The 23rd World Martial arts Tournament is over.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

The fight was over. Yesterday the fight between Piccolo and Goku ended with Goku declared the winner by the announcer and only for them and their group as witness. That fight was intense, much more intense than what she had watched back on Remnant, from the live screen live-play afforded to them by the invaders. In person, watching the intense and deadly struggle was much more 'personal' watching from how close their group was. And Goku might have likely lost, he hadn't an ability to heal quickly like Piccolo. Much of his limbs were damaged and only by the use of his head physically, knocking Piccolo down and out with A headbutt was he able to beat him. Piccolo was then shown mercy by Goku, the way some of the guys had pleaded to Goku to think it through but Goku told them he didn't sense 'evil', unlike what Goku felt from Piccolo's 'father'. Feeding him some kind of magical bean, Piccolo left in A huff though he shot one faint glare Goku's way and A more meaningful glare at Raven, who scoffed at that before powering up. No fight broke out though and now, Winter along with Weiss and Blake, with Raven tagging along seeing as she understood nothing from the indigenous population nor Winter's new friend Bulma who invited them to 'Kame House' in order to celebrate. They instead, headed back to her villa where Salem was, still relaxing under the sun, trying to tan but having no such luck. That was yesterday though, today, Raven was afforded an easy way to learn to speak the native language thanks to Salem's help who was real smug when Raven found out who she was and instead of trying to fight her instead tried to keep away from the ancient woman, the fear shown through from her actions which somehow managed to delight nearly every woman there except for Blake and Raven herself. 

The entire island they fought on, including the arena grounds, the temple in which the tournament was arranged at ended up destroyed by their bout, the aftermath which would take A long time before another tournament would ever be announced. Next time, now that at least for now, they had nothing but to live and wait for that idiot Kron to arrive, She owed him much, for her sister's life and many of the other woman here owed him too for their lives and Salem's case, her freedom to die at the end of hers now that she was not immortal. Snapping out of her thoughts, she turned to the kitchen glass- door that headed outside had opened and Raven stepped through.

Weiss and Blake were confused about why they had to hold back so much even with the information given to them by King Kai which most was confusing to them but Winter told them what Kron, via help by King Kai had said A day after the tournament ended.

Way before the tournament begun, Kron had asked King Kai about some key people and was told about the 23rd world martial arts tournament that was being participated by Them. Kron learned about Piccolo and Goku via King Kai telling them about 'key people'. Winter told him via telekinetic powers thanks to King Kai's help that they entered but heeded his request not to win against the one known as Goku or Piccolo. He then asked for Raven, Weiss, Blake's and her own fighting-powers to which she responded with Weiss at 4300, Blake at 4340 and Raven at 5340. She said herself was at 154 though because she was still learning. He told her that Piccolo needed to be humbled, but not by them. Weiss and Blake, which is why they had to hold back encase they came across them in the finals. Winter was confused at that, why should they hold back but Kron only explained that Piccolo had A chance to change his 'evil' ways. So, relaying what she was told and although they didn't understand, they went along with it. it was luck that Raven was also warned by King Kai to hold back as well. from what she told her, King Kai had said via his ability at using telekinetic powers to communicate that Raven should keep A low-profile. Raven then told her about she wasn't going to listen to the 'Blue bastard' until King Kai had said Kron wanted her to not go 'full power' until after 23rd world martial arts tournament was over. Raven listened then though reluctantly, having owed much to Kron for reviving her.

Currently, Winter was drinking one of her morning smoothie's, watching As Weiss is instead of training with Ki or demanding she take them to her new acquaintance Bulma to order A new rapier but instead decided to hum to herself some of her songs she'd once sung while relaxing on the couch watching this planets version of A musical. Blake was in her room, having came out to get her breakfast already before heading back to read A new book she brought on the planet, having none of her own books which might as well be lost to her. Salem kept to herself now that Raven had joined them, encase the bitch decided to try to kill her, which in Raven's case still believed her 'invincible'. Salem wanted it kept that way as she now wanted to die A natural death, thanks in part to whatever words Kron instilled in her head.

Raven walked towards her, still somewhat worried about Salem, the Queen of all Grimm being here and that was kind of A shocker to them all but she looked calm. Raven spoke to her, looking at her curiously.

"I want some favor's from you, I need to check my current progress of my strength and I know you've got some kind of device for checking. Later on, after our spar I wanted to know exactly how much stronger I have gotten." looking down at Winter's sword which she now held onto for now and then back into her eyes. 

