"Where coming upon the first planet, you two wait here while I leave the ship." I said, sensing down onto the planet currently in view, a lot of those living there were dying in droves, I could only conclude that they were currently in a rebellion against those who administered the planet for the PTO, or they had already fought and won and were now in the midst of a planet-wide civil war. Either way, I was skipping this planet over, their lives meant nothing to me, instead I would use my power and try to get some training with that new transformation. The harshness of it, I found myself not caring in the slightest and 'that' had scared me to my core.
The Saiyan within me was becoming more and more prominent while my whole self was becoming more harsher and angrier as time passed. Ever since Blake and Weiss were killed, unlocking that transformation and that fact I couldn't train on this ship didn't help things. Winter was seated next to me so I could hear her speak up clearly.
"Fine, are we landing this ship or-"
"-No, this ship has the ability to launch those attack balls while also having the ability for attack balls to land inside while the ship is in space. I will take one of them and deal with these aliens. Stay here and try and get along with Salem." she 'tsked' and then replied.
"Fine, It's a shame I can't come but-"
"-you will be fine, I doubt any of these guys will be a problem, I'll be back." I worked thew console and set the ship to orbit the planets surrounding moon so as to remain out of any range of their sensors. Standing up, I headed towards the pod bay while Winter followed. Entering the Metallic green and red room, aligned with an assortment of attack balls lined up, I chose one and turned to Winter.
"See you in a few hours."
"Right, look after yourself." she said stiffly, I almost chuckled at her concern laced withing her words, strangely, I was glad she had come with me, Winter is more sociable than Salem is.
Before Sitting down into the pod, I worked on the nearby console to automatically launch one Attack Ball with an occupant in it. Sitting down inside the pod, I nodded at Winter offering a brief smile as the ship was pulled along the conveyor-rail. The inner door was sealed shut and the outer hatch door opened afterwards. My ship become engulfed in its energy, launching itself through the opening, the hatch on the outer-hull in its open position sealed itself off as I passed out of it, sealing off the ship from the vacuum of space and my ship blasted off towards the planet below.
Landing in an explosion of rock, the ship door fell forward as it opened and I stepped out, quickly flying up.
"Lets get this shit over with." I said, determined to finish the purge of the PTO forces on the planet and move on quickly. Checking my scouter, the fighters on this planet are not even worth going full power against though I would go full power anyways. Guessing that the fighters on this planet would react at my power, I started to power-up, intent on controlling my anger and sorting out this massive problem I'd picked up on Remnant.
The fights against the remnant PTO forces and the indigenous forces who were dumb enough to attack me while I combed through my targets. The PTO forces were fighting against the rebellion and thus were easily found, sensing for the bigger targets was child's-play. My scouter helped too but I am trying to 'wean' myself for its use in order to improve my sensing ability to new heights. There are only a few targets left until I would leave, the indigenous people I tried to avoid if possible though the instincts of my Saiyan side were increasingly harder to resist just to avoid myself from indulging in a bloodbath. Landing, I glanced around.
"The remaining enemy forces are over that ridge there. Now, I better try to use that transformation but this time… control myself better…" a tiny bit hesitant, I begun to get into position and powered up. I was never an angry person before I merged and became the 'one' with Kron so when I felt the transformation erupt from within me along with the vast power increase, I also felt angry, both at nothing and everything, anything…
"This is fucking it… now, I've got those bastards on the run. Their scouters will be blowing up…" looking around, seeing a lake nearby, I approached it while seething in fury in order to note the changes this transformation inflicted upon me physically.
"Gee, You're a fucking ugly cunt Kron. Bah… kidding, besides my eye color changing to yellow, lets…-" Engulfing myself in my Ki-aura, I checked out as the wisps of my Ki is the normal purple color with some of my ki randomly flickered out as yellow colored though only in thin strands.
"And the fucking pain!, shit… no wonder-" every limb was shaking in pain and eagerness to test myself.
I will thoroughly enjoy this while trying to temper my fury.
(Winter Schnee-POV)
She sat in the mess hall within the ship and continued to study what she could of the language used by Kron and his alien brethren. Salem was off on her own and out of her way which suited her fine, she did not trust her yet. Time flew by pretty quickly for her while she continued to study to beat back the boredom. The reason she started to study the language was because after watching Kron fumble around on the main and other consoles around the ships she realized she could help around the ship if she knew how to, hence her studying the language.
A alarm had begun to sound out and her focus was broken as the alarm blared loudly.
"Finally, it took him long enough. Now where is the hanger bay…" her heels clicked on the metallic floor as she power-walked along the hallway, finding an familiar corridor that led to the main control room. Spotting Salem lounging within, she glared slightly as she went passed and went out into another corridor. Walking along quickly, she walked into Kron, who didn't look worse for wear and besides dust and sweat, was fine. His armor was a little dirty too, shown easily because of how much of that dust now covered her specialist outfit.
