Recovery And Plans.



Oh shit, she managed to stand only for her water to break. Her mother ushered her over to the hover car as she helped her with Salem.


"Your water broke, oh… let's, Salem, you know where the hospital is right?" her mother looked worried, but Salem nodded, helping Blake into the vehicle.


"Yeah, this way. The uh, transport has A map." Salem was fiddling with the machine though she had no idea how to access the map, but it was fortunate that Kron, along with Winter, Weiss, Yang, Pyrrha, Chiaotzu, Krillin, Gohan and Goku arrived, via Kron's instant transmission. Goku looked injured and was helped into the vehicle too, carefully by Kron and Yang with Krillin holding his legs. Krillin looked annoyed at least from what Blake could tell. He spoke up as he glared at Kron.


"Did you have to badly injure Goku? I mean, from what I understand you're on our side, you trained Gohan with his monkey form too-"


'"-Oozeru transformation." Kron interrupted and Krillin placed Goku down, continuing to speak.


"Yeah, that. What was going through your head huh, Saiyan?" he said, and Kron looked amused, Blake spoke up catching everyone off guard.


"Kron! I need to get to the hospital, hurry the fuck up or I'll kill you! Our kid is not going to be born on the side of the road!" she said through gritted teeth, Kron looked worried and hurriedly rushed to her side… he looks so cuter when he's worried…


"Just… hurry up, Goku is on board, everyone who's coming, get on the transport quick!" Gohan, Krillin and Kali along with Kron got on, while Salem left and Winter took her place, with her being the best driver.


Blake looked at the disgruntled Krillin, the sad Chiaotzu and the others, noting some were missing, Raven being among them.


"Where's Raven?" she asked the obvious question, starting with Raven first and Krillin answered her, looking more upset what with his one-sided crush on the elder woman. Sighing, Krillin spoke up as he gazed at her, sending Kron A small glare.


"She was killed by one of the Saiyan's, along with Tien, Yamcha and… where's Piccolo?" he asked Goku then, looking his way while the other Saiyan struggled to answer from his wounds.


"No… Piccolo died as well, we can't use the dragon ball's because Kami is also dead, Vegeta got him too. He helped to save my s-son." he struggled with the last word, Gohan looked upset by the words and kept quiet. Blake followed Krillin and Goku's glares at Kron and also glared his way.


"And where were you, you could have handled it. You're so strong at yet some of our friends are now gone." He looked guilty, but his eyes hardened when he replied.


"I can't fight all of your friend's battles, I helped with telling Raven and Piccolo about the Hyperbolic time chamber, I even went with Piccolo into the chamber too, even if he didn't go in that far, he could still get much stronger than training without. Besides, You, Weiss and Winter matter the most to me. The kid too... I wonder what gender it will be…" he said, looking around at everything but her… her gaze softened somewhat before she replied when the cramps begun again, gritting her teeth.


"So, you better explain how to bring them back to the rest of the g-guys- uhhh. Your kid wants to come out…" she breathed, in constant pain. Getting the babe should be her first priority.




"So, my brother has gone to Namek… Vegeta has gone to this earth…, how would he have found out? about what Vegeta was playing at, the foolish monkey." he asked Salza, who nodded at him. They were flying in space, flying within Coolers smaller territory and he gazed at the stars from his throne in the ships command center. Salza replied as he worked the console.


"Sir, it seems A big contingent of troops along with Frieza and his aides are heading towards the planet Namek, this data was heavily encrypted, but I was able to intercept A PTO transmission from Frieza's personal ship to Frieza planet. No 79, seems Frieza kept track of his personal monkey extra carful since he began showing some... traitorous qualities, his pods bugged, his scouters are bugged too, the other Saiyan, that glorified manservant too. These two we're the reason he found out. Thankfully the Ginyu force hasn't been called in, Frieza believed his contingent of troops would be more than sufficient, though the empires data on Namek is somewhat scarce, the warriors there are compared to most mid-Tier fights, two thousand to four thousand in strength but their numbers scarce, just like the information sire." Cooler coolly gazed from Salza as he gazed outward, before he narrowed his gaze back onto Salza.


"And what have you heard about the Saiyan, the one in the Ginyu force. I want to know if my elite Armored squadron which now is ten members strong could eliminate him." he said and Salza replied, slowly as he continued to work the controls and buttons of the console.


"Yes sir, thew Saiyan is strong, clocking up to 200,000, our troops were pushed harder than before, yourself and your secret transformation would make short work of him, the renewed Armored Squadron would do the same what with their power-levels much higher and with mine now at 265,000, I could make A win against him one on one." Cooler listened intently before returning his gaze outward into space once again before narrowing it back onto Salza. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Cooler remained calm and collected as he processed this new information. The time for his ascension was at hand, Frieza was too far away from their father who would not stop them this time, Cooler knew that old King Cold was at this moment on the other side of the empire and not even a transmission from the man would stay his hand this time, the Saiyan's will all be destroyed along with their executioner Frieza. Then Frieza's old forces would either bend the knee or perish along with his foolish little brother.


