Preparation and Resistance.

After A while I left Blake to get some rest, Jaina was still being looked after by the nurses, I left but not before checking my little girls fighting power. That thought had me floored though, my scouter read 42,156 and at first, I thought my scouter was going haywire. Nope, the device was working properly, she was going to be strong just like her old man. Yeah, I could feel that pride and my kid hadn't done anything yet but already, I loved her. Coming back out of the room, Weiss was no longer around, Kali stayed with her daughter and granddaughter while I headed to Goku's room, seems my story should be explained to the dragon ball cast… well, most of it minus being reincarnated of course, like that would be believed and all that.


Walking inside the room, I gazed around as I opened the door. Bulma, Krillin and Gohan along with his mom looked at me wearily. Goku, Korin and master Roshi watched me, their faces betraying nothing. Yajirobe and Oolong though… they looked ready to bolt. Besides them, Winter and Weiss were not around. I could see that most of them are seeing the Saiyan's that they fought against in me, my Ginyu issue armor highlighting the obvious. Roshi was the first to speak up, breaking the tension in the room.


"Your name is Kron. Young man, we have been told that you might be able to help us get to the planet Namek, can you or give our Bulma here the coordinates for the planet." the man was watching me careful, they were A bit wary of me still, my Ginyu-style armor reminded them of Nappa and Vegeta perhaps.


"It's doable, I suppose. I so happen to know an easier way to get there, you there... Bulma was it, come here." I pointed at her, watching her look around before she realized I said her name and then the girl approached me cautiously.


"-Hey now, I- hey!" I grabbed her outreached hand and the two of us disappeared before everyone's eyes, we are now in front of Guru's building, of planet Namek.


"Where are we-" she said, hastily checking our surroundings.


"Hush now, we're waiting for an old friend." I spoke quietly, she hesitantly nodded though she was more interested in the surroundings and the building itself than me anymore. When she noticed we were on top of A high peaked mesa and the only way to get down was to jump and die… or jump and fly well…


"-Hey! Were high up, I don't want to fall!" Bulma now noticed it and before I could tell her to quiet down, Nail came out in which he noticed me first then Bulma.


"Nail, your planet is going to be in danger, A great evil might be on it's way as we speak. How long can you gather the dragon balls, where going to need to-" I was interrupted by Bulma yet again, who yelled out in shock.


"-You, he looks like Piccolo! so this must be Namek, but… how, do you have some kind of teleportation device on hand?" she questioned me, but I ignored her for now and continued to speak to Nail.


"-make some wishes. Hope Guru is well and all, but time is of the essence, shall we get his permission?" I said, Guru spoke up, still eyeing Bulma with interest. He nodded, speaking up in his raspy voice.


"Sure, this way now. Mind the elevator new guest." he said, Bulma gulped but followed along.




He sat inside his ship, he along with his finest soldiers minus the Ginyu force was on their way towards the planet Namek. The planet was known to him, but it was A worthless rock, not worth anything and so it remained. But with Vegeta and his plan on obtaining immortality, he heard the gloating Saiyan through his scouter before he lost connection with them. The plan was ingenious… for A silly monkey though it had one glaring flaw.


"...It's not me obtaining it... yet… Zarbon, how long until we arrive?" he demanded from the changeling prince, Zarbon looked over Appule and then spoke up.


"We should arrive within Fourteen hours, it was unfortunate that we ourselves had dealt with that insignificant rebellion otherwise we would have been-" Frieza sneered at him in which Zarbon gulped before changing the subject.


"… Sire, should we send some men to pick up Vegeta, he ought to be eliminated now that the monkey had directly gone against you. There are some men in place on Frieza planet no.79 who would salivate at the thought of doing that one in… Cui among them." Zarbon said seriously, Frieza closed his eyes and smiled before turning from Zarbon and speaking up loudly for all of them to hear.


"... I will handle it, once Namek has been scrounged for these mystical balls… these so-called 'dragon balls', I will see to it personally, he is after all my pet monkey, it would be my responsibility to put down such A wayward feral animal of mine…. Until then you will keep an eye out for his meddling, if he even is alive by this point This Earth will also be dealt with in time, I don't like that there are others out there stronger than Vegeta but not serving their Emperor. Potential threats to my great empire..." Frieza chuckled lightly, what A grand idea… immortality, with that he would rule forever, not even Cooler would be able to outlive him with that amount of power.


"When we arrive, we will begin our search for these balls, I have heard the Ginyu force will be on A mission nearby so keep them on standby, to drop everything and to assist us if need be. I thought we would not see the need in having them assist us, but it does help to prepare for any and all contingencies." he stressed, Dodoria spoke up, laughing.


