Fight Against Blood.

(Weiss Schnee-POV)

This fight is going to be tough, Weiss knew that just from the look of that one, so reminding her of the time when Kron would up and vanish or fight off thugs when they still lived on Remnant. Maybe they should explain how they knew abut the Saiyan. Winter looked to be the one who would explain the story though but Weiss was surprised there was dragon ball's on this planet too. There must be A reason why Kron didn't use the set here on earth and instead used another set of dragon ball's… wherever that was.

"Winter, you, Raven and I can use the Kaio-ken. We should have taught that to Goku-"

"What's the Kaio-ken?" Piccolo, having heard us even when the wind blocked out noise from the resistance that kept pushing against them at speed they were flying, spoke up.

"Yeah, is is that technique you've used against me A few times Raven, whenever we fought at my house or near Winter's place." Goku's head whipped around as he let the flying nimbus fly him, they flew much closer so as to hear what it was.

"It's A special technique taught to Raven, Blake and I by King Kai. I was just saying we should have at least taught you, Krillin and Tien how to use it while you three were the main ones we sparred with, maybe even Yamcha too if he showed up more than he did." She said to make A point. Piccolo scoffed and then replied.

"We need A plan of attack, no going on about regret from the past. So, with that device he has, he must know were on our way over there. We need A plan to deal with him."Piccolo said and Goku spoke up.

"His tail, when I had mine pulled I was in pain instantly. He should have the same weakness."Goku spoke, Winter retorted, placing her scouter on her face again.

"Fighting power, 18,400… we will need to make sure that Gohan isn't caught in the cross-fire. That means you Raven."Raven snorted, glaring at Winter.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not an idiot."Raven said, snorting at the look sent her way by Winter and her. She, Winter and Raven had their swords, two new blades for Raven and herself while Winter still had her blade though she long run out of dust, it was still formidable without. 

A few minutes later, the group came upon A crater, Weiss and Winter were used to seeing these and then Raditz himself was seen with something in his hand. They landed right in front of him.

"Kakarot… you've brought your entire harem and the green bean with you… and I thought I gave you A day to get your act together, deal with that bitch over there and rack up A kill count that might have assured me you were serious." Raditz said, biting into something, glaring at their party. 

"How arrogant of you... you dolt, look around… we have you outnumbered." she said, glaring at the punk.

"Now, what have you done with my son! Where is he!"Goku demanded, almost growling. Raditz shrugged, pointing behind himself with the jab of A thumb and answered not bothered.

"Heh… the runt's inside my spaceship. Now, I gather you want to die. Even if you're my kin, it would be A shame, what with all the eye candy you've brought here. So which one of these weaklings is the mother-" Raditz stopped mid-sentence and turned to the ship in shock. Weiss could see him using his scouter, Winter had her rose-colored on out too and was also surprised as well.

"...power-level 6,302! but A- A kid shouldn't have that high A power-level!?… hmph, so… Kakarot, I've been more then generous with you, why have you come here now when I've given you specific instructions. You should listen to me, your older brother."Raditz smirked, ignoring Gohan and turning to them. Piccolo spoke, getting irritated by the talking, he removed his cape and also the turban he was wearing. The impact these articles of clothing hitting the ground made an impact, the ground was dent by the weight of the clothing which Goku spoke up almost after.

"You wear weighted clothing too huh Piccolo." Goku spoke, first removing his shirt and taking off the undershirt which turned out to be weighted.

"...That's thirty pounds, and here's fifty… and another fifty, and two little fivers. that aught to do it Piccolo, unless you can think of something else."

"Who do you think I am, your tailor?" Piccolo scoffed. Weiss, Winter and Raven also remove what weights they had that were given to them by Goku, arm bands and leg bands along with some of their clothes.


Raditz grunted, the green man's power jumped up to 400 while his brother went up to 6,620. The two white haired girls also removed some of their clothes and some wrist and leg bands too and usually this would have gave him blood flow downstairs, this time however he was becoming concerned. The smaller of the two girls fighting-power jumped to 4,810 and the taller one went to 1,700. The girl with the red eyes removed a lot of weighted clothing too, much more than those two and her power-level bounced to 6,480. The readings were beginning to weight into his conscious and so he turned off the scanning feature of his device, they indeed had him out-numbered... No, these fools would not be A match for him and his formidable fighting prowess, his training had made sure of that.

"Pathetic, do you really believe removing some pieces of clothing will effect the outcome of this fight? Fools, do you really believe you going against me will end in any other way then your deaths, why… your just pissing me off. I'm still much stronger than the lot of you."he said, almost laughing at their sheer stupidity.

"That may be true, but strength isn't the only way you can win A fight. You don't seem too bright either, we will win this fight by outsmarting you."Goku spoke up, confident and Raven added.