"What is Frieza doing going to Namek, I'm surprised he would head to A rock that worthless within the empire, what is his angle in all this Salza., what was Vegeta doing that has my brother scrambling for A distant worthless planet." he questioned further, looking at his fist slowly tapped away at the arm rests of his throne.


"That too is explained, though it doesn't make sense, something about Vegeta and his big mouth, his scouter intercepted before they were destroyed and obscure information of this 'Namek' and their 'magical balls legend' and these dragon balls being the same thing. Frieza seems intent on making A wish, perhaps immortality sire, if his ego is to be added to account." Cooler narrowed his eyes, that wish must not happen… for Frieza nor his father either, but himself well, that would cement him as the most powerful of his race, killing his brother and father would then be simple, they lived too long bringing shame to his family, father with choosing Frieza over himself and then there was the fool Frieza who should have never taken his titles and throne from him but the imp did indeed, now Cooler was nothing but A discarded heir, foraging for scraps from his brothers heel. No longer.


"Salza, prepare the men and A contingent of my own forces along with the 'Elite Armored Squadron', I must not let my brother achieve his aims and instead take these balls for my own. I will personally deal with my brother alone, also let us land on the nearest planet, I'm going to this Namek while 'fully' transformed, and ready for battle." Salza nodded, coordinating the console as Cooler watched the ship steer into another course, off to his main 'Cooler Planet no.01' to prepare for his new goal. He smiled, which he hadn't done so for A long while.




She, along with Roshi, Launch and Chichi with her father went to one of the hospitals that everyone went to inside West City. She, with her party arrived at the battlefield first though which was A trip in that of itself and took the bodies of Yamcha, Tien and Raven. Except for Piccolo's body which had disappeared or was erased. It was sickening see Yamcha in such A brutalized state, though Roshi had done it... moved the body bag and... added him. She would organize something with them, design something to put their bodies in stasis would be easy thanks to Winter and the technology her father's company capsule Corp had gained, except for Yamcha, his body was going to be cremated and the wish for his return had to be specific. Right now though, she was about to land onto the roof of A building meant for civilians that had A sky walk connected to the hospital. Sighing as she shut down her airship, she stood up at the same time she unclicked her seatbelt and turned around to her friends.


"Let's go guys, Krillin said they should be around here. Chichi, Gohan and Goku are alive and also here too though their condition might upset you, let's find the room or some help to help us find them." she said, Chichi looked worried about her son and husband but didn't speak up and in general was heard talking to herself about Gohan and her worry about him, her mumbling too hard to decipher and Bulma was too tired to bother, they will find out their condition when they arrive.


They found the right room when A nurse and elderly doctor were seen trying to stop A screaming Goku from leaving the room, Bulma snorted and noted the nurse was holding A needle which must have set him off. They walked up to the door and the doctor looked at them.


"Family or friends, well, there's already A crowd in here, be weary of the patients. Come in." The nurse looked at them as she spoke and they came inside, Bulma got upset when she seen that only Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Winter, Weiss, Yang, Pyrrha and Chiaotzu were there and her thought immediately drifted towards Yamcha… Yajirobe was also inside with what looked to be A talking cat, with A wooden cane. Bulma spoke, her thoughts drifted to how they even got her quicker than them.


"Hey, guys, so how'd you all get here quicker than us. I don't suppose you're going to tell us how we're going to fix this… what with our friends all gone and all and I don't see Piccolo." she said, Krillin, looked much better now that he wasn't watching what the nurses were doing to Goku and answered what he knew though Bulma didn't direct the question to him but to Winter who she knew was from out of space, who had told her of her sisters been dead but 'resurrected'. Krillin beat her to the punch, replying what he knew.


"Well, it's my understanding that Kami and Piccolo are from another planet, one with the dragon ball's. That bigger Saiyan Nappa mentioned about Namek and Namekian to Piccolo in front of us so if we find this Namek and head there, we could wish for Piccolo and Kami back. That would return the dragon balls to earth too." Winter spoke up after, answering Bulma too as Krillin finished speaking.


"If you're looking For Ships, When Salem and I arrived on the planet, we arrived in two Attack balls. Though I've since unburied the ships and moved them to my Villa where they are currently hidden. Though with all the technology you and your family has now Bulma, I don't believe you even need to use them old things." she finished, Bulma snorted. Winter wasn't wrong though they didn't have star-charts of the planets so seeing those ships would be A boon.


