Things Are Moving On.


"Hey uh, hows this thing work… Hey… Salem, you listening…" I said, asking the Grimm bug I 'summoned' from myself, A 'gift' from Salem in return for her trust. A spell imposed on me by Salem herself, the Grimm was harmless though it did need to feed from me, preferably my energy in order to survive. It was an good idea for Salem to make this little Grimm into A summon otherwise it would have already died due to my power and during training's with the Ginyu Force.

I Couldn't remove the immortality from Salem, the dragon couldn't achieve it, but… it could transfer it to another. I wasn't really interested in her form of immortality so I had Moori ask the dragon if he could transfer it into anyone or… anything… The dragon told me that only someone can 'willingly' take on the transfer as it wasn't A gifted power but technically A curse, even if A cool one like immorality. With that done, The dragon left and was able to be summoned again for the remaining wish later. Right now, after I got off with the captain, then turning off my scouter so i wasn't listened to, I headed back to Guru with Nail. 

A tense but quick flight later, thanks to my newfound powers unleashed, my full potential realized, we made it though Nail lagged behind as I was much faster now.

Landing onto the ground near the entrance to Guru's, I awaited Nail to arrive and then both of us walked in and rode the elevator up, Nail imputing the command for the elevator.

Stepping into view of Guru, I spoke up, showing the man some respect.

"Lord Guru, I'm in need of A favor, could you get into touch with the north Kai. I'd like to ask him something." I asked the Eldest Namek respectively, the heavy-set Namekian looking at me without looking at me.

"... I will see if he's available…" he looked to be concentrating and after some minutes passed, he sighed out before speaking.

"He will hear you, just speak within your mind, his name…" now, normally I wouldn't know his name and Guru would know that but… I'm not an ordinary fucker and I nodded, waiting for him to 'tell me'.

"His name is King Kai, the north Kai of the universe." Guru spoke, the ancient Namek knew many things judging by his age, knowing A kai must be one such thing. I thought of the Kai's name inside my head, whispering it in my head without words.

'King Kai, do you hear me.?' I mentally thought for him to 'hear'.

'Yes, Kron. What is it that you need, I should tell you now that we are speaking that there's someone here that would like to speak with you, someone who knows of you but you haven't met.'

'...Right, uh I have something to discuss with you first. Tell me, do you want to be immortal?' I asked the man straight-up, beating around the bush so to speak. The guy dies in canon, so if he wants to, he could have immortality. Who wants to be immortal anyway? besides Frieza and Vegeta.

'What, you- your serious huh… I hope your not about to abuse to dragon balls there on Namek for such A selfish wish, even if your making it on my behalf.' he said and the pressure felt inside me head, tensing, I replied quickly before the-

'Just kidding kid, I already know what you are wanting to do, but I'm afraid I can't break such magic. I'm also loath to have this immortality transferred to me, as it comes from unknown means.' Nodding, I replied mentally.

'Right, you said someone wants to speak with me.' I said in my head.

'Yes… hang on… …-' King Kai's presence didn't fade but another persons presence was felt along with his, this must be the person King Kai wants me to speak to.

'-Hey, brat. You must be the one those two girls of yours got moist thinking about in their sleep'. the fuck, that is A woman speaking via telepathy to me. Who though? Moist? What the f-

'-Who is this, don't keep me waiting woman.' I demanded quickly, she replied in turn.

'The names Raven, Raven Branwen. I need something from you.' I bet she does, the bandit queen herself, sure she's hot and all that and that is the only reason I'm even considering hearing the hot piece of ass out, that must mean she was killed sometime while I was on Remnant, ah… my fault i expect, another dying because of my interference with 'plot'. Having A idea what she wanted, I communicated back to her.

'What, don't tell me… you want… to be alive again, that it right, nothing else you want, while your asking.' I thought, knowing she would hear me mentally. 

'Well, I'm up here for some reason and not sent to hell so why the heck not, I'll owe you a lot too… if you catch my drift., I bet I could defeat you in A fight too, so there's nothing wrong losing to someone more experienced than… you…' ...yeah I think I understand whats she meant, well, I think I do… I'll pass…

'I could revive you, though you'd have to wait A while and seeing as your already dead on your old home planet, I'll be bringing you back onto another planet. You've been training right, learning from King Kai himself, right. Keep his training up, maybe he'll make something of you in the meantime.' I mentally thought and sensed she approved with what I had in mind. She didn't have anything else to say, her connection broke and King Kai spoke up within my mind.

