The Saiyan’s Are Coming In One Year.

(Yang Xiao Long-POV)

 Her friends and sister Ruby arrived at the new town Rossweisse near to Vale, A while ago during their excursion in the wilderness to the north, the Atlesian Realm declared war on Mantle and Vale, sighting their intent to add the two city states to their realm. The megalomaniac Arthur Watts made A declaration of war against Mantle, just yesterday and Vale was called in as an ally, Vacao joined the war though their help would be minimum as they currently were dealing with warlords, using Ki made some people believe they were to be the next leader of Vacao and thus, there was a lot of civil wars and warlords rising in and around Vacao with the intent to take over. 

Ki was A great help against the Grimm but now that they, that being humanity, were now strong enough to fend and even expand much quicker into wilderness infested with Grimm, clashes between ex-hunters, gangs whose leaders become proficient in Ki use and even corrupt military and police utilizing ki were making their own fare-share of problems. Now, she and her friends were being called into service and frankly, she wanted nothing to do with it.

"we've arrived, Ruby. We should find the others, regroup encase those Atlesian dogs decide to invade." 

"Sure sis, sure-" Ruby was interrupted by an explosion coming from the north, she quickly got out her 'crescent rose' into sniper form and flew upwards, checking the scope.

"Yang, it was just some idiot blowing up A boulder." she landed and Yang grunted, Ki was dangerous but there was no putting the knowledge back into the bottle now. Too many people had their own copies of the information and it was commonplace to have said information, there was A ban put on owning such knowledge since people got it into their heads that they could do what they want though hunters and government groups like the police and the military were permitted such knowledge from what Qrow told them.

"Over here, my scroll is indicating this way that Pyrrha and Nora and Ren are over there." Yang said, they walked through the town and seen them over by some food vendor's, they were eating when they came upon them and Yang grinned.

"Hey, you three, wheres Jaune at." she asked, not seeing him around. Pyrrha turned around and then answered, trying to scarf down the cooked meat in her mouth.

"He's somewhere with Neo, they are on A date." Pyrrha frowned, gritting her teeth and Yang's left eyebrow razed in surprise, so there was some problems in that relationship after all. She didn't ask out of respect for them but now she knew for from the horses mouth, as they say.

"Right, I just thought… uh fuck it, not my business and all that, sorry for asking Pyrrha. You guys hear from my uncle yet, he should be coming to down with one of Vale's military recruiters in order to sift through those recalled here." she asked, wanting to know how long they had to wait for.

"We're not sure, maybe an hour, two at most." Ren spoke up, casually dodging Nora's attempt in stealing his dessert, what looked to be pancakes with syrup. Heh… they never change.

"Hey Ren, stop moving- hey there they are, coming this way now." Nora spoke up, her speech was A little bit hindered by the food still in her mouth as she pointed A sticky right hand behind them. She also used such an attempt to try and swipe from Ren but he had the foresight to dodge her attempt as they all glanced they pathway she pointed to. There was Jaune, bearded, armored and with Neo hanging off of him like A lover. Yang shot A side glance at Pyrrha and understood from her angry glare that it was serious. Ruby called out, seeing as they were the best of friends still, the leaders of their big group was Ruby and Jaune with decisions made between them were discussed and voted on. Though Jaune, having learned about and even using Ki, begun to act A little full of himself these days. Yang was still stronger though thanks to her maiden powers 

"Well, hey yo sir… give me one of those, the hamburgers yeah." she turned around and spoke to the nearest vendor, placing an extra bill onto the table as she grinned at the man.

Jaune came over and sat nearby her and Neo grinned her way, A smile that to Yang was not genuine and more A warning. 

"Well, ladies lets get lunch while we wait for Qrow to arrive." he glanced at her and yang scoffed.

"Yeah, that's what were doing now, while you've been sucking face with Neo there." the vendor delivered her hamburger and she dug in, he looked at her lunch and then spoke up.

"Get me one of those hamburgers and one for my girlfriend over here." said girl looked smug as she stared at Pyrrha who was on Yang's other side. Yang sighed, turning around and leaning on the counter with both her elbows.

"So, any word of home Pyrrha?" she asked the girl, Pyrrha replied after A brief pause.

"My parents have joined the fighting, There was an massive air invasion from the north which had been repelled. I'm of the mind to head on home and help in the fighting though." she said, looking more at Jaune who looked to be busy either flirting with Neo or eating which she was mad about.

"Ruby, are you sure you want to join the war effort, I was so sure you would have turned me down as you hate fighting other people. You know they still need hunters to combat the Grimm, weak as they are now they are still A problem." she said then, her sister was thinking but then looked around and then to her, answering her question in A determined and confident tone.

"...I want to fight, Arthur Watts has to be stopped, his racism and warmongering would have made… Blake mad and then there's what happened to the SDC…" Yang sighed, knowing she was right. Arthur Watts along with his special police, called the A.S.F or Atlesian Security Force had ridden Atlas through either bribes, extortion or by force many of the big companies of the old Atlas and merged them into one organization within their government, run by the A.S.F, the Schnee Dust Company was partially absorbed into such an entirety and the Schnee family, Whitley and Willow Schnee were imprisoned on trumped up charges, like many who at first resisted the governments corruption. And worst of all, none had known about this until the first of the Faunas had fought their own way out of the Atlesian Realms territory and told their stories of the horrors within. None had believed them at first but… Mistral was probably learning about it the hard way, they had lost most of their northern outlying towns and ports to the invaders, Pyrrha had A right to be worried.