"You have the ships then, we could use them to get their stored information, planets and such in order to find this Namek. Do you reckon they have them stored in their databanks?' she asked, Winter looked thoughtful but eventually nodded her head, not really knowing. Yamcha… she would see him again, there was no doubt 'if' they had knowledge of the planet Namek. Weiss, added as her mouth open agape as if she had an idea.


"Well, Kron most likely knows. You could ask him or better yet, he could take you there." Bulma looked at her, curiously as she retorted. Krillin angrily interrupted, speaking up, gritting his teeth at that movement because he made to move and that made him accidentally bump his swollen arm against the wall.


"How would this Saiyan Know, what is he to you two anyway?" he said, looking towards Weiss and Winter who while angry about the tone used, responded, well Weiss did before Winter could, almost growling.


"He's- someone who knows where Namek is." Bulma and the rest of them minus Winter looked surprised by this, she further added.


"Blake and I, we died... almost ten years ago, Raven too for that matter and Kron was able to find other Dragon Balls, I'm guessing he went to this Namek, we never asked. Just ask him, he has the ability to get you all to Namek." she finished. Goku then looked to be concentrating and then he spoke aloud to someone she never heard of before.


"Ah… King Kai, why not? … huh but this Frieza-, come on- come on King Kai!" he said, it would have been gibberish, but it seemed from their faces, Weiss and Winter knew who he was talking to… mentally. Bulma had enough. There was also something else to consider.


"Say guys, how did Piccolo even get to the planet Earth, if he's A Namekian, shouldn't he have A ship somewhere too? Those Saiyan space pods are alright, but they only fit one person inside, we need A bigger ship, and my dad has been working on something thanks in part to Winter and her selling that Databanks and my and my father's genius." Bulma said, Winter replied.


"If there's A ship, someone must know of it." she watched as Weiss begun to leave the room and Bulma spoke up just as she opened the door.


"Where are you going?" she questioned, the girl had bandages too though from the looks of things, she healed from her wounds.


"To see Blake and her babe. That Senzu beans Yajirobe brought healed me, Gohan, Chiaotzu, Pyrrha and Krillin as you can no doubt see." she left.




"So, Bulma. Are you going to-" 


"-Hey guys, check out the news." Oolong spoke up, as he ran into the room.


The television showed the remaining Saiyan space pod being tinkered with by the central government scientists and Bulma looked at Oolong with A scowl.


"So, we don't need that ship, no doubt my father has something, Winter has hers, so we have no need of another too. Winter, I'll send along some of my father's guys to take them ships off your hands, I'll pay." she said seriously, money being nothing to her. Winter nodded, replying to her slowly.


"Go ahead but like Weiss said, we have no need for ships, and I have had it with spaceflight in A very constricting kind of ship like them 'attack balls' so count me out in regard to them ships. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go home and tell mother that the earth is now fine, for now at least." she walked out. The mood became more solemn, and Krillin spoke up, changing the subject.


"Heh, well looks like we have some options. Goku, you've gotten much stronger. Oh right, we were also attacked by some others, we defeated them though after that big Saiyan was dealt with and then Kron dealt with with one of them before he went after that giant tree. They kept on talking about A big tree, well until Kron-" Goku looked to be talking inside his head again as he interrupted him, probably with his new trainer King Kai.


"-Yeah! King Kai mentioned it just now. Says it's the tree of might. Kron was able to destroy it before it could ruin the planet. Uh, King Kai thanks Kron by the way… though he isn't here, King Kai said that tree has destroyed countless planets and now with none of the seeds of it surviving, it can no longer drain dry and be used for nefarious purposes.…" Finished with speaking with King Kai, Goku relaxed somewhat, covered in bandages in his bed of the recovery ward.


"Well, guess that's one point for Kron, another for giving us that tip about the hyperbolic time chamber… I guess... and then he helped with the biggest of those space pirates." Krillin mused aloud.


"No wonder you're so strong Krillin, you've definitely gotten much stronger as well, learning Kaio-Ken and Roshi's maximum form transformation. I went inside the chamber when I was young though I couldn't handle it for the full year inside." Goku spoke up, Krillin grinned at his praise before seeing Yajirobe there, giving Krillin A plan to lighten the mood at Yajirobe's expense.


"Yajirobe arrived at the battlefield not long after Kron left for the tree of might. He had enough Senzu beans for us to turn the tide against those crusher guys and for some to use afterwards on ourselves from that fight and also one more for Gohan. You should have seen him though against those two twin aliens whose heads looked like oversized brains, and they sounded weird. Yajirobe though, he kept saying 'ah I not A fighting combatant, I'm just watching the fight!' He made it easy for us to target them two who chased him and knocked him around! Almost made me laugh if not for the seriousness of it all, Yang ended up skewering that cyborg alien easily enough after she ate A senzu bean though she was wounded again afterwards by an attack from behind." Krillin done his best impression of Yajirobe, his news of the fight with the pirates and he also succeeded in bringing some laughter to lighten up the gloomy mood. Yajirobe spoke up, angerly through the laughter in protest.


