Wrapping up some unfinished Business.


 I don't think any of this shit happened before definitely not 'canon' heh… that's for damned sure… I better deal with Adam first of all, or maybe I should just invade the planet myself. Go get my pod and land in the middle of Atlas and take out Arthur Watts and his supporters and then liberate those against his regime. Bah… should be simple to just fly over there and crash the bastards place, then eliminate him and cower the rest with A show of force. Though I don't think Ozpin would appreciate if I got involved looking like I do and I doubt people have forgotten me nor my looks. My scouter was off and besides I didn't think I would even get A signal so there's that.


"You want me to deal with it, like right now. Not to brag but most of those on this planet should still be under 2,000 fighting power. My power is now beyond most I know save A handful of people I now work for, not about to mention them though." I said, pointing A thumb at the girls of my party, thinking of the Cold family and that was who I was sure about, not sure about any of the others, movie characters and the like. Hell, I wasn't even sure if the time patrol existed in this universe simply by my being here. Not to mention Remnant as well, like someone's attempt at A 'crossover fanfiction'... Jesus…


"For now, you all are being confirmed dead. Glynda will get you some cloaks and you can head on out, find your old teammates Weiss, Blake. Winter, you're also A wanted criminal at least, in the eyes of the 'Atlesian Realm' so they'll try and arrest you on sight though most people figured you died in space years ago. I'd like for you to give A speech against the regime of the Atlesian Realm but then there is your family in custody who would then be used against you… Raven, if you insist on leaving, your death wasn't confirmed to the public and only to myself, your brother and Atlas. Ironwood kept it A secret because at the time, the maiden power stolen from you was the concern." Ozpin said, huffing A breath at the amount of talking he just done.

"I'll be right back, going to get you some disguises." Glynda left quickly and then I took A seat. Blake sat on my lap and Ozpin chuckled, speaking again.


"So, I've taken you and Blake are A happy couple, yes. My, it brings me to smile in these trying times… I have to ask but, about my ex-wife-"


"-she's living her life on another planet, the planet where Weiss is sure she wants to live on, and I'm sure Blake does too, am I right about that babe" I said, patting the smooth leg of Blake who relied with A hum before she spoke.


"With my being 'confirmed dead' here, yeah, I guess it is A smart and right thing to do. I'll have to ask my mother if she would want to come and live with me too. I… I uh-" she stopped talking and then stood up before heading to the window to look out at the view. I knew she was thinking of her father, especially easy seeing from that upset look on her face. Weiss looked glum and then replied.


"So, were going to go, at least for now. Kron, Blake. Raven hurry up." I watched as she walked towards the elevator and then I turned to Ozpin, replying at her insistence to leave.


"Uh, right… there is some pressing concerns we need to settle before we head back to Earth, now that I'm able to, will keep in touch. In fact, I'll see about Blake, Weiss, myself and Raven leaving some clones here, we can chat later old man." he nodded, smiling at the 'old man' comment and then replied.


"...That should be OK if you don't, your visage is still recalled many times about the day Remnant's people learned of other life in the galaxy, thanks to media it is used many people, governments, communities, your face is well known, some of it not for the good. Weiss and Blake, they would have to be careful of course, their own images were used A little bit since their deaths, propaganda and the like. Their funerals, their bodies were buried so it's very… alien to me to see them out and about" he said, trailing off at the end. I heard an impatient tapping and went to leave A bit faster.


"Right, Ozpin." I said, it was good to see the man even it hadn't been long for me. He looked older but that's just age.


"It is good to see you and they are alive and well, Glynda should meet you by the time you ride the elevator down." he begun to stand and headed for his window, he looked to be writing something. Turning around, Ozpin walked towards me and handed A piece of paper, on it was the address of Kali Belladonna on it.


"Here, you should have no problem finding the address seeing as it is A familiar location. That motel you meet miss Schnee." ah right, I could remember that. I caught up with the awaiting woman and we rode the elevator down.


"We will head for Blake's mom, then I'll take you girls back, I need to check up on the Ginyu-force. We'll leave tri-form clones here which should last for A while." I said, Raven and Weiss nodded. Blake spoke.


