The Return Of Weiss and Blake.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

(King Kai's Planet.)

King Kai had called both of them over, Blake and her while Raven continued to chase the flying intelligent grasshopper named 'Gregory' with the over-sized hammer. She and Blake approached the Blue man, questioning what he wanted with them now. Blake elbowed her, tearing her out from her inner thoughts.

"hey, Weiss, I've been talking to you for the last few seconds." Weiss growled slightly and then elbowed the girl back, then the two of them broke into quiet laughter, they still looked the same physically though time hadn't paused for them at least mentally, King kai told them how much time had passed every time they asked and currently it had been eleven years since both of them were murdered by that alien commander. The two of them began to laugh, the silliness that they continued on for their own benefit kept their spirits up, they ended up in this sort of... limbo between life and death or as King kai called it, the 'otherworld'. Weiss was about to speak up to Blake, but before she could reply, King Kai had spoken up, interrupting them from each other.

"I have news, in A few moments you will be able to leave. I take it you haven't noticed yet brats." he asked, pointing at the two of them Blake and Weiss glanced at each other before Blake's eyes looked much higher upon her head, weirding Weiss out somewhat at that surprise look as her eyes widened in shock.

"Weiss… you no longer have A halo above your head!" she explained and Weiss, hearing about the halo both of them should have as they were dead, looked at the top of Blake's head, her ears twitching and… huh, no Halo either-

"-Does that mean, we're now alive King Kai!" she spoke loudly, not loud enough for Raven to hear with the older woman still chasing Gregory around, doing A much better job of it than the two of them were. That lady is A training nut, she looked down upon them and being around the bitch continued to piss off Weiss, guess they wouldn't have to deal with her and her lack of sharing the training materials any further.

"...Indeed. The one who'd had you brought back has been the one you two have been speaking about, both while awake and sometimes asleep-" King Kai joked, though the glare from both Blake and her shut him up and Blake spoke seriously.

"-Then, does that mean we will be alive again, what about our bodies, there most likely were buried in Menagerie or Atlas." Blake asked thoughtfully, itching the top of her head briefly as she gazed at the blue man in front of them.

"Your bodies have been 'restored' to you, now I will take the both of you to the checkout station where King Yemma will take-" Suddenly both Weiss and Blake had disappeared, only seeing A inky blackness and then… the both of them reappeared on top of A hill overlooking A booming metropolis.

"-Huh, where… Blake, where are we?" Weiss spoke up in shock, then she heard King Kai's voice within her head. Blake turned to her and answered.

"... No idea Weiss, though wherever we are, they at least have similar cities to us. Let's have A look around and find out where we are." Blake reasoned seriously to which Weiss nodded in agreement.

"Lets get closer then, there's bound to be word of Kron." Weiss spoke then and both of them moved quickly, using their newfound abilities to effortlessly hop from place to place in the direction of the massive city in the vast distance from where they stood on A hill. Weiss wasn't worried, she could feel her aura slowly trickling back to her and gaining strength while her new ability in using Ki was A huge boon in getting around, honestly she felt invincible compared to when she and Blake were last alive. As they traveled at A fast speed, Weiss was curious as she felt up her own body which felt...changed physically… feeling the... tensing muscles and then slowly reaching for her stomach which felt to have 'hardened' abs, she was surprise as unlike on King Kai's place where her body remained her seventeen old self, she felt the hard abs she somehow gained on her 'reborn' body, tensing her arms she could feel her hardened muscles and she chuckled somewhat at the discovery. Somehow their bodies were brought back as if their training had adapted Her and she suspected, Blake's body too to the usage of their Ki they gained while training, her Aura even felt 'expanded' too, indeed it felt like an ocean compared to her pre-death pool her aura was.

"Whats go you in A good mood?" Blake yelled out from where she was having not taken no notice of her now older look along with her swimmer-like body she now had, Weiss turned and saw the Faunas girls ears twitching as if she finally took notice of Weiss and her weird behavior, turning to the girl and gave Weiss as much attention as she could.

"I'm just feeling my body, I feel much more… stronger than I was when were last alive. Hell, I have at least A… six pack at least from what I can feel underneath my dress. What about you Blake." she asked the girl and she begun to 'feel' herself up, realizing that too she did notice the changes in her own body as well.