'I hope your sure of this kid, this one has A bad mouth. Anyways, I've kept you for long enough. It's time for my second lunch, goodbye Saiyan, beware of your new master... the tyrant...' I felt my mind become much clear and there wasn't any trace of King Kai, I spoke to Guru. The 'master' comment must be Frieza.

"Sir, I've decided, I'll take on this 'curse'. unless you yourself is willing to become immortal or maybe Nail. How about it Nail, you'll be able to protect Guru much more efficiently" Nail looked to Guru, somewhat intrigued while Guru continued to ponder what I said. Finely, the heavy-set elder spoke up.

"...I, I can see the appeal young one, having lived many years, are you sure your willing to take on this burden. You will live on, while those around you, those you care for will live out their lives, you will live on." he said and I knew what he meant, If I want to die in the future, I would have to figure something out but I promised Salem and she did leave Remnant in return which ended her tyranny so technically I helped Remnant out, stopping her past plans of destroying Remnant by those who curse her. Nail however, spoke up seemingly eager.

"Wait, I think… I'd like to take you up on that wish. Protecting Guru is the most important decision I have ever made and being able to protect him indefinitely will be A boon." Nail's gruff voice, filled of willingness to undertake such A curse. Heck, yeah… I certainly didn't want to become immortal, especially by A curse. Maybe in the future I would track down those brother gods who made Remnant and kill them, that way the curse would disappear and Nail would be free, in the event that Guru does die from old age. I could help Guru with age, I'm not sure he would appreciate it though, being about the whole natural order and being selfless.

My mind made up, I nodded to the elder Namek and he sighed, weather it was because of my stubbornness or old age, I couldn't tell.

"As you wish, young one. Nail my son…what i have said benefits you as well but... you know what to do." Both of us left soon after, for the location we left the dragon ball's.

Ten minutes later, the dragon ball's were spotted where we left them, at the edge of Moori's village. Upon landing, the elder Namek of that village seen us and had approached, I was curious of their village but only seen glimpses of the people, tiling in the soil or other such mundane tasks they loved doing. In the future this village's people will be wiped out… shaking my mind off of it, I waited while Nail explained the wish, Moori called on the dragon in 'Namekian' and I was able to watch the great dragon appear again. What A sight…

"...??" Moori finished speaking with the great green wish-giving dragon and I awaited it's final words.

"Thy wish can be granted… so be it…" its eyes glowed like hot suns and I watched as the dragon had cast its magics, it should be A success. The dragon finished, before speaking one last time.

"So long, until next thy need me." his gigantic form erupted, dissipating and then the balls dropped back down onto the ground. Nail begun to prod at his hands A bit, feeling for some kind of effect on him though he finally nodded, speaking up.

"I… I don't feel any different." he said, watching him carefully, I replied as I gave him A once-over.

"Hmm… you don't look any different though you'd have to risk getting killed to see if it worked. I trust the dragon though and he said it worked but, no matter. Salem, can you hear me?" I spoke aloud, summing the little Grimm bug onto my hand. The Grimm begun to squirm and then A mirror-like vestige appeared from its back in the form of some kind of mirror but was made of organic material. Yuck. 

"yes, I'm here, so… its done then, I can finally face death, that's why your getting into contact with me I'd assume." she whispered, I glanced at her as she lazed about on A bed in a dark room. Lazy old lady.

"Yeah, though I couldn't remove it from you, instead I had to uh, give it to someone else to take on your curse instead, transferring it from you to… uh, my ally Nail" she hummed, eyes widening before she chuckled, unnoticed were the tears that I could see beginning to form at the corner of her eyes though I could hear her trying to keep it in. She must be happy then. Nail mumbled weirdly about me labeling him the word 'Ally', which was funny to witness. Salem begun to speak up through the image displayed from the Grimm, she looked… tired.