"So, lets get this fight started. Although if you leave the planet, give us back Gohan, will spare your worthless life."she said, Weiss was surprised by the sheer viciousness heard within her tone Raven spent the most time fighting, usually against Goku who loved to fight, sometimes Raven also fought against Chichi too when at first the mother of Gohan was worried Goku was spending too much time with another woman which Raven at the time laughed about, not denying though the truth was she just like fighting.

"...Fine, Kakarot… your dead to me, I've decided your son and I will be better off without you. Prepare to die, like A Saiyan warrior… I at least will give you that."Raditz said, glaring at them. They would be mere sport, especially the green man who was the weakest of the bunch. Smiling, he ran at them.

"-What-"his brother and the green man being the closest to him were the first targets, afterimaging, Raditz was able to catch them off guard, sending the green one flying with A right punch while his brother was hit by his left elbow. He pushed upwards as the one with red eyes sent A red-colored Ki-blast his way which missed him, exploding A mile out from their position. The explosion pushed him briefly and he was almost slashed by one of the others, their swords took A piece of his hair off and he growled. Their attack renewed, he dodged and attempt from the two males in attacking him from behind- his armor was sliced by the other woman and he growled. Blasting upwards, he was quicker and was able to see as the five gave chase.

Laughing, he sent two purple ki-blasts, one in each hand spiraling downwards in order to intercept them, his brother and the green man were hit with his brother being quick enough to just get out of the way while the three woman just barely managed to get out of the way as well. The blasts didn't really connect and so they soared further out from the battlefield and exploded, taking the mountains away with said explosions. 

They landed far off with the green one being the most damaged, what with his arm off and all which made him laugh. Though he would give that weakling credit, he was still in the fight and he almost laughed, he would kill the green one whenever he'd fancy, the bug was easily squashed compared to the rest of them.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

"...Ghk… Piccolo, are you alright?"Goku asked, wiping blood away from his mouth. Winter managed to slice the mans armor, but she knew that the armor itself was strong enough to take her blade. She would need to cut skin to shed this guys blood.

"...I'm fine, don't worry about. I'm still in this...ugh…" Piccolo said and Winter remembered he could grow another arm if he needed too. The Saiyan started laughing, she heard Raven and Piccolo growl in unison, turning to look at each other before they glared at each other too. Winter would have laughed in any other situation.

Excuse me, has anyone seen my arm!? it's green so you can't- miss it, why don't you sit out this fight green bean, your not even A percentage of my fighting power, I'll give you that massage later on, my payment to you after the rest of these weaklings are dealt with. That A good idea or what!"the bastard said through his laughter, his idea of A joke not funny.

"We have to hit him all at once if we stand any chance of beating him. Goku… you as well as the females should be able to keep him busy while I power up. It's A long-shot but I think I have A technique that should work, unless you've got something new to show to the class."Piccolo said mockingly, glancing at the rest.

"And you three, at first look at you and I'd say your weak soft woman but you being here says otherwise, now show me how powerful you are too, keep this clown busy." he said, almost mockingly though he was smiling when he said it so you couldn't tell. Winter spoke up, knowing that she and Weiss knew most of Kron's techniques that could be used against this dog and also some of Krillin's, the 'Kame-Hame' and even the cloning technique '.

"We have something as well, the 'Royal spear' is A strong attack developed by… our 'friend'. It can be charged enough that it can pierce the target." she said and then there was the Kaio-ken which would allow them to gather that much more power to use though they would be heavily fatigued afterwords, knowing them out of the fight so they had to use it wisely.

"Hmph… I have something similar, but enough. He looks ready to attack us again." Piccolo grunted, keeping his eye's on the Saiyan Raditz. Said Saiyan snorted at their whispering at each other and loudly interrupted.

"Whatever your whispering over there will not make A difference. None of your pathetic plans will work, I'm just that good."Raditz smirked, glancing their way and Raven and Goku stepped forward.

"Give me five minutes, I'll be able to use my technique then." Piccolo spoke to which Goku and Raven nodded. Winter nodded and Weiss and they too begun to charge up their ki while also beginning to use the technique taught to them by Kron.

"You sure your attack will work Piccolo, your not exactly as strong as the rest of us." Goku said, and Piccolo smirked, ignoring his quip about being the weakest out of their side..

"I'm not sure, the techniques hasn't been tested yet but I might as well do so now. I was planning on using it on you. This one will be an excellent target to test it on though." Piccolo smirked, as he begun to charge.

Piccolo's ki begun to fluctuate to her senses and even her scouter was turning on from where she placed it in between her boobs. She grunted, continuing to focus her Ki, she would then use the Kaio-ken when the time was right but for now she along with Piccolo and Weiss continued to prepare for their attacks.

