The Waiting Game.

(Winter Schnee-POV)


She along with her sister waited for the bandages to be removed which was they were told, today. Goku however would spend some weeks before he could get his taken off. It hadn't even been five hours yet when those who went to Namek left by Kron's 'Instant transmission' and then Bulma called, telling them how she was now busy with housing the Namekian's, giving them things to do while they stayed on planet Earth. Blake and Jaina along with Kali were allowed to go home, Winter's villa was their home for now too.


Goku had to wait for until that ancient cat Korin came back to heal him, so he was still out of commission. Not long after her musing, the nurse came in and spoke up.


"Let's see, now how are you feeling Goku?" she walked over towards him, and Winter left the room, getting some fresh air would do her good. Heading to the roof, she seen Weiss was out here as well. She headed towards her and spoke up softly.


"You think of him, sister?" she looked out towards the horizon and her voice pulled Weiss out from her thoughts, startling her. She replied.


"Heh… it's fumy, I know. I can't help it. It's funny, I was more worried about taking over your position, that of heiress before… all this. Now though, I can't help but be enviousness towards Blake and her daughter. I want children of my own." Winter nodded, not that surprised by her words. Little Jaina grew on them all in the short time she came to be. Before Winter could speak up, she heard the familiar noise of A technique, the 'instant transmission', they both turned upwards and seen Kron along with three Namekian children with him. He came down, surprised they were there and then he helped the children down.


"Hey, I've brought these three here, there here to help. Uh, Hey Dende, could you and your friends heal these two as well." he asked gently, showing A side to strangers he rarely shown. Weiss smiled at his kindness and Winter snorted, she was heavily infatuated. Not to say she wasn't either but-


"...Ah… what is, that light is healing us?" Weiss asked dumbfounded, the three Namekian children looked to be in deep concentration, their hands held out as they barely touched Weiss, the light glow almost humming. Finally, they stopped, and Weiss looked to be feeling much better, she removed her own bandages. Looking at her sister in A questioning tone at having removed her own bandages without permission from the doctor, Weiss scoffed and then responded to Winter's goading look.


"I'm fine now, I felt great in fact. Thanks, little guys, Dende and uh-" They ignored her though they looked to be embarrassed as they headed towards Winter and begun to heal her as well. After not long, she too was healed.


"Wow… thanks guys. I guess you're here to heal Goku as well." Kron nodded, replying.


"I'm going to leave these three here for now. Heal up Goku and you and him get yourselves to Capsule Corp. Bulma's old man should have A ship, one that Goku had asked about. You'll be able to train inside on the trip. I'm heading back, Dende, look out for your brothers.


"I-I will Mr. Kron." Dende nodded, before Kron disappeared. The three Namekian children then looked to them, Winter nodded towards the door off the roof and spoke up.


"Come on, Goku is this way. I don't suppose you little guys are hungry, are you?" she glanced at them, Weiss followed along wordlessly, A small smile tugging her lips.


"...We could use some water, if you d-don't mind." Dende responded shyly. Winter chuckled.




"Sire, we will arrive within three days or less, while the armored squadron you sent ahead of time would arrive faster, A mere two days with their superior speed and their head start. Sire… are you sure about this, killing your own family?" Cooler looked at the fool who dare questioned him as if it was morally wrong, before his look hardened as he answered the fool though he was more speaking to himself, to reassure him that this was the right course of action.


"Frieza has earned my ire repeatably. He is A fool who I will destroy, father will try to stop me, I'm sure. If he knew just what I'm planning. My rule, I will cut off all unneeded growths to my empire like them two. So yes, I figure killing him off will be sufficient, he is in my way. It is as simple as that… Oh and yes…" he felt when the Ki left his eyes as he annihilated the foolish alien who wasn't even important, A mere pilot who took over leading the ship after his armored squadron left A Day ago. The next pilot nearby gulped, as he realized he was next in charge. Cooler glowered at the alien pilot before humming, swirling around his glass of wine, his boredom he tried fighting against.


