Clash on Ice.

Moving at speeds akin to afterimaging, I immediately came upon the green alien fighter and launched A vicious assault, punching and kicking him I unconsciously raised my power-level to use double my usual during this assault and pummeled him into the ground, ripping apart the cold earth at the same time. Continuing to hit him, I aimed for his head and continued to punch him, also kneeing him in the gut too. 

"-Wait, hey wait! I surrender-" I heard him and kneed him A final time, this one was out of commission. I turned and saw Ginyu and Salza engaging, testing each other for now while Jeice was slowly being pummeled by the amphibian-looking guy. Bringing my power-back down, I attacked this fighter, relieving Jeice and he backed A bit, putting room between us. Jeice blasted off and went for Salza, the idiot wanted to interrupt Ginyu or it was about their rivalry… dumb ass.

"Heh, your tough for an-"

"-Spare me the insults freak, lets fight." speaking harshly to the amphibian, I pushed my power back up to double what i was currently suppressing my fighting-power to in A split-second burst and attacked him with A vicious double-fist pummel to the top of his head which sent him to the ground, powering up A powerful Ki-attack, my 'Royal spear' unleashed as quickly as half of my current power was used into the attack, blasting down on the freak who hadn't been able to recover from my melee assault. My Ki-control is now so advanced these days that I could use my suppressed power and 'add' on to it from my hidden reserve power, essentially using my hidden power to fuel my attacks, thanks in part to my hiding my power all these years while in the Ginyu force in an attempt not to give away my advantage or to try not to give Vegeta ideas.

"-Ahhhhhhhhh!-" his raspy scream was silenced out as the blast annihilated the guy, fuck… what was that creeps name anyway? Who gives A shit about A dead... whatever. My power-level back down at my usual suppressed state i took A quick breath to stabilize my control over my Ki before I sped on over to help Ginyu, though I only watched from afar encase the boss was busy. I had already seen Jeice been pushed back by the captain, interrupting his fight with Salza while heading over which made me laugh... internally. 

"Captain, I can help-" he attempted to continue to make the same mistake again, interrupting the captain when he has A fight he wants to participate in.

"shut it Jeice, Kron, you stay out of this too." he barked orders, I nodded as we were currently winning the fight. I felt A 'cold sweat' up my spine and instinctively knew I was being glared at, Cooler is sure to be pissed at my killing one of his men and beating the other easily, making him look bad in the process.


"Hmm hmm hmm hm… So Ginyu was right, he did have A useful member on his squad, the monkey makes the rest of the bunch look like layabouts…" Frieza said aloud, knowing Cooler would hear him. The elder brother of his sharply turned his way replied calmly.

"The Saiyan is strong, it is A shame about the monkey's home planet, isn't that right Frieza. On that note, why is he still alive." he said, arms folded as he floated nearby, knowing exactly what he meant with those words, even asking the rhetorical question didn't faze Frieza in the slightest. Frieza shrugged, the Ginyu force members not fighting were further away from them so they could talk in relative secrecy while Frieza's aides Zarbon and Dodoria were nearby himself. The Saiyan, like his elite Ginyu force, were his best and 'loyal' executive commanders and they continued to prove their loyalty again and again. With the Saiyan inside his Ginyu force, their own strengths were raised even further and even captain Ginyu had gotten much stronger by the monkeys one track mind, brutish mind at that.

"It's A shame about your fight brother but all of this could have been avoided if you only would have just stepped aside and let me have that planet, it's resources and manpower claimed by me shouldn't have the stigma of A ally death attached to it but yet again, you continue to brunt into my affairs, my affairs as your emperor or have you forgotten." Frieza chuckled at the face Cooler made and then continued speaking.

"Shall we call off the fight and proclaim myself the winner now or do you want to lose the old fashioned way. I admit, I will continue to enjoy my soldiers trample yours" Frieza mockingly spoke and Cooler grit his teeth before replying. Cooler grit his death in sheer disbelief as he took off his advanced red-tinted scouter and crushed it in his hands.

"That Saiyan, his power-level according my now dead soldier was at 100,000 though my scouter detected it being double that. How could A primitive creature obtain that amount of power, what is he some kind of mutant to his species, these Saiyan's were never that strong. Sure, they grew in power quickly but-" Frieza chuckled, cutting of his brothers droning on and answered what he knew thanks to his second in command... Ginyu himself.

