The Wormhole.

Winter groaned softly, awakening in her bed. She wasn't used to waking up without the day/night cycle and going off the time on her scroll. Said item had been regulated to her alarm as there was no other use for it now that they were way beyond the capabilities of the CCT buildings on her home planet.

Getting up, she remembered to at least try one of those uniforms Kron had shown her. Walking towards one of the metallic-looking wardrobes lining along the walls of the barracks, she opened and looked at the various suits, armor hung from the roof inside the wardrobe while the suit hung underneath them. Trying out something she like, similar in appearance to what Kron wears, the blue suit was easily stretched as she thought what the heck and pulled it on her. Leaving the armor with those dramatic-sized pauldrons off for now, she decided to try the boots that fit snugly and took the gloves, putting them onto her bed. 

"It… fits nice enough, I'll wear my specialist uniform over this for now. The armor plating is ugly, I'll make do with what I have already. After each piece of her outfit was on, she headed out and towards the bridge, where she guessed Kron would be.


"How far away are we from reaching this place where you can help me?" she asked, sitting next to the Saiyan warrior overlooking the ship main console. 

"According to this, not far, A day at most until we arrive at it then there's the matter of actually traveling through PTO-occupied territory and that is who-knows how many days. Salem, we haven't spoken much." she glanced at him in question, what was he getting at?

"Your right, but what is there to be said, you know my goal and believe me, I'm still confused how you know it. Once this curse is removed, I will be free." to die was left unsaid, Salem was tired of her back and forth with Ozpin, after so many of her own people she recruited into her services of the eons she spent alive, she quickly become desensitized whenever she lost another of her agents in her quest against her ex-husband and ultimately started treating them just as pieces of A chess board instead. Her time out in space, A week or two had gone by already and the journey put things into perspective.

 She realized that she just might want to live, at least A little longer once the curse was removed.

"Are you having second thoughts, about dying I mean. Removing the curse should be straight forward, dying or killing yourself would be A waste, you could live to A ripe old age if you'd wish and die of natural causes instead." Kron spoke up, standing up. Before she could reply, he had already moved away and down another corridor of the massive space ship, leaving her to her thoughts.

(King Kai-POV)

"Interesting… A saiyan and in that remote party of the galaxy, hmmm…. A good things he's in my quadrant of the galaxy or I wouldn't be able to watch this one without the others interjecting." For once, he stood in A serious mood while watching this Saiyan named Kron along with his companions. Learning about the cluster of stars that could only be traveled to and fro via A strange wormhole that connected it to the main galaxy and even glimpsing inside this mysterious cluster of stars was hard, as if someone had hidden it from his and more than likely, his orders gazes. He remembered when he first found the Saiyan, he had just left his home planet Vegeta, at first he thought this one was like all the other Saiyan's sent out to conquer and pillage worlds for…him. This saiyan was A young one and had instead accidentally headed straight through the wormhole as he passed by it and got caught in the nebula and electrical storm that engulfs it even now, losing the Saiyan for eleven years before the Saiyan came out on the other side.

"And now he is returning from that isolated star cluster… I guess I'll be losing him for another eleven years… soon." King Kai continued to monitor the Saiyan, as A part of his duties to monitor his area of the universe he was assigned to after all, time was a non-issue to him and those like him. On that subject, the woman traveling with the Saiyan also interested him, she is inflicted with some kind of crude magic that has made her immortal.

"Hmmm… ah no matter for now, Keeping an eye on the Saiyan is all I can do for now. Now, should I take A leisurely drive on my planet?" he mused aloud to himself, standing barefoot on the grassy knoll.


The days were starting to blend together when we finally made it to the area of space which housed the anomaly, gazing outward though the glass paneling was A curious sight I couldn't remember before. The warped space which looked to be spiraling in A infinite circle looked as if we were closer then we were and the wormhole itself was massive. Indeed, no words I could get out at the time could do the thing any justice to the sheer size of it. Hearing walking on, I glanced around and checked out Winter who looked to be sweating A bit. My gaze was caught and she replied while wiping the sweat off her brow.

