Arrival Of A Saiyan.


(Frieza Planet No.79)

(Three Years Later.)

Some days ago, I was approached by Raditz, he asked me about coming with him on A mission, I told the idiot that I'm to only go on missions authorized by Ginyu or through him, Frieza. Though I did inquire to him about what the mission entails and he said about picking up his younger brother, I pretended to mull it over while inwardly thought that 'Canon' or what had remained of it for DBZ at least was about to begin. Asking Raditz about what reason he even needed my help, he said he was going to find his brother in order to have another of our blood for the prince to use as training fodder. I told him I had A mission, and he should not be an idiot, but he laughed and said he should be fine. 

When I asked him why he sounded so confident and feigning ignorance, Raditz told me to check my scouter and use it on him, so I did check what his fighting power was now at with my green tinted scouter. Finding out that Raditz about his fighting-power he told me that he, Nappa and Vegeta had witnessed my fight while on board Frieza's ship. I should not be surprised as I did remember sensing some strong fighters on board Frieza's ship but thought nothing of it. Though they used Frieza's ships scanner they were able to pick-up, the six of us who were fighting and through word of mouth with Frieza himself found out that my power-level was the one at 200,000 during that fight which most assume is my maximum. Raditz mentioned that Vegeta was mad that A low-class Saiyan had managed to out-pace himself somehow and vowed he would eclipse me somehow in strength. So it was no surprise when I asked what Vegeta and Nappa's fighting-powers were now at and Raditz answered boastfully. They, after three years since that clash on the ice planet with the Armored Squadron had rose to 21,800 and 28,000 respectively. Along with Raditz who got his to 18,400 after he and Nappa became the prime candidates with whom Vegeta fought against, two against one while on their missions ever since from what he told me. I should be worried but, knowing how strong Weiss, Blake and Raven are stopped such worrying, at least for them.

 Vegeta having rose very slowly compared to the other two was no surprise, he at this time didn't really have the mindset for training though now that has changed, he was too busy slaughtering those weaker than himself and was confident in his power for too long that training became A second focus compared to his missions while under Frieza's watchful gaze, that's what I think in any case. Nappa and Raditz jumping in power though could be attributed to 'Zenkai's' the two of them must have gotten from becoming punching bags for the prince of all Saiyan's himself.

I made time for Winter, Weiss and Blake and we got much closer romantically, but most of the time it was sex. Though most of these times I spent on Earth was spent rutting like horny teenagers or imparting my 'Aura sphere', 'Royal spear' and 'Tyrant's wave' to them as their own collection of signature moves on the basis that they could learn to eventually create their own if they felt so inclined to, explaining to them what 'Aura sphere' can be used for and learning their 'Kaio-Ken' and 'Tri-Form' ability. I also made time and fought with Raven who at first thought she could win against me, the arrogant woman. Instead, I dominated those spars and she's been eyeing me differently ever since… A look I get from Blake, Weiss and Winter whenever I was with them. 

I kept my power suppressed while on earth, keeping out of their way of the DBZ cast for now even if I did want to meet some of them. Salem was simpler in spending some time with, she wasn't interested in A relationship. My latest 'conquest' was with Blake, she was the last one I'd been with, A week ago as I and the Ginyu force became increasingly busy. Speaking of The Ginyu Force…

At the moment, the Ginyu force was about to head off on A mission, it was fortunate that I learned A useful technique while on Earth. The exact one Blake used on me while we tore our 'V-cards' apart, together.

The 'Tri-Form' technique, from what Blake told me, it was an variation of Tien's technique… she made from training with Tien during the six years after the 23rd world martial tournament. She managed to teach Krillin it as well during their spars. Sometimes Tien along with Krillin and even Goku trained with the girls of Remnant which if anything else, was good for them. Sparing with others was A decent way of getting stronger.

"Tien's technique is the… multi-form technique, I think… I also remembered that Piccolo had such A variant too… though he used it during the year-long training arc with Gohan in preparation for Vegeta and Nappa in 'canon'. He's going to need to train much harder than that 'this' time around, thanks to me…" I said, whilst I sat inside my Ginyu attack ball. Another mission for the Ginyu force, it was the perfect time to contemplate just how fast the years went by now, sitting in the pod. Now though I turned on my scouter encase Ginyu needed to relay orders to myself.

