This Demon is strong, This Saiyan is Weak.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

Looking down, Ravens attack had blinded the hulking giant Piccolo Junior briefly and Goku seemed to use it for the distraction it was, blasting his own Ki-attack in the opposite direction of Piccolo and then-

"That idiot got himself swallowed whole…It's A pity I have to hold back but...hmph." Raven panted, looking down as the giant now started huffing and coughing from the intrusion of Goku flying down his gullet, Winter felt Goku's ki fluctuate and by the way Piccolo acted, Goku must be doing internal damage to him, his internal organs at this size would make excellent punching bags.

"Raven, come down here and don't attack the giant anymore. Can you do that. I'm guessing that King Kai had also got in touch with you too, yes." Raven huffed but nodded in confirmation, arms at her side and she breathed in, nodding with A small glare.

"Right, unless that green alien attacks me, than I will destroy it." Raven said confidently, Both of them landed with the others and Roshi questioned Winter, they looked at Raven briefly before continuing to watch the fight.

"You can't. Kron want's these two to fight it out for some reason, don't even ask me, Weiss and Blake know more though as it was them who King Kai spoke to." Winter said neutrally to her and Raven huffed.

"Who is this woman uh, miss Schnee. That was quite A bit of energy she used. I could feel it." Roshi said and the bald one without the eye on his forehead spoke up.

"This… is Raven and she doesn't understand you, so don't talk to her. She's with me." Winter spoke and Raven glanced in her direction, A raised eyebrow as she couldn't understand what she said.

" she A little slow, huh…" Krillin said, looking at Raven and blushing A little. Tien nudged the midget and he stopped shooting glances at her, good thing too because Raven had noticed and her power was fluctuating from what Winter could sense.

It was sudden, her head turned when Piccolo in giant form heaved up A wet cough and Goku shot out of him covered in mucus and purple blood, Goku landed A ways from him and he yelled at Tien.

"Tien, catch… it's Kami in there, release him!" the bottle was caught easily by Tien and she watched as the bottle released the elderly Green person when Tien uncorked it and thus, this...Kami was released.

"No! Don't… do that!" Piccolo yelled out loud, still heaving from Goku's intrusion down his throat and in his stomach from what she could understand, remembering that Piccolo swallowed the bottle before, with the green man inside it… Magic… she would have to test if she could go into bird form' but doubted it as she was dead not too long ago.

The man huffed loudly, breathing in fresh air and turned to look at the arena, where the fight is taking place. Goku yelled out again towards us.

"Hey guys, please stay out of this fight. I'll handle it guys."he said, determination filled his tone of voice and she along with her sister and Blake nodded, Raven looked to her and she relayed what Goku had said to which she grunted out and nodded in agreement... resigned to just watch the fight.

"Alright Goku, you got it. Well be here, encase you need us." Krillin nodded, Yamcha, the man who didn't make it to the finals added.

"You've got this Goku!" he said. Piccolo shrunk back down, learning something in that Goku had the advantage even when he was A giant, what with him easily doing internal damage and then faced them. His Ki fluctuated and he blasted A yellow beam of Ki straight towards them, or more likely, at Raven. Everyone around had moved to avoid thee blast which sailed past them and hit the building behind them, A small explosion ripped through the impacted wall of the building, sending dust and debris around them.

"That woman who attacked me is next, then I'll deal with all of you! Stay out of my fight weaklings!" he yelled A might ticked off. Winter scowled at Raven who didn't understand nothing Piccolo said but still understood he was angry with her by the way he aimed towards her with that blast.

They continued to fight which continued to drag on, the crowd was gone but the announcer continued to blabber into his microphone occasionally, the two of them matched blow to blow- Goku launched A close-up Ki-blast and Piccolo matched it with his own, the explosion washed over the now crumbling arena and obscured them for A time from their vision. 

"They are still going strong, man their endurance is slightly terrifying." Yamcha spoke up, covering his eyes from the dust of their attacks. She concentrated on the fight and seen both of them were badly wounded, though still rearing to continue. The cockiness of Piccolo still laced every mockery he sent Goku's way, though from here what they said to each other wasn't heard nor could be discerned but their faces could be view from where they stood though. 

As the dust cleared, Winter could see that Goku didn't come out of it unscathed, one of his arms was badly damaged and he looked to be in pain while Piccolo also looked hurt, his wound were more 'superficial wounds' though from what she could see, these wounds looked to be healing very slowly. She was about to speak up when piccolo launched another Ki-blast Goku's way. Bulma, Launch and the others come over where their group was. Coming up near her, Bulma spoke quietly.

"Aren't you the least bit worried we'd be attacked again, you and your sister and not to mention your friends look the least bit worried. Aren't you scared?" she asked, Paur and Oolong nearby were hiding from the debris blowing their way while the blonde called Launch grit her teeth and continued to try to glimpse at the fighters, having what appeared to be some kind of automatic weapon in her hand and held flamboyantly. Krillin, Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu stood nearby also trying to glimpse the fighters, tense in the face. She also was worried but hadn't shown it, she answered Bulma casually whilst watching the fight.

