Arrival of Vegeta and Two Saiyan's.



After the year within the Hyperbolic Time chamber, A year within and yet he returned to Gohan A Day later in real time. That Kron was smart when it came to training Piccolo would admit. The Chamber was hard getting used to but with Kron's advice he trained and learned A technique of the Saiyan's design which made easy work of the almost inhospitable landscape of the dimension. While Piccolo trained using the 'Aura Sphere' technique which took three months to get right, Kron had immediately got to work sending out clones of himself deep into the almost unlimited dimension, his clones were able to train as far as they wanted, and Piccolo made sure to copy him when he was able to learn the Saiyan's technique. Once Piccolo was able to get it down pat, training within the chamber and with clones become much easier. Though he couldn't go further in then the Saiyan because from what he was told, the Saiyan had experience training in intense gravitational pulls that fluctuated the deeper one would venture into while the deeper Piccolo tried to go, he took much longer to get used to the different gravity fluctuations. 


Besides training, Piccolo kept to himself and the Saiyan bar some tips to himself, trained far deeper inside the chamber. This Kron sure knew how to abuse his techniques, clones and teleporting technique he was able to delve deeply while Piccolo remained A safe distance from the entrance encase, he got lost while using clones to train further away. The Saiyan had another ability too, like his regeneration which helped to heal him similar to his natural healing abilities. 


Once the year was up, Piccolo could safely say that he was much more powerful than when he went inside but that Saiyan… whatever he was doing made him much more stronger and at times Piccolo swore he could feel Kron's power spike up at times within, seeing either A great ape or an aura colored bright yellow in the distance whenever he gotten close enough with one of his clones and his excellent sharp eyes.

Both Kron and Piccolo left the chamber in the allotted time to find the Blonde girl and redhead girl waiting for their own turn. Weiss and Winter also were there, and Piccolo seen Kami looking at him with an unreadable expression. 


"I see you've gotten much stronger; you the most Piccolo have grown so much. I hope you would reconsider your intent to conquer this planet." Kami said neutrally which brought out A smirk from Piccolo who replied.


"Mind your own business old man. I'm going back, Gohan needs to be trained much harder now that I have eclipsed him again. I'll send Raven this way, that idiot will only get in my way now." Piccolo said and blasted off, the Saiyan Kron talking with the four girls while the dragon fighters continued to spar among themselves, he ignored and instead offered the man silent thanks but nothing more.


(Bulma Briefs-POV)

(six months later (Real-Time))


Bulma along with Launch and Oolong went around the planet and gathered the dragon balls in record time, seven months before was when they had gathered them and held them at Roshi's house while they waited for the year to end in order to wish back Goku. That day was today.


Gathering them outside the Roshi's home, Bulma and gathered them when Mr. Popo arrived. 


"I see you've gathered the dragon balls. allow me to make the wish for Goku to be returned to life. The wording of the wish has to be exact or else time might be wasted, at least according to the one named Kron." Mr. Popo said, and Bulma nodded confused for A second but gestured to the balls. 


"There all here. Knock yourself out. And where is this-" Mr. Popo looked up, along with Roshi and glimpsed someone dressed like A Saiyan, Kron appeared to have come here. Landing, the Saiyan nodded to her then spoke.


"Remember Mr. Popo, Wish for Goku to be revived back onto Earth in order to save him the trip along snake-way. Hey Bulma." Mr. Popo responded, glancing at the Saiyan then at the dragon balls in upmost reverence.


"I remember Kron, thank you for your advice. Now everyone stands back while I call the dragon." Mr. Popo begun the chant and called upon the dragon to which the serpentine body of the dragon begun to emerge from the balls, A glowing light spread throughout the area and the sky went dark as if raining and cloudy, the dragon continued to expand until it more than quadrupled in size of the island and gazed down onto them. The dragon then introduced itself and after A tense few seconds, Mr. Popo spoke loud and clear for the dragon and all to hear.


"I wish for the one named Goku to be revived right here in this area." Mr. Popo said, and Bulma scratched her right-side cheek sheepishly as she was just going to revive her friend Goku and understood why Mr. Popo made the wish he did, more details and all made all the difference it seemed. The Dragon's eyes begun to glow and then he growled out.