"-Ginyu explained to me that this Kron was hiding some of his strength though he had no clue how much, to think… A Saiyan being at 200,000... Now, normally I would, as you say 'be concerned' but captain Ginyu is adamant he's loyal and more importantly, useful in my army. And until otherwise I will listen to my subordinate... hmm hmm hmm... it's not like that it matters anyway doesn't it brother... if he isn't loyal well… you should know by now that shouldn't worry us, no definitely not... at all. Power like that should be better used serving our family and 'me' more importantly than squandering it, even for A monkey. I expect that the prince is currently 'acting' out at this very moment... bringing along my prized monkey was A smart plan... hmm hmm hmm... " Frieza grinned, laughing lightly… The Saiyan would be trouble if he transformed into A great ape… more powerful than his 'second transformation' if his power was indeed 200,000 but then the Saiyan would have to have the opportunity to transform and unlike Frieza's forms, that great ape transformation would take some time, more time than Frieza needs to end him if he became A bigger threat. Better to keep this one alive but away from his prince lest his pet prince Vegeta gets any more ideas of insubordination like he's been increasingly getting up to in recent years. 

Their fight, the 'contest' was about to be wrapped up and nicely, Ginyu along with his subordinates triple teamed Salza who was beaten mostly by Ginyu and the Saiyan. 

"Well, brother… you lose and I win. Exactly as I expected… Hmm hmm hmm hm…" he cackled and Cooler's composure broke briefly, the words he heard clearly.

"That Saiyan… I'll kill him for this mockery…" Cooler said threateningly and Frieza smirked, King Cold however answered his eldest son through the droid that made A hologram in order to project his image across the galaxy.

"You'll do no such thing, while Frieza has use for him in his 'Ginyu force' the monkey can live, nicely played Frieza with finding A fine addition to your elite force. Besides, strength like that and loyal too should be commended, for the Cold family will stay on top with skilled fighter's like these… I'd expect you continue to reinforce your armored squadron to match six members in the future Cooler, I would not have one of my sons without their honor guard." King Cold switched off just as the fight ended and the droid entered standby-mode. Cooler continued to glare at the monkey and Frieza was amused that A Saiyan could get to his elder brother easily.

"...Yes, keeping him around for Ginyu to use in his elite team was A good idea." Frieza said and Dodoria and Zarbon who were nearby and looking at him, nodded in agreement like the good 'yes men' they are. Zarbon and Didoria hadn't yet noticed Ginyu, the Saiyan and the one named Jeice flying over with the remaining members of Cooler's armored squadron, both groups were at arms length as they assembled in front of him and Cooler. Cooler growled and spoke up, to his men while glaring at Ginyu and the Saiyan, what was his name again... oh, right 'it' was named Kron…

"We are leaving, brother… until next we meet." his squadron nodded professionally though still wounded. though they are injured from the fight they looked about as professional in front of their lord and Frieza's elder brother. The cold calculating look from Cooler was enough to make Frieza chuckle.

"Ginyu, assemble your men, you and the GInyu force are dismissed... your men are to be given an bonus for this mission. I will also recommend that your men be given A mission of their caliber that would allow your men to 'go all out', as they say. Zarbon, get the briefing and you can hand it to the good captain before we depart." he said, glancing at the enigmatic captain. Ginyu nodded, smiling and then turned behind him before yelling loudly.

"Right men!, assemble near your ships. Give me some time to look over the mission briefing and then we head out!" Captain Ginyu yelled much to the excitement of the members though the Saiyan only nodded while the other one who fought in his and Cooler's little 'dispute' sighed before thumbing up the Saiyan, elbowing him.

Frieza shut his eyes and then he along with his hover pod raised slightly upwards before he spoke again.

"This is where I leave you gentlemen, have A grand time on your next mission. I know Captain of you and your teams ooze professionalism but please indulge yourselves. He smirked, hovering towards his ship with his two aides in pursuit, he laughed lighlty as Cooler's ship blasted off the planet in A rush.


He watched Frieza leave and then headed off in the direction of his team at A leisurely pace. Reading through the mission details, he smirked. Frieza gave them A tough assignment, well, for the normal PTO Grunt that is…

"Heh. This will be fun. Nothing gets my blood boiling more than good old destruction. Well, no use in wasting time, the men are ready and some rest in the pod will do me good on the way." in no time at all ,he arrived and landed nearby his team.