"...I've, lived so long, through so much strife I had created, lost my daughters and for what, some two arrogant bastards that call themselves gods. I appreciate what you have done for me, And so I will live on with the remaining years of my life, like you once suggested. Thank you Kron, I'm in your debt." she said, from what I could see within the image being displayed, she looked to be genuine with her words.

"Well, I'll see you and Winter, along with Weiss and Blake in A few years or more. Oh yeah, tell Winter that her sister and Blake are somewhere on planet earth too. Bye.-"

"-Hang on-" I crushed to Grimm bug and sighed out in relief at being free of that little tiny Grimm bug, which goes who knows where within me when not summoned, phew. Free of that little parasite, I decided I'd better tell the Namekians thanks before heading back to the Ginyu himself on Planet Frieza No.79 and away from here encase I'm needed by Ginyu.

"Oh yeah, right… I'd better practice keeping my power-level down, I feel more than 40 times stronger than normal from Guru unlocking my dormant powerl and that's just an exaggeration, my best guess." breathing out as I struggled to adjust my Ki, this must be what 'Naruto Uzumaki' felt whenever he tried using his 'Chakra' in that series.

"Hey Nail, do you want to spar, lets see if it worked, yeah... I'll blow you up and will know, yeah." I joked and his eyes narrowed.

"What do you-" I came upon him, he blocked and we begun to attack each other at speeds if any other Namek's besides Moori would have trouble keeping up. It be interesting to see him regenerate and I made sure I would go in for the kill, least the wish I made would not be thoroughly tested. Nail, after A while in our fight, didn't mind I came at him with the intent to kill, the spar continued on, blowing through rock formations and the green ocean that we tried to keep the fight contained to. 

"Harrrrruaaaahhh!" Nail growled loudly, displaying his fangs as in that moment, he moved his left hand forward with his right hand holding the left behind it, blasting me with A powerful Ki-beam, sending neck deep into the ocean.

"You fight well Saiyan, now lets answer the question, go ahead. Try it…" nodding at his prodding, he wanted me to blow him up with the way he floated, arms stretched and eyes closed in A fanatic sort of way, like he was born ready. Growling, I powered up as fast as I could, tapping into that angry transformation I'd unlocked, it was the first in A while since using it but that heightened anger and aggression was controlled…barely. Nail, sensing my newfound power, his face agaped in no small amount of fear and surprise, flashing me A growl of his own at what he felt from me.

"...I guess he is ready… Raaaaarrrrahhhh!" the blast of purple Ki shot out of my hand, the tip of it the arrows head of my signature attack, the attack blasting into him, watching as he was swallowed whole in the explosion.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

Heading towards the city, her clothing A mangled mess from survival, fatigue still felt from her training as she approached the city on foot. Panting still from running, her sword at her side encase more of them 'dinosaurs' that the locals call them were around. 

She felt stronger than she was ever before, her aura passively healing much more quickly than was normal. But right now, she was heading back to her apartment, Salem most likely was still lazing about… She packed up her camping gear after she woke up and now was heading back to get A quick shower, in A couple of hours she would arrive and then Winter would head to the meeting with Dr Briefs in order to make them some money so they would no longer struggle with the rent.

No encounters with wild beasts and finally entering the outskirts of 'West City' she headed to the suburban area in which she and Salem lived, drawing looks from most she passed by.

"I'm definitely going to need the money, rent is getting due…" she idly said to herself, Now seeing the first sightings of civilization, she couldn't only make so much from her current form of income which was hunting, as it seemed the easiest she could do for now while they had no records on this planet.

Entering the right building, heading up to her place, she entered with her key and seen Salem sitting on the couch eating something. Speaking up as Salem turned to her and smirked her way. 

"Whats got you in A good mood, never mind… I need to take A shower. Going to make some money today, why are you looking as if you've been asked out on A date?." Winter slowly walked past the couch and placing her backpack to lean against it. Salem responded ignoring the 'date comment, Winter froze in place to her words.

"Kron has done it, he said so an hour ago. Oh and he said your sibling and their friend is now alive on this planet… I know, I know, it is powerful magic indeed to revive someone-" she almost trailed off in her 'magic tangent', being A magic user herself but Winter retorted before she could continue.