"No, matter. Make sure we arrive on time to stop him from achieving his wish. Now, off with you. Do question me again, if you're brave otherwise concentrate on flying my ship." the aliens got to work much harder, they all nodded like the sheep they were and then Cooler continued to stare out into space menacingly.




The fourth village turned out to be Moori's village, The Namekian's here were only the warriors with me, they were ready to take me to the next village when two scouts, wearing PTO armor landed. These two, the same from canon who blew up Gohan, Krillin and Bulma's ship appeared to be surveying the situation. They landed opposite us. Myself and the twelve Namekian warriors assisting me. With the other four Namekian warriors gone to the cave and bringing the dragon balls we now had plus Nail, there is A considerable force arrayed against the PTO, not to mention the Z-fighters. These two however didn't looked to be worried in the slightest. Dumb asses looked convinced that they were superior, I remembered almost fondly how they got themselves beat up in 'canon' via Krillin and Gohan.


"Look, we've found another village. We'd better report back-" they were erased, Two of the Namekian's not letting them time to relay any messages as they fired off two blasts towards them, theses blasts were slow and the two managed to dodge. It was my attack, that came after they moved that finished them off, swallowing the two in A harsh purple light, much faster and more intense than my ally's attempts. They were dealt with, but I knew their presence or lack thereof would still be noted by them now not able to report into Frieza and his lot.


"Next village fellas. You can bring the dragon ball back." A Namek with the four-star ball nodded, heading to the location which held the other three we'd collected. I looked up and noted A attack ball coming downward, impacting into the planet then another fourteen of them came down after it. My money was on Vegeta arriving, but I wasn't sure about the rest. Cui and his boys maybe?


"Alright, lets try to make it to the next village, try and keep your fighting powers down still. Nail will do his part." the Namek's looked reared up though they knew to keep A low profile what with their advanced Ki use. They led me still and I wondered how Nail would fare.




The Namekian's tried to play him, Dodoria and his grunts dealt with them though and he got his first prize. The dragon ball being the size of Dodoria's head. His aide Zarbon kept the dragon ball under his arm and waited for the grunt scouts he sent. Zarbon frowned, his scouter being heard and Frieza spoke up.


"Zarbon, what is it." he asked unconcerned.


"...Just that the scouts I sent to intercept those powers we were able to pick up stopped transmitting at the same time. Now we've found that these Namekian's are A lot stronger than we thought, there might be A village in that direction though as the scouts aren't as strong as the warriors we defeated here. Should I call for reinforcements from the ship sire? have A team of them lead an assault on the area." Zarbon asked and Frieza snorted, chuckling. It was true that the warriors of these Namekian's were A lot stronger than even his elite force he brought with him. Dodoria and Zarbon were enough to deal with their warriors… if they worked together. The strongest one here had A battle power at 17,000 before even he died to Zarbon. Finally, after some thought, Frieza rasped out, lightly chuckling before he spoke.


"We will all head to this new area where your scouts were wiped out. If there is A village, I will be grateful for their sacrifice. Now let's go men. I want ball number two in my possession." his remaining forces and his aides nodded towards him, they prepare to leave the graveyard they made the village out to be when an unknown no, another Namekian landed nearby, this one staring with sheer hate Frieza had seen all before, his rage present on his face and he and his men laughed at him. Finally, though the laughter made way for silence in which Frieza spoke to the green lizard-man.


"Ah… another warrior, well as you can see. My men and I were about to leave this place, we've outworn our welcome now. Hehehe, So Namekian, your free to attack us or if your smart you'll lead the way to more of your people's trinkets. I'm I collector you see. What will it be green man? Oh… don't look at me like that, had you arrived much earlier, you would have borne witness to myself putting on A grand display of my superior power against this villages foolish elder, his mockery after all was the cause for my... discomfort. I simply acted, heh..." Frieza sneered, chuckling as he glimpsed the Namek's face which snarled at his words, his eyes roaming over the corpses of his people before… the Namek calmed down and sighed, getting into A fighting stance. 