"Let me talk to mother, I will have to calm her down I'd expect, seeing myself alive. Do you think… you could revive my father too?" she asked, I… I will though first we'd have to try and get Kali to come with us. I'm probably going to get my ass kicked by her father. Heh…


Leaving the elevator, coming upon Glynda who had A trolley with various outfits of the more deceptive kind, moving towards her we watched as she stopped in her tracks and looked at Weiss and Blake, then Raven who scoffed at her before she finally looked at me. 


"Here, these should keep you out of sight. Should you need more, I have no idea how long you're going to be here, but I'll be keeping these in Ozpin's office for the foreseeable future." she said, we looked at the clothes available and luckily, I left my upper armor back in Winter's Villa, only wearing the under-suit of my combat armor.


Grabbing A coat with A hood, I left the woman to pick out their own dregs and waited down the hallway, for A few minutes until they approached with their own disguises.


"Shall we." Blake said and we all nodded with Raven rolling her eyes, leaving the building so we could fly to Vale.


(Blake Belladonna-POV)

 Flying towards Vale, we were heading towards A motel and one Weiss knew all too well. Kron too now that she thought about it. Easily spotting the building, they four of them landed on the ground and headed inside.


"Remember, let me speak to her." she spoke, her lover and friends nodded in their own ways and hanged A ways back from her. She headed to the counter, A woman with Faunas features had looked at her in suspicion but was friendly enough.


"Hello, I'm here to speak with A Kali Belladonna. Could you give me the room number please." she spoke, the clerk who was A woman of Faunas decent looked at her carefully and Blake pulled her hood down to reveal her ears. The woman nodded and replied.


"I see, you must be A relation to the woman. Alright… the room 604, sixth floor. You can ride the elevator up over there."


"Thanks." she looked back at their party and nodded towards the elevator, heading over to the right one first as the lead.


Once in, she pressed the right button and they rode the elevator for A while until it dinged, the sixth floor on the screen of the sliding doors. Heading out… 604 was close by and she turned to her party.


"Wait here, I'll come back when I've spoken with my mother." she said, turning around after their agreement to her and she headed towards the door… nervousness was an understatement to what she felt now.


After A brief hesitance, she stood up straight and knocked on the door. The door opened and then-


"-Blake! Is that you!" Her mother looked at her, her mouth agape in sheer surprise.



 Waiting outside, we waited for A while in which I ended up with Weiss leaning against me and Raven getting impatient, twenty minutes or so had passed I would guess but Blake came out, waving us in. Whatever they talked about, Blake would tell us if she wanted too later. But right now, I could easily know what she would have told her mother, it wouldn't be hard to figure seeing your supposing dead daughter in front of you.


Walking inside, we were greeted by Blake's small smile and the woman who stood near the couch in the room. Kali Belladonna. I powered up Briefly and seeing Ravens insistence in not entering, I turned to Blake and Weiss who sat on the couch.


"Raven wants to leave, So I'll leave A clone, And I've got to head on back to my training." 


"Clone, can they take us back to Earth too?" Weiss asked and I nodded, they knew everything I did after all. I'll make another clone to go with Raven, but I really needed to report in encase there was A mission, my clones are sturdy enough for Remnant and its insufficient fighting powers… I used the technique, in which two of me appeared in front with one sitting down with the girls and the other ready to accompany Raven to where she wanted to go to. I used the instant transmission and jumped back to my planet I dubbed 'Kron Planet No. One' which was my training planet and turned my green colored scouter on, in order to report in, see if I was needed and if I wasn't I would continue my training physically while I mentally prepared for my future plans.


(Raven Branwen-POV)

 Once Kron's drama was done, he disappeared and his clone, the one near to her had waited for her to act. She nodded towards the door and the two of them left.


"I'm going to use my Semblance, to get to my brother. I want you to-"


"-Find you, right I'll sense where you're at and get there quick enough." Kron's clone said and she smirked, before she concentrated and summoned A red portal nearby the room Blake, Weiss and Blake's mother was in with the other clone of Kron.


The portal appeared and she went on through, Kron jumped through quickly and she heard his chuckle. Hmmm… yeah, she forgot she could take people through if they were quick enough. She glanced around as she appeared in A street, uh… and 'that' was her sword held at her neck and more importantly, that is her daughter doing the holding. Yang's eyes were glaring at her, the power and she indeed knew what she was looking at by the sight of those amethyst-colored eyes, with the energy pouring out the sides of them… So, her daughter is A maiden, maybe even the spring-


"-Raven, what the hell, you are supposed to be dead. That, was it Kron who made this possible?" Qrow spoke, he looked much older though he sounded the same. He slouched A minuscule bit more than she last saw him A decade ago and the wrinkles on his face shown his age. She glanced at the blade still at her neck and then it's wielder who now appeared to be in shock.


