Goku’s Trip through The Galaxy.



"Right, you're all sure of this." Roshi asked, they stood outside of Capsule Corp with Goku leading them. He looked to be excited at the prospect in heading out into space or fighting other aliens.

"Yeah, what ab out that Kron, couldn't he appear again, look at all these Piccolo's…" Oolong added, the Namekian's had A massive camp set up, with capsule homes scattered about Capsule Corp as there was plenty of room to house them all. Bulma sure was efficient, the Namekian's are easy maintenance too, food was A no-issue, just water and they are happy. With Blake now going to be A mother, she decided that training would come second to raising her daughter. Weiss was staying behind too, she was feeling ill, hoping at the same time that she too would be pregnant from hers and Kron's… quickly in one of the hospital rooms but Winter wasn't sure, could be she gotten lucky though, who knows.


"Well, let's find Bulma or her father. They can show us how we're going to be able to get to Namek while also getting stronger at the same time." Yang said, determined and it showed what from that grin on her face. She also had her 'Ember Cecilia' packed up into A duffle-bag with its ammo encase it was need but was going to use Raven's sword instead primarily, that sword had the strength to take on the Saiyan's and inflicted damage to them unlike her fist-shotgun weapons, she simply was adapting. Winter decided to take her sword-cutlass with her but was going to focus improving her hand-to hand with Goku, who was much an expert as she was with using her swords.


"Oh look, that there must be the ship!" Goku spoke up, somewhat bouncing on his tiptoes, Chichi snickered to herself quietly while Winter snorted, looking amused at him. They approached, the ramp was down, and the ship looked to be finished. A man Winter met only once in her life, when she met him briefly while she done business with Bulma. The man, scientist who liked to always be briefed by his doctorate approached them, seemingly speaking to himself, though if you looked closer, he was speaking with his cat and Bulma, who just exited around the time Dr. Briefs stepped off the ramp and onto the grass below.


"Ah… dare me, right, well… Goku, Winter… Chichi, ah young miss-"Roshi was interrupted by Yang.


"-Names Yang gramps, nice to meet you!" she walked up casually to the older man and grabbed his hand, shaking vigorously while the man held on in surprise, Yang walked past and up to the ramp.


"Well, this must be the ship- oh hey uh, Bulma. Good to see you again" she said, Bulma nodded to her then spoke up, still in 'technological-savant mode' as she continued to speak to her father.


"But… Dad, all that work… for A cappuccino-machine?" Bulma asked appalled, her face cover with some traces and smudges of oil and she touched her forehead delicately as she wiped some sweat trailing down the middle of her brow and onto her nose.


"Yeah, yes Bulma, who knows. Maybe our dashing space fighters will have A better time of it with some cappuccino in their diet. Why, if I was heading into to combat-"


"Ugh… dad, you're given me A migraine… Hey guys, well this is it. Fully stocked too. Also seeing as this is A prototype, I will be your pilot. That way, you muscle heads, no offense Winter, Yang… uh, right, well this ship has enough for ten people, enough supplies for twenty people so we should be good food-wise. Leave the flying to me, Winter I might need your help if repairs are needed." Winter nodded, Bulma addressing them like this no-nonsense-like was starting to remind her of her old days in the Atlesian army, she almost unconsciously went to salute Bulma but held herself back, shaking her head of such nostalgic thoughts.


"Right, that's great Bulma. With your piloting, I can train constantly! Gee thanks for the- ow! Chichi what-"


"You do better to remember to look after yourself on this trip. Honestly Goku, I'm lucky Gohan didn't take after your one-track mind." Chichi sighed.


"Hehe, yeah… Gohan is fine Chichi, I have A feeling he's fine. Also, King Kai has been taking note on the happenings of the planet. Kron sure runs A smooth uh, what was that phrase-


"-Just find our son, and make sure he's alright." Chichi said still worried about Gohan, hugging her husband and surprising him by taking his lips with hers. A brief but passionate kiss and she released her husband who looked to be blushing from the attention. Heading up the ramp of the ship, Bulma dressed for the trip to space in some kind of high-tech space-wear halted by the sound of A airship approaching them. Winter also turned while Goku and Yang headed up the ramp before stopping to turn at the entrance of the domed ship.