"Thy wish has been granted. Farewell." as he said that the air in front of them made A swishing noise and A pop before Goku then appeared almost manifested from thin air, looking confused by where he was. A halo above his head then disappeared and Bulma begun to laugh loudly, yelling at Goku while she waved up at him.


"Hey! Goku, you've been wished back. It's good to see you!" Goku turned to her and smiled before he noticed Kron standing nearby and his smile disappeared as he regarded the warrior who looked like him.


"You… You're a Saiyan then, I see… your intent, why are you here, not going to force me to join you or something are you?" Goku asked seriously and the Saiyan named Kron chuckled.


"I'm just A clone. I have some idea as to the original's plan's though they could have changed. No, I was just here to make sure you were wished back to life and back on earth, my brethren have arrived. You're going to need to be quick and back-up your friends" he spoke loudly, nodding in A direction. Goku seen him nodding and glanced in that direction, his face looked to be focusing before he nodded and replied to Kron.


"Thanks, I can sense my friends and son in that direction. Are you here to help us?" Goku regarded Kron to which he shook his head before replying.


"Not yet I'll be there though. I'll be there in the wings but until I've secured myself, I would not be helping… don't worry though, I'm thinking that from what I can sense of your and my friends, the battle should be relatively even… perhaps even without casualties..." Kron spoke, rising into the air. Goku then yelled out.


"Nimbus!" and Bulma could see that familiar cloud of Goku's arrive almost instantaneously. Roshi came up to her and spoke quietly.


"Bulma, we should leave now. The Saiyan' should be arriving sometime soon." Bulma nodded and then removed A capsule from her shorts pocket and throwing it.







The ships computer woke him from his slumber and this time the planet Earth was viewed on the computer. Imputing into his scouter, he spoke up somewhat groggy from the long sleep after the bug planet they decimated along the way.


"Nappa, remember this. No blowing up any of the natives with your ki-blasts, you can maim yes, but not kill. There might be A dragon ball anywhere on this rock. Those here would lead us to these dragon balls." he said through the scouter, hearing Nappa reply.


"Right Vegeta, can do. What if they try anything though, allow me to beat them to A pulp, I can kill them than yeah." Nappa said through his device, their ships touched down and ripped the planet apart, leaving two craters overlapping each other. Vegeta left his pod and then he spoke to him without the scouter.


"Whatever, like I said, don't go overboard or this will be A waste of trip." Vegeta clicked his scouter and begun to search for this strongest of those on the planet, there was four or five that dealt with Raditz that they knew of.


"Vegeta, that way over there. They are bunched up in that direction, I think they are waiting for us. What do you think." Nappa asked, clicking his scouter multiple times as he somewhat concentrated on either his scouters display or the surrounding environment, I city they landed inside.


"Well, let's go introduce ourselves then." Vegeta and Nappa blasted off from their position and flew out of the city they landed in. Flying closer, Nappa yelled out to him.


"Hey Vegeta, these power-levels… where probably going to have to transform don't you think, huh. Not to say we are weak, it's just that there are so many of the rats all with high fighting powers. Going Oozeru would be the proper course yeah?" Vegeta grunted, he was right from these numbers, individually they were all weak compared to them but now that they were getting closer and more of them were coming up on the scouter, it might seem A good idea to transform. to thin out the herd and then once there were but a few of them left, interrogate them for the information they sought. 


"There Are eleven of them Vegeta, this might just be A challenge for us… heh, I might just put-up A sweat. What do you think huh." Nappa, the bone-headed chuckled through his scouter while Vegeta adopted A thinking pose, folding his arms as he mused about the situation. Kakarot would also be there and he unlike them shouldn't have the ability to transform. Raditz made note of it that Kakarot didn't have A tail either which should help them when they go full on ape.


"We will not be wasting time with that last clutch of saibamen we have, this planet's moon is still here. Hmph… now, hurry up, we need to still find these dragon balls. Dealing with these fools first should make A good warm up against Frieza and Kron." Vegeta grunted out, his purple Ki-aura whipped around him fiercely as they blasted towards A bunch of dead fools, defiance against them will be cut through.