"I just finished training, is that it, the wormhole?" she questioned, she must have took my advice as she was wearing only the suit, A darker blue like what Killian would end up wearing on Namek. It fit nicely to her frame and I realized where my thought started to travel down. Shaking my head slightly while Winter continued on walking towards the glass panel to view the anomaly, I withdrew from where I was thinking and started to quickly type on the keyboard of the console, making sure the trajectory continued towards the inky-hole in space. The ship begun speeding up and I called out to Winter.

"Come sit, I can't remember what the trip will be like as I was knocked out the last time I went through this thing." She looked back, I had to tear my face from her as these days onboard this ship Winter had increasingly reminded me Of Weiss as of late, especially in how she changed her hair to A pony tail because of her hair getting much longer then it was usually kept.

Salem came up behind me, indicated by her face suddenly appearing in front of me and I almost cursed, she was still A pain to sense for as her magic abilities were weird to find, the only reason I could sense for her was because she and Winter were the only beings around to be sensed for.

The ship continued flying forward and as we closed in, the anomaly grew even larger every step of the way until the entire front viewing area could only glimpse the hole in space. Soon enough, the ship begun to shutter as it entered the hole in space, then there was only darkness outside.

"Hold tight, the ship is being pulled through!" I yelled, Winter gripped the arms of her chair tightly as the ship continued to shutter as if gravity was rocking the ship back and forth.

"The power is beginning to fluctuate!" Winter yelled out, the ships consoles and even the light were flickering but that was the extent of it. This continued throughout the entire time and this was the longest hour I have ever experienced, the chip shook or retched in one direction or another, seeing as I couldn't remember the first time I or rather, the first time Kron before I 'joined' with him went through this hold in space, I was starting to hate space travel, even if it reminded me of 'Star Wars', with the flying through space part.

Soon, though the trip through had come to an end and rather anticlimactically, spiting the ship out into deep space and from what I gathered at least, I believed rightly, in range of PTO communication.

"...identify...…ship.....request...…boarded...…" the ship was still reeling from its rough treatment from the wormhole and so the message sent to the ship was chopped up and hard to hear from the static. A few minutes later, the command ship had enough time to properly get out of range of the wormhole that was causing the interference and the message blared through the screen crystal clear.

"Please Identify ships codes on request or prepare to be boarded" the voice was raspy, the image of an familiar looking alien species stood tall on the screen, wearing A cape that was attached to his armor, his skin blue and he had horns. Looking at Winter, I nodded her to go and then replied to the alien on screen. Remembering the name of the alien commander that I found out within the ships logs before I 'changed' some stuff inside, namely adding my along with Salem and Winter's names to the ship manifesto as crew-members, that bastards name was identified as Commander Valium, I would use that creature to sell my story. The ship did need fuel if we were to make the flight to earth now that the ship displayed the proper 'ETA' and directions to the navigation console.

"Negative, Commander Valium and 99% of the crew are dead, I have no way of confirming the identification codes as I'm just A soldier. We are about to land on that planet nearby as our ship is heavily damaged internally-" I lied, I wanted to keep the ship intact enough to fly and fighting without amount of boarding Frieza Force grunts might rupture something on the ship plus, Winter would be easily killed by these soldiers as she still hasn't yet learned the language that is commonly known by I and all those within The Frieza Force and thus, hasn't yet read through how to train using Ki. I had no idea how to train her in it, she would have A much easier time studying how herself.

"We will follow you down, power down your ship or it will be blasted and with you inside." The alien grunted out, his face shown just how serious he was, the scanners shown multiple PTO grunt were speeding upwards, half of them species that's could breath or hold their breath in space while A good chunk of them had helmets, like the ones used along with 'Ray blaster' arm cannon's. Nodding, the communication had ended and I immediately got out of my seat and leaned over the console. Quickly setting for the ship to land on the nearby purple planet, I spotted Winter and Salem still within the control center of the ship so I spoke up loudly, their attention already on me.

