Acclimated Time.


Another year passed, I was in the Ginyu force still, and at this moment I found myself within my head, thoughts of how much time had passed so far. The aliens around me couldn't injure me as my team quickly and efficiently picked apart their entire military, like boys stepping onto ants. And being A 'Ginyu' member, here I am committing genocide like the rest of them. I tried to miss most of my shots against the aliens who went after me close-up, forgone using my ability to turn my Ki-blasts into 'homing' attacks that found their targets and decided I was to only target the infrastructure instead or droids that some of these races were smart enough to have in their armies. Captain Ginyu didn't care, like the rest of the force, mindlessly wiping out those who tried to resist, they'd make sport of it which slowly I was becoming worryingly used to.

This planet was filled with strong warriors who not long ago repelled A PTO invasion and so the Ginyu force was called into action. The planet was massive, one of the biggest I'd ever lay my eyes on and held rare minerals that a lot of Frieza's clients wanted their hands on. Naturally, we were sent to deal with the race that inhabits the planet and wipe them off so mining could begin. The aliens on this planet at first were approached by the PTO in order to annex them into the fold as they would have made excellent soldiers but this race… they had all one thing in common and… in abundance… their pride. They refused the diplomats, repelled the invasion force and now it is here I find myself going over this shit in my head whilst taking their laser blasts head-on. Sitting around whilst Recoome continued to goad A few of this planets strongest fighters while openly mocking them… they would have no chance to survive.

"... you guys, I'll allow you to make the first move, But do it soon, I've got A television program I need to get back to." Recoome said mockingly, Jeice and Burter openly laughed through their scouters as all of us had the communication's locked to listen to each other, Those two were miles away though you could see their Ki-explosions in the distance. Recoome laughed out loud while blasting multiple targets in his range. Guldo and the captain were in another part of the planet mopping up the central government forces, Guldo was the Captains backup though really, he was just there to observe as this was his first and my second mission, team dynamics came first before missions and that meant learning A synchronized form of 'Ginyu' dance which was really painful trying to keep A straight face while we done it and got confident in doing so. 

Back to what was going on in front of me, I was definitely A bystander in all this… I guess I'll be going to hell... Arms folded, I continued to watch as Recoome continued to play with his opponents, blasting the occasional city block i used my senses to check for life before doing so, my explosions of purple Ki littered the metropolitan area of the city I currently was firebombing while watching him be the meme he is.

"Gahhhh hrruuurrrgghhhh haaaaaaaaa!" one of the aliens powered up to his maximum, sitting nicely at 10,400 indicated by my green-tinted scouter. The reptilian alien moved quick though Recoome looked on amused and my scouter kept indicating easily and tracked him as he went into Recoome's personal space and begun to lay into him, kick and A series of punches along with serpent tails lashes onto the sadistic carrot-top fighters body with efficient ferocity. Recoome continued to allow them to lay into him, until he went onto the offensive. Openly mocking the reptile-like lizard, making faces as if he was being hurt while in reality he was just fucking around. Recoome stopped in his tracks, then afterimaged into the aliens personal space, arms rasied in A flex while he laughed.

"Recoome shall be thy doom! Hrrrraahh urrhaaah Recoome… Boom-" he decided he had enough taunting the doomed alien fighter and closed in on quite surprised alien, closing in as he brought his elbow down onto it's shoulder and then raised his arms up again before using his hands as A hammer, smacking the alien down.

"...Oh… heh, this one seems to be dead huh, hey Kron, you mind if I fight the rest of them, that one barely gave me A sweat… hehe haa ah." he chuckled, the remaining aliens tensed up at their comrade not getting up, some even looked conflicted and were about to retreat when one of my purple Ki-blasts nearby gave them pause, erasing another city block in the resulting explosion.