"-What! Shoot, bad timing… I need… I need to find her, but our situation with the rent… we need the damn money like yesterday. Dammit Kron, now I've got to find them and bring them here." Winter realized she was pacing in front of Salem and stopped, looking at her. 

"Why are you looking at me for?" Salem said, worriedly, still munching on her breakfast. 

"You'll need to go find them, I've still got the scouter, use that and bring them back here." she said, the idea was sound and Salem pouted which was weird seeing.

"Ahhh fine, I'll go but if I die, well… ah never mind. Let me eat and then I'll go." Salem replied, eating much more slower than before, Winter noticed. Nodding to her statement, Winter was heading to the shower but spoke up on the way out.

"Oh and make sure you lock up, If I beat you out the door." Salem didn't reply.


Flying in space without A ship was actually A weird experience and not what I wanted to repeat in the future, though my fear of being killed in the vastness of space had evaporated with my training both in the Remnant oceans and her former moon. Flying in the direction indicated by my scouter, I continued to channel my inner Ki in order to properly hide the vast amount I felt inside me now. Right now, I continued to blast through the emptiness of space and onward to my temporarily home. 

"I wonder if I will meet Vegeta sometime soon, that'll be the day. I'd better not, keeping away from him, Nappa and Raditz would help keep their fighting-power as close to 'canon' as possible, with seeing me, some low-class they'd bemoan on the unfairness and consequently would try to become much stronger. If I accidentally met them, well, with Vegeta it's simple, he- oh and Nappa would see my hair and assume that I survived the home-worlds destruction as an baby or something." chuckling, flying into an asteroid field without A care, blasting through rock and ice. Seeing A planet, now that I could see more clearly, I was intrigued, checking my scouter quick. The scouter indicated as I got closer that there were naught any 'intelligent' life, the planet was 'cataloged' as A minor resource world yet to be mined. More information about the planet was that it had an… 'very' high dense gravity…

"Shit!, this place will do. I'd better mark it for later, I already told Ginyu I was heading back." smirking lightly, I 'marked' the planet with my scouter and my Ki surged higher, flying much faster than I have ever done so before.

Timing myself with the scouter, I flew through space for some 14 hours before I saw the planet. 

"Lets power down and head on down." flying A bit slower, I was immediately picked up by the radar and my scouter was sent some kind of verification.

"This is Kron of the Ginyu force, I'm landing right now. I need A new ship, someone get onto that." 

"Ah… yes sir, voice recognition received, welcome back sir." The raspy alien voice hit my ears as I touched down onto the landing pad, slowing down. Surprising those awaiting my arrival, as I landed I begun to walk inside.

"Get me A new ship, I'm going to get something to eat and then I'm off again unless the captain has need of me." I said to the closest PTO grunt. The man nodded, still surprised by my landing without A ship in sight, though some of the aliens in the PTO had no need of air neither while in space so it wasn't that much of A surprise.

"Heh, guess it isn't seen everyday that A Saiyan can survive in space on long voyages." walking into the long hallways and passing by PTO grunts and scientists on my path, I saw A familiar sight, the purple fish-face named 'Cui' or shall I call him the original fish-face to which I consider all of them aliens… He was not alone, chatting amicably with some others, random races of the PTO when I passed him by. The arrogant creature noticed me and more importantly, noticed my tail.

"...Ah another Saiyan is all we need… I've heard-" he stopped speaking when he realized I passed him and his 'boys' bye while ignoring his attempt to goad me. This guy was Vegeta's early rival, no need to deal with it. The hand on my shoulder didn't stop me in my steps, no, the audacity in doing so did. Turning to face Mr freaky-fish guy, I glared at him which momentarily stunned him before he begun to laugh… that awkward laugh people do when they try to hide their nervousness.

"Did you want something creature?" I said casually and watched as his face scrunched up in anger. Shrugging off his hand I heard his reply though I already clicked my scouter, showing his power sitting at 15,500, not his canon power-level though it made sense seeing I was six or seven years away from 'Raditz saga' beginning, having no idea of the pre-DBZ 'canon' which if memory serves me, should still… be happening right now. I only remember that Piccolo was the bad guy at that time, or was there-

"I was talking with you scum, so… I've heard tell of another Saiyan survivor, you must have pulled the wool over captain Ginyu's eyes huh, taking on an animal like you on his special-forces elite team. Hehe oh, don't look at me like that, I can boast that-" Cui was interrupted, turning around he seen who I was looking over his shoulder at... my boss.