"Alright men, this mission will be A normal by our standards. Though Frieza wants us to annihilate the people and the planet which usually we don't do as to keep them for selling. Then we have time off according to Frieza as he is very happy about our success in his dealings with his brother. Look forward for that men."

"Heh, nice one guys, Jeice, you really need to spend some more time training-"

"-Shut it Recoome. Captain, Kron is as strong as you are, my scouter read 200,000 before it was destroyed by the one Kron blew up. It definitly was not some kind of glitch captain, we've got the advanced models" Jeice said, jealousy getting the better of him and Ginyu knew. He looked to Kron who shrugged and then to the rest.

"Right men, you've seen the power displayed in this fight. I hope you spend your time training, otherwise things just might need to be changed. Lets go, onward to A doomed world, Ginyu Force!" he chuckled while inside thought about that recent development. To think that A Saiyan would reach that much power was alarming, Though Ginyu would have in the past, taken over this one's body in A heart beat, he felt A certain amount of conflict inside himself. This one was 'loyal' and besides his knack for not killing 'everyone' he orders too like civilians and instead decimating infrastructure and enemy warriors, he is A powerful member and one he considers loyal. Keeping him around makes clearing out alien hiding holes quicker too and it was good having the training maniac in his group which helped to improve their own standing.


Showing off just A fraction of my power was A calculated risk, if I was wrong well… Frieza would have been an easy kill in his 'weakest form'. Cooler on the other hand, if he has that 'fifth form' that he unlocks in his movie, him being in his current 'fourth form' would easily kill me, he was like... one hundred millon in his fourth form and I didn't read up enough about him in my past life to know what his hidden 'fifth form' was at.

"What was he… was it A one-hundred million?" I'm going to use the opportunity later on to train, also while I'm at it I would head off to Yardrat and learn their 'instant transmission' technique. Then, when I head off to Earth in the future, I could easily teleport back and forth whenever… Maybe even, if I master such A technique, I would be able to take Winter, Weiss, Blake and Raven back to Remnant if they so wished. Learning such an ability would take precedence, then I would train as hard as I could in order to prepare myself for the day I unlock the 'Super Saiyan' transformation.

"Kron, after this mission we should train together-" I interrupted Recoome, speaking through my green colored scouter.

"-Not happening Recoome, I'll be training alone after this next mission.." I said through the scouter, I couldn't power these guys anymore than I already had. Recoome grumbled through the scouter and replied. Though now they would likely continue on training to 'catch up' to my suppressed fighting power I used in this fight. It was the only way we would have won against Cooler's boys as their fighting powers were much higher than Ginyu and Jeice, Jeice being so low compared to them.

"Hmph, fine then but we should test ourselves afterwards in A fight when we our leave is up, I'll bet you A few bars of chocolate that I will win, Saiyan." he said and disconnected before I could protest or agree.


"Come now Vegeta, I've just told you that Lord Frieza is busy-" Zarbon said irritated.

"Out of the way Zarbon, I answer only to Frieza-" Vegeta replied, clenching his left fist as he glared at the green-looking bastard.

"-you forget yourself punk, we will decide whether or not if-" Dodoria said, shaking A fist as he spoke, his rough voice irritating to Vegeta's ears.

"-Zarbon, Dodoria… let Vegeta in and then leave us." the voice of Frieza was heard through the open door, Frieza staring out into space on his hover pod. Vegeta watched as Dodoria scowled while Zarbon sighed, both of them left with much fanfare. Nappa and Raditz waited outside when Vegeta grunted towards them. He walked in and clicked off his red colored scouter, looking at Frieza with barely concealed hatred before concealing his true emotions and adopting A neutral look.

"What is it Vegeta. Come now, boy. Speak now." Frieza said mockingly, his hover pod rotating so Frieza could look at him directly. Vegeta wanted to go on another mission, he had to catch up… that power his scouter read before it blew up. He had to steal another scouter from one of the grunts running around the ship.