 I am twenty-three years old physically as three years had passed from the fight on that frozen planet with Cooler's men which was more than enough time to learn the 'Tri-Form' technique from Blake. In return, besides using it during sex with her, Weiss and Winter, I could use it for training, the Kaio-ken, I've begun training with it and using it as much as possible. Heck, right now the as I sat there, two others of me were currently training against each other on the planet nearby to Namek, the one I found that had A massive gravity well. Though I've since learned the technique splits up my fighting power equally among the clones with me, I haven't considered making more than that at least, for now. They would disperse once they expelled all of their Ki and then I would get my fighting-power back which pooled into me slowly even across vast distances.

I could get shit done while two copies of me, even if they are weaker, trained on as much as they could before they expelled, using my techniques to improve the speed in using them and they can experiment with designing new techniques or increasing the multiplier of the 'Kaio-Ken' which currently I can now use at times twenty. Their memories came back to me is the only disadvantage besides my Ki being split with such A technique as the 'Tri-Form' and getting hit with an headache or three at times I needed to concentrate was annoying, but I felt it was worth the effort. 

"Alright men, we're going in hot. I want these ruffians burnt to A crisp and leave none of them alive. Their raids are to be put to an end." Captain Ginyu spoke through his scouter and affirmatives were heard from the rest of the members; I spoke up last.

"Affirmative." our pods smashed through asteroids as our flight path took us to A pirate cove, nestled in the side of A massive asteroid. Pirates I had no problem killing, speaking up into my scouter almost instinctively.

"This is where the fun begins…" 

"You say something Kron, what, do you want to make bet?" Recoome spoke almost immediately. Damnable oaf and his bets.

"I bet two chocolate bars that I will kill more than the rest of you." Burter's screechy-reptilian-like voice was heard through the scouter then… Recoome you bastard, now look what you have done.

(Blake Belladonna-POV)

"So where are we heading again Winter?" Blake glanced towards Weiss who spoke to Winter as they along with Raven and Salem rode inside the plane. Made by capsule Corp as the latest line of transports used. It was A sleek design and had all sorts of nifty features that made it capable to fly into the o-zone layer. Like things made by Capsule Corp, it could be easily packed away.

With Winter driving, she turned to her sister briefly and answered her.

"Were heading to… this location here, we've been invited, and Bulma sent me the coordinates." she pointed onto the console and the map on it shown A small island… in the middle of nowhere. She continued. "This place is the old mans, Roshi's place in which Bulma had invited us to come. Isn't that A grand surprise." Winter said, returning her focus in driving the airship. Blake spoke up, wondering if she should tell them now or when they arrive, knowing Winter was still learning how to drive this thing. 

"I guess now isn't A good time to tell you all then." Blake said, glancing around at the two of them. Raven and Salem were separated as Raven kept to the back of the ship while Salem was nearby though not in air-shot. Weiss replied.

"What's wrong Blake. You alright, this morning you were acting weird and looked pale." Weiss spoke, looking at Blake in concern. Winter looked to be listening but otherwise was focused on flying the aircraft.

"I'm pregnant and we all know who the father is." she spoke the words and silence reigned for A tense minute. Weiss spoke up.

"...Congratulation's Blake. So, this morning, that was-"

"'me puking my guts out, yeah. I took A test too, just encase and it was positive." she glanced at Winter then to Weiss who smiled slightly at her. Winter spoke up, not looking at her and instead continued to fly the airship.

"...I take it, that both you and Weiss didn't use protection?" she said, her tone borderline sarcastic though Blake smiled, spending this long living in the same house had taught themselves each other's social cues well enough to know Winter was slightly amused by her predicament but not maliciously. The eldest Schnee spoke up then, turning around to glance at her with A smile before turning around.

"I take it, we're going to have to sit Kron down and explain to him that we expect he marries us-"

"-marriage uh, well… you're not wrong." Weiss said and looked to Blake. She nodded, to which Weiss also nodded in understanding and Winter continued.

"We might as well tie the knot with him, at the rate you and… Weiss are going, doing him without protection, I'd expect Weiss to be knocked up sooner or later. I'll ask Bulma if she can help us find us information for getting papers for us. I'd rather not have A big marriage, don't know about you two." Blake would rather not either though she wasn't sure about Weiss-

"-Blake's face looks to be agreeing with you Winter, two out three is A clear no on the typical 'big marriage ceremony' so… yeah, Bulma should know how to find someone to help us." Weiss said, looking and Blake and then to her sister.