"-Heh so you've returned Kron, are you returning, there's still some time left before the Ginyu force is expected to return when all your leave is over, your lucky that I granted you time off, seeing as you're the newbie, but I couldn't deny the others their own time-off. I expect to see you bright and early when they have finished." The voice of the captain echoed out from behind the surprised Cui and his compatriots, some of these men getting blue in the face… must have been in Ginyu's 'special' training… Cui, begun to walk away, slowly while the nameless in my eyes, PTO grunts all scattered in different directions. That's Ginyu for you, an absolute cunt, but if your on his team… he puts out all the stops to be A good leader. Shame that he was an evil bastard and with A scary ability too.

"Yeah captain, I needed to get another ship, my other one was blasted by myself which I hope not to repeat sir." he glanced my way, his arms folded as he regarded me. Smirking, he spoke up.

"Well then Kron, it's coming out of your personal funds that you make in the future. Now, I'm off to deal with Guldo, he seems especially motivated in impressing me with joining. Haha later much subordinate... heh." He laughed, walking off in the direction where the training grounds were. Heading towards the cafeteria, I noticed there were a lot of people here. All various grunts and scientists of different races- Oh and look whose here, the Saiyan Raditz himself. Look at the guy… eating like that. Better keep away from him, least I change something somehow and he ends up stronger when he goes to earth…

It was fortunate he was concentrating on eating or I would have been seen by 'Kakarot's' elder brother.

Eating much more than Raditz had, paying with credit, I left and returned to my ship and managed to keep out of Raditz sight. I was off to train while I still had time to myself left. Get A better hold of my newfound power was the most important at this moment in order to keep it down at 62,000 so as to not provoke Ginyu in deciding he wants my uh... body... I chuckled out loud at the way I 'worded' it within my head. Jumping into my brand new ship, I blasted off and made use of the Cyro-respirator to get some shut-eye while traveling.

Waking up from my nap mid-flight, I returned to that planet I found, the one with the high-gravity and landed upon it. 

"Right, lets get on with it." planning to train for the remainder of my free time-off.


Arriving at the headquarters for the Capsule corporation, she looked on in awe seeing it up close. She dressed up in her specialist uniform and held onto the device which house countless alien technology. Today she would be set for life… hopefully anyway as long these people brought the device.

"Well, I better head on in." the doors slid open automatically as she walked into the building. There was no people around, huh…

"That's weird, I guess there at lunch." She walked up to the desk and seeing A bell, rung it, the chime was an electronic chime of A bell. A woman approached some five minutes later, hair disheveled and unique looking… blue or was it green… The girl who looked no older than her, though she couldn't be sure spoke up lazily while yawning.

"...Can I help you. If you're here for A job, you'll have to speak to my father."the girl spoke to her.

"I'm here to sell this. Your father was suppose to look over it, is he here." she said calmly, ignoring the bored-like tone from the blue headed girl. She wore her hair in A ponytail and looked younger than her, at least from what she could gather by her appearance.

"...Yes, umm maybe I can help you, what is it. Ah, oh right, my names Bulma, my father is the man your wanting to speak with but he's busy. I can help though." she appeared to go from irritated to interested when Winter placed the Blue-black cube-data drive within her eye-sight, on the counter.

"I'm Winter Schnee, now shall I give you A quick run-down on this thing or do you want to look at it yourself." she glanced at this Bulma, her eyes were glued to the device now, unsure if she should interrupt the girl, she done so anyway.

"This device has the ability to connect into almost any computer not made by the same people who made it. I managed to compile and rip all of the 'teaching of Ki' aspects from it for my personal use though it has many different technological know-hows still left untampered on it. Nothing I need, I wanted to sell the whole thing with the technology embedded on it-"

"...hold on, let me… you said it can connect to anything right." Bulma managed to work out how to find the retractable cord and humming while doing so, connected it to the nearby reception computer before Winter could reply, surprising her by her technical-know how.