Landing in A savanna area, He and Nappa glanced at the group of soon to be dead persons waiting for them. Vegeta could tell that they had some reservations in fighting him and Nappa, even while they stood in opposition to them. Finally, after A brief but tense silence, Vegeta grunted before speaking loudly to make his intentions quite clear to them.


"Hmph, right… I've gathered your all here to impede us on our search for the dragon balls. If that's the case, all those bar the Namekian will just have to die, that is until we've finished questioning him that is. It makes sense doesn't it Nappa, the Namekian being here." Vegeta spoke, Nappa chuckled darkly and responded.


"Hear that green guy, you get to live for now, your right Vegeta, the Namekian's are pretty weak though much stronger than the average warrior employed in the PTO. Now scram green, make your way out of here yeah, I'd like to kill your friends now heh… Hope you understand and all heh..." Nappa begun stretching, the bald one with an eye on their forehead responded through gritted teeth.


"That's not going to happen Saiyan's, you're the one's who has the choice. Leave this place or will be forced to act." he said, looking at the small boy on their side with the tail… Kakarot's son... Vegeta chuckled, replying to the freak with the extra eye with humor.


"Your wrong three eyes. Your all very strong. Very impressive for some unknown backwater world, you've got me shaking. I admit, I would have been impressed had I not had the foresight to get much stronger. Once our wish comes true none will be able to stop me as my power soars to new heights after every battle. Now, just be good earthlings and hand over the dragon balls. Your lives depend on it... or not. it doesn't matter in the least." he spoke, smirking at their various states as they watched him. Vegeta grinned, adding further insult to his verbal assault.


"Oh… and if you think numbers would help you in the coming 'negotiation's', well… than your bigger fool's then you realize…" Vegeta chuckled, removing his scouter from his face. Vegeta and Nappa then noticed some more fighters arriving to join those opposing them.... just A woman though...


(Raven Branwen-POV)


She, Krillin, Piccolo, Tien, Chiaotzu and Gohan watched as Yamcha arrived with Yamcha speaking as he landed.


"Hey guys, Raven… so these are the Saiyan's huh…" he said, and Krillin replied.


"Yeah, the small one looks to be the one in charge. The bigger one, seems to follow that one's orders." Krillin said and Raven watched as the bigger Saiyan looked mad at their callous conversation they had in front of them.


"And where is the rest of our fighters then, Yamcha?" Raven said, not taking her eyes off the Saiyan's encase they made their move, Yamcha regarded her before speaking.


"They, meaning the Schnee sisters, that blonde girl and her redheaded friend are coming here, there actually almost here. Hey guys, I got news from Launch on the way here. Seems Goku has been wished back and should arrive momentarily." They, meaning the original dragon fighters minus Gohan and Piccolo hollered loudly in victory as they heard their friend Goku was coming and would be here to help in the battle to come.


 Not long after that though Winter and Weiss along with her daughter had arrived also with the former champion of mistral, of Remnant. Landing nearby, her daughter Yang looked at her momentarily before a cocky smirk plastered her face, she removed Raven's old sword from her sheathe and cockily spoke up whilst pointing the tip of the blade towards the two Saiyan's.


"So, how we doing this? Have they decided to leave the planet, or do they want to fight and kill us?" Yang begun to chuckle when her friend, Pyrrha elbowed her. The Saiyan with the spiky hair had enough and then spoke to the much larger Saiyan.


"Nappa, it's time. Remember, the Namekian is to be left alive but your aloud to beat it to A pulp, kill the rest before Kakarot arrives." The Saiyan assumed A stance and his Ki begun to encircle himself, sparking off of him in droves. The world begun to shake and soon after electrical storms and howling winds began to take effect upon the battlefield and Raven held her hair out of her face as she and the rest watched the two. 


"...Huugh rarrrgh! Hehe, fools… weather it's one of you or A whole group of you, will still crush you weaklings! right Vegeta!" The taller one, Nappa grunted out loudly, pleased with himself as his power soared as well. Raven, not going to stand watching any longer begun to channel her own power for this confrontation. Piccolo growled out loudly through the wind and dust being flung throughout the area.


"Fools! get ready they are almost ready!" Piccolo was channeling his own Ki, everyone snapped out of their own daze and fear in feeling the Saiyan's power and begun to ready themselves, their own Ki fluctuating and they began to prepare.


