Deep Cover.


"Honestly, this outfit doesn't suit me." Salem expressed while she pulled on the white gloves of the PTO armor-wear. I couldn't see her as I was turned around but a side-glance was enough to see what she had meant, Salem begun flicking her hair out of the way as she continued to check herself out in the mirror, she conjured up which hovered in front of her. While she did that, I managed to check out the planet and the ones who wanted us to land. Those of the PTO who wanted us checked out numbered only nine members while the planet itself only had between maybe, forty to fifty people on it all up. I wasn't able to feel any 'great' fighting powers among them which was alright, Winter was the only one among my motley crew who would be capable of dying to these guys, it reminded me to check out her progress in mastering the language I instinctively speak so I could get her started in training her up.

"Are you done now, come on before our ship becomes target practice." Salem just hummed mockingly while I quickly waited while still having my back to the immortal woman. 

"Right, I'm done. Lets not keep the little girl waiting yes, Kron." she said jokingly.

"Yeah…" We headed towards the commander center, Salem wore a blue suit which covered most of her skin, the armor had shoulder and leg matching pauldron-set which was what Vegeta wore when he was on earth. She looked like a warrior, unconsciously I checked out the armor I now wore, an armor I was lucky to find among the many uniforms on this ship. My armor was similar to Raditz in appearance minus his personal red bands he had around his leg and arm.

After minutes of walking, I spotted Winter dressed up, wearing her suit, with only the shoulder pauldron-set and without the matching bottom pauldron-set on, like what Vegeta ends up with on Namek. She also was fiddling around with a red scouter in her hands, now that I could get a better look at her. Seeing us approach, she spoke up.

"I'm getting better with understanding the language you and the planet Trade Organization members use, should I be wearing this as well." Winter asked, still turning the scouter around in her hand.

"You can, don't worry about using it though unless you can actually use it. Just wear it and let me do the talking." I pulled out my own scouter, a new blue glass-colored one and put it on, clicking the button which I scanned Winter's power-level, sitting at 96.

"Well, lead the way glorious leader" Winter sassed, placing the scouter onto her face. Salem kept quiet while we bantered, fiddling with the rim of the armor which stretched as she poked and prodded it.

At the boarding ramp, I clicked the button and waited for the ramp to lower, my tail swishing behind me so I quickly wrapped it around my waist while waiting for the ramp to lower. Winter and Salem stood behind me, Winter more professional from her experience as a soldier, she left her rapier in her room most likely.

"I forgot about your weapon, well I forgot to tell you to leave it behind in your room but good thing you did leave it though as it is definitely not issued among general PTO equipment." I spoke up casually but quietly so only Salem and Winter could hear. Winter nodded but didn't reply immediately, looking to be in 'character' by the rigidness in her form. She then spoke up, stepping onto another planet for the first time in her life.

"I thought about taking it but your right, I did think it would have been strange if I had it at my side, what with all those bodies you left from before having no such weapon except those hand-held laser blaster's." right, there was a lot of the Ray blasters still on board… maybe I should have given one to each of them, I think they were used by PTO member who were weak in using Ki? No matter, lets just see what these nine guys want and then figure out what to do from here.

Upon leaving the ramp, I saw one of them guys with the horns and a beard, blue of skin and orange hair at the front of the contingent of PTO members waiting for us. I walked up ahead of the two girls behind me and waited just a few steps from the guy.

"Right uh… my men will send our engineer on board to confirm your identification, meanwhile you and I will talk, What's your name." the guy licked his lips after he got a good look at Winter and Salem who were at each side of me, playing the parts of grunts. Looking at the guy, I spoke up ignoring the guys he has in his company, all beneath my abilities.

"Kron of planet Vegeta. Why are you worried about checking our identification codes of our ship, surely you know what I am." I grunted out, my tail which was wrapped around my waist came free and I had moved it in such a way that got the men who begun to approach the ship to pause mid-step and the blue alien to slightly step back in a healthy amount of fear. It almost tickled my fancy, watching these no-named nobodies glance at me in awe and fear, almost, instead though I folded my arms and as menacingly as I could I glared at the one who spoke for the nine of them-

"-a Saiyan!?" one of the other alien grunts whispered out-loud, too loud as I turn to glare at him and then casually, I stepped forward. The one in charge, the blue man with the wild hair-do and horns grunted, clicking his green scouter and checked my current fighting power, he begun to stammer in surprise or shock.