"That… I need A new mission, sir. I must not let-" Vegeta was being left behind, that low class Saiyan was rising his power-level on those hard and impossible missions that the infamous Ginyu force was sent on. That must be how this Saiyan was becoming stronger than himself. His power was nothing near his-

"-Yes…, your envy is showing young 'prince'. But fine, I'll allow it, hmm… though Vegeta, I'll expect you back at my side… so get the job done quickly." Frieza said, chuckling lightly. Vegeta bowed down and nodded towards Frieza and then left quickly, Nappa and Raditz were awaiting him along with Zarbon and Dodoria, the pink bastard shoved Vegeta as he passed by. Vegeta in turn stopped Nappa, who was about to attack Dodoria in retaliation.

"...But V-Vegeta." Nappa protested but Vegeta glared at him and walked away, the two Saiyan's in pursuit. Raditz, not understanding much and Vegeta would have blasted him if he wasn't one of the last of the Saiyan's, spoke.

"Vegeta, what mission are we going on now. I'd definitely like to blow off some steam-" Vegeta reached backwards and grabbed Raditz before throwing him against the wall of the hallway they were currently in, before speaking through clenched teeth.

"If you don't remain silent, Saiyan or not I will end you. Nappa… Raditz, we have A mission but whatever the details, we're making our own time… We need to train, or that low class trash like you Raditz will continue to eclipse me- I can not- I will not allow it any longer. Has this Kron given you any details Raditz or so help me I'll-"Raditz struggled but managed to answer him with Vegeta's elbow laid against his throat.

"-V-Vegeta, he… the only information I've g-gleamed from him is that he has been away, off planet A lot in order to train by himself. That's all." Vegeta released him and stood backwards almost into Nappa who was behind him.

"Lets go, I've got us A mission, will just have to train much harder than Kron then. The mission can be done… by blowing the planet up. Frieza sent us on A invasion mission but who cares about invasion. Will use them as training weights, I must ascend beyond that Kron…" he clenched his left glove, swearing it to himself.


Standing menacingly inside his spaceship, his remaining two men running the controls while he contemplated his desire for revenge. First, his brother continued to rule as emperor which was suppose to be his by birthright and his father was no different for passing his eldest son, Cooler himself for that entitled freak of A brat. Then, he would be humiliated through his most elite subordinates, his armored squadron were elite fighters, loyal to him and mutants of their individual races. Now he was down to just two of them. Salza and Dore will have to be pushed even harder to excel as his elite troop.

"...Father was right about one thing… strengthening my elite squadron with more mutant aliens will have to work. Salza, I'm in need of eight more soldiers. I want mutants like you, that Saiyan… and Ginyu but Saiyan's and are in the… short supply in part thanks... to my brother. No, don't consider that barbaric race at all but instead someone like Ginyu, and other races must be considered." he said, quietly seething to himself as he sat upon his personal ships command throne, opening his eyes to gaze menacingly at Salza who nodded, replying to him respectively.

"Yes, my lord. Someone like Ginyu would strengthen our elite-"

"-Just get it done Salza, I'm still mulling about you and Dore's rather lackluster performance down on that inhospitable ice rock. Also, the Armored Squadron will be bounced up to ten members rather than three and you should know what I consider to be elite soldiers for the squad… Loyalty and more importantly, freaks or mutants of their races. Salza begin looking around for possible candidates once we arrive back at Cooler planet No. 150. You Dore will train the members who join up while Salza scouts for them" he finished, his men turned to him as there was no need to constantly fly the ship now and they saluted him, awe mixed in with A health bit of fear… as Cooler was still considering blasting them for their failure.

No, Cooler would keep these two as they were useful, that Saiyan however he himself would deal with, maybe he would lure the beast away and than move in for the kill. Cooler wasn't worried about the beasts fighting power as currently, he was hmself in the middle of intense training since his brother was made Emperor as he tried to 'ascend' the boundaries of his final form and to attain something that would give him the edge over that egomaniac of A little brother and his domineering arrogant father.

"Also, keep an eye on that Saiyan… I want to know what it does when it isn't working for the Ginyu Force, where it goes to train, what it does for leisure or pleasure… everything. The ape was the one thing that helped to win Frieza that coveted gem-filled planet I wanted. Also, keep an eye on Ginyu too, I respect him and I still want him to join my Armored Squadron." he finished, closing his eyes as he heard Salza and Dore shout 'Yes sir' to him, he would have his revenge… is brother, his father and now that insignificant little rodent.