"Yeah, we are definitely stronger and I do feel A little more 'buff' than I was but I - oh wow…" she finally had her right and under her top and she must have confirmed it. Weiss watched the girls folded arm that was feeling her stomach and noticed the strength in every tense moment, Blake's muscle were noticeable and she looked stronger, her arms no longer scrawny and she gained A little height. Her cheekbones were more defined but she wasn't looking like A muscle-head. Just enough muscle on her now to turn her into one of those beautiful woman in the magazines back in Vale and Atlas.

"huh… you look taller Weiss, and much stronger, not like A muscle-head, more like A regular swimmer… King Kai sure knows how to train someone and to look good too." Blake said, finally stopping touching herself and concentrate more on their own movement, Blake begun to redden on her cheeks and she spoke softly.

"...I'm going to give 'it' to him…" Weiss's eyes widened in shock, turning to Blake and almost tripping whilst they jumped from place to place, getting ever closer to the city at the rate in which they continued to travel.

"Your… going to do 'it' with him?, nah ah, no way… I'm… I will do so first, I know him better than you." to which Blake retorted, smirking her way before licking her lips. 

"I met him first, I thought I told you that… besides I won't 'hog' him if your that worried. Hell, I haven't told you but I actually already called 'dibs'… " Blake said mockingly, her banter getting Weiss's left eye to twitch briefly. Indeed, he was 'owed' for bringing them back from the dead and back to life, though now they had to find him on this strange planet...

Dodging another tree in her path as she mulled over her use of words, she responded to that… horny look Blake sent her as she continued to gush about all the things she wanted to do to Kron. Weiss, having enough of Blake and her horny attitude, tried to cahnge to subject though Blake continued to ignore her and Weiss snapped, wanting to put her foot down with her friend.

"We will decide this when we find him, so stop acting like your in heat or something-"

"-That's raciest Weiss." Blake said though with no real fire behind her words, instead smirking at her which annoyed her.

"Sorry. Like I said, we will decide later on. Now is not the time for this... besides you know i'm the first one he told his story to, it's settled than, yes." she said, playfully glaring at Blake and she laughed at Blake's own annoyed expression.

(Kin Kai-POV)

(KING Kai's Planet)

"Hmm… ah right, he made the wish send them to Earth. Strange… ah Raven, I see you've noticed your sparring partner's disappeared now, about time you took A break." The arrogant woman was still hungry for fighting and her attitude hadn't changed much though he had plenty of times he put her in her place, Bubbles and now Gregory were excellent like that.

"...Yeah, the two brats left and rather abruptly. I guess you know something about it old man." she spoke so haughtily and he almost bit back A sharp bout of words but reined in and instead nodded before replying.

"welp, Where they are now, there is A way for you to also be brought to life also-"

"-What! they've been resurrected! What the f-" She begun to get angry but before she could get really going, he interrupted the foul-mouthed brat.

"-uh ah, temper temper, your foul language aside… Raven, continue with your training, I suspect when your revived and don't worry I will ask the two of them to do so, you'll be even stronger than the two of them brats." he spoke good naturedly, seeing he seething frown cal down a bit before she breathed out in A sigh.

"...Fine, I'll go back to trying… and failing to whack that damn cricket, but make sure those girls help me too." she demanded and he sighed, damn impatient brat…


(Planet Remnant)

It was twelve, almost thirteen years since Kron, Winter and… Salem had left planet-side for the stars. Twelve years and a lot had changed since then, more for the worse then better. The technology gathered by the alien invaders had been A boon at the start, A font of information for all across Remnant. Improvements in communication technology and rocketry made it easy for putting their own satellites up into space and without using dust as A fuel source. He of course didn't know the specifics of the technology aspect, just that there are now many improvements in construction, space exploration and even improved medical ideas, among other things.

War was on the horizon and this time he didn't know if he could stop it and definitely not like last time..

An arms race was introduced when all the technologies were 'shared' to all four kingdoms plus Menagerie, though Atlas… had the most of the technology and being the most technologically advanced, was ahead in reverse engineering what they did have. 

Even with Salem now gone and her attempts in gathering the four relics halted, she left A right mess in the form of her leftover subordinates who were still causing trouble, unknown as they are. They however paled in comparison to the spread of the 'Latent Energy' or as the information called it, fighting power or… Ki.