"-6000!! yes hmm, well… right, uh what was commander Valium… didn't he-" he turned to one of the others in his group. "-and his men go AWOL?" he questioned one of his men who at being questioned, had started to slowly back away, the reason for this clear as he done so, they must be thinking me and the girls were traitors. Him able to scan my power-level which rest at 6000 fighting power was a testament to my ability to condense and therefore hide my true power-level which is 68,000. I'm proud to finally able to do even with such a large power-level now, I'd better keep it up for now though.

"Y-Yes… w-we had l-lost communications with him for at least twenty-two years after they flew into that space nebula which is shrouded in an electrical storm! though the scouters could only read you and that white-haired soldier over there. your woman with the red eyes is really weak... a power-level of 10 while the other one is barely higher than that..." the alien rasped loudly, teeth chattering as he looked my and the girls way as right now I had said we three were apart of that bastard commanders crew, right, idiot, damage control, damage control... I spoke up to relive the tension, I'll bet that the ship we are flying would need fuel soon, what better way then to blend into the PTO and gather supplies for the trip to earth.

"Relax, the commander was no traitor, our ship became locked in that nebula you mentioned-" looking at the fish-like grunt whilst nodding. "Many of our crew had to be ejected into space as they died due to being locked inside that nebula for a long time, only now we managed to get the ship out of it at its weakest, though as you can see, I'm the only survivors, these are my concubines." I lied about the crew being killed by some space virus with no mention of the wormhole inside that hazardous area which shrouded and hid it. This should keep the wormhole hidden and hopefully, Remnant and its people safe, at least for now as now these PTO guys will consider that area a dangerous area to travel to, avoiding it. As an afterthought, in order to sell the 'concubine' comment, i backed up between the two woman and begun to feel them up, with Winter growling at me while... Salem just deadpanned at me. My lecherous actions however were easily believed, judging by the envious faces the PTO grunts made. Letting go of them and stepping forward again, the captain in charge spoke.

"Right… well, we have minimal supplies here, there is fuel of course but this planet was conquered what… fifteen? Sixteen years ago? I can't remember, we have a barracks here and most of the buildings that can be used are housing some of our men whole we loot this dead planet, there's a fueling port but little else. The buildings and high-rises scattered around are just remnant cities of the…. what were they called, uh… the Kanassan?, yeah that's the name of their species, sucks for them but word has it that you Saiyan's done them in." why did that name 'Kanassan' hit me with a truck-load of nostalgia? Looking around briefly, I couldn't remember exactly though so I kept the name in my head, repeating it a few times to remember the name, I got out of my head and continued to engage the alien in front and pressed him for more information.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

She kept up her professionalism, standing at attention while squinting as she deciphered the words Kron and the grizzled-looking blue man spoke back and forth with. The language still hard to understand. There were some words she understood, though and she had an idea that these guys had begun to fear Kron, indicated when the 'leader' of the nine alien soldiers clicked at his 'scouter'. There was fear there, but when the entire group relaxed suddenly while Kron spoke, she knew their disguises worked.

"It's interesting isn't it." Salem whispered to her, Kron looked back for a second at them before returning to the conversation he was engaged in, but Winter slowly walked up behind Kron to better speak with Salem.

"Whats interesting, if your talking about the fear shown on their faces, it is hardly interesting, no. So whats the plan then." she asked increasingly more nervous though she done her best not to show it. Kron was still chatting with the blue alien when they nodded at each other and he turned to her, leading the two of them away with Salem following at the back.

"We have a problem. oh and sorry for groping-" he said, looking at neither of them but had continued to trek back to their ship.

"-Whats the problem then and look at me when you talk-" she grabbed his shoulders, the tense situation getting to her though she was surprised when she saw the worried expression plastered on Kron's face. He sighed, then nodded to the side towards their ship where he continued up the ramp, she and Salem followed quickly. Kron turned around and begun to itch his hair nervously before speaking.

"That guy said that they are expecting visitors soon, people I didn't expect to run into… for some time at least and within a few minutes tops. It is these visitors that has me worried for our safety, yours more than mine." he said though he looked like he was fighting an internal battle right in this moment.

"Who are these people and why are you worried, they can't be much stronger then that bastard you thought against who murdered my sister… unless there's more your not telling us." she accused sternly, frowning at his hesitance which was a new look coming from him. He blew out air quickly from his nose before continuing to speak.

"It's the Ginyu Force… five warriors who are as strong as me, if not even more so. They aren't the only problem however, the tyrant himself, Frieza is also with them, though I have no idea why he's here." he sounded quite terrified, his face had went through a few different emotions while speaking, fear being the most prevalent. 

