The Unknown Saiyan Named Raditz.


Landing in front of the group, he glanced at the one who looked to be like his brother, his hair was A dead giveaway and that fighting power, sitting at 1,980 made it even more obvious, it was A respectful fighting power, much like his own before he was turned into Vegeta's punching bag. He glanced around and his eye landed on two woman standing next to each other while his scouter scanned each and everyone worth reading. The one with black hair had A fighting-power of 1,920 but she wasn't A Saiyan though… while the one white of hair next to her had 1,638. They too were strong, the bald one had A fighting power, at 1,846 while the other girl with white hair was at 1,780. The one, black of hair and what looked to be ears coming out the top of her hair had one at 1,820. Decent fighting-powers… if you were one of the grunts of the PTO. There was A pale woman who looked to have tattoo's all over her body, the scouter had trouble picking her up, it fluctuated between 1 and ?. The rest wasn't worth mentioning mentally as they were beneath his notice, he finished going over them and Raditz smirked, confident in the coming moments.

"heh… so we meet again, at last… little brother… you've grown up. But I'd recognize you anywhere Kakarot." his brother looked to be A little confused, speaking out of turn while he should have been listening.

"This guy must be nuts." the bald fool spoke.

"...K-Kakarot? Who is this Kakarot your speaking about?" ignoring his blatant lack of disrespect and also that comment by the bald weakling, Raditz continued speaking.

"Kakarot, what have you been doing on this backwater planet. You were meant to cleanse this place of all sentient life on this planet… that was your mission or are you telling me you ignored these orders?" he asked, pointing A accusatory finger Kakarot's way.

"Listen now mister, I don't know who you are but you've obviously got the wrong guy." this annoying cretin approached him and Raditz laughed lightly at his foolishness. Shooing him as if he was some kind of insect, Raditz watched as the fool got within range of him and more importantly, melee range.

"-Shoo… I think you've been dipping in the eggnog. Allow me to escort you off this island sir-" Raditz prepared himself, though he was undecided which way he was to attack this fool, he settled with using his tail.

"-Krillin!" his brother shouted but it was too late. Raditz tail struck the bald cue-ball and struck him hard, sending him smashing into the ugly building behind them. What got on Raditz nerves though was the shock on Kakarot's face, having witnessed his tail, his friends also witnessed it and each had their own looks of shock. Kakarot spoke, his tone laced with surprise.

"Y-You have A tail, But-"

"Heh… some of you look like you've seen A ghost. You know me Kakarot, come now… don't try to hurt my feelings. Heh…." Raditz spoke, arms folded as he glanced at his little brother.

"I don't know you!, I haven't seen you before in my entire life. I would know." Kakarot spoke assured of it, there was A runt nearby his legs cowering in fear of Raditz which put A smile on his face. He then glared at his brother, asking A serious question.

"Kakarot!, you mean to tell me that besides trying to hurt my feelings, you've completely forgotten everything, you don't even know your own brother. " Raditz said seriously, holding in his anger for the moment.

"I don't know who this Kakarot person you've been mentioning all this time but my name is not that… my name is Goku!" Raditz growled and retorted immediately, scoffing at Kakarot's words.

"...Your not making any sense, what did these weaklings do to you?" Raditz said, A little concern laced into his tone though his anger remained. Could this brat have suffered some kind of head injury?

"Kakarot, you must have suffered A serious head injury in your youth because none of this is making any sense, you better start making sense or so help me-"

"-Gohan, get back!-" his brother yelled to the runt, who continued to try and cling to his leg. His crying was starting to anger him.

"-Hey answer my question now!" Raditz spoke up loudly, his temper reaching boiling point, the runt continued to try and approach Kakarot which was distracting him from answering Raditz question.

"...I don't remember very well, but yes, I did hit my head when I was A child, I still have A scar from when it happened." he answered Raditz finally and it only managed to aggravate him further.

"That explains why you've been acting like A stupid fool, what an embarrassment. You've forgotten everything… you damned runt!" he raged, stomping A foot onto the ground, kicking up sand. Kakarot looked to be aggravated too, yelling out his own question.

"What have I forgotten, tell me!" he said and Raditz sighed. Before he could explain it, the old man in the back with the cane spoke up.

"...Goku, there is something… something your grandfather once told me that i believe you aught to know, to shed some light for you. Long ago, your grandfather came upon you while out on A stroll near his home, he was led to A crater which was A recent addition to the forest near to his home. When he went to look, his curiosity getting the better of him, he found what appeared to be some kind of spaceship. You as A baby was in some kind of contraption which was connected to this spaceship. Gohan tried to take care of you but you were wild, downright uncontrollable and unusually powerful for A baby. You didn't want anything to do with Gohan, nor his kindness he tried to impart onto you. Though one day there was an accident and you fell into A deep ravine, hitting the ground head first which should have killed you, if you were A normal baby. Your grandfather feared that he had lost you but instead of death, you healed and miraculously it was too. You changed from that moment on, your wild tendencies were replaced by an loving, happy boy." the old man spoke and Raditz now understood, looks like they even kept this information from his brother…

"...I'm really, from out in space?" his brother asked the old man and Raditz took this moment to 

"yes-" The old man spoke and Raditz interrupted him, glaring at the old man then glancing at his brother.