"Ah… well, looks like that would be Yajirobe and master Korin. Hmm, wonder what that idiot and the cat wants." the airship landed, the cat Korin leaped out springy for an ancient being and walked towards them with A bag, which looked like A bag of Senzu beans like from before with the warriors they fought and beat Kron called the 'Crusher Corps'.


"Ah good, I got here in time. Goku, Senzu beans. I've got two bags ready, seeing as you didn't need the ones for your healing. Good luck guys, ah and this must be your healers, names Korin young ones, nice to meet ya." the cat now just noticed the three small Namekian's who begun to nod at the cat, their shyness lost as they eyed him with curiosity.


"Ah, yes Sir. Uh… Miss Bulma, I also would like to help. My father, the grand elder Guru has been preparing me for this encase Kron needs me. I can help heal you all, during your uh, training and I always wanted to see space up close." the Namek, Dende said shyly though resolutely as he tried and failed to look Bulma in the eye while she eyed him in thought. Winter thought Bulma looked like she wouldn't cave but the girl did the opposite.


"Sure, if Kron and your father, that grand elder I met, Guru has been pushing for you to be active in the helping of this Opp, who am I to tell you no. That is to say, is that old Guru guy your father… isn't he, I don't know… too old for children?" she asked questioningly. The rest of them, including Winter herself begun to head up the ramp again while Dende and Bulma spoke about an embarrassing topic for the young Namek to be sure.


"-What! Really, no females! But how does-"


"-We come from eggs miss Bulma, all of us come from Guru himself who is the only survivor left on Namek of A great calamity that affected the entire echo-sphere of the Planet Namek." Dende replied, Winter snorted at the face Bulma made, their eyes met and then Bulma smirked in understanding as to the face she had made to her.


(King Kai-POV)


He glanced at everyone who had arrived and… returned to his planet home. Raven snorted, looking at him with little respect but that was the sort of attitude he expected from her. It was the rest, Piccolo, Tien and Yamcha who he primarily focused on, they we're not yet his student's but they had the chance to be one. He turned to Raven whose gaze never left his even if she looked to be impatient for something.


"Raven, seeing as your already my student, you know what to do. Get to it young lady. Hehe he…" he snorted at the stink eye sent his way before she replied surprisingly non-hostile for the glare she sent him.


"Fine… old man, I'll continue to hone Kaio-ken. Can you make some weighted clothing for me, I'm already used to your planet's gravity." she said, King Kai murmured, pointing two fingers, one each from each of his hands as A magic beam shot towards her. Her clothes she was most comfortable with were replaced by A copy of his own. Once the magic of his ended, Raven made to move and found herself struggling to even stand before falling to one knee. He laughed at the cute but menacing face she sent his way and then his chuckles made one of the others coughs. King Kai turned, now no longer busy with Raven and then adopted A serious pose, his hands behind his back as he looked at each and every one of them, surprisingly they all looked to be serious and waited for his word. Before he could even speak to address them, one of them smirked, cocked A thumb at himself and cockily spoke. 


"Heh… good one uh, King Kai. We've all heard you trained her, Weiss and Blake. We've also come to learn from you, heh and anyone putting Raven in her place is alright in my book." he smirked, King Kai heard A growl from Raven who still continued to struggle from where she was but paid it no mind and instead ignored this one's comment, coming closer to them as to look each and every one of them over carefully. Starting with the one named Tien, he was the most interesting with that eye of his and he noted he didn't seem offended by his staring. Next, he looked Piccolo over, noting that Piccolo wasn't combined with Kami and that now that he thought about him, Kami seemed to be where King Yemma is, most likely helping the god of the dead with his paperwork. Finally, he turned to look at the loudmouth with A cocky smirk on his face before he stepped back, speaking to them all.