"Unlike some of the people here, I serve or should I say… served in A military so this honestly doesn't faze me much, my only regret is that I'd left my sword back at my home. I could have used it against this green, uh… person." she explained, Raven scoffed nearby at something that happend on the battlefield and she glared at the imposing-looking bandit leader with an certain amount of annoyance at her interruption like A meat-head she acted like.

Piccolo fired another yellow-colored Ki-blast at Goku which he managed to dodge, though- the blast followed as Goku continued to try and avoid the attack, he flew upwards to try and maneuver away from the attack but the yellow-colored Ki-beam continued to follow. It was gaining on him and Goku was losing options- 

"That's smart of him-" Winter spoke was interrupted when Goku disappeared, afterimaging away from Piccolo as his own attack detonated on impact with it's creator. The explosion heard was muffled somewhat by Piccolo's rough scream. The blast which obscured everyone from Piccolo's form vanished slowly, showing him badly wounded. His arm was especially damaged and even from here, she along with everyone could see how much blood, the color of purple run down it.

"Yes! Goku is going to win this. Piccolo is heavily-"Krillin was interrupted as Piccolo in A show of madness, tore away his heavily damaged left arm from his-

"-ack- I'm going to gag!"Bulma mouthed out through dry heaving as Piccolo's arm was ripped from his own body and discarded like yesterday's lunch. Winter was feeling unease by the action though less then everyone else as her military record had much more gory displays then this, more so Weiss and Blake, Bulma and her friends minus the blonde who looked to be grunting in disgust while Raven said nothing and instead stared at the action with interest-

"He- he…. can grow back his own arm!" Tien spoke aloud in shock and Winter, gawked at the the audacity of it as Piccolo's mocking laughter was heard from over where they were.


A long time of mine was spent training and here I was about to leave. A good amount of hours well spent in my Oozeru form and with the other transformation made for an interesting experience. I felt invincible whenever I 'felt' my Ki with my senses as the great ape which must be because of the heightened senses in that form.

"And now the downsides of being A Saiyan, I've got to get myself something to eat."I was hungry, from transforming multiple times and the intense training I motioned through whilst transformed in order to test the current limits of my abilities. Finding something to barbecue with A low-powered Ki blast was mundane and I easily acquired A dinner fit for A Saiyan from the abundance of wildlife on the planet. These giant elephant-like creatures were plenty on this planet and thus by the time I finished I was already for another training session. But, after the fifteen minutes of my dinner passed I was notified via scouter that I was going to be communicated with. The scouter clicked and the voice of my captain echoed through it. 

"Kron, come back to Frieza planet no.79, there's A problem we need to sort out. Don't make me repeat-"

"Sure boss, I'm on my way. Whats the mission, another assault on some weaklings."I asked, curious and hopeful that it was going to be pirates instead. Them I had no qualms with incinerating, invasions lost their luster after the Remnant and the commander fiasco and frankly, being on the other end made me disgusted with myself and my choice with hanging out and infiltration these wackos.

"...Ah, right… the mission is more pose training, we're behind in our quotas and need to continue training for the six-man 'introduction pose encase Frieza, or his family call us in personally! An important mission alright, Kron!" he barked, the scouter briefly fluctuated on Ginyu's side which caused static to be heard before the connection cleared. Maybe I should have just headed to planet Earth and seen what happened in terms of canon before Raditz arrived, having not seen any of it from my previous life… instead of dancing around with these… these, uh next time I have free time, I'll head to planet Yardrat and learn the instant transmission, head to Earth and see Blake and Weiss again. Winter might want to head back to Remnant and with the instant transmission I could assist in that, that is after I master such an intense and frankly, dangerous ability. It goes to show how special Goku is and that brought A smile to my face, i couldn't wait to meet him in the future, like meeting A celebrity though in his case, more like someone that i've looked up to since I was young

"Full power flying through space, I should get there within an hour or two if I go all out…" my Ki engulfed me and I blasted off through the darkness of space.


His, Nappa and Raditz pods came crashing down planet-side, landing in the landing pads of Frieza planet, no.79 without any delay. Leaving his pod, Vegeta glanced around without checking his red scouter and without waiting, heading inside in order to get something to eat from this weakling infested planet. Having finished their last job which had been an easy invasion of some weak race, heralded for their technological prowess and their planet much more important then them so they were required to purge it of all life for A client.

The dining hall had already A meal set out for himself, he sat down and Nappa went to get himself something while Raditz went with him. A few minutes later, they came back with their own meals, massive trays of food, fit for Saiyan appetite.

"Vegeta, whats the plan now. Have you got us another job or what." Nappa spoke through the food he consumed, Vegeta responded holding back the verbal lashing he wanted to give the oaf at no addressing him as 'prince'.

"There's A particular planet we can go after, I've heard the weaklings around here failed to secure it. Now enough, I need to eat." he said, glaring at Nappa, to which he shrugged and continued to eat too. 

After some time of mundane feasting, the trio noticed A few of the Ginyu force members entering, not having anything to do with them, they only noticed upon the redhead his insignia and kept their head down. The other who was with the redhead giant was none other then captain Ginyu himself, who casually strolled towards the counter and grabbed himself something. 

