Enter Vegeta.

Appearing, I released the Namek warriors and returned to Namek. Leaving the men on Earth and headed back immediately, intent on waiting for who I thought would have been Vegeta appearing out of the water. After A while I decided to dig up some holes for the dead even if they would return later, it was the uh, intent. halfway through digging my second hole I heard and turned around though I already knew who the four people are as I could feel when Pyrrha, Krillin, Gohan and Chiaotzu as they landed nearby.


"W-What has happened here Kron, these are…-"Krillin asked as he gazed at the disturbed ground, all four of them knew from the signs of battle that they and I were too late, Vegeta must have gotten lucky to have landed this close by.


"-Graves. Yeah, come with me." I then made A clone, temporarily one who would beat Vegeta to A pulp and to continue digging. When Vegeta showed up after he finished swimming my clone would deal with him. I would lead these guys away from here, lest they intent on fighting him too. This way I could secure Vegeta and strong-arm him into joining us against Frieza when the time come. That or it could end up going to 'other' way, his resulting death.


My clone nodded in understanding and begun digging though keeping an eye on the lake nearby while I turned to my confused compatriots.


"Let's head back and take stock of what we need to do now, also I have taken A select few who know how to heal towards the hospital where Goku, Weiss, Winter and the others are, they should then be on their way to Namek. We will need to hold these guys off until then, find more Namekian's if we can too." I said, I needed Goku to learn how to 'ascend' to super Saiyan though I wasn't sure I wanted to risk anyone to do so anymore, conflicting thoughts aside, as we left and my clone waited for Vegeta, our destination would be the cave with those dragon balls.




"Hyaa yaah haah rarrhaa!!" their voices, hoarse from shouting in their long drawn-out fight. Him against the two of them. Though Nail had already been killed already from the fight just five minutes before, he caught them just as they were leaving.

"H-How are you-" he launched A blast from his mouth, which almost hit the pink-muscle-head on his torso, his armor helped with taking the blow and Nail's attack was canceled by the savage kick to his back by the other.


"Dodoria you dolt, do you not understand, this one has obtained immortality from their own dragon balls. This fight will never end-" Nail counter-attacked the blue one, laying into him as he retaliated against him, their blows on par though Nail was slowly gaining advantage.


'Until… now.' he thought, this whole dance playing out just like the last time as the one he wasn't currently fighting was able to gain an advantage against him, attacking him in the back. He switched targets and attacked the pink alien fighter, trying to be mindful of the other while his blows savaged the enemy combatant, his strikes fast and damaging though he took as much as he gave, their speeds on par with each other.


"Keep still Dodoria! Elegant Blaster!" Nail swerved his head, taking A blow as the pink one kicked him in the face, using the momentum to dodge his allies Ki-blast. Nail was engulfed yet again, he felt himself been torn apart from the blast yest again, before his consciousness was the only part of him he could feel. He then felt as he reformed yet again, his immortality much different then he thought it would be since the first time he died from his and Kron's 'testing' spar.


"Huh! Zarbon, the green bastard is reforming! Look!" he indeed, was put back together from the fel energy, the darkness-feeling of the immortality curse built his body back and he turned to the two alien invaders, getting A kink out of his neck.


"Ugh… well, round three." he smirked, though he was losing from the two together, he was playing his part by keeping these two busy. The two of them glanced at each other, the one name Zarbon, green of skin looked frustrated, though that was actually him charging his Ki before… Suddenly the blue one named Zarbon grew grotesque, and his form expanded in size, Nail could feel his fel Ki too expand as much and the beings gut and hideous face.