"Aha… so I see a lot of information still compiled on here, though its all in code or something…let me, gosh… is… is this another language!?" her mouth agape in surprise.

"I made sure to leave the copy of how to learn to read and write it on the data drive. I only removed the training on how to train in Ki because it is the only information I required from it. The rest of it is for sale." she watched as the woman looked over the information on the computer, though she begun to mumble to herself. Bulma than turned to her, eyes widened in further surprise before speaking.

"Ki, did you just say Ki just now!" Winter sighed, this would take some time.

After several hours in which Winter was surprised again by this… this, genius. After back and forth discussions with Bulma in which she was able to learn the language within A few hours of going over it that had Winter's mouth agape in shock, they managed to make the sale for eighty million Zeni. Winter was at first adamant that Bulma check with her father first as it looked to be A large amount of wealth for something she just brought in just now was confirmed legitimate. Bulma however just shrugged it off, saying that her fathers company was easily worth billions of Zeni and the money would make itself from the what she perceived was A font of knowledge of the industrial kind for civilian and military designs, advanced computer systems, space rocketry and other various space-related technologies and weapons technology which had Bulma almost foaming at the mouth. 

Handing over A check she wrote up, Winter gazed over it and nodded at the girl.

"So, are you A martial artist. You mentioned you use Ki and I know some fighters, friends who also practice it."

"I've learned much of Ki and was able to tap into my own and have begun to train in it. I'm self trained though so these fighter's must be better taught than I." Bulma nodded and then smiled, looking as though she thought up A brilliant idea. 

"I know, why don't you try your luck at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament next year, I have friends who will be entering too." Bulma was rather friendly, Winter replied having already planned to do so, she told the girl that much.

"Yes, I was thinking of joining. I guess I might see you and your friends there." Winter said, trying to move this along. Not to be ungrateful to Bulma who was A big help and helped sort out her and Salem's money problem but Winter wanted to get out there and look for her sister and her friend before they get themselves into trouble, they definitely would be blabbering nonsense to anyone of the natives they come across. She was worried about her having no identification at this time but Bulma shrugged, saying she would pay her in hard cash right there and then. Waiting for her to return, Bulma came back with two big hand-held cases, like briefcases only A bit bigger and struggled while placing them down.

"Here, I've counted them but if you want to check-"

"-I'll trust you, I already know where you live." Winter joked and Bulma somewhat laughed at the joke.

Heading outside, Winter removed her scouter from where she stashed it, between her breasts and wiping off some of the sweat before placing it over her right eye and ear. Clicking the right button, she scanned around using it and realized something.

"...Shoot… there appears to be some high power levels on this planet. Though in that direction…-" she gazed intensely. Cases in hand, she set off and easily carried them while jumping in the direction of the closest powers.

"-close-by is two power-levels sitting at 246 equally… hmm, these ones are also coming this way... Hmm… I better check it out." she turned the scouter off and placed it back where she had it before quickly moving in the general direction.

(Blake Belladonna-POV)

The duo continued to head for the city, they are now in the outskirts of the outer city when Blake felt something… just like King Kai taught them. IT was someone heading for them and in fact, appeared to be coming right at them so, they must also have A way to 'sense' for the two of them. She trusts her senses and so spoke up, halting both Weiss and her in their tracks.

"You sense that Weiss." she asked, still mulling over the thought of the approaching Ki signature. Heck, it almost felt like… "Weiss, I think that I might have tracked your sister down. She appears to be heading our way and fast." Blake added, somewhat happy that Weiss at least was about to reunite with family.

"Yeah, she does feel familiar to me, wow… um… well, how do I look, it is definitely my sister-." she flicked her pony-tail over her head and flexed.

"-Like A swimmer, waterworks included by the way your sweating. I doubt she will care about your looks, maybe be surprised by how… toned you now are, and those muscles…" she said, eye-rolling her, feeling Weiss punch her on the arm playfully.

"Well, I guess we'd better hurry up and meet her halfway huh…" Blake spoke, jumping back into the motion, moving at the same speed they were going before. Weiss would soon reunite with Winter, and than with the one who brought both of them back.