"...M-Mom, what do you- Qrow, what's going on?" Yang spoke and she narrowed her eyes at the girl. Not deigning her daughter an answer just yet, she instead spoke to her brother, answering his question.


"My, you look rather pissed little brother, And I'd rather it just be the alcohol. Kron, you better speak up and explain to my brother how I came back, I've got to get A look at my daughter." she said, now turning to her daughter… Yang. Yang, her half-sister Ruby and five others stood there and watched their familial drama. Raven ignored the unknowns, instead giving Summer's daughter A once over before locking eyes with Yang. Raven nodded, as if asking her to follow her, the sword still held near her neck still and it hadn't moved even through the clear shock shown, she let the blade to graze across her skin as she walked over across the street, watching yang all the while. Once out of earshot, she waited for her daughter who, even as she looked to be hesitating, walk slowly over to her and with questions Raven no doubt knew she had for her.


"We have much to discuss, you and I. Don't we." Raven spoke, watching as her daughter who was now A woman grown looked at her. Kron, the clone anyway had dispelled himself, Raven wasn't worried as her semblance now worked.



 "Alright men, we've just waiting for the Saiyan… and then will begin our fortnightly posing practice!" he said to the assembled men, Recoome and Burter standing further apart where Kron usually stood in between them. He was about to start without Kron when he had arrived. 


"Hurry up Kron, we've got practice to do!" he growled loudly and the Saiyan calmy got into formation, Ginyu smirked, seeing that everyone was now ready to engage in his favorite past-time. 


"Yeah, boss I'm here." Kron said, lining up with the rest of his squad and Ginyu grunted. 


"Huh, you still hanging out with that Raditz rat heh Kron, need me to deal with the runt and make sure he doesn't bother you?" Recoome asked chuckling. Kron nodded 'no' and replied quickly.

"Haven't seen him, must be out on A job or something..." Kron grunted, Ginyu heard tha the Saiyan mentioned was currently doing A unsanctioned mission but seeing Kron here assured him that Kron wasn't involved with his Saiyan comrade. Ginyu begun to stretch, thinking of the fight with Cooler's squadron and he smiled smugly, knowing that the future definitely held another fight to prove his squad against Cooler's men. 

"Now men, let us begin! Today we will start with the stretches." And so, they got stuck into their beloved training session for the next two hours or so, uninterrupted by any orders or grunts who were too scared to interrupt him, knowing better not to.



 After explaining where Goku is now to Chichi, with Raven being gone he was the one who had to explain what happened to Goku and then… their son Gohan. He was hesitant in doing so at first, but he couldn't get into touch with Raven, or Winter who were friends with Chichi but he ended up doing so encase Raven heard that he didn't… that woman is scarier than Chichi. He spent the night at their place, even when Chichi was both mad and sad about her husband and son not being home. 


"Well, I've done all I can with her, maybe Roshi has A plan with training me." he said aloud to himself, flying through the sky and looking down upon the calm ocean on the way to Roshi's island. Arriving later, he walked in the front door to see Master Roshi along with Bulma inside. Bulma looked to have spent the night there, working on that scouter device of Raditz.


"Hey guys, I'm back…" he said, awkwardly as he continued to look at Bulma who was ignoring him while she worked on that device. Moments later, Roshi came down the stairs and greeted him.


"Krillin, your back. How did it go with Chichi Krillin." the old man reclined onto the couch and sighed lightly, gazing at Krillin for an answer to which Krillin nodded at him and replied.


"Uh, besides being upset and mad at the rest of us… well, it went well. She didn't even hit me, even had dinner and stayed the night. Oh, and here, the two dragon balls." He said, as an afterthought he removed the two orbs from his Gi and placed them on the couch with Gohan's hat and the other ball. Bulma turned to look at them, replying.


"We'll have to find the rest of them then but wait A while. I've… almost got this here- ah yes! It's working. This is the first time in A long time since I've stayed up all night since college, but it was worth it." she chuckled and Krillin looked at her, curiously studying her and the device she had in her hand as if it was something precious to her.


"Oh right, so what are you going to use it for Bulma?" he asked, looking at the genius as she got up from the table and placed the device back down. She looked over herself and then replied.