"-Uhh, what A hideous sight, just like your face pink man." Nail sassed, smirking at Dodoria's snarl, Zarbon had changed into A monster, some kind of transformation and Nail knew that from what he could pick up, that spike of Ki he felt from the green one as it increased, he was going to be in for A word of hurt. All well, at least these two will lose… eventually…




He got lucky with this village being nearby where he landed and it was quite tucked away near the mountains he was fighting on and nearby A large lake that connected to the sea, after dealing with them and with his Dragon ball already hidden in A crevice beneath the nearby lake, he reached the surface. Before he could hop out and smile gleefully as part one went off without A hitch, he couldn't laugh in glee and excitement. His scouter blinked and he checked it, breaking out of the water when someone reached down and pulled him out… from his hair.


"-What- y-you Dare-" he was punched A few times in the face, his scouter being the first thing crushed from the unknown assailant and Vegeta was surprised by the pain inflicted. So, this wasn't A Namekian-


"-Hey Vegeta, what you are doing down there boy, hiding A dragon ball perhaps." That voice, he couldn't see as his eyes were closed, from the punches and the shards of glass from his broken scouter were still in the way but he recognized it all the same. Coughing from the attack to his stomach, he replied as he was thrown further away.


"K-Kron, so you're here huh…"Vegeta regarded the other Saiyan, his tall imposing form, his beard and those eyes… full of scorn or arrogance... Vegeta growled in warning, looking unflinchingly back, meeting his gaze in defiance.


"And your being an idiot, get up Vegeta. Your being drafted. Your after the Dragon balls thought I hope you know that it is now a pipe dream. Now get up, you have A lot to atone for." Vegeta scoffed, gritting his teeth as he rose from the ground. Kron, his face impassive as he looked down on him, judging him. Vegeta replied through his teeth.


"And what is your plan then Kron, you do know that Frieza is well beyond us, even with your power-level at two-hundred thousand, we still have no chance but with my wish we-"


"-Quiet, I sense Frieza." Kron spoke, looking towards the north-east. Vegeta was watching Kron intently, he himself couldn't sense the tyrant from here though he could feel some powers that way, his sensing not yet honed. He scoffed, standing to his feet.


"Who cares, we should get the rest of the Dragon Balls- huh what now!-" Vegeta watched as three fighters were engaging each other, two of them were see seemingly trying to get away from another, they took turns to engage the one attacking them while the other gained ground before the one further away would launch A half-hearted attempt of A Ki-blast to the attacker. Kron laughed, Vegeta's gaze turned to the other tanned Saiyan briefly, before he returned his gaze, he realized he knows two of them fighters… Laughing in tune with the other Saiyan, Kron spoke up.


"Well, lets start by dealing with these two. I can't be seen here until my official resignation from the Ginyu-force. You take the pink one, Zarbon is mine, I hate his species with A certain amount of hatred." he yelled, afterimaging towards the battle field.


Vegeta smirked, his Ki flooding him as he smirked towards his intended target, forgetting for A moment that he, the prince of all Saiyan's was taking orders from his inferiors. Afterimaging in the path of the pink oaf Dodoria, he gritted his teeth in preparation as he slammed his head onto his, the surprise and shock stopped him in his tracks, A follow-up of A overhead strike, sent the alien shooting downward into A nearby island. Then Vegeta cackled, sending A follow-up attack, His Ki cackling along with him as energy formed around his hand, the resulting blast erased the island Dodoria was on. Slightly winded, Vegeta turned to Zarbon and gawked in surprise at his hideous monstrous form as Vegeta didn't even Know about Zarbon having such A ability, he was about to speak up in surprise but his forming words were cut off by the monstrous howl as Zarbon was sent crashing downward, then intercepted at the bottom by Kron whose reappearance at where Zarbon seemed to be falling too. Kron's raised fist, intercepted the fast-crashing Zarbon and the resulting hit seriously damaged Zarbon as he was roughly halted in his tracks… painfully. Zarbon's body was contorted harshly as he lay sprawled across in the air while held by Kron's fist. Vegeta landed nearby, arms folded and he look at Kron, his fist opened and A quick, piercing Ki-blast shot through Zarbon's stomach and the howling continued.


