about Ki through studying, I could help train you. Get some sleep." Did she hear right, her eyes widened just a smidgen as she regarded to words he spoke. His abilities were learnable, possibly?
"Thanks for the room, I'm going to bed, see you later Kron and thanks for showing me around." he nodded and left quickly, she fell onto the bed. Winter felt like it will be hard falling asleep, thoughts of Weiss will be swirling through her head.
Trusting this Kron and seeing these new experiences will make the trip worth it, leaving Remnant seemed like she had thrown in the towel so to speak but what was time to an immortal like her. She could have redone her plan to continue to divide Remnant and then summon back those two arrogant brothers and watch them destroy the planet and hopefully along with her herself. However the young man looked determined in his explanation in helping her, she never thought she would trust another man again after Ozma but something in Kron's eyes had felt like he was speaking the truth because he had seen it happen before.
Wondering around the command ship, she continued either glancing out the thick glass panels of the ship into space or sitting down and relaxing. She left her subordinates but honestly they were nothing to her, just that, subordinates. They would catch on that she left them on their own sooner or later and so they were now Ozma and his puppet's problem's. No, this was much more interesting then the immense rinse and repeat that had been her life for so long, wandering out into space where the gods had traveled before what felt like was millennia before her.
Salem was of the mind that this time she would succeed in her goal, getting rid of her curse and moving on to the afterlife, at first was the only goal which mattered to her the most but… now that she was off the planet she grew to despise with a passion, away from a man who she once loved, this looked like it was going to be a great experience for her, She was interested in the abilities that Kron had manifested against the brute of an alien he fought against, he won that fight but to her, his emotions were not of victory but of loss… she once knew of those feelings too, but that was too long ago and have since disappeared.
"This journey will be an interesting opportunity to see much. The alien seems genuine in his claim of a way in me ridding the curse. I will trust him, it will be a much-needed change of pace from my usual plans of ridding myself of my immortality." she regally sat onto the foot of the huge double bed and interlocked her fingers, lost in thought.
Beacon academy students were still coming back from deployment on the Vale walls, with the older teams still doing sweeping missions with veteran hunters outside the walls. Today though he would be joining a meeting involving all of the kingdoms plus Menagerie as the Belladonna family arrived the other day for the body of their daughter. They along with him and surprisingly James ironwood who would be arriving soon from the battlefield over the seas would all gather where the Vytal festival would usually be held for this meeting. Willow Schnee would also arrive today after he found out that when Kron left, taking Salem his ex wife with him, Winter was tasked to go with them on the biggest spacecraft, heading out into the unknown, Winter Schnee became the first of Remnant to soar through the stars. The council would be in an uproar as Ozpin figured, they want pieces of that ship seeing as Atlas had already surveyed most of the other smaller craft. He sent some of his students to survey the bodies Kron had managed to leave undamaged by his energy attacks in order to preserve the technology they brought, their armors and those strange devices Kron was seen wearing most days that covered his eye. They also secured the one small spacecraft that was blown into the building of Beacon, the ball-like craft which had landed nearby.
Ozpin, still preparing for the meeting heard the elevator ding and he looked up, seeing Glynda and Amber coming out of it and approaching him.
"Headmaster Ozpin, are you ready, this meeting will start soon." Glynda looked more tired than usual, Amber trailing behind also looked worse for wear as she had helped in the attack on Vales walls from the Grimm horde. That fight had been won but at great cost, some villages had perished before the people could evacuate, there being no communications at the time so no huntsmen support could be sent for. Vale got off better then Mistral though as their own hunter force were in disarray, half of them were already dead by the time this invasion had begun which was strange.
"Yes. How are the students, now that they are slowly tricking back into the academy, the repairs are still ongoing." he asked, interested with Glynda's answer.
"Seeing as the academy should be closed while the repairs are taking place, I've opted to use the biggest rooms at the back of the academy for the students to sleep in as their team rooms were most certainly hit by the fight. Sir, about team… about Ruby and Yang, how are they. With Tai and Qrow taking them out of school while Yang adjusts to her new abilities and then there is Ruby and her eyes…" Glynda said.
"Yes… their losses are great, Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna being dead has put strain on both Atlas and Menagerie, the meeting will explain more though. How are our prisoners, now that I know for certain that Salem has left the planet with Kron and Winter-" his prisoners he alluded to were the two teenagers led by that thief maiden woman that Qrow killed.
"'that's another thing, a lot of the kingdoms are looking for someone to blame and Kron is number one on most if not all of their lips and then there is-" he interrupted her quickly, to explain about 'her'.
"-Salem. I don't know what is running through her head other than her plan having failed with the deceased woman who Amber attacked in the mess hall during that great bout between Kron and his old comrades. The other two who were with her are being held securely within Beacon while the fourth member remains unknown, she having left during the fight between the former spring maiden and Amber. The meeting in question will also discuss cooperation between the kingdoms who have secured alien technology so as to be shared with all four kingdoms and Menagerie." Ozpin breathed in after talking for a bit as he regarded the two in front of him. Glynda still looked skeptical about the part about sharing the technology, with Atlas having secured much of the bodies left behind, the armor and the remaining smaller craft.
"Letting Kron leave the planet… we would have not stopped him if he turned on us, whatever alien abilities he commands, he could have taken the planet months ago… it just makes you wonder what his plans were, hiding as one of the Faunas race." Glynda added, Amber awkwardly glancing around at the mention of said alien with him having being the one who helped her. Ozpin understood and quickly replied.
"His goals, unknown, I believe weren't malicious in nature but whatever they are or were we will not know unless he returns. He however mentioned there was a way in reviving Weiss and Blake, yesterday when he mentioned it, he sounded to me a desperate soul but now… with what I know and what we will learn… there might be truth to his words. Salem thought as much which is why she left with him and for that, not having to worry about her schemes, it lifts many a burden off of my shoulders… and onto Kron's." he said, interlocking his fingers as he discussed the information with the woman in front of him. Amber having heard enough from the two spoke up.
"Now that… all is well and the aliens, they have been stopped and you said it yourself about the woman who wanted my powers. I want, to hit the road again, I hate being cooped up like a boarbatusk in a cage." Amber said, the frustration clearly shown on her face, Glynda turned to the other woman in slight concern and Ozpin nodded at the… request, in agreement.
"Your right, I would like for you to have stayed just a little longer but, your right. With Salem gone at least, you should be much safer in the world. There is still the question of Salem's inner circle, she always had a way with getting her hands on talent to forward her plans… she said nothing of her inner circle, just that her, Kron and what she crudely named Winter went out into space onto frontiers unknown. Amber, would you keep in touch, with Qrow as I have gathered you and him have become somewhat close." Amber suddenly looked away from his eyes, the determination being replaced with embarrassment as she glared at his table which would have made him chuckle, if he was having a normal day which he was not.
"...Fine, that could work. I have his number, when can I leave?" the woman glanced back into his eyes, that determination at grasping onto her newfound freedom, of being chased by Salem and her cronies.
"Soon, after the upcoming council meet. I would like you as well as Glynda to accompany me. If that is alright." she nodded, eyes bored into his.