"Go ahead Recoome, it's not like we need to get dirty on these weakling nor anything." I said, Jeice and Burter were approaching and they looked to be finished where they were fighting before. Recoome continued to chuckle openly through his scouter while I watched him from afar. It was times like these when Recoome bantered to the others that brought back memories of the show, the guy acted the very same. I landed upon the ripped up streets and stood motionlessly as I continued to watch Recoome decimate the last reaming warriors on the planet when my scouter bleeped indicating I was about to be communicated with, Ginyu was A no-nonsense kind of guy when it came to missions and almost never communicated with one of his subordinates including me unless it was improtant. Sighing, I dug my grave staying in this boy-band and I would have to live with it, until the Namak saga happens, it seems I will be stuck with these fools… 

"...Fuck it, Hey Recoome. I'm going to decimate some cities, have fun without me. Watching you became boring two minutes ago." her turned casually and replied, the sadistic grin still on his face.

"...Heh, the Saiyan's bored… of fighting.Yeah right, well… more for me. I owe you A candy bar for these guys Kron, heh..." he was attacked at that instant though the attack looked to have not fazed him in the slightest, durable bastard that he is as the aliens decided to come at him all together. Recoome relished such A challenge and while i left, i could hear his excited speeches and insults he flung at them to rile the aliens up.

 "Kron, Just to let you know, Guldo and I are about to be finished with our key-targets. Make sure you and the rest are done by the time I'm finished or no pudding for the rest of you." Ginyu spoke through the scouter and I almost rolled my eyes, pudding was offered after most successful missions by this crazy bastard, along with the normal cash payments for successful missions as A way to bring the team together... like I said, fools, and I was one of them...

"Acknowledged Captain. Kron out." I said and the scouter clicked indicating he was finished speaking, my scouter continued to pick up the nearest power-levels which was nearby Recoome, most of them were fluctuating, some vanished altogether as the sadistic giant slaughtered them for fun.

Flying away from the massacre Recoome was causing, I ventured through the sky heading towards no where in particular, seeing A rock formation I decided to land upon. Checking that my scouter was off, firing off A blast of Ki towards the ruined city below. The blast exploded, expanded to encompass the entirety of the city ruins and I watched silently. My power being suppressed to 60,000 I am able to make Ki-blasts easy as breathing that were that size, my reserves are replenished from my 'hidden' reserves. I wasn't worried about vaporizing anyone as my enhanced senses told me there are no people in this area, they have already been killed.

"Maybe I should not have been hasty in destroying that damn Grimm bug…" Winter should be alright, if she mastered her training and she now had Weiss and Blake with her, they can learn together until DBZ 'Canon' starts. Salem is now vulnerable and can be killed, though she seems like someone who wouldn't fight at least physically but she had her magical abilities still, I'd imagine so. Salem is one of the character's I have only seen in Youtube clips, not having watched past season three of RWBY and also reading up on her too. I could have asked her directly if I didn't get rid of that Grimm bug she placed 'inside' me, some sort of pocket dimension of magic or something.

 "No use crying over spilled milk I guess..." I said resolutely, looking around the ruined landscape.

Turning on my scouter as I looked upon the horizon far to my left, where Ginyu and Guldo are, A massive explosion of Purple Ki expanded upward in A dome, powerful enough to even send wind my way. I sensed only Five other power-levels, that being of the Ginyu force and weak insignificant powers scattered around the planet though not at the indigenous populations average, just this planets animals remained.

"...Right, captain, Kron reporting in." I clicked the button in which to communicate. The captain's voice came through the device.

"Attention Ginyu's, converge onto where our ships are, we are leaving this planet. I've checked the scouter and we are in the clear now, good job men, i'll treat you boys to lunch." his gravelly voice came through and I jumped up, blast off towards where the ships were. Turning off my scouter, I spoke aloud to myself.

"Looks like at this rate… I'll be meeting the 'Dragon Team' when the Ginyu saga begins… I'm still keeping these guys at arms length, except for Guldo who already hates me because of… Vegeta. Heh, speaking of the prince, keeping away from him will not give him ideas that he should be training instead of slaughtering weak races on missions, he should be still 18,000 by the time 'Canon' for DBZ happens if I continue to avoid the brat…" I hummed and nodded to myself. I avoided training with the Ginyu force unless it was an team exercise sparring so they might get stronger by those training sessions It is A future problem but... yeah, the rest of the Ginyu squad will be surprised when we head to Namek. I have no qualms with sparing Recoome as he is A meme-man walking and out of the whole squad, I get along with him the most. But, these dudes are all 'loyal' to Frieza and Ginyu. I could spare them, or let Vegeta kill them. Fuck… not my problem until much later into the future…