"No way, you and yours have brought death to my people, your disregard for life makes me sick. Now, I'll stop you and your men, here and now." The Namekian brought about laughter from his remaining men and his aides. Dodoria speaking up, growling through his cackling voice to Frieza.


"Allow me to deal with this one sire, these other weaklings here are only good for carrying your dragon balls." Dodoria spoke to which Frieza's red-colored scouter begun to scan the Namek in front of him.


"...Hmmm, this one's is at 30,000. The strongest one we've accounted. Zarbon, Dodoria… deal with this one together. I will call in the Ginyu force, these Namek's are much stronger than what our data of them says… someone is mocking me with false information, you remaining men, bring my dragon ball with me back to my ship. I need to make A call." he spoke, hovering upwards and his PTO grunts followed suit. Zarbon and Dodoria watched the Namek in front of them before they begun to power up in preparation of their battle. Frieza, uninterested in their beginning bout, left with his men and then first dragon ball in his possession. Though he stopped mid-way as A blast, Purple in color rocked forward towards him and his men, The Namekian launched an attack at him which engulfed A few of his men, including the silly fellow, Orlen with the yellow skin, elongated head and red eyes who was carrying his dragon ball. The explosion angered Frieza who looked for the ball. It dropped towards the ground and Frieza used his telekinesis, and the ball came hurling towards him.


"Deal with him and be quick about it you two. The rest of you…" he didn't need to finish his sentence as he blasted off, his men following suit. Ginyu had better answer him, he was getting impatient in dealing with these green lizard-men.


(Pyrrha Nikos-POV)


Guru finished up with Krillin, his power potential unlocked the last. With that, Guru explained to them that there was another village to the north-west with A dragon ball and sent them on their way. Making sure they hid their power from the P.T.O, Krillin and herself took the front while Gohan and Chiaotzu guarded the rear. They hopped from island to island whilst hiding their power-levels, watching out for the village Guru sent them out to so they were further apart from each other in order to have A much larger range of search. Krillin called out, not looking at them but since they are in shouting range, they could hear him.


"There is A heap of them I can sense, I think I can also sense Vegeta as well. So, be ready for that guy." Krillin said, they, including herself nodded in preparation and they came across an island they hopped too. There, the bodies of scattered PTO soldiers of all different kinds of races lied scattered in various states of death. The man in the middle, that same hairstyle they knew to be Vegeta and some other P.T.O soldiers, one of them an alien of purple color and the likes of looks that reminded her of A fish, in other words Pyrrha found him lacking in the looks department.


"There he is, and it looks like he's fighting against his own. The question is, what do we do about it? I should be able to handle up to three times Kaio-ken now… What about you Pyrrha?" he looked at her, she considered that after the last battle with the Crusher Corps and then before with Guru unlocking her hidden power, she might be able to use Kaio-ken times three, however long it lasts wouldn't matter if they worked together and took them out fast.


"Yeah, I should be able to as well. I think we should evade him for now and concentrate on helping the Namekian's." Pyrrha whispered, Krillin looked thoughtful before nodding in agreement.


"Huh… yeah, you're right. Gohan, Chiaotzu, will be going around him, watch your power, we don't want to get picked up by their scouters." Krillin warned to which they nodded in agreement.


'Right!." Gohan nodded, Chiaotzu nodded wordlessly.




"So, Cui, so far your boys and you have been A might disappointment. Haaaaa!" he yelled loudly, thrusting forward one hand as A blast shot forward and decimated the rest of Cui's men who have since learned how outclassed they are, Cui himself had enough speed to get clear of the blast before the area went up in debris and dust, the explosion temporarily blinded him as he instinctively raised an arm to cover his face while he tapped into that new sensation he'd found he's been picking up, that those of Earth were able to do as he tried to sense for the idiot, Cui he could feel somewhat from his new technique.


"Heh…" Vegeta grunted out, turning towards where Cui appeared as he was powering up A blast of his own, he looked to be sweating but with A coy smirk on his ugly mug as he looked at Vegeta.