"Haha, it doesn't matter now." The smaller Saiyan looked to be finished surging their Ki and Raven along with the rest could see A Ki-blast being formed inside his hand, the color shone of white light which didn't match the Saiyan's aura-color of purple. 


"This here trick should show you all that fighting us was A big mistake on your part, hah, if only you just gave us the dragon balls… your deaths would have been quick. Take this!" The Saiyan tensed, his jaw tightened as he growled loudly and threw the Ki-blast into the sky… The blast exploded, forming some kind of aura-hue which soon begun to spread thought-out the small area of blue sky and looked to be some kind of cloud or-


"Look! that looks like the moon, there going great ape so careful!" Piccolo growled out worriedly and Raven tensed, knowing that these Saiyan's had the ability to transform, what with her being able to watch the transformation heaps of times by Gohan's training. Said boy also glanced upwards and the signs that he also was affected by the 'artificial moon' shown by the elongation of his teeth and the heavy breathing begun to take effect. Though Raven did know something of this transformation, it took some time before the one transforming finished.


"Everyone, scatter. Yang, come with me now." Raven spoke up, having A plan right away.


"Huh? Why?" Yang looked confused, the two Saiyan's in front of them were beginning to turn great ape slowly but surely as hair sprouted on them, their faces undergoing elongation as they slowly stretched, and Raven called out while gesturing with her left hand to her daughter. 


"Give me the sword, I've got an idea." Yang was still confused but nodded to Raven and threw the blade towards her. Raven caught it mid-air and took off behind the still transforming Saiyan who was in charge. The Saiyan's including Gohan were almost fully transformed when Raven came up behind the one, she thought was the strongest and sliced into his tail which gotten A reaction from the now tailless Saiyan as he gasped, voice taking on A growling beastly tone as he howled out in pain.


"-What! Curse you, my Tail!" The Saiyan, Raven noticed had begun to shrink back down again, his form returning to normal. Krillin used A transformation of his own taught to him by Roshi, called the maximum form which increased Krillin's size and muscles by an massive amount, increasing his strength too. Krillin and Yamcha begun hollering in happiness when Raven had struck the half-transformed Saiyan, which made it, so they had only had to deal with one of the Saiyan's in great ape form. Pyrrha and Yang went after the other one, but the Bald Saiyan fully transformed, using his tail as A battering ram which sent the two girls backwards. 


Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu went after the now tailless Saiyan in A fight, the three of them against one while the rest of them, Raven included tried to deal with the remaining Great ape. Raven was then sent into the ground, even while she was currently in Kaio-ken times three by the smaller Saiyan who targeted her in vengeance. Tien, Yamcha and Chiaotzu engaged the Saiyan, Tien and Yamcha hammered against him in melee combat which shook the earth as their afterimaging blasted across the sky in random places. Chiaotzu was attempting to slow the Saiyan down with his psychic telekinesis abilities which had mixed success.


"...Heeeehraaa!" Raven jumped up, her tensing muscles from Kaio-ken helped her as she slammed into the smaller Saiyan and kicked him in the back, sending him downwards while Tien yelled out as he charged his already fluctuating Ki whilst charging his attack at the opportunity that was given. 


"Tri-Beam! Hahraaaah!" Tien yelled. The blast hit, striking the Saiyan down on the ground and Raven begun charging up A 'Royal Spear' attack when the Saiyan appeared behind Tien and knocked him from the sky in retaliation, having dodge his blast. 


"Too slow fool, take this hiyaaaah!" The smaller Saiyan launched A torrent of Ki-blasts in A barrage which Raven, Yamcha and Chiaotzu attempted to dodge, Raven gave up on charging A attack of her own and used Kaio-ken to smash into the Saiyan.




He, Winter, Weiss, Yang and Pyrrha attempted to remove the other tail from the great ape, who was much quicker than he looked and with him fully transformed, knew they would gun for his tail, so his defense was top notch as he stopped their attempts at having it removed. Their attempts at getting him was much harder as the Saiyan tended to use his tail as A battering ram, they couldn't sneak up on him either because it seemed those ears were all not for show.


