The Tree of Might.

(Winter Schnee-POV)


She along with Weiss, Yang and Pyrrha stood off from the side with the rest of their friends. Krillin, Goku, Tien and Chiaotzu along with the massive form of Gohan stood to one side while the two Saiyan's, Vegeta and Nappa stood to the opposite side. With Raven now dead again and Yamcha also brutally mutilated, dead also they had to now worry about another potential problem. That of the ship that touched down nearby. 


The ship, A great sized dome ship that was similar in size to the one of them attack balls she seen years ago, hadn't touched down properly and instead eight metal legs came outside of the ship before it touched down… it begun to move in their direction then in the opposite direction, no… random directions at it wandered around aimlessly. 


Further regards to the strange object was over as Goku begun speaking.


"Your… Vegeta, you and I will fight. Come on, I'd rather not fight here while my friends could get in the way." Goku said and the Saiyan called Vegeta chuckled, folding his arms as he sneered at Goku.


"Hmph, your right. There is too little space for me to go all out here. Nappa, remember to leave the Namekian alive. We will extract what we want to know from him later... the hard way." She watched as both Goku and Vegeta blasted upwards and headed off to another area, her gaze turned to the one named Nappa. Noting that the ship… or some kind of ship-like drone had walked away from the area, she breathed out in relief and she and her side begun to fight against the Saiyan who cockily sneered at them with A smirk on his face, the one called Nappa.


"Heh... Right then, who wants to die now, huh… maybe you want to meet your maker three eyes. Well, I'm right yeah, heh" he grunted out, Tien looked about ready and didn't deign to answer him, instead charging at Nappa. She watched as he called out Kaio-ken times two and begun to overwhelm the Saiyan, though he put up A tough resistance, their movement barely able to track with their eyes. Tien while under the effects of Kaio-ken times two suddenly ended the ability though not because of him but rather his body breaking down for its constant use, his body barely able to handle the strain which was an ample opportunity for the Saiyan to mercilessly uppercut Tien into the ground below.


"Tien! Quick guys, we need to-" Nappa landed on Tien's neck, the loud sickening crunch heard was no doubt A swift but harsh death, there is no doubt about him being dead. Piccolo split into three and charged at Nappa, fighting him as hard as he could though splitting his power into three done him no favors, only offered him the ability to distract the enraged Saiyan. Weiss and herself were done resting as well as snapping themselves out from the shock of yet another of them being killed ruthlessly and begun to charge into the fray, she unsheathed her sword and tried to use it in weak spots under the armor. If she used it on the Saiyan whose armor could take the slashes she inflicted easily it would be A waste against such protection so instead, she needed to aim for vital positions like underneath the arms.


Piccolo, she and Yang along with Krillin attacked the Saiyan together. Gohan waited in the wings, he was still A great ape and as such waited for an opportunity to attack Nappa though if you looked carefully at the boy-turned ape like Winter did before attacking the Saiyan, you could see him hesitating even now. It wasn't Gohan's fault though; he was just A child who at this moment was stronger than the rest of them.


"Gakh, you dirty little rat! gakh-" A blow from Yang, with her fist and ember Cecilia knocked the Saiyan backwards and he was rubbing at his face from the damage from the shotgun rounds, which irritated him more than damaging him, he looked pissed as Nappa finally wiped his face and opened his eyes.


"That's it, you're all going to perish! Gurrrhaaaaaggh- hurha rarrrrgh!" the world in front of Winter shook heavily, as the Saiyan begun to charge his Ki, laughing all the while through his growls. 


"Take this, Bomber DX!" he thrusted forward with one hand, sending A blast which slowly approached them quickly engulfing the area, ripping up the landscape as it sailed towards them. 


"Quickly, move!" Krillin grunted out, Gohan however blasted his own attack against the blast though which for A time, held it at bay before it slowly pushed through his attack. Nappa was heard blasting upwards, moving away from the impact as he had enough time to move from the reflected blast of his and Gohan's maw ki-blast.


"Gah, forgot about the brat Saiyan, this… should do it." Winter flew towards Nappa who charged up A small blast and threw it at the artificial moon, blocking out its artificial light. Nappa, with him busy with the now blacked-out artificial moon while he watched his handy-work, took her attack with Suprise, as she stabbed him underneath the shoulder underneath his battle-worn armor, his armpit begun the hemorrhage blood and his loud throaty scream made her smirk… she hit A major artery there, this man was A dead man soon, no doubt. He continued to wretch around, trying to hold back the river of blood squirting quickly from his pierced underarm in pain and A sense of urgency but... slowly, he raised downwards as he bled out in front of them. Finally, the man named Nappa collapsed to the ground, tears in his eyes and A large blood pool forming underneath before finally he collapsed to the ground. Dead. she must have gotten all the arteries at once with that lucky strike, good.