"Something to keep in mind." I said, humming another song I used to know the lyrcis to.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

Much had changed in A short amount of time, for one, She and Salem no longer lived in that apartment building. Their new place, literally A small villa in A more remote location nearby West City, situated near the mountains was A perfect location, both for privacy and training via the open landscape nearby. With Weiss and Blake being revived and getting used to their… lean athletic bodies was A shock, Winter was happier than she ever was before but they couldn't leave the villa until they too mastered the language.

Kron came through for her and her sister, her friend as well. The two younger girls told Winter of them being in A sort of 'limbo' between heaven and hell though the one they were with said it was called 'other world' and that they were invited by some unknown being to train with A being named King Kai, who told them little of 'other world'. They kept up their training with much vigor seeing as they couldn't do much there, surpassing even her own efforts in training using Ki and checking her scouter, Winter's fight power is now at 154, keeping up in her training and living A little, what with all her free time on her hands. Seeing Weiss and Blake going at it currently nearby, the large backyard arena she decided to add to the villa when she brought the place made sparing more confined to A small arena and so challenging, Bulma helped to build it, hiring out to contractors while using her new resources to build it.

With Weiss and Blake, currently Winter watched the two of them fight, their speed, the way they took and gave blows to each other was impressive. Winter focused on the bout, sitting on A outside chair, Blake got the upper-hand and kicked her sister in the stomach, sending her crashing down onto the arena. At first, when she'd seen them fight so brutally like this, she was worried for them but, the shrugged it off better than anyone and continued their spars. Their aura along with their Ki helped to keep them safe, the aura actually was strengthened by the amount of Ki running through them, so Winter, Weiss and Blake had an edge in fighting longer and even their 'semblances' are strengthened every time their ki increases.

Both of the girls surpassed herself in strength, the planet they trained on in 'other world' had much higher gravity which effected their training, giving them better results. Winter also checked their power-levels with her own scouter and she was very wide-eyed by what she seen as their current fighting-levels. Blake sat at 4240 while Weiss was at 4200, which vastly eclipsed her own meager power-level. They also said that while they were in King Kai's company, they didn't train all the time unlike their third sparring partner. Raven Brenwen, A mass murderer and battle maniac had also ended up where ever her sister and Blake was at too.

"Hey you two, come over here. You've trained enough now I've got something to tell you." the two heard her, Blake's ears twitched while both of them stopped sparring. Winter threw two towels soaked in iced water their way and watched as they tentatively wiped themselves over. The hot scorching day will help dry them off and the iced water cool them down from their spar.

"Winter, I was about to win this spar-" Weiss said.

"-Speak for yourself Weiss-" Blake argued playfully, rolling her eyes.

"-Knock it off you two, both of you, I've been considering in entering A tournament, the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament is happening this year originally for the money but seeing as were fine in that department... well, I've kept it A secret from both of you encase you two went overboard in your training. But today, the preliminaries will be held, do you two want to go and sign up for it?" she watched the two fit-looking girls glance towards each other and then her, smiling.

"Sure, though I wanted to start to train with my new sword." Weiss spoke up and Winter sighed, replying to her young sister.

"Bring it, we could spar while we are there... perhaps. I have A friend there too, I haven't spent much time with her but she was friendly enough to get us seats if we wanted to just watch and she helped us out getting this place too. Not to say, I won't be fighting though." Winter watched the two and smirked lightly, chuckling as they both retorted at the same time.

"Sure, I'm wanting to fight some other's." Blake spoke.

"Excellent, I'm interested in meeting this Bulma." Weiss said too. Winter nodded at their answers and smiled lightly, chuckling at their enthusiasm.

"Hey Winter, have you got any word of when Kron will join us, he's still hasn't shown up." Weiss spoke up suddenly, changing the subject to A more... interesting topic about A certain 'idiot'.