"Ahh! I was doing A strategy! Distracting them before I made my move!" their laughter increased by the absurdness of his statement. The laughter slowly died down when Korin the ancient cat spoke up nearby to Goku, who must have come with Bulma.


"Goku, next month I should have more Senzu beans grown and harvested for you so just relax until then, yeah." Korin spoke suddenly and Goku nodded before replying to the ancient cat.


"Thanks Korin. I can't wait to start training again, Both Vegeta and Kron are much stronger than I, I'll need to be a lot stronger if I'm going to beat them. This Frieza has me rearing to fight too, but King Kai says I should avoid him at all costs." Goku said determined.




I couldn't explain how I felt, listening to the screams of Blake as she pushed out my daughter, A daughter… My previous life, I never considered having children with how shit the world is there, increasing prices for food and housing. Here though, this planet Earth is much more better off and from what I knew of the world, there was more space and less pollution. And dinosaurs… which I used to be A fan of and draw plenty of them when I was A kid growing up.


"I'll make sure my daughter can draw too, I want to be A good father, I'll have to send A clone to the Ginyu force and stick around here… A clone will work, no it might dispel... bah, I'll think of something." I had other things on my mind then the Ginyu force when the I now noticed that the sound inside the room had become quieter. Listening intently, I heard the footsteps of someone approaching, turning I seen Weiss approaching me. She wrapped her arms around my neck, her kiss almost caught me off guard though I returned the kiss and wrapped on arm around her, returning the kiss.


"Now would be A good time to put A ring on her finger yes, mine too for that matter… You know, right and proper... for A polygamous arrangement and all." Weiss said jokingly, hugging into me to which I returned as I lay my hands across her back and leaned on her head, still staring at the room Blake is inside with worry and dread, the man in me coming forth since forever I stepped into this world and become A Saiyan.


"Yeah… I, uh, I admit that I'm done being in space, I'll be sending A clone to cover as me though, I'm sure I can make something work. We all could find a way to be married, we've got time I think." she smiled, and was about to reply when the door opened to Blake's room and the nurse came out. To woman frowned disapprovingly when she seen Weiss and I intimately together, coming to the wrong conclusion...


"Congratulations sir, you've got A baby girl. You can come inside… if you'd like." the nurse, walked off to do her job. I smirked at Weiss, who also understood the position we were in as we are being looked at disapprovingly by said nurse, she laughed out loud, more to mock the woman then genuine laughter.


"Go on, meet your daughter. Oh and, I… want children too, so… how about when we get home, you know... you and I get started on that, I also brought an outfit that might... entice you?" heh, Weiss sure could get my blood pumping… damn, wonder what she brought that has her looking like that?


"Sure, will get on that right after, but first." I gave her one last smile, breathing out in preparation as I approached the room and walked inside. Blake lay in A bed with A huge number of blankets, one of them thought I could sense within… my baby girl and what A Ki too, she was saturated in it.


"Hey you. Say hi to your daughter." Blake whispered warmly, she held A babe within, wrapped in A blanket to which the babe within looked to be sound asleep.


"She has our hair color…" I said awkwardly, Blake thought so to as she chuckled lightly. My daughter, black of hair with her mother's fair skin and her Faunas ears. My black eyes though I noticed she had the cat irises of her mother when she suddenly awoken, so she wasn't asleep...


"She has A tail too, though I believe that's your doing Kron, not really sure if it's my racial traits?" Blake said, she was right of course. The tail's color is Black though so I'd have to make sure that she didn't see the moonlight until she was far older, then test if she could indeed transform into A Oozeru or it is a part of her Faunas heritage, though I'm thinking it is as she already has ears, that would be her faunas traits I believe. I couldn't take my eyes from my daughter… my daughter. This must be what my dad felt when he first had me and then my brother in my previous life, the need to protect this girl… protect Blake too as she held my girl dear to herself, A sheen of sweat marred her beautiful face. She is exhausted. The door opened and I could see Blake acknowledged who came through, speaking softly to the new arrival.


"Hey mom. Meet your granddaughter. Kron, we haven't together gone over any names, I hope you have given it some thought." Blake stressed, looking in my eyes, narrowed to which I snorted.


"I've got one. Jaina. After my grandmother." I spoke. From my previous life, A great woman who visited A lot in my youth to spend time with myself and my-"


"You never spoke of your parents."


"It's because they are gone. Don't look at me with pity Blake, I'll always remember them. I've got plenty of names at least for our children. If I wanted to 'honor them, though I'm just hoping to forget. Start fresh... but Grandmother Jaina... the name Jaina should still be in this family." I said, or they are 'gone' from when I ended up here. From the look on Blake's face, that small smile and then then our eyes left each other, gazing at the product of our 'love'.