Most of the SDC was gone though its outlying assets had the foresight to flee into the new towns and currently were run by A board of directors loyal to the Schnee family, most of them had hoped for years that Winter Schnee would return from her time in space but after A decade, most have given up on that happening.

Yang's inner thoughts was interrupted when A familiar man came into view, walking towards them and stopping short, before quickly walking towards them, in toe with him was another man… must be the recruiter…

"Hey Uncle, you look… well." She said, awkwardly engulfing her uncle in an hug, Ruby turned and done the same though her hug last A bit longer.

"Yang, Ruby… guys, this is-" he turned around and indeed, everyone who could sense that had turned in the same direction. Who the hell had that, it felt so unreal… as if… the alien invaders had returned and that bastard commander somehow escaped death. Jaune was the first to react, by his grim look and slight fear in his eyes and sensing such, Ki…

"...You guys feel that too, its… its massive!" he said seriously, standing up as all of them gaze to the south where Vale was. In the direction of Beacon…

(Winter Schnee-POV)

"That felt weird, right Weiss, Blake? How do you feel Raven?" she said, Kron had released them and they all looked at the new and improved Beacon, looking at it with A critical eye, Winter could tell A lot had changed. Now though they would find out how much had changed and how much had stayed the same. Raven just ignored her, looking around and her face looked to have been hit hard with A lot of memories, by the way her eyes widened at the structure in front of them.

"Shall we, ladies… lets see if the headmaster is still here. We have plenty of time to sort out training." Kron spoke up, holding Blake with A certain amount of possessiveness that had drawn Weiss and her own desire to be held in that same manner, Blake looked to be enjoying his caresses and smiled smugly at Weiss. Heh, that would have to change… no more rubbers for her and him when they go at it… 

Licking her lips, she nodded and then took on A serious and dignified look, arms behind her back near her ass as she walked along with their party, her sword at her side and her Specialist uniform worn proudly. Heading into the building, they glanced around and noticed that at least, some things remained the same even after all these years. Only the building looked different. Kron was pushing out his power-level, she asked him about that now.

"What are you currently at, fighting-power-wise. I can sense you and your like A wellspring, drowning out all others. I can't sense any others with you doing that." she said sternly, looking as he huffed at her, still holding Blake by the hand.

"I'm just doing this until people we know find us here, what with the knowledge afforded to them, they should know how to sense me know, or utilized the 'scouter-system' we have no need to hide, not now. As to your question, well I'm keeping my fighting power to an output of 200,000. No need to scare Remnant's people with my 'full power'" he said and she hummed, Raven though looked at him in sheer surprise.

"You say that and yet, that's not your full power? You Saiyan's are A bunch of cheaters." she scoffed, folding her arms as her mouth clicked and she went A bit ahead of them. Weiss replied then.

"She's not wrong though, honestly we're going to have to train before them other two Saiyan's arrive on Earth." she spoke, and Kron looked surprised by her answer, so did Winter as she looked at her.

"So, you've decided to stay on Earth then, or-"Kron spoke, but was interrupted by Weiss.

"-Well, when you teach us that 'instant transmission technique, what's stopping me from coming back here? Though there is the thing about me being dead here, so yes I do consider Earth to be my home… it would be good to see my little brother and mother though. Also see how the SDC fared while we were away, what about you Winter, Blake?" Weiss asked, glancing at her sister and friend.

"It will be good to see my parents, I'd like to tell them… well, I'm alive for one thing and then there's well, this." she lightly patted her toned stomach and looked at herself with A smile. Hmm… she's taking this seriously, good on her. Before Winter could reply though A very familiar woman came into view, looking only slightly older, she still looked beautiful and she saw them, dropping her folders in shock.

"Well, Glynda you still look… beautiful-" Blake elbowed Kron and Raven snorted which drew Glynda's eyes to her too, they widened even more at the sight of Raven.

Winter spoke up before the woman who looked at them could speak up. 

"Hey Glynda, were back… well, for the moment at the least." Winter said and Glynda's mouth opened as if she was to respond bu didn't. Finally after A brief tense minute or two she did.

"Y-Your back. Weiss, Blake… and even Raven! W-what, Ozpin was right then… I see you're here too Kron, A lot of people want to get their hands on you." she said, looking at the only male around neutrally. Glynda shook her head then smiled at the woman though her look at Raven was one of suspicion laced with surprise.

"I'll take you to the headmaster, Ozpin is still running this institution. Things have changed in terms of layout so follow me please, will discuss your miraculous return when we're behind closed doors." she said, hesitating to turn around, Winter could still see the shock on her face even while she tried to keep A calm and steady head.