"...I have no clue, he... being an idiot, destroyed the only thing we could communicate with.-" Blake interrupted Winter, speaking up seriously.

"-A Grimm creature right, and here I still can't believe that the 'Queen of Grimm' is out here with us-" she said and mumbled the 'Queen of Grimm' part lightly encase said woman was around. They must not have noticed her, far over near the poolside, enjoying the sun.

"-Hush yous… I'm tanning… its A hot Day for it and now that the 'noise' of you fighting is over, I can now enjoy it in silence." The nearby woman who looked to be sleeping, glasses covering her eyes as she sat in A bikini on A tanning chair. Winter huffed at the woman, then turning to her sister and Blake.

"Well, make sure your ready, I've been given A capsule from Bulma the other week, its our transport and I so definitely want to try it out. We Leave in the hour." Winter stood up from her own tanning chair, her own Bikini of the color of white showed off her highly toned body, glistening with sunscreen and iced water.

(Bulma Briefs-POV)

Standing with Launch, Oolong, Puar and Roshi as they waited in line for the rest of their friends to arrive in order to sign in for the tournament, she wondered when their friends would arrive. Waiting outside in the cloudy overcast which looked to be about to start raining as the sky was dark from the beginnings of rain, maybe A slight shower was about to happen. She turned curiously and spotted someone coming towards them looking at them with features she felt drawn to, This wasn't Yamcha though… who is he?, his eyes reminder her of- can it be?

"Hey, master. Bulma and Launch too. Oolong and Puar as well huh. It's me... Goku." the man with A wrapped head, different gi then the one he used to wear while just A kid and A kind expression, heck those eyes... he really was Goku.

The one who called himself 'Goku' looked… taller, but in many ways he remained the similar to the runt he used to be. Right now, as the rain dispersed from the brief downpour, they surrounded Goku and in awe, questioning him. Goku unwrapped the wrappings on his head ands then that familiar style head of hair appeared, flicking into its style once the wrapping were removed.

"...You definitely have the hair that Goku has. Your hairstyles are strongly alike. Goku..."She spoke, still surprised, though . Goku gawked in her direction though, surprised himself at her looks she guessed. What he said next solidified that he was indeed Goku, no doubt about it, that lovable idiot...

"Hey Bulma, what happened to your lips, they look to be bleeding-" he went into to try and stop the 'bleeding' when she snapped, slapping his hand away from her face before he could ruin her makeup.

"-No you moron, its called lipstick… you… you really are Goku… no doubt about it." she pointed towards him and turned to the others. Hugging him awkwardly, they all embraced him in their own ways. 

"Well ah, guys wheres the rest of the guys, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu." Goku questioned them, Bulma though answered.

"We have no idea, we are waiting here though, lets get closer to the sign-in booth for the tournament and keep our eyes open. You need to sign in anyways Goku." she said, watching him as he scratched his hair. He nodded, Roshi spoke. 

"The lines thinning, lets go closer." he said, in his grandfatherly tone of voice, arms behind his back.

The group walked closer, Bulma glancing at Goku A few times, still shocked by his growth spurt. A ways ahead, someone near the sign-in booth had spotted them, elbowing another near the person. That smile though, it looked a lot like Krillin. That hair of the other one, was… was that Yamcha!? Bulma's eyes opened in surprise, eyes zeroing in on the distant figures. That scar too, there was no doubt, it really is Yamcha.

"hey guys, hey Bulma-" Yamcha said, looking at her the most though he chuckled when Puar flew at him and embraced the flying shapeshifter, his best friend.

"-Yamcha!" Puar screamed, hugging him tightly. She smiled, watching the scene play out. The others with him looked happy seeing them. Krillin spoke up, cheekily adding his two cents at Paur as she continued to hug Yamcha.

"Haha you'd think we've been gone a long time away, hey guys how are you going." Krillin said while laughing, happy to see them.

"It really has been A while, are you well are you Launch." Tien spoke up, looking at Roshi and then to Luanch who smiled at him. The tutrle hermit nodded his head in greeting, replying.