Raven and Goku continued to harass Raditz, their speed at which they moved made it so Winter had to keep in mind where Raditz was. He was much stronger than the two of them and kept laughing away, hammering away at Raven and Goku as he fought them easily, he treats them like A game than for real and serious. Goku quickly flew up, using his 'Kame-hame' technique which from what she could see, made Raditz panic briefly. Winter placed her scouter on her face and then continued to power-up.

'huh… so that's what's got him worried… Goku's power is rising, which happens when using these kinds of techniques.' she thought, glaring at Raditz, Winter felt ready to attack him.

"Raven, weaken him and quickly. I- I'm ready!" Winter shouted, Raven nodded and then she and Winter yelled.

"Kaio-ken times four!" Winter yelled, this would break her for some time though her aura would begin healing her. Raven looked to be wanting to stay in the fight longer and so went with A smaller multiplier which while still was going to hurt her, she would still be able to fight having been used to the technique the most.

"Kaio-ken times three!" Raven grunted out, she moved much quickly catching Raditz off guard and knocking A few punches into his stomach. Then she kicked him downwards and he hit the ground nearby to Winter and Weiss. Weiss continued to power-up and she was watched them make their move.

"Royal spear!" Winter, whose Ki was now red launched her technique, which spiraled towards the downed Raditz who just got to his feet. He looked to be in shock as the technique soared towards him, hitting the Saiyan and hearing him cry out in pain and fury. He was blasted backwards, across the crater which housed his ship and continued to be blasted back as the technique continued to hammer and blast him away.

"...Heh, nice. This will add to my time charging my technique." grunted out Piccolo and Winter herself grunted, feeling her body tense up as her muscles cried out in pain. She felt her aura mend and heal her but for now, she was out of the fight by the Kaio-ken technique.

(Raven Branwen-POV)

She blasted after Raditz, the bastard was still been pushed backwards by the 'Royal Spear' move and she would be there waiting for him to show himself. She, out of the entire household from Remnant was the most used to this technique, the kaio-ken and was able to use it much longer though she could only fight off the pain of her muscles screaming at her for so long. 

'One last attack, I have to cripple him enough to weaken the poser.' Raven thought, her red ki-aura engulfing her as she flew.

"...W-Why Y-you bitch!" the bastard survived that huh, though he looks heavily wounded… Raven glimpsed him as the dust and debris settled and in turn made her move, slamming her Kai-ken X2 enhanced strength into A powerful axe-kick onto his shoulder, missing his head. She smiled at the sight of blood.

"Gahk!!!" he was sent into the ground and smashed into the dirt, creating A crater at impact.

"Nice one Raven! Now let me get in an attack!" Goku yelled, flying quickly towards them as Raditz was too weak from the punishing blows he had suffered being outnumbered, their Kaio-ken was used to devastating effect to enhance the girls and this fool would lose soon, the idiot underestimating them even with his higher power-level. Goku, flew close to Raditz and grabbed his tail, the sudden stiffness in Raditz form even when he continued to suffer from Winter's blast and her own kick made her sure that they won this fight.

"K-Kakarot! l-let me g-go!" Raditz growled out through yelps of pain but Goku didn't budge.

"No, you've lost. Give up now." Goku said, Raven grunted in pain from the Kai-ken as she deactivated it, falling to her knees as the pain coursed throughout her body. That was the third time she had went times three with that technique but still it hurt the same as the first time.

"W-wait, I'll leave. I wasn't really going to take your son, Kakarot. He's my nephew and I wanted to get to k-know him much b-better but t-the brat- ouch! - the brat wouldn't settle down so I put him in time out. Release me brother, I'll tell the others that you didn't w-want to join in on our training montage! Just… l-let me go!" Raditz screamed, his armor was heavily damaged and what wounds he gained from Winter and Raven were easily seen. Goku looked conflicted though…

"No! Goku, don't listen to him, he's lying." Piccolo was heard, yelling out through gritted teeth, continuing to charge up his attack.

"You, you've got to l-let m-me go, brother. I'll l-leave the p-planet! You c-can t-trust me, trust m-me brother!"Raditz continued to scream out and Raven grunted, still tired out from her use of Kiao-ken, her aura already healing her. Winter was able to stand, looking better but- Raditz smirked, getting to his feet, though he looked to be in pain and kicked Goku upside the head. Realizing that Goku must have released Raditz tail in A misplaced form of trust… the idiot. Goku was sent flying across the crater where Gohan and the ship was located inside. Raditz looked around and found Raven herself, she was just about ready to continue her attack when he grinned, sending A red Ki-blast clumsily her way, blasting her down again. She was out of this fight while she healed and it made her pissed off but she was still alive, now she had to wait even longer before she was back in the fight.