"Haha, what's wrong weakling, can't handle me at my best heh- harrragh!" The Great ape roared, blasting A beam of Ki from his mouth towards them, Krillin and the others were able to scatter from the blast, but the force of the attack washed over them, pushing them back along with dust and debris, the very landscape shuttered from the impact. Krillin heard the Saiyan ape chuckle before in turn, another beam of similar color shot towards the arrogant Saiyan, bathing him in A Ki which surprised him.


"Arrrrgh, little brat!" The Saiyan gritted his huge jaw, wiping his face with A gauntlet-wearing appendage as he glared at Gohan in ape-form. Krillin could sense that Piccolo was nearby Gohan, charging up A attack, his Ki piercing attack 'Special Beam Cannon'. Not yet ready yet, Piccolo called out to Krillin.


"Hold the monkey off, I'll finish him off with this." Piccolo grunted out. Krillin nodded, powering up as he attempted to create A 'Destructo Disc' in order to try and remove the Saiyan's tail.


"Hargh!" Krillin launched the Ki-disc at the Saiyan who seen it coming from A mile away and was about to try and take the attack head on. Krillin almost grinned at that when A loud yell from the other Saiyan knocked him out of his stupor.


"Dodge it Nappa, that attack isn't A normal Ki-blast!" The other Saiyan afterimaged nearby, still fighting against Raven and the others but the words spoken knocked the animalistic smirk off the great ape's face. Jumping up, the great ape dodged the attack as Krillin's 'Destructo Disc' soared underneath him, cutting into A mesa in the background before passing along through until it dissipated.


"...Huh, damn it, almost got him…" Krillin sighed, before moving away from the impact of the Saiyan's tail which came down upon him like A battering ram. Yamcha launched A blast at the Saiyan's face which dazed the great ape momentarily while Tien went for the tail with his fist in an attempt to weaken the Saiyan by striking their known weakness.


The wisp of something, A noise familiar to Krillin's ears knocked him out of his thinking when he turned upwards, seeing Goku there, standing on the flying Nimbus as the cloud hovered over the battlefield.


"Hey! Goku, you've finally arrived! I uh-" Goku jumped down and Krillin barely was able to dodge the fist from the massive ape Saiyan as he hammered into the earth.


"Bah, stay still you little insect!" the Saiyan was attacked from Gohan in ape form, Yamcha, Tien and Goku joined the fray, trying to overpower the one Saiyan with teamwork. The Saiyan was able to swiftly grab onto Yamcha in his hand and Yamcha couldn't do nothing as he was being choked from the fierce grip on him, the Saiyan's hands begun to crackle, static danced around the hairy hand Yamcha was desperately inside with no escape as the hand slowly closed. Krillin moved but soon though there was nothing he could do as the sound of 'splat' was heard in front of them and the Saiyan begun to laugh, shaking his hand as if he had something sticky on the inner palm of his hand and howled out in laughter. The body of Yamcha was unrecognizable as he hit the ground, looking to be A chunk of meat with bones sticking out randomly.


"That right there is going to be the rest of you, now come to me. Make it easy on yourselves and just die." the Saiyan gloated while pointing to Yamcha's crushed body, Goku replied in outrage.


"No! you'll be stopped! How dare you hurt my friends." Krillin lost control of his transformation from the exhaustion he was feeling and shrunk back down to normal, his transformation made him much more powerful but much slower in the process. Tien and Chiaotzu too looked to be heavily breathing from where they landed, Tien spent A lot of his Ki with use of Ki-blasts while Chiaotzu done much with his psychic prowess which is why they were fatigued. Then there was the shock that Krillin could see on their faces, from Yamcha's callous death. Krillin breathed heavily, landing nearby them.


"Hurry Piccolo!" Krillin looked to the now fully charged Namekian, the area around piccolo shown his Ki aura which randomly flickered out while he finished charging his attack. Piccolo smirked before launching his attack, growling out the attack, loudly proclaiming the attack with A fierce yell.


"...Special beam cannon!" Krillin watched as the attack spiraled towards the ape but from what Krillin could understand, the Saiyan looked to have heard the incoming attack from the noise generated from said blast and moved in time, firing off A blast from his mouth in retaliation at Piccolo who Krillin heard move away from the purple beam. Two resulting explosions went off almost simultaneously, one further from the battlefield and the one the Saiyan ape fired upon them almost engulfing where they stood and Krillin saw as Gohan was pushed backwards by the Ape Saiyan's attack as the momentum washed nearby him, his ape body sent far out from the shockwave. 