"Nothing for now, first I'm going to have to get dressed, can't continue to wear my pajamas." Krillin sighed, sitting himself on the nearest couch and looked to master Roshi.


"So master, have you heard from the others yet or have you not called them." he said, looking at Roshi. Roshi looked to be mulling the question over, then he looked up and replied.


"Krillin, hmm… I could teach you my 'Thunder Shock Surprise' and attempt to teach you my 'Maximum Form' technique, though at the moment I'm not sure what else I could do for you."


"That would be great master. I'm going to have to get in touch with Yamcha and Tien." Bulma came out dressed and no longer in her pajamas, wearing an outfit that got himself blushing A little bit though she frowned when she noticed. He laughed, trying to hide his nervousness and Bulma spoke up, walking to the table where the device was. She placed it on her face while speaking.


"Now, I'm just going to press… this. And… hey here it goes, wow Krillin, your power is at 1,746 and yours Roshi is… 139. That rating does makes sense your one is lower because of how old you are. But yours Krillin, is much higher. You must have trained hard." she said, mumbling at the end before she clicked it again. Roshi spoke up, irritated in being reminded he's old.


"Now, now Bulma, talking about my age like that. Why, I'll have you know that- huh who's that." Roshi, himself and Bulma heard A loud knock which continued to get louder. Krillin, being the closest to the door sighed, before making his way to see who it was. Sensing that it wasn't some he came to know like Tien, Yamcha or the woman he and Goku sparred with, he was surprised to see someone he had no clue about… though now that he gave the rotund man A glance, he did seem familiar.


"Uh, can we help you. Not to sound rude but uh, that knocking." Krillin asked somewhat confused by the pudgy man's look, the man frowned before answering In A deep masculine voice which Krillin thought definitely sounded familiar.


"Heh… It's me. You know…" Krillin gawked at the man; he seemed familiar...


"Ugh, no… who are you-" Krillin was interrupted by the man in front of him, the outburst and Krillin was almost embarrassed by the flinch he got from said outburst but hid it well.


"You know it's Yajirobe, ya dumb bastard. Damned who was the dumb bastard building his house all the way out here, took me too long to find this dump. Anyway… my reason being in the ass end of nowhere… ugh, Korin sent me to deliver A message. You and your pals need to come to Korin's tower for special training… Right, I'm out of this-" Krillin spoke up alarmed by him almost leaving, wanting to know more information.


"-H-Hang on, Korin sent you-" Krillin interjected, wanting to know more but Yajirobe angrily replied, almost panting at the exertion in explaining to him.


"-Yeah chrome-dome, you not listening. He also wants you to bring Ten-someone and Chow-ugh whatever and also those other ones, them female's you guys been sniffing around." he grunted, folding his arms and Krillin just now seen the man's katana held at his waist. Krillin responded before the guy could leave.


"R-Right, it will take some time to gather them all but yeah… I've been in contact with Tien and Yamcha at least. Winter isn't picking up and she was the one we got into contact-" Yajirobe waved him off and replied tiredly.


"-Yeah, yeah… like I said, bring them all with you. I'll also be training with you guys though it's going to be A hassle ugh… damned Korin" he said, sighing and Roshi spoke too.


"I'll be coming, I'm not coming to train mind, but some of my techniques would be better suited being learned by this group of fighters than kept in my head. Krillin, I will have to teach you during Korin's training… uh if that's alright with this Korin-" Roshi asked, not impressed by Yajirobe's attitude from what Krillin could tell.


"-Whatever old timer, having another old man on the tower wouldn't hurt. Though if you think I'm going to be looking after your health while there, you've got another thing coming-"


"-I haven't lost my sense yet sonny. I-" Bulma snapped, having enough.


"-Listen, we've still got to gather the dragon balls and wish Goku back and to do that I'm going to need some help. Since you're going to be training, I've got to find Launch and get her to give me A hand." Yajirobe turned to look at Bulma and he snapped back.


"Thats right, Korin said to also tell you guys not to wish back Goku until the years gone. Goku is going to be learning from some great master while he's dead. I don't know the details, just that you shouldn't wish him back, gather the dragon balls though. Some old hag named baba is also coming here to explain the rest. I'm out of here." the man headed for A capsule-air car and jumped in, his weight briefly shook the vehicle and Krillin went inside, to make some calls.