"Right, ladies. Both of you need to wear the uniforms to sell the-" looking back at the console to confirm we were not being listened in on I continued. "-deception." Winter nodded slightly while Salem just stared. 

"Salem, come with me, I'll show you something you can wear. Winter, go wear the rest of your armor and meet me back here in five." when I show Salem her uniform, I would meditate briefly, in order to gauge just how many of them there are while sensing them.

(King Kai-POV)

"Eleven years have passed and so today should be when the Saiyan can be found again… what A strange phenomenon, that vortex wormhole anomaly…" he begun to use his antenna to scan the other end of the wormhole which would be where the lone Saiyan and his companions would resurface. 

"There they are, now that I've properly got A feel of him, his power is impressive for A Saiyan…" his antenna continued to twitch on top of his head as he continued to 'view' that area of the galaxy, deep in the 'tyrant's territory of space. Arms folded behind him, he walked upon the road that circled his planet and gotten A view of Bubbles swinging from the tree over yonder whilst he walked. Stopping, he now knew what he needed to know, the Saiyan appeared to be landing on A desolate world-

"-Hmm, that world… how could I forget, a world conquered by Saiyan's, to contributed to their destruction… planet Kanassan." the purging of the Kanassan race happened five years after he first lost the lone Saiyan when he first went through the wormhole, the planet's residents were either wiped out but there was a few of them that defected to their conquerors, now serving in the tyrant's army.

King Kai continued to pace about, switching to walk on the grass in stead of the road after removing his shoes. His toes feeling the grass as he sighed in contentment. Almost relaxing, he was interrupted by A loud yell behind him and it wasn't Bubbles or Gregory.

"Hey you, Blue man! Help me up!" he turned, startled as he turned, he caught sight of A woman, with black hair and red eyes, he jumped back in surprise. The woman fiercely grunted at her inability in standing on his planet, still she caught him off guard by her yelling, his anger at been almost given A heart attack shown through in the end as he hotly replied.

"Who are you, I didn't invite you here! Explain yourself now brat, or you'll make me angry!" he shouted, wanting to shout profanities at the arrogant-looking woman now in front of him as he turned to face her. She scoffed at him, shouting in turn though she looked less threatening with her face to the grass, the halo upon her head was A dead giveaway that she wasn't one of his kind but actually some dead.

"This is the last place I wanted to be but here I am! After walking down that snake body for A long while, maybe even years! and getting away from that endless line of dancing lights-"

"-you mean you, had your body? Did you get away from King Yemma somehow?" the dancing lights she mentioned was definitely the line of endless souls waiting for King Yemma's judgement.

"Who?, if you mean that big Red giant then no, he sent me this way but didn't tell me why, practically had to drag me here and told me not to fall off the edge or I will be in hell, or some such shit. Anyway blue man, I was also told that you are some kind of fighter, the red bastard sent me here to train in your ways... I'm not sure why I should even bother as I'm currently dead, you look like A weakling any-who so I don't know why I would listen anyways." the woman growled out at the end, still struggling on the grass of his planet, not used to his planets gravity which was laughable, and contradictory seeing as she said he was weak, he was standing while she was not… what an arrogant brat. 

Whatever the reason, someone from high above among the Kai's had ordered this and he would comply… he would have to find out who sent this unassuming woman here and why, later.

Sighing, he first had to test this volatile woman, smiling slightly, he knew how.

"Ah hmm, if you're here for training, why didn't you say so at the start, but I'm afraid there is A test for those who want to be trained by me…" he paused for dramatic effect as she continued to try and stand on his home planet. He laughed loudly as he spoke.

"You have to make me laugh-"her expression of disbelief was hilarious, though what she said next made him almost fall down in laughter.

"-What the f-" she fell back down onto the planet from the intense pull of gravity of his planet, surprised by his outburst.