"Kron, so is it done?" She gazed at him, his face showing nothing but seriousness
"...Yes... We can move on. All of the alien invaders are dead, it was easy enough. Remnant is going to have some neighbor's though Winter... A regular game of Stellaris…-"
"-Sorry?" she asked questioningly.
"...fuck, did I say that shit out-loud… never mind. Anyway lets move on, one last planet to take care of then the wormhole and onward's to earth." He left her standing in the corridor as he went in the direction of the main command room, Winter realized we was struggling to stand.
"So, he must have been hurt then, stubborn man… didn't like that look in his… doesn't he suppose to have dark-colored eyes?" she looked upon his retreating back confused, her tongue hung outside her mouth in thought.
(Three Days Later)
Travel through space was becoming tedious and annoying, After pacifying that bunch lording over that reptilian race, I left. I also powered up full-power more times than I could count in order to transformation multiple times and tested my limits. There was a moment while powering-up that felt like I could breach through over that limit, I tried it although I was worried, I would lose myself in a torrent of anger and lose control thus killing everyone both indigenous and PTO grunt alike. Pushing myself through that, finding every last of the remnant Frieza force that came with that commander was both easy and hard, easy in that I could easily find and kill them while also been harder as every one of them did have scouters and a will of survival… or cowardice and consequently hid in fear from me while also engaging in battle the reptilian race they lost control over.
There wasn't that much of them to deal with though, the planet is massive and many of its lands I used to test myself and my abilities on but most of these PTO grunts were bunched up whilst they run their own personal fiefdoms in their own corners of the planet, like kings. One Ki-blast carefully aimed destroyed these 'administrative' areas, toppling their reign in one fell swoop, igniting the flames of rebellion even more. Still, I looked like one of the PTO grunts, at least in armor so the people naturally assumed I am an enemy so many of them lost their life, I felt some regret for that but at the time whilst in the midst of that 'wrathful transformation, I couldn't care less, their lives piling up on my consciousness.
I wanted to try the transformation some more hours and maybe see if it would combine with my Oozaru transformation too but ultimately decided not to, the… 'wrathful state' is still unpredictable and dangerous, not to mention the native people. Having left the planet inside my Attack ball, I headed towards the command ship while keeping that transformation up, feeling cramped inside the Attack ball with this transformation up wasn't helping matters, barely-restrained fury seethed out of me.
After landing back inside the ship, running into Winter and almost knocking her down, I also had the foresight to check my power-level, to see how big it had risen and I was quite surprised. The last time I checked properly it was during my time on Remnant whilst I pretended I was dead to that PTO commander Zarbon-species bastard, yes, my blood boiled even while thinking of that cunt, dead and all. My power-level rose from roughly 44,000 which was my maximum output from my training regiment on the moon, then I had almost died to that bastard. Now though, the Reading I just checked now read my fighting power to over 660,100. Really impressed with that, I calmed down taking easy breaths and fell out of that transformation, my mind could think more clearly again and I didn't want to constantly seek out fights or more worrisome, more victims.
"66,010 should then be my base level. So, that transformation does increase my power by… uh, times ten. Just like the oozaru form." I can now think much better, though I was sore all over from that ' Wrathful state'. I dare not try to use that 'Hatred-inducing transformation' now on the ship. Still though, I was somewhat happy at the level of my fighting power's level now, even if most of it was due to the 'Zenkai' I had unlocked in the first fight with that fucker.
Currently though, the ship was backpedaling a previous flightpath, soaring through the vast emptiness of space and towards the last obstacle to Remnants continued survival, the reptilian race was in the process of rebellion from the PTO contingent stationed on the planet, though they would have died in the thousands to even take out even one of Frieza Force troops. They will be surprised when they find and finally identify what happened to their overlords. Leaving them alive was a risk, they were not space-faring and most-likely were resisting the technological overhaul oppressed onto them from what I glimpsed of them anyway but Remnant and their people should be able to handle them weaklings if and when they make 'first contact' with each other.
A few more days had passed by, being bored and not about to risk training on the ship at least Ki-related anyway. I trained normally and when I felt like it, I sung quietly to myself, some rap songs I could remember to words for and as was normal for me, thought about a lot of things. What I can remember of my past life to comfort me on this long space-flight and funnily enough, about training… must be the Saiyan blood within me, heh.
Sitting at the main chair while I relaxed and remained in a position to quickly react encase any problems came about, the console blinked, indicating something, I checked properly, snapping myself out of my thoughts and glanced over the indicated area. The console screen showed a planet… ah, we have arrived.