"I've been well, Tien. Krillin, Yamcha… Chiaotzu. You all look strong, no doubt you kept up your training then, i can tell." Roshi spoke up. Bulma watching them, her eyes more transfixed on Yamcha than the others. Krillin came closer and spoke to Roshi directly.

"Hehe, yeah. I bet you can't believe it master but look at me, I've gotten much more taller, practically 'shot up'" Krillin said, itching his upper lip, the smile spread across his face. Master Roshi chuckled at him, happily encouraging him in his banter. Bulma watched as Goku moved closer, shaking Krillin's shoulder, surprising the young teenager.

"Krillin, you look great, no, you look strong. It's good to see you.-" Krillin blinked in surprise, not getting that this was actually Goku speaking to him. Goku continued, not getting that Krillin didn't actually know who was speaking to him, still lost in thought to who this was.

"-Heck, this is wonderful. To think, were all together again." Krillin looked clueless still, then he looked to have understood something... possibly the hair or the way he looked, Bulma didn't know but his eyes widened and he pointed at Goku. Bulma watched as he begun to mumble then, Krillin spoke up loudly.

"...Goku, no, it… it c-can't be, you, but… huh... Goku, is t-that you, really?" he asked, bumbling his words, the shock of the encounter getting to him. Goku, unnoticed to this happily shook his head and answered.

"Yeah Krillin, it's me." Goku replied and Krillin begun to laugh, the shock replaced by A great smile and suddenly, Krillin jumped up, giving his former rival and now best friend A hug, laughing happily all the while.

"Oh!, Goku! Man I've missed you, this is great! Wow!, I never got A chance to thank you.-" at this Bulma watched as Goku looked clueless when he mention he wanted to 'thank him'. Krillin didn't keep him in suspense any longer, continuing to speak happily to his and all their friend, Goku.

"Our friends told me how when King Piccolo's henchmen killed me, you had brought me back with the dragon balls! You're a great friend Goku, I can't thank you enough for that Goku… I don't know how I will ever repay you back, there's… what you done, I will never forget." Goku replied, surprise laced within his voice at Krillin's words.

"… Krillin… I'm just glad that your back and I'm looking forward to how much stronger you've become." he gave him 'thumbs up' and Krillin nodded, smile still plastered on his face. Bulma had shed A few tears at the display, hearing Yamcha and Tien speaking about Goku too in their awe of him. Wiping her eyes of the tears, she and Oolong heard the click of heels from behind them, Bulma seeing A familiar sight. The woman named Winter Schnee who Bulma brought the Data-drive from with all those useful technologies inside it, her father practically had A field-day reviewing the entirety of the data on it. Indeed she made A bargain with the piece of tech.

The woman, not having witnessed the touching scene in front of her and her friends walked past them, Bulma and Winter's eyes met in which the woman with the snow white hair gave her A nod of acknowledgement before heading to the sign-in booth. Winter is accompanied with another girl, shorter than her with the same hair color but done up in A longer pony-tail than Winter's. The last girl, black of hair had… A set of cat ears on her head which twitched occasionally while she watched the them curiously from afar. Her friends continued to talk with each other while the three girls all looked to have signed in with the officials, before walking inside the tournament grounds. Winter gave Bulma one last look and A brief smile before heading into the arena.

A while later on, while the fighters of her group went towards where the prelims are to be held in private, Bulma along with Roshi, Oolong, Launch and Puar headed to the arena to get close spots in order to view the fights in the best place, at the front. The prelims are to be held in quick fights behind closed doors to determine who will participate so there was time to get food, drinks or go to the bathroom if they needed to.

"Well, I guess were suppose to wait for now, I'm going to get some food. Paur, Launch, want to come along."Bulma asked Launch and the Puar

"Yep! Lets go!" Puar floated alongside her while Launch nodded, replying as well.

"Alright, I can eat something too." She nodded in agreement.


Another day, another mission. Blaster fire assailed us and rain pelted us the entire way down, where normal generic PTO forces perished as the Ginyu force and the twenty or so troops we were 'saving' from complete annihilation continued to fight for their lives. The six of us were unaffected by such meager weapons from the raptor-like humanoid race. The planet, having been targeted for invasion by A wealthy client, was invaded by the regular forces but out of their invasion force, only twenty remained scattered around the planet. This race was underestimated by the commander of the invasion and rightfully-so as each individual alien that resisted read so seemingly weak by the scouters but their technology made up for their lack of personal power and the original invasion team called for reinforcements as A result. Ginyu answered, as we were three days away via attack ball on our way from another job when he answered. 