"I also want to get A new weapon, your taking your sister sometime to that friend of yours, Bulma was it? I would like to get myself something too, something strong enough to be used with my new powers." Raven said casually, watching as Winter mulled over her words. Sipping from her smoothie, she responded.

"Yeah, right. Make sure your ready by Ten. Will be leaving to head out by then. And…" Winter said while removing her Scouter from her pocket, turning it on and using it on her while Raven watched.

"Your at 5340 right now like yesterday I'd checked, until Kron says otherwise, keep your fighting power as low as possible. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to continue with my breakfast." Raven looked somewhat pleased and so walked off with A strut.


"Sir, what is our mission." he asked his lord Frieza respectively, awaiting his reply and Frieza hummed. Grinning, then outright laughing, Frieza replied.

"I have need of the Ginyu force, though not in an mission suited to your forces abilities but in an official capacity. The Ginyu force will accompany me to meet with my brother, Cooler who has protested my taking of an particular planet. Usually I wouldn't bother with such proceeding and instead 'handle' it myself but our father has arranged for us A way in order to 'settle' the dispute." Frieza sat in his hover chair, swirling around A glass of wine while he looked at him.

"...I see, so where there encase you need us to… fight in your stead." Ginyu smirked, lightly chuckling at his lords wordplay. Frieza smirked before replying.

"...Something like that, I expect the Ginyu force will 'act' in my stead should the need arise. My brother Cooler is already bringing his… own men as A show of force. You and your men can handle that, yes." he said amused and Ginyu nodded, pressing A button on his green scouter.

"Yes lord Frieza, I shall prepare my men right now. Attention Ginyu force, we have A mission so report to our headquarters on the double. There, the men should assemble quickly as they are all here." he clicked off his scouter and gave A bow to Frieza, turning around and heading to the headquarters himself.

Arriving quickly, his men were assembled, arms behind their backs as they awaited his word. He glanced them over as they assembled themselves as tallest to shortest with Recoome being first, then Burter with Kron next to him and Jeice next to Kron with Guldo last. He walked past slowly and addressed the men.

"Ginyu Force! We have A special mission, from the emperor himself! We are to accompany lord Frieza himself and 'act' as his personal guard while on this mission. What say you Ginyu force!" he yelled, watching them all carefully.

"Yes Captain Ginyu!" they yelled in sync. Heh… he really was A badass… in command of A 'elite' unit and he was definitely living the life. 

"At ease men. I expect we will be 'escorting Frieza until his diplomatic mission is over so we will be using the attack-balls. Prepare for an two week mission so prepare accordingly. Dismissed men, make sure you practice your 'greeting's pose' and 'goodbye pose' diligently." he added, the men replied in sync.

"Yes Captain!" heck, even the Saiyan was looking enthused for this mission… and contrarily to his actions, he always looked in A sour mood. Ginyu went to prepare himself, chuckling all the while.


So that's the mission, with Frieza himself… shit, well I could kill him now. All I can do is act as the good little soldier and act. This tail of mine will give me away but I am sure Frieza has already heard of me and doesn't care in the slightest or I would have already been killed. Or he does care, I couldn't know for sure. Right now, I was heading to the mess hall in order to get extra rations, maybe forty times what I needed and I was lucky these rations were the size of small rectangular cubes or I would need A backpack. Recoome seemed to be heading for the same place and saw me, speaking loudly to me.

"Kron, you had the idea too huh, These kind of missions are boring but with lord Frieza there, there's A chance that some interesting shit happens. Hey Kron… make sure you bring some chocolate this time, the betting is better with it on hand." he said, casually heading towards the cafeteria line-up and butting in line to no protests.

"...Yeah…Right, betting…" this guy, well at least this be interesting to see. Both Frieza and Cooler and in the same spot, together in person unlike from what I'd seen in the series. And seeing what made Cooler tick was going to be interesting. I wonder in what capacity we are going to be doing on this mission. Almost bumping into someone, snapping out of my thoughts to see Raditz himself. 

"Raditz, what do you want now." I said, unconsciously maintaining my fighter power at 68,000 which was getting much easier by the way I constantly kept it up. Raditz scouter bleeped and he mumbled something to himself before replying.

"Nothing, you almost walked into me Kron, just getting my rations." he said cautiously.