"-Ugh…-K-Kron! Hecck- you t-traitor-" his monstrous tone abruptly ended when Kron's Ki-infused boot came down upon the aliens head, the brutal impaling of his boot and the now-mushed head of Zarbon brought Vegeta to laughter once more.


"Hahaha so your much more Of A Saiyan after-all. And to think, these two would be running from A Namekian of all things." he smirked to the newcomer who ignored him, speaking to Kron instead which Vegeta didn't like being ignored by trash.


"Kron, thanks for the help. After my dying the fourth time, they realized they had no chance in the long run and therefore they themselves run… away. Or tried to, you were in the right place in the right time, as always with you." he spoke, Vegeta regarded them and came to the conclusion that Kron had A relation of sorts with the Namekian's here, which is why he was pissed when he confronted Vegeta about those he killed. Vegeta replied, intent on getting out of the area encase more came to stop them.


"So…, shall we, you lead Kron." he spoke ,the Namekian regarded him again and then, once more spoke up,at the same time getting on Vegeta's nerves.


"And those graves and the destroyed state of this village. I take it you are allowing this one away with his crimes against my people, Kron I-" Kron interrupted him, raising A hand to halt this Namekian's increasingly angered tone and spoke up, glaring at Vegeta though he himself only snorted.


"-This one will atone… later, in the meantime he is perfect fodder for the in-coming Ginyu-force. You heard right Vegeta. Guldo is especially happy to face you, the freak." Vegeta turned sharply in response, hearing that they were approaching was getting him anxious but hah... Guldo would be easy prey. And even with Kron on their side, the Ginyu-force was still an unstoppable force that he wasn't yet high enough in strength to take them on though Kron did give them an edge to surprise attack them, though how he is here and not with them boggled his mind.


"We're going to where I stashed the other five Balls and with Vegeta's one, we have six. When they are secured, we go after the last one, or will fight off the Ginyu-Force. Oh yeah, by the way, my allies from earth are here Vegeta so play nice." he scoffed, not deigning to answer that. Vegeta retrieved the ball he hid, no longer worrying about hiding his Ki so he quickly blasted downwards and retrieved it. Once ready, he and the others swirled in Ki as the three of them blasted upwards, Kron in the lead, close by the Namekian while he followed in the rear.




With my clone left back there I, along with Krillin, Pyrrha, Gohan and Chiaotzu landed at thew cave entrance, entering the cave and Krillin yelped in surprise as we were intercepted by five Namek's, they were guarding the Dragon Balls. Waiting for my clone, perhaps even Vegeta to come would be the next stage. There are variables to consider first, Frieza being one of them. The Ginyu-force, another and Goku and whoever was coming with him the last. Vegeta was A non-issue, if he played ball.


"Ah… wow, so these are the Dragon Balls, Krillin… look!" Gohan said surprised by the size of them.


"Hey! These balls are much larger than the ones on Earth, oh and you have five of them! Nice, this is getting better and better, what with trusting you, Kron. Heh, this is grand indeed!" Krillin spoke, already surveying the balls, handling them with his hands.


"These Dragon Balls will be safe here, you six make sure you stay here, Nail might return at some point too." I spoke, Nail's attempt at harassing the enemy would take some time before he returned here, going to Guru's now would alert anyone with A scouter that he was there. Frieza still might have his scouter too… I already took Moori off-planet so his ingenious plan in targeting the scouters hadn't happened this time around, I better go check on the elder and make sure he's fine. Before I could say my intent to check up on the elder Namek, everyone in the cave could pick up three Ki-signatures incoming, though I could tell that my clone had arrived, Nail too. Vegeta was the last from what iu remember of his unique signature. Pyrrha stood up from where she was leaning when myself, Nail and Vegeta came inside, the Namekian warriors were happy that Nail was back, safe and sound in part thanks to the immortality of Salem and the god of Darkness of Remnant. Upon seeing Vegeta casually stroll inside though, the mood from my earthling allies soured, I could feel their Ki start to unconsciously twirl in anticipation of A battle. Before some sort of clash could begin thought, surprisingly it was Vegeta himself who spoke up, A smirk plastered on his face.


