


Awakening inside A familiar location, he realized that the healing tank was being drained and he felt great. Coming too, he glared at the scientist who was releasing him. The Alien had with him A new set of armor and A new scouter. Malaka, the scientist he dealt with the most and in turn he didn't mind spoke up as Vegeta got reacquainted with gravity while he opened his eyes.


"Your fully healed now though unfortunately we were not able to reconstruct your tail. Besides that, you have no lasting problems and should be one hundred percent healed. 


"My tail… yes, it's A shame. I no longer need it." Vegeta spoke, flexing his arms and tensing his legs slightly, getting A feel for his newly improved power. Malaka then continued speaking, wheezing slightly, the avian alien continued.


"Our computer has measured your power growth to have grown 50% since you last came by. Your fighting power is now 42,000. Congratulations." Malaka spoke, he gestured to the table where A similar uniform Vegeta usually wore was sitting neatly placed on the metal bench. A scouter, red colored also sat nearby. 


"How long have I been out?" Vegeta asked. Malaka responded.


"Since you arrived here, three days ago. So, three days." Vegeta nodded, dressing up and glancing at the scouter before. Lord Frieza left on some business, A pointless rebellion and he went personally, though I have heard he has taking A garrison of the finest men from Frieza planet number fifty-four with him and is since heading to an unknown area. We are unable to track him, though his last communication was confirmation of his route towards the planet Namek." Vegeta's grunted, wide eyes and he quickly gotten dressed quickly. He also hesitated with the scouter but decided to take it, to use it to track their progress. Vegeta knew that if Frieza got all of the dragon ball's, he would remain his slave forever until he died. That can't happen.


"Thank you doctor, I'll be taking that. There better be A ship outside for my use. Tell me, is the Ginyu force going to be there?" he asked quickly, still tense as to the answer. Kron was on Earth… maybe he left the Ginyu-force or something? Turned traitor to the PTO and now was in hiding on Earth? He certainly wasn't A loyalist if he didn't kill himself and the other low-class Saiyan Kakarot.


"The Ginyu- Force members are currently on their way to A planet to take over, their last communication was that all six of them would arrive within A day-"Vegeta turned quickly and interrupted the good doctor.


-Did you say six of them?" that doesn't sound right…


"...Uh, yeah… they are currently on route." Vegeta didn't understand how Kron was able to be in two places at once, maybe some kind of cloning ability he picked up, there are plenty of rare alien techniques that Vegeta himself didn't deign to learn for they were beneath him, cloning being one of them. But Kron has somehow made it his own, even from the drawbacks of such an ability and now was playing some kind of game. It meant he wasn't loyal to Frieza and his ilk, nor the Ginyu force if he spared Vegeta himself on that planet Earth instead of just killing him like A loyal dog would have, Saiyan or not. It was all very…. strange. No matter, he had A wish to make and he needed to get there yesterday. Frieza would rue the day once Vegeta made his wish of immortality and then he would beat him finally, then Kron and Kakarot would be fought and this time… he would win. Crush them more like, Vegeta almost grinned at the thought of ultimate power.


Hurrying out the room, he continued to ponder how exactly he would go about getting the dragon balls when someone, A familiar someone… uh, Cui… Now this one was beneath him, no longer his equal since he started training. That smug smile though on that alien fishes face ticked him off something fierce and Vegeta finally looked upon the fool, A sneer on his face at this...creature's audacity. Vegeta walked up to Cui, glaring at the smug look on Cui's face before speaking up, almost growling.


"Out of the way Cui, I have no time for someone not on my level anymore. Step aside before i go through you." Cui continued to chuckle and then replied, smirking slightly.


"AH… Vegeta, back from your non-sanctioned mission huh… and look, two less monkeys, I hear you and your entourage got A thrashing. Planet Earth, was it? That is, according to your pods last known location. So, there are powerful fighters on this planet huh… too bad Frieza isn't impressed with your insubordination in going there. Now, come quietly Vegeta or there will be… trouble. The kind I like, you're no longer haver any standing around here, and with two less apes you're now alone." Vegeta noted that A few of the PTO members had begun to circle him though much more hesitant to attack him while A select few had come to back up Cui in trying to apprehend him. Vegeta though had begun to chuckle, his laughter started light before his laughter become louder which begun to either spook or outright annoy those gathered around him and Cui begun to glare in turn at Vegeta's audacity to mockingly laugh at him and his men.


"... Ahahah, good one Cui, you will take me, is that it? And you and your goons here think they even have A chance anymore… I gathered you haven't spoken with the good doctor yes." Cui sneered, tensing A fist as he replied.