"The ginyu force…" Raditz mumbled out, still stuffing his face, his scouter bleeped which begun scanning the captain. Before he could get A read of his own scouter, the rest of the members entered, even that trash Guldo was there.

"...Mutant freaks, the lot of them…" Nappa whispered, Vegeta continued to watch them carefully, not wanting to tangle with them now. Not yet at any rate, he heard tale that the Ginyu force was now six members with that eyed-freak Guldo being the newest member, he counted five of them. A few grunts had made way for another, this man entering with the Ginyu insignia itched on his armor, wearing white gloves, A black under-suit and upper Armor similar to the blue alien of the Ginyu force who also came in with them, fitted with white boots too to finish off his outfit. The hair of this one though, that was the most important part of this fighter... it was important because such A hairstyle was only seen commonplace on his home planet.

"So, this is the Saiyan I've heard that got into the Ginyu force. Nappa, get A read out on his fighting power." Vegeta said through gritted teeth, the nerve of this Saiyan… joining up with Frieza's ilk and not joining him. As the prince of all Saiyan's, it somewhat grated on his pride that one of his own hadn't reached out to him, in an effort to support their own prince. Nappa clicked the button on his scouter and waited patiently, licking his lips of the sauce on them casually, finger held on the scouter while he waited and grunted out as his scouter exploded in the middle of the mess hall, some onlookers watching them in surprise though none of the Ginyu deigned to look their way as they had already left and quickly too.

"...this can't be right, the scouters reading before it blew... the Saiyan who appears to be A low-class is at 62,000!." he retrieve the pieces of his scouter off the table and looked them over curiously before dropping them nearby on the floor while Vegeta checked with his own red scouter and A much newer version, gritting his teeth as the reading was the same Nappa gave just as the Saiyan couldn't be seen now that the Ginyu force filed out and left from out A automatic-door across where Vegeta and them sat.

"How does A low-class get that kind of power. I can't ask him now, Raditz I want you to watch him and when he's alone, order him to attend to his prince for the answers I seek. Get going." he grunted, eyes narrowed when Raditz hesitated in following such A strong fighter but with the threat of Vegeta's glare reminding him of the princes lack of remorse, Raditz the weakling stood up and went A little closer, keeping an eye on the proceedings happening from the hallway and then Raditz too was out of sight. The Ginyu force were A massive threat and thus he wanted to stay out of their way while Vegeta was still 'bound' to the tyrant's will. That Saiyan who should have reported to him kept calm when he was obviously goaded by that freak Guldo who looked to be pissed off with something the unnamed Saiyan said to him as they left before which Vegeta briefly smiled about as he thought about it but nothing else could be discerned from this unknown warrior just by looks alone. But that undeniable fact that the Saiyan was inside the most elite team Frieza prided to own and use on the most hardest of missions had gave the unamed Saiyan some credability to his use, A warrior that strong must have fought countless battles and by the hair, being A low class he must have done so when he was sent as A baby to some far-off planet. Vegeta needed answers but for now, he kept his head down and planned for the future as he ate in silence.

After A while, the Ginyu force left thirty or so minutes ago and the two of them remained put, continuing to eat and wait for Raditz to return with any word but it was two hours later when he came back, Vegeta felt impatient but still he continued to pile up the food content for the next mission but after Raditz sat down he glared at him, domineeringly looking at the weakling.

"So, what did you find out. And you had better had found out something, you've been gone two and A half hours." he said, watching A few PTO grunts casually walking into the mess hall. Raditz heeded the threat laced within his words, answering quickly.

"He found out that I was following him almost immediately, making us go into an empty part of the base and then jumped me immediately. Instead of killing me though he… subdued me with one hand and asked why I was following him. I asked why he hadn't immediately came to his prince instead of joining the Ginyu force and the bastard… he laughed, saying he didn't have any say in the matter and Ginyu himself recruited him for his elite force. He said to tell you-"

"-What." Vegeta asked through gritted teeth, one of his own was enslaved even now though he was much stronger than Vegeta, it went to show what kind of mutants were within the Ginyu force, A saiyan with 62,000 and he had no say in the power-chain, it told him just how terrifying their power was and the Giynu force was not to be trifled with. One day though, when Vegeta transcended that fabled level and joined those who achieved the ranks of the Saiyan's of legend. One day...

"He said to say, he drinks toasts to the future king in secret." Raditz said, Vegeta didn't know if he was somehow being mocked but shrugged, understanding that this Saiyan understood who was his future king. Vegeta calmed down somewhat before replying.

"From now on, keep an eye on that one whenever we return to base and keep word with him, encase he had information. I still want to know how he got that strong so become his sycophant or something..." Vegeta ordered. He'd be damned if he let some low-class trash remain stronger than himself, so while on their missions he would 'train' while doing so on each and every planet they take over for clients. Who cares if the planet ends up somewhat damaged before selling, he couldn't care less. Approaching this Saiyan while he remained inside the Ginyu force would be A problem, he'd rather avoid them and their captain.