"This… Frieza, I take it he's the main problem then, are you not going to fight him, show me your fighting prowess in battle once more?" Salem spoke up casually, not in the least bit worried and Kron's head snapped to her, fixing her with a glare.

"If I even flinch wrong around the tyrant, he could decapitate me without using his hands… or feet. I have a plan though we-" there was a loud noise, loud ship thrusters humming loudly that sounded like their own ship. The three of them slowly approached the the outside from the ramp they stood on and glimpsed another ship, much like their own one though much smaller. Kron had stiffened and glanced back at the two of them. 

"You two, follow me and keep up!" he begun to run, towards the hanger bay. She glanced at the elder woman who just shrugged, getting used to Kron and his, following along as she walked gracefully after the alien who was her friend.

Seeing where they were led too, begun working over the two pods that were left within the ship, explaining what he was doing while he fiddled with the consoles within each one.

"You two need to get off this rock, I…. hang on… right, uh so, I have put in the coordinates for these two ships… there with this console… Right. Hold on…, these two ships... are the only ones fully fueled which will take the two of you to the planet earth, there you must wait until I-"

"-Wait, so your sending us away… your staying here then, can we just get out of here on the command ship, whats the problem." Winter said, placing her hands on her hips as she glowered at him, he looked about to chuckle for a moment to which she glared more menacingly, waiting for him to reply quickly.

"As you can see, there are only two ships as most of them were given up to Ironwood or were already used during Remnants invasion, and if we run in this ship, we would be sitting ducks while taking off suddenly, that guy I was talking to wants to send a survey team on board this ship still and with Frieza here, I'm going to have to comply with him… lest he kills well, us Winter, Salem… he will do much worse to you… once he figures out your secret." he said which made her look at the other woman in confusion, where as Salem just nodded seriously for once, in agreement. Salem clicked her fingers and her outfit changed back into her normal one, before standing near to one of the pods.

"I will trust your judgement, for now… though I have a condition-" she held out her hand and a… Grimm! Insect had shot out of her sleeve and towards Kron, before the insect could get closer, Kron caught it with a quick motion with two fingers, quicker than she'd seen for a while by him, Kron held it between his fingers, glaring while Salem smiled.

"Hold onto him would you, it should allow me to track you… anywhere where you go, and with this…" she… huh, Salem pulled out a black and red mirror from out of her left dress arm and waved it back and forth with a smirk.

"This will allow me to 'connect' to that Grimm insect, but you will need to feed the thing, out here and off our home world it has required-"

"-a Damn Grimm, you've been in cahoots with a Grimm humanoid!? I knew her looks are familiar-" Winter spoke up, appalled. Salem glared her way before ignoring her.

"… needs a constant supply of energy, to keep alive, it must have to do with the Grimm's origins which I have been allowing it my energy up until now. Kron do this for me and I will trust you and not go to this 'Frieza' your so so worried about- what? Don't look so glum, you'll barely feel anything, there's no side-effects too so don't worry about that." she explained smugly, Winter grit her teeth in anger but there wasn't any time and so she went back to her room quickly to retrieve her equipment. 

Taking back her swords and while there she grabbed her specialist outfit too, she returned to the two and Kron hurried her inside her pod, helping her with her stuff so she wasn't going to be annoyed or covered by her stuff before she waited for him to speak.

"Now, you'll have to blend in on earth so you should be capable of learning the language, and you too Salem-" Kron was cut off mid-speech when Salem scoffed loudly, the Kron retorting over Salem's voice. Kron spoke up, snapping to Winter.

"Wait, There are a few of those knowledge black-boxes left, I'll give you one of them. Continue to learn from it when you arrive on Earth. Remember ladies, that cryogenic respirator is going to be needed otherwise you'll starve out here." he disappeared, before reappearing a moment later, holding one of the same boxes that he handed off to General Ironwood before they left. Giving her the black-box, he pointed at a button for her to look at. 

"This button here on the console here unlocks the breathing apparatus, which allows you to sleep most of the journey, the ship is advanced and durable so it will smash through asteroids and meteors and will not path through a planet or star so it should be a safe journey." he quickly showed Salem what he showed her as well before he stepped back.

"Right, I'll try to handle… this… I'll see you later." he smiled, which looked to be strained on his bearded face. Winter nodded, hiding back her worry and nodded at him with a smile to which he awkwardly returned before waving them off. The pod door closed and then a breathing apparatus extended from the top of the pod after she quickly pressed the button Kron indicated in a panic, the ship suddenly blasted off, out of the command ship before heading into space, Salem's pod keeping up with hers.