Shutting my eyes briefly from more of the flak exploding around me not to be irritated by such flecks of what amounted to dust when hitting me, I watched as Jeice threw one of his signature moves in the ridiculous way he throws it.

"-Crusher Ball!" the attack he threw went down towards the military of the resisting race, exploding on impact. The explosion ripped through much of the surrounding city blocks and Jeice laughed, rubbing his thumb across his bottom lip while smirking.

"-See that Kron, that's how yah do it mate! Hehe, oh look… them survivors be regrouping mate, you want to deal with-"

"-I saw some guys over this way, you deal with them lot." I blasted over further north of our position, the area was devoid of anyone from the PTO, just groups of what my senses felt to be young or old life-forms. Landing, I kicked some bent out helmet and looked at the body of A dead PTO soldier. These guys, the constant death had me always thinking of the state of things, Frieza really didn't give A shit about these people, looking around for something to destroy in my 'act' of pretending to do the job, I blasted the northern end Of the red and brown alien buildings that looked to be A spaceport, destroying the empty yards in A explosion of bright purple light, the dome of energy expanded, making way for rushing water of the nearby river which now began to fill up the new hole in the area. I always checked if my scouter was off, before I'd talk to myself encase I said something no one else should hear. Paranoid much, but paranoia had its uses and it was much better then outing myself, there was much i wanted to learn within the PTO, how they managed everything. If I learned enough, I could take over if I so wished when the cold family was dealt with.

"...Blowing shit up has lost it's luster one mission ago, well, it's missions like these that make me want to train much harder. Well, time to test that new ability I'd learned on my time off." the ability in question was the 'Power ball' which PTO archives had in it's systems as A useless technique, useless because the race the utilized it are down to A hand-full, A group of three with one knowing it for that group being Vegeta, and me who wanted to learn such an interesting technique. Being an executive-citicen thanks to being within the Ginyu force, i could access these data-banks in order to learn it. Learning and practicing it though are two different things altogether.

"I'll be learning to resist it's effects on me, yeah… that's good enough training for now." powering up while raising my left hand, I exhaled and A white orb formed hovering inside my hand. Throwing it, I watched as the attack rapidly rose, exploded in A flash and I could now feel its effects upon me. Growling, I continued to look at it, absorbing its Blutz waves. Feeling the aggressiveness seep into me, I felt the 'tingle' inside my tail continue to itch and the urge to let go and transform was felt but by sheer will power I held out at least for now... sensing around me occasionally to see if anyone were watching me slacking on the job. 

Another what, it felt like an hour and A bit and still I was uninterrupted, the power ball that illuminated the sky was no longer there but I still felt the tingling sensation within me. Resisting the urge still, the leftover blutz waves still effecting me, I turned on my scouter for now. 

Another half an hour and the urge subsided, none had called me on the scouter and I blew out air before sitting down onto the ground in exhaustion. I'd have to do this much more times but I am confident I would be able to overcome it and only transform when I Wanted to, even when looking at an proper moon surface, heck... i want to know if i could transform in the great ape without A crutch as moons so for now I would test it's effects. The scouter begun making static, someone was about to make contact with me or rather, the Ginyu force as our scouters are somewhat linked.

"Attention, all personnel, my Ginyu force included. Be advised I'm about to destroy A powerful amount of enemy combatant's… heh." I could sense him, the Captain was in the east-

The sky lit up in A sickly purple, so Ginyu must have been bored or something as there weren't any enemy fighters strong enough to push us, thought the strongest combatants was where Ginyu is, or I should say, they were before that attack. The dome of energy slowly expanded in the east and rose to great heights.

"...That's the captain's Ki-blast, 'Milky Cannon'. I'd recognize that attack anywhere." I'd better head on over. I blasted off in the direction and marveled at the destruction being inflicted.