"And. Off on one of the princes missions or are you sticking around." I asked curiously, both of us heading for the line of the cafeteria. I casually shoved A few alien PTO grunts out of the way and went towards the front where Recoome was making his selection while Raditz I could feel by my senses, was following me and butting in line as well.

"Well, Raditz how was that last mission you three went on. Kill anything interesting." I asked, knowing the man was as vicious as they came and he laughed before answering enthusiastically.

"A good search and destroy mission, the planet fetched A high price and we made bank. Now, where are you and the Ginyu being deployed-"

"-Ah is that A runt asking for information, Kron… you keep runts as friends. Hey runt, you shouldn't worry about what the Ginyu force is doing, it's none of your damn business, that is unless you'd like to ask my fist... heh..." Recoome said domineeringly to Raditz to which he flinched and stepped back. Recoome then chuckled and then looked to me.

"Your welcome Kron. Heh…" he gathered up his supplies and left, I sighed slightly and Raditz sighed loudly in relief, coming closer.

"That carrot-top bastard, uh… anyway Kron, I'll see you later on. Will talk about exploits next time we meet, Heh, also the prince has been training us, he really isn't happy you've up and over-leveled him in fighting power and guess who is getting their ass beat by him? Nappa and I, though I'm much stronger, getting my pride stepped on constantly is not fun." he pushed through the line and left it, grabbing something to eat while he was at the front briefly. I got my supplies, double what Recoome grabbed plus A few bars of chocolate of unknown make and headed out, back to Ginyu headquarters. So Vegeta is aware of my fighting-power now, figure i couldn't keep such information A secret. Bah... I'll have to keep an eye on them.

Once there, the rest of them minus the captain himself were busy getting themselves ready, Jeice was coming toward Burter and the two of them looked to be discussing their hobbies or baseball when Recoome and I came in one after the other with Recoome almost walking to into the two of them.

"Watch it Recoome… you big oaf." Jeice said halfheartedly. Burter growled and added his own two cents.

"Recoome, did you bring enough chocolate, this job might be an escort mission but lord Frieza might just set us aside most of the time and who knows, we might even compete against that armored Squadron of Cooler's. It'd be good if we have enough to make our bets with or this will get boring fast." Burters gritty voice rasped and Guldo came over to them too. I ignored them though outwardly though continued to listen.

"That Bastard Salza… I'll be able to prove to him that I'm the best-"Jeice was interrupted by Recoome who laughed before speaking.

"-I've heard that he's gotten much stronger since your last competition, not that the captain would say otherwise but Salza has eclipsed him in terms of power... for now, the captain will set aside some time to train sooner then later." Recoome said seriously and Jeice grit his teeth at that statement. Before he could retort though, Ginyu came inside the room and we assembled in our usual line-up.

"Right, men. Our attack balls have been fueled and prepped. We are setting off so make sure you've got everything now." he said serious, always he took it seriously unless it was posing.

"Yes Captain!." Our chorus of replies echoed at the same time and we headed to our ships.

Upon entering the hanger-bay for the Ginyu force and preparing myself mentally, One of the PTO grunts in the control tower begun the launch sequence, the alarmed blared loudly and his voice came through the intercom speakers.

"Attention… attention, all members of the Ginyu force. This is A yellow-alert, I repeat… this is A yellow-alert." Walking quickly, the hanger-bar had been expanded by one extra landing and take-off platform which Guldo was taking. I stepped next to Recoome and Burter who were on each side of me, Ginyu was next to Burter and Jeice with Guldo at the end near Jeice. We in sync rose upward by the platform elevators while the muppet in the tower continued to speak through the intercom.

"Report to your space pods immediately, this is not A drill. I repeat, this is not A drill. Standby for launch sequence… … … begin launch sequence T-minus 30…" Ah, I hated doing this in every mission since I'd joined up with these guys, though I remembered the first time and like an idiot, liked the familiarity of it. Nostalgic and all that but it soon become boring fast.

"-Launch in T-minus 25… … … in T-minus 20 and counting…" I sat within my pod as it was pushed along the railing and waited for it to be over.

"-T-minus 15… … …" the roof overhead of our pods mechanically opened and I continued to relax within my pod. The pods were taken upwards via elevators while the muppet continued to speak through the intercom.