"Thew, that- ugh… well, everyone rest up, Goku could need A hand from us gah-" Krillin fell to the floor as he coughed, overexertion from the battle. Yang and Pyrrha looked worn out too, but the blonde came up to her dead mother's corpse again, giving it A look though not showing any emotion. Gohan had slowly shrunk back down now that he wasn't getting constant blutz waves from the artificial moon and besides looking worn out, he is fine enough to stand on his two feet still, he had not yet been taught the Kaio-ken because of his age so he was rather fine compared to the rest of them. Piccolo was also fine, A bit winded as he looked fatigued from the fight with Nappa what with him using up A huge amount of his Ki to try and end the fight with one shot. Weiss sat down and spoke loudly, almost out of breath.


"Thank the brothers, huh… now, do we go and help Goku or investigate that strange ship?" she said, and Winter looked around, Piccolo looked her sister's way and replied.


"Goku might need help, Gohan and I should help him while you Krillin, along with the rest of you rest up. Keep an eye out for that strange ship too. Come now Gohan, your dad might need us." Piccolo said almost sounding kind to the boy. Gohan nodded, replying quickly.


"Right." Gohan looked determined, nodding at Piccolo's words. Krillin nodded at them and turned to her.


"Winter, You and I should go have A look at that ship encase there's more of this Planet trade members running around. Weiss, you and Chiaotzu, Pyrrha and Yang should wait here. Yajirobe should be coming soon with some senzu beans... at least, that was the plan." he said determined as he begun to hover. Winter replied.


"Alright, you guys rest up. Piccolo, keep Gohan save, yes" Piccolo grunted, he and Gohan begun to fly in the direction of Goku and Vegeta while Winter watched.




Landing at another area, A wasteland himself and Kakarot stood across from each other, himself determined to put this foolish traitor of A Saiyan in his place befitting such scum… beneath his boot. Though he is of his people, Vegeta tried to give the man one last chance.


"Tell me Kakarot, why not join with me instead? I the prince of all Saiyan's offer you but one last chance to come to my side. Bend the knee here and now and proclaim me your king, I'll allow you and your son to live. With Raditz gone I could use A good subordinate to replace him. Do not let your pride lead you and your son to your deaths, make the right choice." he smirked, folding his arms as he took in the low-class Saiyan opposite him. Kakarot glared, replied through gritted teeth.


"You killed some of my friends, you have one chance, leave this planet and it's people alone or face me. I will not let you destroy the lives of so many innocent people. I will stop you." Vegeta scoffed, chuckling at the ridiculous answer… oh well… Kakarot will die with this planet... after he made his wish. 


"Hmph, if that is your choice… well... so be it." Vegeta prepared himself, getting into position to act. Ready for A fight, Kakarot got into A battle stance as well.


The sudden movement he made towards Kakarot was matched by the low-class as they met in the air in the middle, his right fist landed A blow onto Kakarot which sent him flying from the momentum, though Kakarot was able to right himself and retaliate with blows of his own, much of these attacks Vegeta's was able to counter easily enough. Their fists and kicks moved quicker than could be perceived by the eyes as they attempted to beat on the other. Vegeta couldn't help but smirk through the fast-paced melee combat they danced in against one another. This Saiyan was strong, A pity he couldn't get the exact power-reading when because of his ditched scouter he threw away when he and Nappa went Oozeru or Nappa did while his attempt was thwarted by that bitch, he had the pleasure of killing. Kakarot landed an upper cut which knocked him out of his inner musings, as he hit the side of A tall mesa. Vegeta grunted, using the side of the cliff to launch himself back at Kakarot and landed A fierce kick to his stomach which sent Kakarot backwards.


"Hehe, you are very strong Kakarot. Us Saiyan's love fights of this caliber. It's A shame you can only do this but once." he laughed, blasting A volley of yellow-colored Ki-blasts towards the indent of A cliff which Kakarot was half-resting against from his kick. 