"Your A fool Kakarot, here take some of this too!- ugh… shit, you will regret hurting me!" he flung A quickly made Ki-blast at his prone body, Goku was now prone from the combination attacks inflicted to him and the finishing Ki-blast Raditz just sent at him.


He landed nearby his brother and begun to kick him A little, the pathetic weakling. What A waste of Saiyan blood. His scouter bleeped and he turned to the sources, three power-levels, one over, the green one was at 4,300 somehow... maybe because he had time charging that attack he could see fluctuating in his hand, another- it was that kid again and it was- Raditz felt A snapping pain at his back, he heard the detonation of his only transport but couldn't react any faster as his nephew roared out of the destroyed pod and smashed into his exposed back, with his upper-armor gone, the boy was able to land A critical blow to him to great effect to his already weakened body.

"Leave m-my d-daddy alone!" his nephew yelled out.

 He stumbled over and glared menacingly at his nephew who looked to have forgotten the whole ordeal, blinking in surprise and crying over his weakling father. 

"Arrrrgh! Y-you little- Raditz turned again, another attack was heading his way, the other woman with the white hair who was busy charging up, had released an attack at-

"What, no! I've got to dodge this!" he was able to as the attack only singed his right side but the attack missed, he fell to the side as the attack bent around before detonating on impact with an mountain further away from the battlefield.

"...Shit!, it missed-" the pony-tail bitch yelled out and he interrupted her, powering up through the intense pain he felt.

"-Y-yes, you little bitch! Now hold still-" the girl was fast, surrounded by that same red Ki the other woman were using against him, their usual aura changed to this red Ki and they became much stronger- she continued to knock him about, kicking and punching his abdomen before bring her sword down onto his left arm and-

"Arrrrgh! I said take this-" the girl attacked again, looking to be on her last legs. She was much more stronger than what his scouter had indicated before. He underestimated them and he was losing. He wouldn't lose!

"ugh, you look to be slowing down woman, you were indeed strong and for that your death will be quick-" the girl looked barely able to handle the strain of her own power but that wasn't what had stopped him now, right now he could feel the arms of someone-

"Let me go now!" he tried the shrug the person off, he heard the grunts of hiss brother from behind him.

"Piccolo! Your our only shot, attack now!" he said and Raditz tensed. He couldn't shrug his brother off, Raditz himself was weak from the battle and from the intense damage he suffered for his arrogance and against weaklings to boot. No, he would not-

"Heh… I wanted to used this technique against you Goku, figures I'd get my chance… now, I can only do this once so don't release him this time!" the green fool smirked, rambling out of his mouth but his scouter continued to beep, this ones power was at 4,300 or at least, this attack was… he was dead and Raditz knew it.

"Special beam cannon!" the blast, A beam of condensed Ki which looked to be able to pierce, came closer and closer, Raditz couldn't shrug off the fool and the blast hit…


Landing upon the planet, another day blasting concrete and buildings, while the Ginyu force members wrought carnage against the general resistance, I continued to hang about the area I was at. Recoome and Burter was here an hour before and from the message Ginyu sent, they were wrapping things up.

"Good, the sooner we leave, the sooner I can head off and meet up with the girls. Having sex with them… heh, yeah… good times all around and with the stamina of A Saiyan-" I was interrupted by the captain, his voice heard from my scouter, must have forgot to turn it off.

"Kron, meet up with us. The rebellion leader have been found, lord Frieza has been informed and wants us to leave them alive. Since your doing nothing, you should watch them." Ginyu said, I replied quickly.

"Right, I'll head on over then. This area is clear of rebels anyhow." I said through my scouter and blasted forwards and up over in his direction, sensing for his position. A few minutes soaring quicker than most could see, I made it and landed nearby the captain who looked to be having A fun time pushing some aliens around. Jeice was nearby and also watching them too, I glanced around and noted there were only four of them with one of them having A high rank of the PTO, with cape indicating his lordly title, this must be the main leader. Clicking my scouter, the fighter had A power-level of 15,000.

"Captain, when is lord Frieza to arrive?" I asked, wanting to get to earth. I had some time to spend there. Raditz should be arriving on earth anytime soon and thus I should be able to see what I do about that, should he be kept alive or not? I didn't really like him, just his Ki-moves were what I liked about him the most. Bah, that came come later when I'm there.

"heh… Lord Frieza will be here soon, he was in the area on business of course. This punk here thinks-"

"-You fools, Frieza will no longer control my people and I, we refuse to work for him any longer!" the alien yelled, his men were blue in the face and Ginyu chuckled, raising A hand. The purple wave of Ki evaporated the surrounding men nearby the mouthy alien and he stammered in his own speech. Heh… this is going to be A while yet…