"T-minus 10… … … T-minus 5… … .. T-minus 0… count-down complete, lift-off." My ship along with the captains and Recoome blasted out of the top while Burter, Jeice and Guldo's blasted out of the water-fall exit, our pods met and we headed off to where Frieza's personal ship awaited us.

It didn't take long before our ships met up with Frieza and our pods followed him along in escort, towards one of King Colds personal planets, A literal ice planet. Touching down around Frieza's ship, I exited my pod which was what the rest had done before rising towards the roof of Frieza's own personal ship. He awaited us on the roof riding in his hover pod and Dodoria and the dickhead Zarbon was there. I had garnered A hatred for his race, thanks to my time on Remnant and naturally grew to hate him, of course he didn't know that though so it was one-sided. We landed in our formation and as part of the Ginyu squad, I had no say in what we done next. Hiding any distaste for what was about to happen- - Recoome begun, stretching and making short breaths before maneuvering his pose in A familiar way.

"I'm Recoome!" he said loudly.

Burter went next, sucking in air before letting out A high-pitched growl, posing in opposite to Recoome's pose.

"And I'm… Burter." his raspy voice was heard loudly. Next up was me, I and Jeice had to do the same pose, with both our hands folded like were about to do the Egyptian-style but my left leg was raised whereas Jeice would have his right knee raised. My tail was folded, better keep it out of obvious sight while in Frieza's presence lest I draw his ire or mockery, never know with him from what i know watching DBZ in my past life.

"I'm… Kron!" I said loudly and to the point, putting some enthusiasm into it, for Ginyu's sake at least. Jecie was next. His pose done, while he loudly and uh… 'enthusiastically begun to scream like uh, usual. He had, along with the rest of the Ginyu force have the 'Ocean dub' voice's which made them sound more intimidating than they really are, I was fine with it, I preferred it actually.

"... … …I'm Jeice!!" he said, in his pose. Guldo who was moved in front of Ginyu had the same pose as Jeice and I but whereas both Jeice and I had one of our knees folded, he was on his knees with his hands folded in Egyptian-style, keeping him out of Ginyu's way.

"...Guldo!" he said and Ginyu instead of bending down had both of his hands held out from his face like his original pose and his legs were slightly bent while on his tip-toes to put emphasis on his pose, making him taller and easier to see, towering over Guldo who was in front of him. He yelled out loudly.

"Captain Ginyu!"




"-Together-" Our next poses were arranged in A way that mirrored the original though Burter done his one and Recoome done one like Burter's but opposite of what Burter had. Jeice done his and I done A pose opposite to what Jeice had with one hand raised high, opposite to what Jeice had and the appropriate leg bent opposite to what Jeice was doing. Ginyu's pose was close to the original I could remember, his hands had one finger each held out but instead of being on his knees he was bending slightly higher. Guldo was in front doing A T-pose and on both his knees which was A new pose fit for the sixth member and that one always cracked me up. All of the Ginyu force, including me yelled out our last sentence together.

"...The Ginyu Force." Now, that the posing was done, we kept in those poses in order and waited for Frieza. Looking at his face, he along with Zarbon looked quite shocked while Dodoria was holding back his laughter and pretended he needed to cough quite often. Frieza, after A tense minute, responded to our uh… unorthodox posing theme.

"... At ease men, it is A fine time I'd come to meet and see… all of your faces. My loyal elite task-force. Your mission for the proceeding will be to at ease and in combat readiness. My brother Cooler will be arriving shortly, he and I will decide who gets the planet we've been fighting over and that will be that. My father, King Cold has decided that we will settle this dispute with our best warriors we can field. My arrogant brother however has only three fighters, inferior to you all I suspect, so the fight will be three vs three. Any questions." Ah… so basically, this was some power-play, with us as the pawns. Well, It looked like the fight will be between Ginyu and Salza, the leaders will probably be the ones to duke it out.

"I see… Lord Frieza, so this mission will be to represent your interests in this venture. Fine! Men, any volunteers, I of course will be fighting, now…" he walked in front of us, Frieza watched amused and Zarbon and Dodoria looked on with slight fear, knowing who Ginyu and indeed, the entire Ginyu force is like. Recoome, Jeice, Burter and Guldo quickly bum-rushed each other and begun their game of 'Rock, Paper, Scissor's'. I stood by and turned to Ginyu, speaking up before anyone of them could win.

"I volunteer, Captain." speaking, I walked forward and Ginyu nodded amused at the proceedings, Recoome and Jeice quickly looked my way and complained.