"No matter how much stronger you've gotten, you forget Vegeta, I also have gotten much stronger since your recent spike in power. And then there's some of the boys here, they and I can take you… you should have come quietly, now you've made me do this so resist... fool." Cui begun to chuckle, some of the others too. Vegeta scoffed, he didn't have time for this. He blasted backwards with A Ki blast which suddenly engulfed those in front though Vegeta used it to momentum backwards and headed for his ship which should be there. The surprise of his Ki fluctuating and the explosion they had to either dodge or try and black as he trampled though A good stack of PTO grunts before he flew outside would give him some time to prep the ship. He landed inside and punched in the right codes and then selected Namek in the navigation system, after that he was ready. The ship begun to take off and he left, seeing A big group of fools moshing outside to try and cut him off but they were too late. Vegeta laughed but he hadn't the time to fool around with such weaklings, he had bigger fish to fry.


(King Kai-POV)


He tried to warn Goku and through him, his friends in tangling themselves with Frieza and his family but that Kron wasn't listening and Goku liked the sound of fighting someone stronger than Vegeta and Kron. His warnings fell on death ears and the other one, Kron acted like he didn't even hear him. Though their mission, he understood that saving the Namekian's before they would be targets Frieza would mercilessly slaughter for his own wish was A great thing, saving them but still... fighting against the tyrant known as Frieza would be suicide. 


King Kai sighed, he would have some guests soon. Raven plus her tag Along's it seemed would be here soon, perhaps hours until they came to receive his training, Raven to continue hers.


"Well Bubbles, we've got some guests coming." he said to the dancing monkey as he continued to touch grass with his feet.




I opted to leave my Saiyan armor here and instead gotten A hold of some normal clothes, A hoodie and some shorts that the hospital had leftover in the lost and found area. If I was going, I didn't want to put out my Clone which was still in place inside the Ginyu-force. but I had access to A spare capsule thanks to Bulma so I took it and placed my armor inside along with another capsule full of food. My cloned self-there would allow myself to keep track of the Ginyu-force until I was ready to deal with them and turn 'traitor'. I looked good in A dark blue hoodie and some grey shorts. Taking Goku's boots at his protest was funny too, he and I pretty much had the same feet size, I would let Bulma take my uniform later after Namek though from what I know off her, she already had the technology so it might be better to just hold onto my own shit.


Gohan, Krillin and Chiaotzu were ready, they looked to have gotten their clothes and stuff from Bulma who kept copies of them via her capsules, thanks to Roshi bringing the clothes and Launch bringing spares for Chiaotzu. She even offered them A banquet, feasting in the same room that Goku was in, which was also funny because he couldn't have any. Pyrrha, who looked much better than Yang came up to me, slowly approaching me as I entered from the side where she was with Yang, Weiss and Winter though I could see her at the corner of my eye.


"I'm ready too, I've got all I need, and I've got my weapon in order." I nodded, turning to her. Her determination was easily seen within her eyes. I replied quickly while thinking of Namek and the cluster-fuck this was beginning to turn into, Frieza and his men won't be killing all of the Namekian's if I had my way.


"Right, sure. This mission, I'm going to be in charge, seeing as you've served in your hunter's corps back on Remnant, you should know how to follow orders." she nodded, no hesitation as she responded with A salute. Her salute surprised Winter and Weiss as they turned to look over though I think they were already watching... like hawks. Along with Yang who came over with A grin. Weiss beat the smirking Yang over and spoke before Yang could speak make even A comment. Winter followed her sister over too.


"What is going on, Kron… Pyrrha? are you guys leaving now?" she asked, her sister Winter glanced around and she and myself noted we were ignored for now while the rest continued to prepare. I nodded to Pyrrha who, now at the center of attention awkwardly explained while itching her right-side cheek and then tucking some strands of hair behind her right ear as I got out of explaining and headed over to Gohan though I heard what was said.


"I've volunteered to come to and are ready to, I'm ready and compared to you three I was the least amount damaged both by the giant Saiyan and those goons soon after and thanks to the Senzu bean as well. Another person to help should speed things up." Pyrrha spoke, Weiss nodded slowly, digesting the information and Winter didn't seemed bothered by her explanation. Yang however ruined the whole thing when her face took on A sly as I glanced over to look at them, Yang almost smirking when she spoke.


"...You just want-" Pyrrha, being close by, intercepted the blond and covered her mouth. An awkward laugh followed out from Pyrrha's lips as she continued to hold Yang and kept her hand upon her mouth. Finally, after the moment, I coughed and spoke up to everyone there.


"Right, let's go. All of you, come here. We're leaving. Say goodbye to your friends and loved ones. Remember, at any time you want to retreat to heal, I can take you back so there's no fear of dying on planet Namek." I said, turning to Winter and Weiss as they approached me in concern and their faces mirrored one another... laced with concern.

"Don't worry, and hey. Come here" I said to the sisters, they looked around the room and hesitated.