"Right, well. Let's keep this on the backburner until Kron rears his head. Blake, I hope you know that your training, at least for now would have to be stopped for now. While you're having his child, yes." Winter said and Blake agreed with A hum.

"We should arrive soon, I'll see about asking Bulma about helping us." winter spoke, 


Touching down onto the planet where his brother was sent to according to records, his first thought was of the blatant signs the people of this planet remained and that 'Kakarot' didn't purge the planet. One of said vermin had approached him timidly and holding A pathetic excuse for A weapon to boot.

"...So, he has failed, with these vermin flapping it's gums it's obvious. Tch…" Right, well, finding his little brother would be the first priority then wiping out the weaklings on this planet the second priority. At first, with Nappa, Vegeta and himself growing in power they would not have needed Kakarot but Raditz figured having another Saiyan and more importantly, family in their cliche would improve the rate of missions and more importantly, the training potential another Saiyan could add. Kron, that arrogant bastard still hadn't spoken with Vegeta about how he got that strong and Vegeta took it out on himself and Nappa during training as A result. 

"...T-This is p-private property, leave n-now." the man mumbled his words and Raditz smirked.

"Is that so… no, I don't think I will. Your barely worth scraping off my boot with such A minuscule fighting power-" The man fired his gun as Raditz stepped forward while clicking his scouter, he then chuckled, catching the bullet with barely any movement. Fumbling the hot piece of metal in his hand, he flicked it back towards the farmers weapon, that weapon exploded while the farmer was sent tumbling back into his vehicle, knocking him out. The bullet pierced the man's vehicle and Raditz laughed louder.

"What A fragile race of people…Right, I have no time wasting on you vermin. Now… where is Kakarot." almost clicking his scouter, his scouter picked up someone on its scanners. Raditz looked around, following the scouters tracking.

"...A relatively weak power though greater than the weakling here and in that direction. Could be Kakarot… maybe, hmm…" Raditz flew up in the direction of the power, clicking his teeth he yelled out while his Ki engulfed him, wisping around him as he used his power to travel much faster.

"Prepare yourself Kakarot… big brother is disappointed!" blasting off in the direction his scouter indicated.

Raditz flew over many A city on his way, seeing the vermin of this planet still alive ticked him off somewhat, that his brother would fail his mission and so… many of them left alive made even him look bad, being related to such merciful foolishness.

"Kakarot is definitely going to get an earful, leaving this planet's weakling race to spread like vermin… bah" he powered up slightly in order to go much faster. As A result of that added speed, he made time and was able to reach this powers origin much faster and as he landed to the shock of an obvious alien which wasn't Kakarot, he smirked at the creature, looking to make some amusement of the situation.

"Excuse me, for interrupting your… whatever it is that you're doing out in the ass-end of nowhere but I'm pressed for time. Tell me do you know where A man named Kakarot is, I thought you were him until now, your too green to be so… heh." he said, the warrior in front of him regarded him before managing to answer him, with renewed hostility.

"Well, you thought wrong now get out of here, before you make me angrier than I am." he said, glaring at him and Raditz chuckled briefly.

"Hmm… someone looks to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, what… you think your tough 'act' impresses me. Tch… don't make me laugh green man." the alien bared his fangs at him and responded in A growling tone.

"You ought to leave now, get lost before your provocations push me over the edge." he snarled and Raditz regard him before laughing again, not in the least bit worried about such an weakling.

"You'd like that, if I left wouldn't you…" clicking his scouter again, he smirked at the fighting-power displayed.

"Power-level 325… green man, your obviously an extraterrestrial unlike most of these insects on this backwater planet. You'd be A fool to attack me… with such an… insufficient fighting-power, my brother better be stronger than you at least or I'm really going to maim the little shit..." The green man got into A fighting stance and growled, retorting to his taunt.

"Now you listen to me, you came here, and I have no intention in starting A fight with you." Raditz smirked, responding to this agitated warrior.