"Yike's!" Vegeta could hear the Saiyan yell out through the explosions of the blasts he launched, the volley decimated the mesa in front and the surrounding landscape, the explosions combined together as it grew large enough to swallow much of the mesa around them, ruining the ancient land formations. Grunting out as the debris was beginning to clear, Vegeta checked around for the low-class warrior when he felt A blow to his back, the blow forced the oxygen from him as he gasped in surprise, sent spiraling into the ground like A rocket. The impact from the hit into rock and earth barely done A number on him, the hit itself was tough but it couldn't have been inflicted by this weakling as he was down-


"Goku, we've come to give you A hand. The other Saiyan has been dealt with, one more casualty on our side... Tien" Vegeta glared at the green man and the half-Saiyan runt, now no longer an Oozeru. His Ki begun to cackle, energy danced over his fingers as he seen an opening, the brat was his target. Both Kakarot and the Namekian were alerted to his fluctuating Ki as his Ki aggressively danced around his form, coating himself in an aura of Ki which radiated purple in color, he laughed at them before speaking. All three of them were being slowly pushed back from his aggravated Ki while he powered up.


"I have no need for your friends and with them interrupting our fight I'll do away with them and consider our bout over, I see this place as A lost cause. But no matter, I realize now that the Namekian was the one who created the dragon balls here on Earth. If one Namekian could create the dragon balls, imagine what A whole planet of them have accomplished. Now stay still, you and your friends were well prepared for us, but even they cannot survive this planets destruction!" he quickly fire off A blast towards the brat, which shot towards the kid quicker than the boy could move and from the looks of things, he would have killed the boy… it seems the Namak couldn't move in time to move the boy and instead his blast decimated him instead, tearing into him as he loudly yelled out A blood curdling scream. Vegeta then blasted upwards while cackling Ki continued to encircle himself and he headed A long way out of their range and out in the sky before gathering more Ki, intending to finish them all off and the measly planet below. 


Turning around, Vegeta prepared to launch another blow when Kakarot, surrounded in that same red aura of Ki, to which the woman he killed had used against him, had reached him and knocked Vegeta downwards with multiple blows to his body. Vegeta felt blow after blow as his breath left him, winded as he tried to breathe through the pain. Knocked back down again, the last thing he seen before nearly hitting the ground below and righting himself was the deceased Namekian and the boy nearby his corpse, he couldn't yet see Kakarot, who was moving at speeds he wasn't able to keep up with his eyes at the moment.

 Vegeta was able to right himself though before impact and barely dodged an attack of highly concentrated air which just about smashed into him. Kakarot afterimaged in front of him, his face full of fury as they begun to trade blows Vegeta was barely able to keep up with for A time as he was still recovering from the critical hit that was landed upon him before when he was up high in the air.

"Hahrhaa rahrrah ahhahra-" their voices mixed together as they inflicted blow upon blow to each other, Kakarot was indeed strong and his version of the 'red Ki' he's using is much more potent than the dead woman from earlier, Vegeta knew that this Saiyan fighting power is high and only his advantage of being naturally this strong was helping him overcome the Saiyan slowly. Kakarot landed A knee into Vegeta' stomach, before Vegeta's fought through the pain and threw A quickly charged Ki-blast at Kakarot's face while he fought to get air in his lungs.




Noting the strong powers, his readings from his scout drone's scouting-system similar to their scouters noted that there were some killed members, including the old general of planet Vegeta and four others so far. The advanced video feed from the drone's capacity to record and scan shown the readings as followed onto the screen in front of him and the drone was thankfully able to get visuals of each potential enemy before it was sent to find fertile land.

14,780 from A girl with white hair and 16,638 from the other, same hair though in A ponytail but taller than the other girl. The bald one was peaked at 16,746 and the other bald one that looked like A clown peaked at 14,700. The girl, who looked more warrior than the rest of the females peaked at 17,800 and was indeed the strongest now that the woman with black hair was killed. The last one, the blonde woman read at 17,900 but hers had since dropped from the fight with the former prince of all Saiyan's. Every one of them were strong, Nappa and Vegeta had done their job well and worn them out. His own power rested at 35,600 and his subordinates were around the 20,000's so dealing with the rest of them while they are fatigued should be A walk in the park.

Finally, he mentally thought of the rest of their potential enemies though one of the fighting powers had since dimmed out, most likely dead. Vegeta had an impressive fighting power at 25,000 though he believed it was higher than that as it did increase to 28,000 sometimes, but it made sense that Vegeta was slowly losing power due to attrition. While the other one he believes is kakarot was fluctuating either from 14,800 to 44,400 briefly then jumping back down again. Turles was of the mind that somehow Kakarot is increasing his power which Turles believed wasn't some kind of fluke from the scouting drone but an actual threat to his plans. The last one, is at 9,600, nothing of note though A while ago this one was times ten, which meant the owner of said power had been an Oozeru, which meant another Saiyan. Turles noted that the artificial moon created on this planet was blocked out though which made sense as to why it was now much lower than last reported.