I snorted, they were in range in which I instantly and surprised the whole room when I started fondling Weiss, blocking her moans with A lust-filled kiss as I grabbed the back of her head under her ponytail and made out with her. Winter seemed embarrassed, not yet used to public displays of affection so when I released Weiss, she came onto me and hugged me. I returned her hug and then kissed her while groping her. Chichi was blocking Gohan's eyes while Goku watched dumbfounded, confused. Krillin and Bulma along with Roshi looked to be in different stages of embarrassment or shock, Roshi was giving me two thumbs up while he laughed like the horny bastard he portrays himself as. 


Finally, I released her and walked into the middle of the room, Pyrrha by my side while I waited. Soon Krillin, Gohan who could now see again and Chiaotzu approached me. I spoke to them. Bulma walked forward, holding onto my shoulder and awaiting the sensation that is 'instant transmission'.


"Hold on to each other and myself. We're off." first up, lord Guru in order to bring out these guys potential.




Upon landing, he waited while Zarbon and Dodoria gathered the troops. A total of twenty men would accompany him in his entourage while they searched for his dragon balls. The rest of the forty men would guard the ship and ten of those men would be sent out to scout. Heading outside on his hover throne, hovering out of the ship via the top entrance. His soldiers and aids followed him outside and he spoke up, staring around the desolate planet.


"Zarbon, have you located any of these Namekian's yet?" Zarbon was looking around, his blue-colored scouter scanning around. He smirked and pointed in A direction.


"Yes Sire, there appear to be Namekian's to the east. We should start there." Frieza didn't respond verbally and instead used his own scouter to keep track of the Namekian's Zarbon picked up. He then flew in the direction, his men followed suit. 


Their flight across the planet towards where the scouters picked up the fighting powers wasn't long, A measly thirty minutes before the outline of A village could be seen, Frieza chuckled menacingly and then spotted those green Namekian's, A number of them old men or children. Landing, his men begun to circle the aliens who now appeared to be looking at them in concern and fear before Frieza spoke up.


"My… how quaint. I am Frieza, you may address me as such or lord… or Emperor. I have come to your… beautiful planet in searching of something, or seven somethings. Tell me village people, are you in possession of such an item I've heard about. Called A dragon ball? I have good information your people possess seven of these items and I very much like to 'have' them." his soldiers chuckled at their dumbfounded faces, the children cowered to their elders and said elders looked at each other in concern. It was an elder who approached them, he begun to speak which grated on Frieza's dwindling patience.


"... … … … … …?" The Namekian begun to speak but it wasn't the common tongue. Their language grated his ears and Frieza held up A hand to the creature.


"Hmm… Dodoria, ask these men if they speak our language would you" Frieza watched as Dodoria grunted, afterimaging behind the elder Namek near the one who spoke and then landing his two fists into both sides of the alien's head, the Namekian was brought low and Frieza chuckled.




Krillin, Gohan and Chiaotzu while Bulma kept A hold on as she knew where we are and wasn't fond of the view. the rest let go immediately as we appeared on top of the natural formation where Guru's place sat. Bulma let go as I spoke to everyone.


"Alright, head on inside first, Guru can help unlock your potential. I'll get started. I sensed around and realize now that Frieza is here, the guy moves fast, Bulma let's go." Pyrrha let go and then the four of them went inside hesitantly. Nail was there and it surprised Krillin and Gohan who spoke at the same time.


"Huh-" they all gasped in awe or surprise on seeing another Namek other than the two they knew on Earth, Piccolo and Kami.


"-This way, please be quick. Lord Guru is expecting you all. Kron, I'll be accompanying you." Nail spoke up, I nodded to the man, and we left via flying. Nail headed in the direction of the closest village I remembered was nearby and we landed. The Namekian's looked to be all gathered and even the warriors were here. Nail spoke to me while I looked at them all.


"The warriors want to stay and fight, they have grown much stronger since you made that wish for us. Now if you would, I have the next three villages gathering their people as we speak. We must act fast." Nail spoke and I wordlessly agreed with him.

 "If you're sure, though don't blame me if I'm not willing to risk them dying, Guru would not like them dying." he died of A broken heart in 'canon' so if I can help it, keeping the Namekian's alive is paramount. Nail, Bulma and I reappeared at the village I remember visiting those times I've come to gather the dragon balls and they looked shocked by the sudden intrusion. Seeing myself, Bulma and Nail helped, and they snapped out of their funk while the elder approached.

"Alright those Namekian's I'm taking to safety, take the hand of those next to you and will be off." the Namekian's looked at each other and the warriors stood by with nail not doing what I said. The elders, the non-fighters and children took each other's hands, and I made way to the closest Namek. Touching them and then my forehead, we appeared on the grass sounding Capsule Corp, Bulma let go and went on to help the new arrivals. Letting them go, I would let Bulma and whoever she roped into helping her settle them down and I appeared back where I last was.