"...Oh, but I do." The alien warrior growled much more hostile and-

"-Harrrrrughga haaaaa!!" the warrior launched A surprise attack, Ki exploding and obscuring his vision in A yellow hue. The explosion engulfing Raditz as he took the attack like A sitting duck, it was A pitiful display and he waited patiently for the dust and debris to clear in order to surprise this being. Having cleared enough, he heard the alien grunt in shock at witnessing him surviving, and Raditz like that look of shock on his face… it was A great look he liked to see on his enemies faces before he snuffed them out of existence.

"That was A nice and relaxing massage, I'd like to thank you for that. Barely even singed any of my leg hairs, you'd have to better than that to get me off." that was the look, this warrior was in much shock, silly fool…

"Allow me, to show you A much better and permanent way of giving massages, this one attack is usually reserved for my enemies but with that kink removed from my neck I'd like to offer you A one-time view of its effectiveness. Though unlucky for you… you won't be around to see it again…" Raditz laughed lightly at his mocking of this weakling and raised his right hand in preparation. At that moment though, his scouter beeped, and another power was seen.

"Oh, well… I can't stay and offer you my form of payment, so will just have to reschedule for later." Raditz blasted upwards and looked in the direction indicated by his scouter.

"This one is moving just in range of my scouters ability to track it. It's big as well… much greater than the green man down there… It must be the largest power on this planet." he erupted in Ki and blasted in the direction indicated from his green colored scouter, ignoring the insect below.

(Raven Branwen-POV)

Their air-transport touched down and she immediately stood, moving for the exit. She went outside onto the island but didn't engage with those present, including her housemates. Ignoring them for now, she headed towards the side of the house and got herself A position under the tropical tree, Krillin and Bulma were here already and she contemplated riling the bald fighter up in order to fight him but decided against it, she wouldn't get stronger going after weaklings after all.

The girls entered the house, including Salem and she lost sight of them for A while. Sometime later she picked up Goku approaching, then seeing him landing… on that cloud of his. He wasn't alone though.

"He's brought his brat with him then." she stood and approached him, seeing him look at the house.

"Hey, is there anyone- Oh Raven, you're here too."

"Yeah, and you brought your kid, you missed our last training session." she said glaring at him then she glanced at the brat. Leaning down slightly, she looked the kid into the eye and to her amusement to boy hid behind his father's legs. Raven, unlike everyone else she sought out Goku the most and at first Chichi was acting with jealously, thinking that Raven was trying to come onto him though when she realized that Raven only wanted to fight him, she 'allowed' it. Raven and her had gotten on somewhat better, before Gohan was born she even sparred with her though it was one sided, Raven knew when to hold back as Goku would have been not in the mood to spar with her if she hurt badly his wife. Chichi and her still met up, becoming friends with the woman who was so unlike Summer… so unlike herself but they managed to become friends better than she did with the others, except for her housemates and Goku. Salem though, Raven kept away from her still, that woman is dangerous and immortal to boot, she welded magic, and she remembered Ozpin failing to tell her of his ex-wife's immortality until she managed to find out herself. She was the first one out of their household who knew Goku had A child with Chichi, his other friends not knowing yet.

"Are you training this one yet. Or is Chichi not yet allowing the brat to train yet." she asked Goku, he looked to be in thought and was about to reply when everyone came outside, including Salem. Raven stood back up and glared at the immortal bitch before stepping back, folding her arms as she watched everyone rush to Goku's side.

"Hey Goku! Uh… who does the kid belong to Goku." Bulma asked, Blake and Winter glanced at her and Raven glared at them for interrupting her.

"You trying to earn some money babysitting children huh, Goku… didn't you get enough from the 23rd world martial arts tournament? even when Raven had interfered with your fight? I thought that they disregarded that and awarded you anyway for defeating Piccolo." Krillin asked clueless and she scoffed to herself. She spoke up, before Goku did.

"The kids his son, idiot." Raven said and they all stammered, glancing at Raven then Goku in shock. Winter looked at Raven and walked towards her. 

"Y-You have A s-son!" Krillin said.

"Wow! So' you've 'did the deed' huh… and with Chichi huh…" Bulma said, almost whispering but everyone heard her. Goku, looked to have not understood what she meant by 'deed' and just answered them all.

"Yep, this is my son, pretty wild huh? Gohan, these are my friends, say hi." he said gently to his son who looked about to cry on the spot. The boy managed to though, stage-fright not getting A hold of him.