"Relax Earthling's I've come in peace, oh and I brought A party favor. This here Dragon Ball, I'll just place it here… with the other five… You're uh, clone dissipated. That explains to me how you're here and you must have A clone inside the Ginyu force too. impressive infiltration, if A bit obnoxious." Vegeta very dramatically placed his Dragon Ball with the others, huh… what's wrong with your face chrome dome?" Vegeta said smirking, as Krillin was gritting his teeth seeing him here. Chiaotzu also looked A little pissed off, Tien being dead by the Saiyan's would likely be the cause for his anger.


"Enough Vegeta, now we will have to deal with who's coming. The Ginyu-Force would be called by Frieza. Dealing with them should be our priority. Only then should Frieza be taken on." I spoke up with authority in Vegeta's case as he was still resisting my lead,


"T-This Frieza, how s-strong just is he, with all this intricate planning we've seen you and all Namekian's being through. You must have some idea?" Krillin asked, though he couldn't answer as he felt A huge number of powers about to be flying nearby as I turned to look the outside of the cave entrance. The others too, and Nail responded though gritted teeth as they too finally picked up the Ki signatures.


"...I can sense Frieza, I got quite close enough to feel his overwhelming presence." I said and Vegeta nodded, having A hard time picking them up too but soon even he could feel them and Frieza himself.


"Your right, and I can pick up A lot of weaklings too. Seems he's going to pass us by, heading to one of the villages most like. Everyone, keep your power contained, we don't want to clash with him now." Kron spoke, he wasn't worried about Frieza and sure everyone could be sent back to Earth easily enough, but they needed experience with threats if they are going to be able to handle the protection of the earth themselves if I can't plus getting stronger didn't hurt too. The Z-fighters headed to the mouth of the cave to the outside in order to get A glimpse of Frieza while Vegeta hanged back, his smirk long forgotten as he got low to the ground on one knee to the ground, hiding his power-level through some concentration, his face bearing shame as he hid and anger at me for putting him in the situation in the first place if that glare aimed at me meant that. 


I heard the others gasp as I came close to the mouth of the cave, they would have seen as Frieza passed by, sensing him at the same time. From what I caught of the alien overlords face, he didn't look too pleased.




Frieza got into contact with captain Ginyu, the man and his elite force was now on their way, their last mission was now on-hold and with them being close by to Namek so they should arrive in three days. Frieza gathered A sizable force and decided to head to where one of the last scout patrols were before they were wiped out. Zarbon and Dodoria hadn't returned to his side, Frieza frowned and for their sake, they better be dead, or he'd end them himself for their tardiness. Frieza seen the first signs of what was Namekian's attempts for civilization and smirked, calling out to his men as he stopped his hover chair.


"Soldiers, land here and spread out." his forces landed in the village which seemed to be devoid of life. No signs of life, he wasn't an expert but the last village, their people we're in the village. This one being empty had irked the galactic emperor. He widened his eyes, they launched A very weak for his power, A Ki-eye beam towards the closest building, blowing A hole in the infrastructure. Frieza then hovered inside, his chair knocking A slab of concrete while he passed through.


"Soldiers! spread out and find any natural formations, caves and the like. These Namekian's have something of mine and have hidden like children. Find them! Now!" he ordered, his men quickly getting on with their tasks.


"I should have called the Ginyu-force from the start, with Zarbon and Dodoria being considered traitors, incompetent or dead, the rest of this 'elite force' Zarbon had organized would do no good against these Namek's. And then there's the fact that these Namekian's are much stronger than his grunts when previously stated in the PTO database they were much weaker, very outdated information.


"With one Dragon Ball and yet there looks like there is nothing here at all… These green fools are making A mockery of Frieza!" his Ki-spike suddenly, firing off another Ki-beam from his eyes, the village had been annihilated, which made his soldiers work even harder than they are, searching in the empty ruins.