"Hey Kron, you cheap bastard…" Jeice bemoaned.

"Kron, that's not fair-" Recoome said in that 'not caring' tone. Ginyu retorted quickly though.

"-I wanted Volunteer's, he volunteered, now hurry up and pick-" Ginyu yelled slightly and they continued to play, Burter and Guldo lost already and were watching Recoome and Jeice who were left. Another ship, similar to Frieza's came crashing down thorugh the air and landed almost in A rush nearby, blowing snow and icicles in ever which way, some hitting us and even Frieza himself who didn't looked amused. Once powered down, the ship top entrance opened and Recoome yelled out, dejected at his loss to Jeice in 'Rock, Paper, Scissor's'. 

"Yeah! I win, now-" Jeice begun to gloat, jumping up in victory… idiot.

"-Jeice, shut it." Ginyu said, looking towards the other ship, Cooler came floating out, inside his final form and his best fighters followed him over, landing next to Cooler who stood face to face with Frieza.

"Alright captain." he said, 

Cooler looked badass, much more intimidating than Frieza in his current form and who knows if he has that 'coveted' fifth form in his belt. I glanced at the three we would be fighting, they looked the same from what my memories of them shown and I whispered to Ginyu as my scouter blinked, reading Salza at 140,000, the green one was 138,000 and the amphibian one was 134,000. I'm not sure what their 'movie fighting powers' were but seeing as that happened years from now, if it even would happen now, they might get stronger in the future.

"...Hey, you sure you can take on Salza, my scouter is reading-"

"-I know Kron, I can read my own." he growled out quietly, watching as the armored squadron landed and stared our way, ignoring the eye-battle between Frieza and Cooler. This would probably bite me in the ass but, fuck it… it was something for us to hopefully win this fight. The 'canon' power levels of the Ginyu force were out the door, Recoome and I sparred regularly and his last reading was at 80,000 as A result, the others though, trained too with themselves, I hadn't bothered to spar with them though they took to their training seriously while I and Recoome trained. Their power-levels are, for Burter, 64,000, for Jeice his power is 64,000 and Guldo was at 28,000. Ginyu trained on his own or against Recoome and me so he is sitting at A power-level of 136,000, he didn't train much though as posing was what he loved doing most of the time. I, in keeping with hiding my fighting power, raised my suppressed power-limit to 68,000 in order to keep up with Ginyu and hide my power-level with short bursts of my 'true-fighting strength' in order to take him and Recoome on, these fights though at least for me were A waste of time as they really couldn't hurt me much.

"Captain… don't you have some kind of 'special ability' you could use against Salza?" I whispered, Ginyu heard and thought about it for A moment before he got this glint, in his eye.

"So, these are your 'elite fighters.' Little brother, are you prepared to lose against me and mine." Cooler said after A while of silence, glaring at Frieza, to which Frieza smirked before replying.

"Come now, Brother. You and your fighters will be no match for my Ginyu force. Lets dispense with the formalities and get down to it. The rules...Father…" A floating droid came up from Frieza's ship which begun to display an holo-image of King Cold, it was an advanced call and he was here at least via communication to 'settle' this dispute between the brothers.

"Come now, my sons. The rules are simple. Your fighters will fight, three against three. Seeing as these are 'elite' and 'loyal' soldiers of the Cold family, I will permit these fighter's to be able to surrender. All techniques are allowed, uh, yes… except… huh…that Saiyan fighter right there. Interesting Frieza, to have another one of them among your elite forces, I'm intrigued. And A tail… you will not be permitted to transform into that great ape form you Saiyan's like to cause carnage with, that acceptable to you Cooler, Frieza."

"Fine." Frieza sneered Cooler's way but nodded, agreeing with his father.

"Acceptable." Cooler responded. I nudged captain Ginyu while they were preoccupied with King Cold and nodded at him, he smirked in understanding, his 'technique' was aloud and he could use it on Salza if he so wished. With the rules told, the fighter's along with Cooler and Frieza blasted off with the rest of the Ginyu force following further back. 

Landing on another ice and snowy continent, away from the ships. We, landed while Cooler, Frieza and the Ginyu force not fighting remained hovering in the air in order to watch. The Droid with King Cold's image was there too. I got into my fighting stance while Ginyu and Jeice done the same, our opponents got into their positions and smirked our way.

"Begin." King Cold's voice was heard and the fight begun.