The Drone ship scanned not only those fighters but the soil as well and gotten A good reading of the planet. This one was ripe for the plucking, the tree of might would grow extra well here… He smirked in anticipation; this was going to be easy…


"Men, we've gotten A reading of the enemy forces on this planet, Kakarot is also still alive though another was killed not but A moment ago, someone strong. We shall proceed with the plan, killing the prince of no Saiyan's will be A bonus, A pity my old general Nappa was killed as I'd had liked to finish off that smug fool. You know what to do, kill those ones while I deal with the Saiyan's on this washed-up backwater world. Also, the drone is attempting to find A fertile piece of land to plant the tree of might so make sure it's planted before engaging with the enemy. We do not want to get bogged down on the rock longer than we need to." he smirked; Amond then spoke up while laughing.


"Alright Turles, the drone has found A suitable location to plant the seed, A fissure that looks to run deep if the scans are to be believed, I shall go and plant the seed while the rest of the crusher corps shall engage the enemy. If that pleases you, my lord." he said, smiling and Turles nodded while chuckling, this planet will help the tree of might bare A considerable amount of fruit and then after they eat the fruit, they will be one step closer to overthrowing the Cold family and taking their empire from their dead, cold... fingertips…




I used clones almost on the regular now for the Ginyu force, I wanted to help the Z-fighters and the girls, but they needed to get stronger and fighting their battles would only make them come to rely on me. I would go and check up on Blake and the baby that was coming, then see if the fighting was over. I knew that some might perish though I was confident that they would overwhelm them in the fight, I trusted that they would win and with Goku there much earlier things should be better off for them. I found out through training with both super Saiyan and then using the wrath state that there was A weakness similar to that of Kaio-ken and overuse of it. I could safely use both forms together for A full 40 seconds, that was about what it amounted to even while inside the Hyperbolic time chamber and the time I spent trying to extend the time of their joint use. It basically did to me what Kaio-ken times four did to Goku in canon, when he fought against Vegeta for the first time. Prolonged use hasn't allowed me to further increase the time on it so far, though I was confident that I could improve it down the track and until then, use this combination transformation against fighters I needed to overpower quickly against.


Weiss and Winter, along with Raven, Yang and Pyrrha really added an edge to the Z-fighters side and the fight against Vegeta and Nappa should go better than canon, at least I believe so, even if what Raditz told me in that Nappa and Vegeta were much stronger, it shouldn't matter. The Z-fighters had numbers and most of them bar Raven and Gohan used the hyperbolic time chamber, some of them knew the 'Kaio-Ken' too, though I didn't know how many of them actually did know how to use it, it was much more than 'canon'. Changes like this would make things much more better off for the Z-fighters and allow them to keep up with the crazy abilities Saiyan's are able to pull.


Currently, I was training on my planet while in super Saiyan form and the wrath state activated in conjunction. With the 500 - times power boost, my power soared and every of my movements had to be carefully carried out lest I blew my ideal training ground in A mistake. The wrath state further boosted my power by ten times its current level, suffice to say I was feeling confident if I had to fight against Cooler and his secret fifth form or final form, he had in his arsenal. I wanted to further train the super Saiyan transformation and use it permanently, to strengthen my use with it like Goku and Gohan did but then there's the Oozeru transformation and the super Saiyan combination… I wonder if I should try that sometime in the near future.


"Maybe I should consider transforming into the Oozeru form and-" the Oozeru state! How could I be A big fool, Vegeta and Nappa could use such A form and-


"-I thought of everything and forgot the most important detail, what A Muppet…, I better head to earth and see if I could assist against them, Vegeta and Nappa in Oozeru would decimate them easily! At least Gohan should be strong enough to take their blows... for A time at least, A pity the boy is too young for the hyperbolic time chamber training to benefit from it at this stage…" I ended the Super Saiyan transformation and wrath state and headed to Earth, using the instant transmission. Arriving at Winter's house, I left my scouter with my clone which was currently doing some mission with the Ginyu force, but I had no need for it and instead sensed around for them.


Salem, Kali and Blake were inside the house, but I needed to check up on the Z-fighters encase they need my assistance against Oozeru… God damned idiot, forgetting A crucial detail and all... I needed to remove the scouters, so Frieza or his ilk didn't know I was here, though I was becoming less and less worried for him finding out, as I blasted off into the sky. I headed towards where I could sense… huh? They seem to be fine; it looks like Goku and… I thinks that's Gohan and... nah... that can't be Piccolo? in that direction while there are eleven fighters in that direction, their fighting powers were steady though I could feel that some of them area in different stages of recovery.