"Sire, I've heard of these Namekian's, though only that they have warriors that could match our troops. Then there's that nomad Namek whose being harassing trade routes, what was that one's name uh...-"

"-Slug. A thorn but otherwise an old man whose power is waning." Frieza growled out, Dodoria lightly chuckling from where he stood in agreement. Frieza ignored him and continued to sit in his hover chair, waiting for the trip to end before he addressed Zarbon.


"Zarbon, remind me to purge the remaining Saiyan's after this trip, they can no longer be trusted to live. Vegeta has shown his true colors, that of A traitor. The other one, I'll have the good captain 'take' care of later." Ginyu would take this one's body for himself, effectively ending the rest of that barbaric race of apes. Zarbon nodded wordlessly before returning to his task in checking over the crew.




Bulma stepped closer to me unconsciously as she regarded Nail. The lift which was taking us up stopped in which we then stepped off, Bulma much quicker than the both of us. 


"Hey uh, Kron… are- look at the size of-" I elbowed her lightly, speaking in her ear quietly to the woman.


"Show some respect yeah, he can hear you." Nail snorted, walking up to Guru and watched as we approached the elderly Namek. Said elder looked as if he was sleeping but that was just his eyes which looked closed. He spoke up, his voice raspy and he coughed A throaty cough before speaking.


"...Ah, Kron. I felt you from here, you've gotten much stronger. Are you here to help us?" he spoke, my conscious guilty, yeah… I said I would help… maybe… I have A plan for that, A diversion of sorts. I spoke up to relay what I thought could be A good plan.


"Hello lord Guru, this here is my uh… she's Bulma, an earthling from Earth. She and I have come in regard to your dragon balls. We have some wishes, friends who have perished in battle against evil forces. Those same forces are consequently coming here to make much more selfish wishes I believe." I said, ignoring Bluma's surprised glance. Guru slowly nodded, his mouth agape though not in any surprise nor fear, probably breathing through his mouth as I could hear his erratic breathing from here.


"Ah yes, I can sense A great unease inside you and from the planet… A feeling I only gotten once before, from the terrible storm that threatened to destroy my people. What have you got in mind, I'm guessing you have something, A plan in the works." Guru asked, I nodded slowly, hesitant. Hopefully this would work and before anyone would arrive. Bulma decided enough was enough and spoke, more like yelled loudly, turning to me and approaching me, looking to 'manhandle' me like she does anyone else she ever knew… not going to happen Ms. Briefs.


"So, it's true then, of you reviving Weiss, Blake and Raven and with these dragon balls instead of planet Earth's." she smiled whilst looking as if she was about to swing at me, but it was just her expressing herself with her hands like she was about to box me, like she approved of me, and I nodded before responding.


"Yes, it was A while ago. I have since been working undercover, to be in A position to destroy the Ginyu force whenever I wanted as well as scout out points of interest, plants with good gravity wells to train upon and the like. To keep close to my enemies, one of my clones right at this moment is working in the Ginyu force right now. So, we've got A play. Nail, you're going to have to harass the enemy that will come soon. Your immortal so you dying is out of the question, eliminate as much of the Planet Trade organization as you can, Frieza should then summon for the Ginyu force. I will try to sway them to defect otherwise I'll eliminate them. Guru, should we move your people off world, for now. Including yourself, I remember you made me promise to you that I'll assist you with A problem, A big one is incoming at least from what I know of." Guru sighed, before glancing upwards, his expression betraying nothing.


"I believe it would take too long for us to gather all my people, even with your ability to teleport, to move that much of my people, I sense that the great calamity would arrive before you could get all of my people moved. We will gather as many as possible, but I fear it would be too late to do so. Nail, my son, you will have to go, with your immortality, you have enough strength to deal with the great evil coming to our planet or at least... delaying them." Guru coughed, whilst glancing at Nail who nodded.


"What about getting your people to hide, there must be-" Bulma stressed in concern, Guru interrupted he, coughing before he spoke.


"-My people, I'm afraid most will die to this evil… Kron, help as much as you can, I'll try to gather- ...the great evil will arrive here and soon…" he glanced upwards again and then looked down in resignation.


"I'll see about gathering some more fighters, and then head to some of the closest villages I remember to try to get them off world. Nail, you know what to do, Guru, don't know if you can but, if you can telepathically speak with your people, can you convince them that we are allies, here to take them away for A while?"


"That can be done, I'll instill A visage of yourself and the female here, so as to put my children at ease. My people can sense evil, they will know you and the female earthling means them no harm and are here to help. Nail, please help your brothers."