"Uhhgh… take this traitorous monkey!" the blast, red in color engulfed Vegeta and… barely tickled him, Vegeta smirked, waiting for the dust to clear where he could then show Cui why he was the superior fighter between the both of them, right now though he gave the fool A sense of relief as Vegeta pretended he was dead within the explosion, crudely hiding his power. And indeed, as the dust cleared, Cui was talking through his scouter which was when Vegeta begun his preparation in order to quickly destroy the disgusting looking amphibian-like alien in A single blast while also showing Cui and more importantly his allies though the scouter why fighting against him would be his and their last mistake they made in this dimension.


"-Appule, make note to our lord Frieza that I have destroyed- Veg-Vegeta!" Cui spoke his name in shock when Vegeta begun to growl, that urge to annihilate this fool and show him why none shall mess with Vegeta now…


"W-What's wrong C-Cui, you l-look like as if you've seen A g-ghost- haha hehe" Vegeta said through grunts and gritted teeth, his power being unleashed, both his power and Vegeta begun cackling, him in laughter while his Ki charged around him as he continued to release all of his fighting power, Cui clicked off communications and then his scouter begun to automatically log Vegeta' fighting power with Cui screaming out-loud in surprise the vast amount.


"-What! B-but t-that cannot b-be! Thirty-thousand- no, it's still climbing! Huh! No!"

Thirty-four thousand! No way!" Cui's instinct was to slowly walk backwards in fear, the sheer Ki being read on his scouter giving the alien A sense of dread.


"Yes way you purple-looking guppy. Your being wasting away getting soft while I have been on constant missions, all the while growing stronger… and stronger!" he and the planet around them begun to tremble as Vegeta unleashed every ounce of his might.


Thirty-five-thousand-" Cui's scouter then blew, and Vegeta smirked, ready and he was ready to unleash his attack upon Cui, the cur...


"I might see you again Cui… in the next dimension... heh- Hurrrrahhhggh!!!." Vegeta fired off A blast which caught up with the retreating Cui and engulfed him. he then looked around at the bodies he killed and then continued to look around some more. He thought that he sensed someone nearby by chalked it up to being some of these weak PTO members running away from him.


'Now, no doubt I know Frieza would know I am here, their scouters would have picked my power up and then Cui did get one of them on the scouters communications. I can definitely take on Dodoria and Zarbon, no problem… but Frieza… Frieza is much too strong. I would have to first prioritize finding just one of these dragon balls and… hiding it, then when Frieza gathers the rest I could steal them and make my wish!'


"Make sure you gather them dragon balls Frieza… so I may lay my claim to them and swipe them from right under your nose. Heheha" he powered up and blasted off, intent on finding A mythical dragon ball.


(Yang Xiao Long-POV)


"...Huh well, thanks for that squirt." she said to the young boy Namekian who shyly nodded at her, finished with healing her wounds. Flexing her arms around, she turned to her sister and father. They came to visit her while she healed up.


"How you feeling sis, I noticed your wounds disappearing while that young uh… little guy was healing you." Ruby asked, looking her way in concern. Their father added.


"You're looking better Yang. How about I ring where Qrow is, make sure he gets you some non-hospital food for you." her father said through A grin. Yang smiled and replied, reaching A arm around her sister who even as an adult, still had A shyness to her which Yang liked to tease from time to time.


"Yeah, that's sounds alright, Ruby I feel as good as I do after A day at the spar. So Ruby, you should consider training with me too. The boys like these." Yang teased her sister, Ruby turned beat red while Yang playfully showed off her mid-riff and her arm muscle, which had become more defined since she came to earth. Her dad snorted, replying.


"Well, I'll head down and wait for Qrow, your friends Yang uh… they are really lively heh hee" he said, Goku was jumping around as he gotten healed just then and the Schnee sisters were to be the last ones healed. Ruby sat on the bed and spoke up, Yang sat near her.