"...Hello, daddy's friends." he said, and Raven lightly smiled before she realized what she was doing and stopped. Everyone greeted the brat, and she watched on in silence. Roshi spoke up, having stopped his curiosity and realizing Goku named him Gohan, as the man spoke.

"Huh… so you've named him after your grandfather. Uh, Goku… your son… he has A tail, like you did." Raven watched on as Bulma and Krillin looked to have grown pale by those words. Bulma interrupted whatever Goku was about to say.

"So, has he… you know, looked up at the moon before and-"Bulma was interrupted by Krillin, who stammered out his own urgent question.

"-Yeah, has he… stared up into it and-" Krillin was cut off when Goku answered Bulma.

"Well, no… we do go to bed early, and our curtains are always closed so no light gets in. I and Chichi are light sleepers and light does irritate Chichi." Goku responded and Roshi, Bulma and Krillin sighed… in what looks to be relief. Bulma bent down and asked Gohan A question, looking at him nicely.

"How old are you, kiddo?" Gohan started to count his fingers and replied hesitantly.

"...Uh four and A half." Gohan replied. Winter spoke quietly to Raven, now that they were talking among themselves with Blake and Weiss there too. Salem looked to be having A conversation with the turtle, which was weird even for her.

"So, why are you over here, still hiding from Salem, yes?" Winter asked and Raven glared at her.

"Shut up, I will never get along with that woman, even if she has turned over A new leaf as they say, has Kron shown up yet, I need to fight against him if I'm going to get stronger. He said he would return in A few weeks, remember." she said and watched the eldest Schnee grudgingly nod at her answer. Roshi was heard laughing and both of them turned to see Gohan being pelted by bubbles from A crab. Nearby Salem and the turtle were spotted both watching the boy. The rest of them watched on.

Weiss's voice was heard then, as she yelled in surprise. Raven and Winter heard her and came in closer in order to hear what was being said.

"-That's the four-star ball. It took me an while to find it but I wanted Gohan to have it since it used to belong to my grandfather. I have been collecting Dragon balls-"

"-There are dragon ball's here, on this planet?" Winter asked now, finding out what Weiss was surprised about. She along with Blake kept silent but Raven herself never heard of these 'Dragon Ball's'. Winter, Weiss and Blake had and along with Salem who looked at the ball curiously looked to have known about them. The rest of them obviously knew what they were too. Goku, not knowing of the struggle of thoughts within Ravens head continued to speak.

"I've been collecting them for fun, I also have the three-star ball and the six-star ball too. There at home with Chichi." Goku said and Bulma spoke up immediately in awe.

"Wow… you know it's pretty wild now that you mention them balls, we've had so many adventures just looking for those things." Krillin spoke up as well.

"Yeah, really we did. So Goku, what are you going to wish for, when you get all seven?" must have been before they met them, those adventures of theirs. Raven nodded and looked around, thinking about these dragon balls herself. Krillin launched A rock across the ocean, flicking it far out and Goku answered him.

"I'm not sure Krillin, That's A hard question to answer. Now that you've brought it up, I don't really want anything." he also threw A pebble out to sea, flicking it much further with his wrist and Raven smirked. He looked much stronger than last she saw him. Her inner thoughts though were interrupted by an unfamiliar power coming their way. 

"...Huh, what's that… who is that coming here?" Goku spoke loudly, also looked to picked up the presence of someone. Krillin, Roshi, Weiss, Blake and Winter then picked it up as well.

"...It can't be… no, there's someone… whose ki feels malicious heading straight for us." Goku gritted out through clenched teeth as he sensed the direction of the target. Bulma and Salem looked around in confusion, Bulma spoke up.

"A-Are you sure Goku?" Raven scoffed and answered the girl, speaking up loudly.

"He's right." Winter looked to be able to sense it as well but pulled out that crutch device of her's, placing it on her face.

"...Yeah, I feel it now too." Krillin added, looking in the direction they were looking.

"A fighting power at… 18,400…" whispered Winter and before anyone else could question how exactly she knew that exact number, the unfamiliar person was in view now, coming down surrounded by their own Ki like A missile. This unknown fighter suddenly dipped his Ki and landed softly with barely A thud, smirking our way but focusing on Goku.