"...Yes, lord Guru." Nail gave one final looked to Guru, then he nodded to me before leaving, intent on heading to where I'd imagine Frieza would land. Have fun Frieza, Nail is immortal, he will keep on giving, making him A great distraction… that is until the emperor himself tires of it and joins the fray.


"Come Bulma, will gather as much fighters as we can from Earth, then you and I will head to as many villages as possible, try to evacuate as much as we can." she looked scared by the prospect, replying.


"B-But I'm n-no soldier! What can I do-" I spoke aloud, before she could continue on A tirade.


"-Guru said that his children, even with my image in their heads thanks to Guru and his psychic abilities would still feel unease around me, I'm no saint… you on the other hand, you can easily put them at ease, allowing us to help faster at least for starters. Plus, you are being from what Winter's told me, is very smart, so smart in fact that you might have had something made to finds these dragon balls if one or more go missing by-" I was about to say, if the balls are hidden either by Vegeta or taken by Frieza but Bulma interrupted me.


"-Yes, I have such A device, fine then. We will have to pick it up at my place, then grab some of our friends before we can come back here. Take us back, we've got A rescue as many Piccolo's as we can-" This girl...


"-heh… Namekian's." I grabbed her shoulder, we ended up via instant transmission back on earth near Winter's Villa, which was A little closer to Capsule Corp then the Hospital and would save us time with explaining things.




He was in and out of consciousness, though he woke up as the ship blared its landing codes, hitting the landing zone, as the ship bounced upon the landing zone and its impact-resistant floor before he fell asleep again.


He could hear much though, as he was taken towards the healing facility within Frieza Planet No. 79 by the scientists and soldiers here. He felt as he was submerged in the healing liquid of the healing tanks, he would recover and have his vengeance, his wish and then Kron, Kakarot and… Frieza will fall to his power. He lost consciousness again… he would recover…




She along with Kron flew directly to her home, Capsule corp. She quickly gotten dressed into something for the trip, taken the dragon radar and headed back outside. Kron stood waiting around, watching her father work on their newest in technology, A spaceship which could have been used and Bulma would have enjoyed flying the ship but alas time was of the essence and Kron had the ability to take them directly there. The ship even had the latest in technology in navigation and engines so the trip would have been quick but there were too many things to do to prepare for such flight, like hacking into Winter and Salem's pods for coordinates for Namek and loading the ship with supplies, time they didn't have if what Kron and the Piccolo Guru uh- Namekian, Guru said to them.


She dressed up in suitable and comfortable clothes which would keep her warm and also took her emergency capsule case, filled with supplies and her house she can use to stay in if need be, also making sure her various vehicle capsules were inside the case, she was ready. Heading outside, she seen Kron trying to get away from her mother which made her chuckle, she hummed loudly, getting Kron's attention.


"I'm ready, will need to get back to the hospital."


"Right, hold on then. Uh, ma'am, A pleasure meeting you." he said awkwardly to her mom which made her outright chuckle at his nervousness. He lightly glared at her before she placed her hand on top of his. They disappeared and surprised everyone in the room. Weiss, Winter, Goku, Gohan, Krillin, Yang, Pyrrha and Roshi were guarded briefly to the intrusion before they all relaxed at seeing them, even if she was dressed differently. Oolong, Yajirobe, Chichi and the Ox king were the only ones who panicked at their teleportation inside the room.


"Hey guys! we've no need for A ship! I've been to Namek and we have no time to waste. So, who is coming to help us gather the-"Krillin loudly spoke up, looking A little guarded, though also hopeful from what Buma had just said.


"Hey Bulma, can you explain what happened, you and… him just disappeared and then we all got into an argument as to what happened to you." Krillin spoke up, still not trusting Kron she noted. Well, he did just teleport her before explaining anything. She looked at him, before sighting, she spoke up loudly and slowly so they would understand the problem, time was not on their side.


"Krillin, listen up. That goes for the rest of you all. I'm, only going to say this once. Kron just took myself and him to Namek, I've met with the uh…-"


"-Lord Guru." Kron added helpfully.


"...Yes, he… an elderly Namekian asked Kron for his help for an incoming evil the Namek is sure is coming to their planet. Now I don't know about all the magical hocus pocus stuff, but the old guy really looked worried about it, he's called on Kron to help them as he owes their people A favor. That must coincide with Weiss, Blake and Raven's story about being revived. So, with that in mind, who is coming to help Kron and I?" She spoke, her voice getting louder at the end, almost spitting on Krillin who flinched at her loud voice, finally though… one of them spoke up.