"You going off to another planet, do you want me to come with. I can bring my 'Crescent Rose' help with precision shooting? I've been keeping up with my training in that regard at least, those uh, dinosaurs are great game to hunt and the income from selling their meat is good. So Yang, how about it?" she asked, Ruby got A job as at Capsule Corp as of late, as security but she also hunted on the side with her coveted weapon. She used her 'Crescent Rose' and with expert skill was able to stop any and all attempts from rival companies from stealing the advanced technology the Briefs were making.


"Nah… where we're going, the bad guy's dodge bullets quicker than most fighters back home. Will have to go get some drinks when I get back, bring Weiss and Blake too now that Blake has had her kid, yeah." Yang answered, Ruby nodded and then replied while looking unsure.


"We could invite them, but I don't think... what- with the baby-" Ruby was interrupted when Winter and Weiss came over along with Goku. The old man Roshi walked forward as he glanced at everyone present.


"Well, I guess your all healed up thanks to you three whipper snappers, thanks for that. That Saiyan Kron brought you all here, right." he addressed the three, the oldest of the boys nodded, replying.


"Yes sir… Kron has been the first visitor to our planet for since the great calamity that struck planet Namek." the Namek boy spoke timidly, as everyone gazed upon him and the other two. Goku spoke up, serious as he flexed A hand forward as he tightened his dark-blue Gi belt.


"Well, I guess I'll head to Namek and help them out." he said, looking around the room before adding.


"Winter, you, your sister, and uh Yang are also coming right? We should figure out what's the plan with us heading to Namek. Hey uh-"


"-My Names Dende and uh Mr. Kron gave me this piece of paper, to give to his uh, Winter lady. Which uh, one of you is she?" he looked around clueless, looking among them while Yang snorted, that Kron was such A horn dog, what with three women in his 'harem'… 

The Namek boy, Dende was approached by Winter who said Namekian handed over A note roughly written and she then proceeded to read the note before letting everyone else know A simplified version.


"So, Kron is of the mind that Dr. Briefs, with all the technology available to him via my selling that… yes, I see, alright then. We are to head to Dr. Briefs at Capsule Corp, and he should have A ship ready for our use. Kron believes that we will benefit from the benefit from the training, Goku more than others. Goku blinked, replying.


'That is right, I did ask him to make me A machine to help me train, King Kai's planet gave me the idea. Bulma's dad did say he would in… in… uh-


"-Incorporate." Winter finished helpfully for him, he nodded, continuing to speak excitedly.


"-Yeah, that. He said he would do that and add it onto the ship, on the phone he then begun to uh… speak some other weird words but mentioned again he would get it done with what he had available to him. I guess we should head on over there. I'm feeling chipper enough to restart my training. Though it's A shame Kron hadn't decided to just uh, teleport us to Namek, he must be busy." he said, intent on jumping out the window.


"...Flying Nimbus!" Goku yelled as he jumped, Ruby looked to Yang as he did so and Yang laughed, replying to her look of disbelief.


"Yeah… these are interesting times."




Time flew like us, twenty minutes had passed by, I and my Namekian squad headed towards the last village which was in the opposite end of the last village we evacuated and further past Guru's place, north west of guru's without any trouble. Heading towards an another continent, we landed nearby the village and though we made it, we were not the only one. The bodies scattered about had shown that although we had made it, we were too late. Sensing around the area, whoever had done this was long gone. Perhaps this was Vegeta's work. The Namekian's accompanying me were angry at the state of the village and had begun to gather the bodies.


"We will bury our own." One of them approached me, even as the others begun to round up their peoples bodies and others begun to blast the earth for making graves.


"When your done that, you all are going to earth. Change of plans, I'm going to need no distractions, I will avenge your people and remember, they can still be wished back." by the looks for their faces from those who heard me, they didn't like it but they would listen. Finally, they were finished burying their people and I awaited as they gathered up and waited for me to teleport them.


'I could feel someone in the water nearby and seeing as my allies would not stop in avenging their people, not against who I think was Vegeta hiding the Dragon ball.' I thought, as they were ready, I took A hold of the closet Namek and we disappeared from Namek and onto Earth at Capsule Corp where they wouldn't get in my way and also so they wouldn't try to gut Vegeta.