Walking behind her, instead of the office where Ozpin usually would be in even if the building was more modern and new, instead she led us to the library where Ozpin was, speaking with another familiar face, professor Port.

He turned and his surprise marred his face, he and then Port turned and gawked at them. He also looked at Kron, and nodded at him.

"So, you've accomplished your goal Kron, I can scarcely believe it but you, Blake and Weiss… oh, Raven as well. That is… good…" he said, looking at the ex-bandit leader who only growled lightly in anger at his tone.

"Yeah, though I have A favor. We're going to need to get caught up in current events and the like, Oh and could you get in touch with Blake's parents, Their mom and brother and her daughter too." he said, indicating each of their party and Winter turned to look at him in understanding, seeing him care for them brought A smile to her face, Weiss and Blake were smiling too and Blake spoke up.

"Yeah, I have news for them. At least mother should be happy about it." Blake said sarcastically and elbowed Kron jokingly. Ozpin sighed then sat down, looking up at her.

"Blake, your father was murdered years ago. Your mother however is conveniently in Vale since Adam Taurus took over Menagerie-"

"-What! But, that bastard!" she growled loudly and Kron stood up, Blake pulled him back down and then sat on him before he could go and find Adam which was what he looked to be doing.

"You said, years ago?"

"Yes. The White Fang has changed, half of its members left and formed another group, like what they were before they started using violence. Your father and Sienna Khan led them into A new group based in A new port town south of here named for you Blake. It is called Nightshade, named in remembrance for you. Kron, your help has done A lot of good but introducing Ki to the planet wasn't one of them. Many have used it to become strong, strong enough to challenge the existing governments and forming their own bands, these warlords are more bad than your clan Raven, when you were still alive." Ozpin said, Blake looked pissed off from the news and the blame aimed his way, as well as news of that bastard Adam killing her father.

"I should have killed the little shit, that's two fathers hes up and killed. I can find him in an hour and end him-"

"-Things are even more dire, A man named Arthur Watts has declared war on the rest of the city-states, his intent is to conquer and enslave the Faunas and his army, enhanced with Ki-training is A battle hardened force that was trained to fight wars of aggression."

"And wheres Ironwood in all this, surely he wouldn't have let A known traitor like Watts into the government, let alone the public eye." Winter interrupted, confused by all this, though she felt sick at the tales of her home and its new viewpoints shes hearing about.

"Hes been locked up, hes one of the highest valued prisoners of the new 'Atlesian Realm' as Arthur has called it. I have no idea of his intent though in starting this war. Vales military has also trained using ki and so far the fighting has been at the outlying towns and port towns of the Vale city-state but their army is more numerous and more technologically-advanced then previously encountered. There was A form of legislation that passed that would draft the hunters of Vale into the military but even now the hunters are, most are either out doing their original assignments of purging the Grimm or avoiding to fight, seeing it as not their problem, not their purpose And, as you know, with all this hate in the world, Grimm have been appearing more numerous then ever."She looked around and could see the worried looks Weiss and Blake shot at each other and the neutral look on Kron's face. Raven however was smirking, looking delighted, if she had to hazard A guess, Winter believes that she was just excited to fight someone strong. Winter was about to speak when Ozpin added, looking at Weiss and then her.

"Weiss… Winter, your mother and brother have also been locked up. Arthur Watts also took most of the assets of your company-"

"-What!!" Weiss shouted, getting to her feet.

"No! That bastard!" Winter yelled, pissed off. Kron lifted Blake up gently and then replied, the smoldering anger in his tone made Winter realize that he was pissed and for their sake, that traitor Arthur Watts and Adam Taurus are both dead men walking…


Sitting on his throne, Cooler glanced at the big screen as his subordinate Salza spoke to him about the progress of his new ten-man squad. Aliens from all over the empire were scouted and most did not make the cut to his new force. Sifting through the mediocre that the PTO contained to find mutants to add to his 'Armorer Squadron was continuing at A steady pace with another three members confirmed into the squad.

"Just five more and then my squadron will be more impressive than my foolish little brother... Salza, what have you to report, anymore planets we need to add to my collection? anymore PTO soldiers getting considered for my prestigious order?" he asked neutrally, not bothering to look at his second in command. Salza spoke up, smirking all the while.

"My lord Cooler, there are some good choices that we could immediately exploit in regards to members, Cui being such A choice. I've also put out some feelers to A former member of the Ginyu force... named Bonyu who is also apart of my race and she is considering our offer. She's nearly as strong as I am my lord. There was another I was considering, someone from the ruined planet 'Kabocha'. They were weak and before they were sent away they told me that their people was attacked by A Saiyan years ago where their prince was taken by this unknown Saiyan... Besides them, there isn't any planets you need consider conquering." Salza spoke and Cooler was interested in this other Saiyan but remembered he didn't want any of their breed infecting his elite force and dismissed the information. Cooler replied to Salza.

"Continue with finding more soldiers, the information gathered by myself has indicated that the Saiyan's bar the one in the Ginyu force are acting disobedient to the idiot Frieza. I want to know what they are doing... but for now until my squad is finished, only find out information Salza." his subordinate nodded and the screen clicked off.