"-Enough. So you've forgotten everything. Fine. I didn't come here to give you any history lesson but fine, it's your lucky day squirt. You'll going to have to know all this when you become my subordinate after all, can't have you being an uninformed idiot and getting yourself killed." The bald person who he flicked away from his had finally recovered, removing himself from that monstrosity of A house.

"Now… it all started when you were sent off-world. You see, you were born to our parents, on the planet Vegeta. We, and I do mean we… are A race of warriors, those born with the innate desire to conquer and fight. In other words, we are called Saiyan's." he watched as his brother was shocked by that answer but he smirked, not at all finished yet.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Raditz… your big brother. And you runt have-" he was blasted, A red energy blast, the Ki hurt slightly and it did push him backwards. Obscured by the blast, he waited until the dust settled and seen the woman with black hair and red clothing had done the deed. 

"Don't do that again if you value your own life." the woman scoffed and Raditz liked her moxie, the woman nearby this feisty bitch however placed A hand on her shoulder, and shook her head no.

"Now… where was I… ah yes. We Saiyan's are soldiers in the Planet Trade organization and used to be the biggest earners within said organization, race-wise. That is until on the day you were born Kakarot, our home planet was destroyed by A large meteorite though our father and mother must have sent you off-world last minute or so. Every pod that houses A infant Saiyan usually have A monitor which imprints that knowledge needed for A Saiyan infant to know though you've forgotten what the pod would have imprinted on you thanks to your incompetence. There are, including you little brother, five Saiyan's left that I and my superiors know about and thus… you are A rare commodity."

"You have no right coming here and trying to control Goku's life, even if he was sent here by his parents. You Saiyan's are pirates, damned gangsters with no feeling." The bald one said and Raditz scoffed. The girl with green hair spoke up too.

"Y-You b-better just l-leave or-"

"-Shut it girl, now you should have had an easy time on the planet, if your memories were intact that is, our greatest source of strength comes from when A Saiyan looks at any moon, our true strength is shown and that makes it easy for infant Saiyan's to conquer planet's. But now, seeing as you have no tail well…-"

"-Well what.?" his brother growled and Raditz laughed. 

"Well… I've noticed when I arrived that the runt trying to huddle to your leg is also A Saiyan. No doubt my nephew. That's fine, if you refuse to come with me, I'll just take the runt then." A tense silence entered and his brother looked ready for A fight. With A meager power-level, Raditz could make short work of him. When Kakarot made A move to attack him, with A flurry of punches, Raditz afterimaged and appeared right in his personal space, making his punches ineffective. The swift knee punt Raditz landed into Kakarot's stomach was enough to knock him to his knee's, before he keeled over in agony.

"-L-Leave my s-son o-out of t-this…" he grunt out through gulps of breaths and Raditz laughed. Most of the woman who were on this island plus the bald one got into fighting stances but what he done next stopped them in their tracks. Moving swiftly, he grabbed his nephew and hauled him under his right arm.

"Tell you what foolish little brother… whatever happens, I will be leaving here with another Saiyan and your son, my nephew is one. Your child will take some time before he's combat effective but he'll be raised to be A proper warrior, but if you bring me the head of that bitch over there who attacked me, plus the heads of ninety-nine others from this pathetic little mud-ball, I may allow you to accompany your nephew and I when we leave this planet." he gloated, the squirming brat underneath his arm angered him A little though he wouldn't blame the brat. After all, he hadn't learned yet from uncle Raditz yet. Hopefully Vegeta doesn't blow up his nephew for being an insufferable crybaby.

"Y-You Can't ugh…" heh, his brother is A stubborn one, he'd give him that…

"That one over there has A similar fighting power to you so It should be A decent fight, us Saiyan's love fighting, or have I already told you that… hah hah hah." he laughed and floated upwards, the others hesitated in pursuing him as the runt under his arm was excellent leverage for them not to. He spoke again, halfway up in the air.

"You coward-" the bald one was getting on his nerves.

"Yeah, Goku wouldn't hurt anyone-" the old man yelled out and the green-haired woman was about to add her own when he growled loudly, glaring at her.

"Remember brother, ninety-nine plus that one's head and I'll know your serious. You will then bring your trophies to me and I might allow your to come, if you still have your ship that is." Raditz flew upwards and with his scouter on, made sure he wasn't tracked by the group down on the island, heading back towards his ship with his nephew.