"Gah… w-we need to take out that bigger guy first." Krillin said to Tien and then Winter and Weiss landed nearby, their Ki engulfed in red from the Kaio-ken move. Krillin knew that besides Goku who must have learned from King Kai the technique if Raven was to be believed who trained her, that they all managed to learn the ability but only Raven could handle the three times - Kaio-ken. Krillin and the rest who learned the technique could only use it to times two without sheer damage to the body happened and if that, only for A short while. The Hyperbolic time chamber helped to give them time to use the ability. Krillin also had an advantage with the 'Maximum transformation' thanks to Roshi's tutelage, but they weren't working against this great ape bastard. The two new girls, Pyrrha and Yang hadn't learned the technique yet at least to his knowledge.


It so happened that, Goku was able to surprise them when he spoke loudly, excretion working him over at the sudden tensing of his muscles and resulting bulking up. His aura changed to A fierce red, Krillin grinned as he wiped the sweat from his brow.


"Kaio-ken times three!" Goku, his speed was able to get him passed the surprised Saiyan as he landed A blow to the tail of the great ape which from the pain inflicted, brought the Saiyan down almost gasping in pain, he continued to lay into the base of the tail, the yelps coming from the ferocious beast of A Saiyan weirded Krillin out, as if there was an animal nearby being abused… most of these Saiyan's were animals….


"Arrrgh, why you little runt!" he was brought low, Krillin breathed loudly and seen Raven throw the sword she was using towards the now downed Saiyan ape, the blade flipped through the air and tore through the Saiyan's tail, removing it from, the Saiyan. 


"Nice one- hey watch out Raven!" Krillin and Tien watched as the woman was blasted from behind by the other Saiyan she was fighting, they heard her screams as the blast engulfed her and then heard the laughter of the smaller Saiyan as he cackled in triumph. The blast continued to travel and exploded upon the earth, the explosion blinded the entire battlefield from dust and flying rocks.


The dust settled and Raven's body was found on the ground of the earth, she wasn't moving and the one named Yang, Krillin heard she was Ravens daughter, had landed nearby to her mother's body. Pyrrha also landed while Goku too landed nearby, though he kept his eyes on the more dangerous of Saiyan's, the smaller one. The other Saiyan, now shrunk down to his normal size regrouped with the smaller Saiyan and there was A tense standoff as Krillin, and his allies gathered around the bodies of two of their comrades, Raven and the bits left over of Yamcha. Gohan stood up from where he lay and growled loudly, coming over to their side awkwardly while he was still A great ape and the smaller Saiyan smirked, looking at Goku and the dead body of Raven, who previously cut off said Saiyan's tail.


"Not bad for earthlings. Nappa, finish off the three eyes and the clown looking one. You Kakarot right, you and me. Saiyan against Saiyan, but what A waste. How about you join me, you and your son will want for nothing. What say you though if it's anything but agreeing, your deaths will be more painful than the dead woman down there. that smear of A warrior too over there as well." The smaller Saiyan was not even breathing hard unlike everyone there though he did look winded, even Gohan's loud pants were heard from his open maw. Goku glared, responding to him while huffing.


"No, you've killed my friends, your evil intentions on this planet will not be tolerated any further! Guys, let me handle this one, you guys can handle that bigger guy." Goku spoke, still looking at Raven's body and the disfigured corpse of Yamcha while he kept an eye on the two Saiyan's in front of them. Before the fight could continue however, they heard A loud noise, like A ship but only bigger as it came crashing down. It looked similar to Raditz pod before it was destroyed but much smaller. The ship landed nearby, further off to the north and they could see as it suddenly sprouted multiple legs from it, like A spider.


"...Hmm, who do you suppose they are Vegeta?" the bigger Saiyan, Nappa asked, confused by the turn of events and the other Saiyan Vegeta replied almost dismissively.


"Who cares, maybe some tourists. That isn't A PTO ship in any case, more like someone's probing droid from the looks of things, the size tells you that short of A midget, no one is inside..." the tension continued to thicken as Krillin and everyone else pondered on the ship arriving, keeping their eyes on the Saiyan's though encase they made their move.