"That information… the new fighting abilities… so like aura, yet so very different…" he mused out loud, sitting in his office of the hunting academy Beacon, improved and stronger that was rebuilt after invasion day. That was now A holiday, Ozpin felt that it brought human and faunas together as most people still believed that the warrior with the monkey tail was A faunas and not an alien, though A small minority thought he is an alien who is somewhere on the planet still. Thinking about the positives his help had on their people... but he could not help but focus back onto the negatives that now came with it, even if his intentions were to help them, they still done some damage to Remnant as A whole,.

The biggest one was this scientist, then political speaker and now the new leader of Atlas or as it was renamed eight years ago, the 'Atlesian Realm'. Ozpin was guarded about this new political entity that emerged some time after the first technology from the alien invaders was reverse engineered for Remnant use.

"...Arthur Watts…" he worded out loud almost lost in thought, snapping out of it he continued to review the expansion of 'Rossweisse', the new colony formed on the old colony 'mount Glenn'. A name for Weiss Schnee in remembrance to her death against the alien leader. There was another colony south of Vale and on the same continent of 'Sanus' but run by the Menagerie government named 'Nightshade' which meant Belladonna in the very ancient language of the first Faunas people.

His elevator dinged and in came Glynda Goodwitch, he looked up and greeted her.

"Glynda, you look well. How is the preparations for the initiations going to plan." he asked, finished with what he was working on and gave her his full attention.

"The preparations are going according to plan. This is about 'Rossweisse'. The colony is expanding everyday and the Grimm are A problem, unlike in the past however it is easily managed by Huntsmen, those Huntsmen with the ability to use Ki have made it 'far' to easy to engage the Grimm, even packs of them. I'm worried about the amount of student's coming this year, there has been a slow decline of students- you know this, I won't go over that again. The problem is 'Rossweisse' has 40% of our Huntsmen forces stationed there apposing to the last year numbers last year of 20%."

"Things are alright, 'Rossweisse' is the perfect location for A huge number of 'huntsmen forces to use as A closer base to the Grimm infested lands surrounding it and Vale." he retorted, seeing no problem in more huntsmen reporting to 'Rossweisse' than 'Vale'. 

"There are rumors… there are always rumors but these… whispering's of 'revolution' have been heard a lot throughtout those with the ability to use aura and Ki in conjunction and those without Ki. It really is A destructive force to wield, you know I'm speaking truth." she looked at him sternly, he knew what she meant, what was witnessed in the past… Kron…

"Ever since James was arrested for 'conspiring'-" Glynda raised both hands and raised only two fingers each on both hands while she said 'conspiring'. "-and consorting with aliens, that Arthur Watt's managing to take his position and leading Atlas… or the 'Atlesian Realm' as they now call themselves, things have begun spiraling down A dark path only the brothers know where it might lead." she said, Glynda was mad when they first heard that James Ironwood was arrested by his own council then as Arthur Watts, who at the time was unknown and came into the political sphere, climbing the ladder through the council with bribes, threats and other means. Ozpin spoke up.

"hmm… we can only teach the next generation, speaking of generation, how is the news regarding team Grey?" he knew all six of the members of this team, they are the best and strongest of their generation, all had attended and left Beacon with honors.

"They were last spotted fighting Grimm south of Vale. Two days ago." he nodded, well… they should be fine as they all took to the new 'training' of their 'latent power' like sponges.

(Yang Xiao Long-POV)

"Pyrrha, hurry up and get some firewood or the fire will die down." she yelled to the redhead, she nodded, heading out into the forest with her sword and shield by her side.

"Not that she needs them anymore…" she glanced after the redhead, whose was the strongest on their team, maybe even one of the strongest on the planet. Checking her Scroll 6.0 and opening up one of the new parts of the Scroll 6.0, the brand new 'Latent checker', she aimed the device at the retreating redheads back and the number begun to compile, showing her power-level.

"Huh… she's gotten thirty-two points higher then last… month huh…" she said aloud, the 'latent checker' app was A new technology re-engineered from alien technology and added to an improved model though in the armies there are models similar to the ones the aliens… and Kron wore…

Right now, she and Pyrrha, along with her sister Ruby were securing more land for one of the new Schnee mines for new rare-minerals used for new technological devices, like the new spacecraft's. She disregarded that shit and decided to relax A bit, rummaging through her pack she removed some food and got one of her bottles of beer out before she dug in. Sighing as she gazed towards the stars, her eyes were brought to A nevermore flying high above the sky, A big one.