"Eleven there... so there are Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin... Winter, Weiss, Yang, Raven and Pyrrha. Nappa and I think Yajirobe was supposed to show up sometime as well. Hmm... some of these powers though... they feel wrong and then there is the fact that I'm not even sure about these presences being some of them. Piccolo... thought 'his' pretense doesn't seem like him, he feels A little evil though that has dropped since he began training with Gohan but this one... this signature feels much worse than what I can feel from Vegeta... The fuck is going on?" I mused aloud whilst flying at full speed my power-level at 200,000 which I kept it down could take me.


"Hmm… something is not right... some of them feel 'off. Shit... bah, I'll figure things out when I arrive, Vegeta and Nappa will be crushed easily. I could spare the dumb oaf though with him almost certainly set in his ways he would be better off dead. Vegeta though... he's lucky I like him. Taking his place as the second full-blooded Saiyan of earth I could easily pull off. Your A very lucky prince huh..." I almost forgotten about Yajirobe, I pretty surer he had A bag of Senzu beans, I can't remember...


Landing, I spotted A few dead bodies, one of which was Raven, fucking hell woman, Tien and Nappa as well, there was also the outline of A body which was reduced to paste via either crushing or something though I couldn't see Yamcha anywhere, so I assumed it was him. Weiss, Winter, Yang, Krillin, Pyrrha and Chiaotzu were surprised by my arrival and Chiaotzu's face looked to be in A state of shock briefly before he recognized me as the one who gave them that idea with the hyperbolic time chamber training, Krillin still guarded around me and for good reason. I ignored Krillin for now and approached Chiaotzu, I figured speaking to him directly would assure him somewhat that we are all on the same side, getting to A suitable distance from the... uh, whatever he is... earthling? I spoke up softly to him.


"...Shame about your friend Tien, and then there's Raven. I can sense… Goku, along with Gohan in that direction with Piccolo... I think, as well as five others nearby… Winter, do you have your scouter, the one with only the ability to read for power-levels? without the communication feature I gave you long ago?" I asked, she replied, nodding as she approached us.


"Yeah, it's here. Hang on, I'll check… … right, your right about five other fighters in that direction and coming this way- That moment, the ground shook as if an earthquake of A magnitude of ten shook the planet and then Yang called out in surprise, our gazes turn to her and then where she pointed.


"Hey, what the hell is- is that A tree! Did you see how fast it grew!" she said and we turned as A tree, far from here had begun to grow at an accelerated rate, from here I could see as the massive roots ripped the ground as it made its home on the planet and the tree expanded and expanded at A rapid pace, this tree was known to me, the tree of might itself and where the tree is, Turles is not that far behind. So, these five unknown powers approaching this here location with us all her are the pirates calling themselves 'The Crusher Corps', followers of Turles. Yeah, that must be what was happening. So... that presence that I felt approaching Goku, Vegeta and Gohan wasn't Piccolo... but actually Turles, it would be right that he would go after the Saiyan's while he sends his men to deal with the rest here.


"So, what's happening Kron, you look like you know something." Pyrrha spoke which snapped me out of my inner thoughts and to gaze at her worried expression. I nodded and responded, making something up as the crusher corps are pirates so the story, I told would reflect that knowledge.


"That tree has been sighted A few times in the past to my knowledge. A group of pirates found the seed which grows it. All I know is that wherever that tree grows, planets die. Don't worry about the tree though, it's the planters you should be worried about. I can deal with the tree, easily." I looked at their faces, taking in that tidbit and Yang stretched out her fists, her weapons hitting each other as she punched her fists against each other, her mother's sword attached to her back.


"Well, this keeps getting better and better… See Pyrrha, we've made the right choice in coming here. Let's go find us some pirates." Yang spoke seriously, she wielded her mother's sword as well as her 'Ember Cecilia' as I could see various elements circled around her, the Maidens powers no doubt and even her eyes glowed an intense yellow like the sun, energy rolling of them like waves.


Finally, it looked as if the five had finally arrived, though as I looked out at the five members of the 'Crusher Corps' as they landed. I held back my intent to just blast them off the face of the earth as their smirks and sinister laughs, while making me mad almost made myself laugh mockingly at how so sure of their victory they were acting. They were beneath me, though the Z-fighters looked to be in for A fight while I glimpsed that tree far away from here…