"...I'm going." Gohan said, looking down thoughtfully, his mother turned but not before scowling at Bulma before she yelled at her son.


"No! You're going to stay here with me! You've got homework you need to catch up with Gohan, I won't have you out on some alien planet as you'll worry to death!" Chichi basically screamed, Gohan though from what Bulma could see, he looked to be fighting inner turmoil before he had enough.


"I'm going! Mother! Our friends need to wished back, Mr. Piccolo too! Besides Mr. Kron also has friends who need our help, we've got to help them." Chichi grimaced, her son for once had stood his ground and what amounted to as A sneer on the young boy as he looked at his mother. Bulma hadn't seen Goku act like that before, but it might amount to Gohan's Saiyan nature coming out. Chichi finally, sighed before she relented.


"If you're going, I'm going to have to pack your homework young man. You'll promise me you'll do it and keep safe, don't go and do anything reckless. Kron, how long until you're leaving?" she asked, eyes longing on her son before she turned to Kron who answered quickly.


"I'm going to have to leave now, Lord Guru said about A great evil approaching his planet, an evil I know all too well. You guys get some rest and I'll be back inside of an hour. Hell… I could do it by myself, lord knows I'm strong enough but… if you're all offering to go, prepare yourself and I'll pick up later. Will have to be quick and also keep your power-levels to A minimum. Bulma, seeing as your wanting to come too, you could, or I would ask of you to start setting up A refuge quarter at your house which would be A better management of your time after we get the first group of Namekian's. With the dragon radar, you've contributed to our mission enough and well handle the going to Namek. So, Krillin… Gohan… and Chiaotzu. Who else wants to help." I looked at the remaining fighters in the hospital bar Goku who would not come for now. Pyrrha and Yang, Winter and Weiss were also covered in bandages. Yang spoke up.


"I would but, that last fight with the big guy, not to mention those other clowns after that has me staying here to recover. It was thanks to that little fat midget with the sword-"


-It's Yajirobe! You blonde headed bimbo! why I aught-"


-Geeze, yeah that's the name… anyway, he come along and offered Pyrrha, Weiss, Winter, Krillin and I Senzu beans so we could fight those guys and win against them. Chiaotzu helped with his psychic powers to help hold some of them down while the rest of us finished them off. Bar that, they still packed A punch so… I'm going to have to sit this one out." Yang finished, I didn't need her summery, but she would have said it anyway and it was good to know… I guess.


"Right, so seeing as your looking good to travel, the boy and you." pointing at Chiaotzu. "You'll accompany me, you too unless you want to stay here and heal some more." I said to Krillin who disagreed with me, shaking his head and speaking up in reply.


"No, I'll come. I'm not bad off thanks to Yajirobe and his timely arrival with them senzu beans. Bulma, are you coming or staying?" he looked to her, and she looked to be mulling it over, my words before giving her something to think over before… finally she replied.


"Yeah, I'll ask my dad to start preparing for uh… how many are we taking in, A whole planet worth?" she looked to me, and I answered, remembering their exact number thanks to my knowledge of the anime, though I could also know by sensing and the last time I was there, there are one hundred beings on that planet not counting Bulma who was with me.


"I believe there are only one hundred of them. Goku can ask King Kai but I'm sure I'm right. Now, the plan will be to round up all the Namekian's in A group and then I'll take them back to Earth where Bulma and her father should have A temporarily living arrangements. Then the dragon balls which should end up following the Namekian's to Earth, will have to keep Guru on the planet until the times is right. Then, will take out as many of the Planet Trade organization while they conduct their own search and Frieza will be forced to call in the Ginyu force. I'll take care of them then, my clone is already with them and will act accordingly. You three will take out the weaker members while-"Goku struggled to lift his head but replied in alarm.


"-Kill them? What about giving them A chance to surrender, to change their ways?" Goku interrupted and I snorted.


"You could… though I would bet my left and right hands that they'll stab you in the back… literally. They are much more afraid of the Cold family and will fall in line with them and the PTO. Better to just eliminate them now. I prepared to leave and see my daughter and Blake one last time, before I head off." Kron turned to head for the door, his step much quicker and he left the room for A few minutes. Bulma looked around, she glanced at the four going with Kron and herself at least for one trip before she would return back to Capsule Corp and prepare for the Namekian's they would rescue.


"You guys, get ready. Eat, whatever… in ten minutes or so, he'll be back and then we will leave from here." Bulma spoke, ending the silent mulling of most who occupied the room, those going wordlessly nodded in agreement.