"Good, now to…" The blinking continued and I realized quickly that besides the indicators blaring out the location and time to reach the planet, there was also a message that came along with the map of the star-system on the screen. Clicking a button, a alien, wearing the standard Frieza Force uniform stood, looking worn and tired, standing at attention on-screen.
"Sir, we are glad you have come, there was an insurrection planet-side a Frieza-standard three-weeks ago, the insectoid race became increasingly resistant to our regulations and laws so were forced to purge… uh, who are you and where is the commander-"
"-Kron, whats the alarm now and why is-" Winter stalked forward, the girl looked to have woken from sleep and looked quite irritated, upon seeing who I was talking to however, that of a uh… fuck, what were they called, no matter… the fish-face bastard looked at me in shock, then towards Winter, my eyes turned to the girl too, walking around… in only the fatigues she most-likely wears underneath her usual outfit with her specialist clothes gone. Scantily clad was the right words I was looking forward and forgoing myself from starting to eye her hungerily... she- right, focus on the alien instead... Forgoing her for now, I turned back to the alien on the screen who continued to eye myself and Winter in confusion.
"Sorry, your boss is dead, I figure you know what I am at least. And what that means for you and your lot." I stood up, my tail which was snugly wrapped around my waist untangled for the alien to see and understand. He did quickly, its panicking face and widening of his eyes a dead giveaway.
B-But Y-you are! -" I cut off the connection and gave winter my full attention.
"How much did you hear, that is, if your language studies have borne fruit for you to understand." I asked, seeing what I would have to explain to her, breathing out, she sat down at another seat and glanced my way.
"Not much, a few words, though I didn't need words. That creature looked to be freaking out at the sight of you." she groaned, massaging her neck whilst explaining. I nodded, then replied to her.
"The race of people of this planet were annihilated by these soldiers, the PTO grunt told me just now, mistaking me for that bastard commander." returning my attention to the console, typing in the commands to properly course where I wanted the ship to stop at, I turned back towards her.
"Seeing as there's no reason landing, enjoy the fireworks." Winter's face scrunched up in confusing briefly before from what I could see, understanding shown through as her facial features changed as she turned to gawk at me, eyes widening in recognition. The ship stopped, you could view the eerie-looking planet below and I left quickly, heading towards the nearest airlock alone.
Floating out into space, with breathing a non-issue due to my technique 'Aura sphere' helping me survive in such environments that laced breathable air. I realized quickly that I was about to do something that, Frieza himself would do or has already done to planet Vegeta, though I flew much further from the ship as unlike that tyrannical frost demon, I had to work up to it to use my Ki in a deadly burst whereas he only needed to raise one finger, powering up near the command ship might just send it in the opposite direction I was in, who knew, I wasn't about to risk such a thing for a simple planet-destruction.
"Here is far enough, now… to flare my Ki and prepare…. hnnghh…" I began concentrating, forcing my dormant Ki to the surface and preparing a full-power attack to do away with the entire planet. My Ki surged around me as I prepared the Ki-Bomb I was about to launch. Energy flared out in wisps around me. My Ki felt ready, my surging Ki illuminated off of me in waves around me in waves and I felt ready. The orb slowly formed, then expanded to encompass my entire palm but grew much larger as I injected more Ki inside, then…
"…Royal...Spear...Haaaaaa!!" I growled out, the attack blasted out from my outreached hands as it launched forward towards the planet below, the beam was ten-times my size as it traveled without fail towards the planet below. After a while the Ki-trail left behind started to recede while the far-away Ki-blast slowly shrunk in-front of the planet when! - In a climatic fashion, the planet shown a yellow orb-like dome which begun expanding on the surface before the planet begun to implode and-
A dying planet indeed.
"-Wow, now that's a fucking explosion. Well, no need to waste anymore time now." I turned towards the ship, slightly short of breath but otherwise fine as I headed back, the explosion of the planet behind me still ongoing as its crust and rock continued to implode by my doing.
(Winter Schnee-POV)
She watched as Kron destroyed the planet down below, those left on its surface we surely killed as the planet left behind only asteroids and meteors in its wake.
"Such power, I knew I had come along for a reason. Don't you think so Schnee girl-" Winter met eyes with the smirking Salem, scoffing hotly before continuing to watch the explosion.
"-My names Winter, you know it, so stop and use-"
"-hush girl, I wonder what he will show us next…" Salem gazed out the glass paneling in the direction of the planet in the process of blowing up with what Winter could only put as some kind of awe towards the planet below. Winter herself was glad that Kron had not decided to do this to their planet and is on good terms with her and her people. Winter decided to head back to her bunk, the coldness of space was starting to be felt more easily, what with her walking around only in her sleepwear, she would also try one of those uniforms Kron had shown her too, once she finished sleeping.