"Let's go, this way. You warrior, take the dragon ball to the cave we've discussed about with Guri when he used his telepathy." Nail spoke up, arms folded as he nodded in another direction. I kept my fighting-power as low as I could, no need to give away the game just yet, though if I was scanned by Frieza's PTO trooper's scouters, I would be in A similar level to those with me bar Nail. The Namekian warriors, four of them followed us as we went to the next village and one went in the opposite location, dragon ball in hand.


(Pyrrha Nikos-POV)


Guru is A big guy, elderly and seemed to be older than anyone she had ever met. He wheezed while he looked at them and Pyrrha felt kind of bad for the man whose planet at the moment would be invaded, much like her one was when she was but A teenager. Krillin, Chiaotzu and Gohan too had approached the giant Namek as they cautiously approached him, the Namek named Guru finally spoke up.


"...We have not much time, I would have liked to have gotten to know you first but if your allies of Kron, I will trust him as he trusts you all here today. I will thank you and offer you my help in the only way I can help." he beckoned first Gohan to approach him who slightly hesitated. Pyrrha tapped him on the shoulder and gave the young boy A smile, some encouragement and he nodded, heading forward to Guru. The elderly Namek then laid A massive hand onto the boy's head and spoke loudly.


"This I can do, I will attempt to unlock your potential. Your hidden powers will be needed in the battles to- ~Cough~ -come. Now… stay still now young one." Pyrrha watched transfixed as Gohan's aura suddenly let loose from him, swirling around him intensely as his Ki fluctuated around him. His Ki looked to be intense, flowing off of him in waves. Krillin was heard gasping in shock, at the feeling of Gohan's increase in power and Chiaotzu too looked transfixed on the display. Finally, after A brief but tense situation, Guru raised his hand and sighed loudly before gesturing to the next one closet to him, which was her.


"You next lass, come to me." she walked forward, watching as Gohan walked off while he continued to gasp in awe. She could feel his power increase and looked hopeful for her own. Stepping in A position as Gohan was before, she watched as the elderly Namek laid his left hand upon her head. Pyrrha closed her eyes and awaited Guru who then sighed.

"... hmm, your potential is less than the young boy, Gohan was it. I found that… out through your surface thoughts. You- ~Cough~ -though young lady have much hidden power too. Let me unlock it for you." he then concentrated, Pyrrha felt herself heat up and her Ki unconsciously begun to swirl around her, much like what Gohan's had done just before her. She shuddered as her power swirled around the room, her sword at her side begun to try and move from her semblance she was unconsciously using, Ki danced like lightning along random parts of her. Finally, though… Guru stopped and breathed out, looking to be spent somewhat before he spoke up.


"The next one, you young man." 


"What me?" Chiaotzu spoke and then hurriedly moved to where Pyrrha was moments before. She paid none of them no mind as she got A feeling of her increased strength.




The next village we landed at was not far from the last, we were increasingly getting closer to Frieza and his ilk. So far, I, Nail and the eight warriors backing us up continued to head from the first village to the next village, there were ten Namek warriors, but I sent this dragon ball with them back to A safe place, A cave nearby that Nail mentioned about. This village which would be the third, the Namekian's were all gathered up and their dragon ball was in the elder's hands. Nail awaited me while I, like the previous villages gathered everyone up and then spoke to them.


"Alright guys, make sure you all hold on to each other. Will be going to A safe place. You go and take the third ball to that secret cave we've decided to make our point of interest." The elderly and the young children looked at each other and then held each other by the hands while the lone warrior who now held the dragon ball nodded before he left. Everyone who was leaving gathered which made making my instant transmission easy to conjure and move them. Reappearing with this batch, I let go of those nearest to me and spoke up, reassuring them.


"Wait here, friends of mine will come along shortly." using instant transmission again, I reappeared on Namek. Nail nodded towards another area, and we went off.


"This way, the Namekian warriors will take you to the last villages. I'm going to go distract those evil presences. And with my immortality, I should be able to keep them distracted for A while." Nail smirked, nodding in my direction to which I grinned at him with A nod. A few of the Namekian's spoke up in protest.


"Hey, we can come too! Allows us to fight with you." another Namek warrior nodded and added.


"Yeah, they shouldn't be that tough." another spoke, confident in his power. Nail disagreed, nodding no when he replied.


"No. You'll only get in my way and besides, I can't die. I will be able to scout out these fighters, take out as many of them as I can and not die in the process. You all will fight when the time is right brothers. The one Kron has named Frieza, the one lord Guru has sensed is immensely powerful. I know you all can sense him from here, he has made no attempt to hide his power from our people, unlike Kron here." Nail then turned his attention to me.


"My brothers will take you to the fourth village, hurry." he said, jumping upwards and blasting off towards where I could sense the overwhelming power of Frieza and his ilk.