Tracking that bastard, he flew just inside his range to sense that powerful warrior and hid his power-level while following him from afar. That unnamed warrior has an device that can somehow track fighters with high power-levels. That was obvious now. The one with the powerful ki was moving again and so he came upon his last location, picking up multiple Ki signatures with his keen senses. His sharp hearing picked up their conversation.

"-his tail!, remember when someone grabbed mine?" Goku said, interesting… Piccolo continued to listen.

"You're right, you couldn't move whenever you were grabbed by the tail." Krillin added, looking excited by the prospect.

"We will have to go after them, but Krillin you can't go, or you master Roshi. You've already been wished back by the dragon ball's and this guys power is off the scales. Remember that the dragon won't make the same wish twice." Goku said, 

"I know, why don't we gather the dragon ball's and wish for the dragon to save the planet-"

"-good idea Bulma-"Krillin spoke, more like cheering… ugh, loudmouth.

"-we can't gather all of those ball's in the span of one day, don't forget that that space pirate made of with Gohan and the boy has the four-star dragon ball." the old man, Roshi he thought his name was, said solemnly. They looked to be trying to figure out who would go with Goku, the girl with white hair who stood nearby the red-eyed woman spoke before he could though she only said something as an afterthought to their group.

"Maybe, next time we should gather these dragon ball's encase their needed to make A wish in A hurry."

"Good idea, but it doesn't help us now. How are we going to find him though, he could be anywhere?" the old man asked urgently and then that same white haired woman spoke up, removing A device similar to that one the warrior used on him.

"We can use this one, it is A tracker like the one that alien uses." she spoke, placing the device onto her face and Goku and the rest looked at her in surprise. Some of them however weren't fazed by the device which was suspicious to Piccolo. 

"Hey, what about the dragon radar. Encase that device is not accurate enough. Where did you get that anyway? Is it where you got that data-drive too?" the green haired woman, Bulma he though her name was said to the other woman. The woman with the blue colored device covering her eye answered.

"I can answer later, right now we need to figure out who will go-" the woman using the device then looked in his direction though she wasn't surprised by him in the least which was when he decided to interrupt their little meeting. Piccolo landed then, watching as multiple eyes glanced his way in surprise or fear… though some of them just stared at him, that woman with the tattoo's unnerved him…

"You'll never win, your too weak. You'll need me to help." he landed, Goku and Krillin glanced at him in surprise. The woman he remembered to have fired A powerful Ki-blast at him during the tournament glared his way which he returned. The rest of them were also surprise with his arrival, let alone his words. 

"Piccolo! So, what are you doing here." Goku said, finally able to stand from the cheap hit that long-haired bastard must have delivered to him, Well Piccolo wouldn't mind dealing with Goku or that woman with the red eyes too but… they had A bigger problem.

"I see you've meet our new esteemed guest which I have followed, we've got bigger problems than each other and I know you see that."

"You want to help us?" Goku asked.

"Careful Goku, Piccolo wants to destroy us."Krillin said, on guard. Piccolo scoffed before answering him, not deigning Krillin with an reply.

"Heh… I'm just asking for A temporarily ceasefire between us. Once this clown is done with… I'll get back with my plan of world domination. And I'll be going through you to do it."

"...An how do I know I can trust you Piccolo, that you would not just attack me during or straight after we beat this guy." Goku asked, glaring at him.

"You don't know, but what choice do you have. It's either we both go or whatever this guy has planned will come to fruition and judging by your urgency to go after him, you don't want that… am I right?" Piccolo answered and then he turned to the red-eyed woman, narrowing his eyes.

"Your on my hit-list too, I did not forget that cheap-shot you pulled back then." she narrowed her eyes in turn, replying, arms folded as she didn't take him seriously.

"Hmph, you'll need my help too. I'm in the mood for fighting this arrogant bastard, I'll come too Goku." she spoke, ignoring him and turning to Goku who nodded in thanks. The taller white haired girl spoke then.

"I and Weiss can come though Blake won't be able to, she's pregnant and I'd rather not have her risk it, even if the fetus is only the size of A peanut." she announced and Piccolo scoffed before the green-haired woman could reply in shock.

"Come on then, whoever is coming. We have to get to him in order to fight him. Don't slow me down, you especially Goku." Goku smirked, yelling out to his floating cloud, flying Nimbus. Jumping onto it and with the dragon radar, he turned to them.

"You think you can keep up Piccolo, guys." he said, smiling and Piccolo smirked in turn, replying.

"What, your kidding. Your silly little cloud will have A hard time keeping up with me, now let's go." he jumped up and he, Goku, the three girls who could fight joined them as they took to the sky.

"Be careful guys." the green haired girl named Bulma called out as they left.