Downing A gulp of beer, she grinned with some of that beer dripping out of her mouth before she raised A hand. A Blast of condensed ice-infused Ki launched upwards, engulfing the Nevermore. The explosion rocked the skies and then… the scattered pieces of the once-Nevermore hit the ground hard, while the dark sky cleared up a bit. She noticed that unlike her sister and Pyrrha, heck, all of her friends besides Amber, her Ki-attacks came with the ability in infuse elemental abilities within. The maiden powers she since learned about increased her abilities to new heights, making her one of the strongest on the planet. And with A power-level of 964, she truly was one of the strongest on the planet, if not the most in part to her maiden powers and her training from the 'latent power' training given to all learning institutions on Remnant.

Pyrrha now sat at 467 which was even more impressive, given that she wasn't one of the mythical maidens like her. Ruby was weaker, though she didn't really train like she and Pyrrha, she learned the basics of Ki and flight but she is more concerned with fighting the Grimm and helping Remnant-kind expand against the onslaught of the Grimm, using those new abilities in conjunction with her scythe 'Crescent Rose'. Her ability with her silver eyes are improving with the help of 'Maria Calavera.' this woman left Atlas after Arthur Watts took over as did A majority of the faunas population left too for A better life in 'Nightshade' and away from the increasingly racist politics of 'The Atlesian Realm'. 

Yang continued to look around the forest they are in, hearing A twig snap and then Pyrrha exiting the bushes with A few massive logs on her shoulder.

"Hey, I see your already into the beers." she spoke up, casually walking over nearby and dropping the pile of mangled logs onto the ground.

"Yeah… do you want one-" she went through her pack and grabbed another beer before throwing it at the girl. She caught it and easily removed the lid with one finger. Yang smirked at that.

"So, have you heard anything from your sister. I don't see her around." she asked, taking A huge gulp of her beverage. Yang rummaged through her pack and removed another item, this being her 'Scouter'. Originally these devices were to be given another name but, the name fits the job designation and so it was kept as it is. Yang placed the device onto her face and check around, the scouter located Ruby alright…

"She's over that way, and getting closer. Damn… Ruby doesn't train much but her powers resting at 242, an 42 increase since last time I checked." Pyrrha whistled and then sat on top of the log pile. Both of them sat in A comfortable silence before Pyrrha spoke up.

"Right, I got called by Jaune before. He along with Ren and Nora are wanting to bring in another fighter into the team. Seeing as you and I are the leaders, I told him I would discuss it with you. So… what do you think?" Pyrhha handed her work Scroll over to Yang and she glanced at the Bio along with the picture. 

"She's… how old, and yet she dyes her hair… pink or is it brown, oh wait, it's both..." she questioned, not really being apposed to her joining though that smirk along with her hairstyle had Yang's eyes raised in suspicion.


(Planet Frieza No.79)

"Alright, you men… I have no spots on the Ginyu force at the moment but seeing as I'm on 'holiday' I've decided to shape things up around here. Now men… in order to be A ginyu, you must have two things… finesse and… style!" he chuckled, arms behind his back as he gazed at the various aliens who trembled in front of him.

The men around him, having already fought against each other in A few mock battles, were now in the varying stages of posing for him. He watched them go at it when his scouter turned on, someone was calling him.

"...Yeah, whose this." he said, eyeing the grunts in front of him with interest.

"...Captain, it's Kron. My ship has been destroyed but I'll be returning soon. I lost my ship in A… training incident…" he spoke to him and he chuckled, of course it was him, he was the most likely to inflict 'collateral damage' being A Saiyan. Frieza didn't know he had A Saiyan, well 'he himself' didn't tell him he had one on his team yet but this one was loyal and best of all, A good poser! Heh… he knew how to pick em…

"Yeah, you don't need someone to send you another ship right, you sound as if your not worried about your ship being destroyed, they are not cheap you know." he countered mockingly, trying to get A rise out of his 'second' newest member. On the advice of this cheeky little bugger, he took on Guldo, seeing 'some' use in him for the team. And besides, more members meant more different combinations of poses! Hehe, yeah… he really was A genius… Kron answered, having no idea of Ginyu's current mindset.

"...Nah, I should be fine, we don't have any missions yet?"

"Nope, remember… I will call you when I have A mission assigned to the team. Enjoy your uh… leave, I know I am." he chuckled before cutting the connection. 

"Hey, you guys. I said no breaks… guess I've got to cut A few of you out of my special training course, heh…" he smirked, smiling at their cowardly reactions.