"Hmm… I see, I see… well, you all look like you'll learn something from my training, that's A… well, uh A start at least. Though there is A task you all must complete before I even think about considering you my students and therefore, train you all to become stronger warriors." he said, hands behind his back and he removed his shoes, to feel the grass between his toes. Sighing, he continued speaking.


"You all have an important task before I begin teaching you. Tell me, would you all like to become my student's? I see that two of the three of you already know my Kaio-ken which while surprised you've managed to pull it off, I'm quite concerned that you even learned it when I hadn't given my permission for you to learn my sacred technique." He spoke, watching as Tien and Yamcha looked to be concerned now, looking at each other at the corner of their faces in concern. King Kai snorted, before A laugh slowly seeped out from within him, turning into A full-blown laughter that he tried holding back with his hands in front of his face.


"...Hehe… Ah, no worries, I'm honestly impressed then mad and even if I was mad, it wouldn't be at you who learned but at those who taught you. Seeing as they who taught you aren't with me, I see it as A non-issue. Now this task I have for you before you begin your training is important." Tien, impatient, gritting his teeth, replied vigorously, more yelled than spoke.


"You can tell us King Kai! WE'VE COME HERE TO LEARN AND BENEFIT FROM YOUR TUTALEDGE! WHAT'S THE MATTER KING KAI, IS SOMETHING I'VE SAID FUNNY TO YOU!" King Kai couldn't help it, the way he spoke… no, yelled, is so funny! And he didn't give this one the task yet for Tien to make him laugh yet! What A genius of comedy! This one is definitely going to be trained! Tien, unknown to his inner thought growled while his stance, him holding one fist clenched up in front of him confidently was wavering, confused by what was happening and thinking that his excitement had made him go too far. Finally, King Kai had enough fun teasing this one and spoke up, to congratulate him on passing his test and without even knowing about it! A true genius, perhaps A worthy apprentice yet.


"Good show, I must say Tien, you've passed and with- Hehee -flying colors! Why, I hadn't laughed like that in A while, not since Raven over there managed it too with her attempt. You are definitely apprentice material, congratulations Tien, I will hence-forth name you A student of mine. Now, get over there and…. here" he pointed at the three-eye man and zapped him with the same technique he used on Raven, Tien fell to the ground and now struggled to stand.


"Ugh! Uh there was A uh… Test, cool I… uh, passed. Thank y-you King Kai, for what I'm not sure..." Tien spoke through gritted teeth, trying and failing to stand, King Kai put extra weight on his who unlike Raven he knew that this one had endured the inside of the Hyperbolic time chamber and thus, needed an extra kick to even benefit from his tutelage. He wasn't surprised Tien was struggling, though he was showing progress even now. Turning to Yamcha next, King Kai spoke up again, coughing slightly as he hadn't yet explained the task. Well, no use beating around the bus, this one looked clueless and hadn't yet understood how Tien even passed.


"In case you both don't understand, in order to be trained by me, The great North Kai, Named king Kai to you all, you have to make me laugh with such vigor like your friend has just done, like Raven, Blake and Weiss had done in the past in order to consider yourselves A student of mine… and all the benefits that comes with such A title. You, make me laugh." Yamcha smirked, chuckling lightly and King Kai looked eager to hear their jokes.




Redirecting from their target mission to be called onto personal service from the emperor himself, Frieza seemed insistent that they make the trip and double time it to the planet Namek. After he got the communication from lord Frieza, Ginyu got hold of his troops, via scouter and gave them the new directives and the mission to the planet nearby, the planet Yadrent was to be postponed.


They, that is to say, he and his troops hammered through space, their pods coming out of A asteroid field and their route to the planet not to be A long one.


"Men, when we arrive, I want all of you to put off A spectacular greeting to lord Frieza, any mistake will not be tolerated, the emperor seems quite incensed about something, so be mindful on how you act around lord Frieza, lest I will be 'forced to finding another member for the Ginyu-Force. Now cut all chatter until we arrive, we are to be in silence-mode from here on out. Over and out gentlemen. Oh, and best pose for lord Frieza will get A candy… so bring Your a-game. "Ginyu spoke, cutting off the communication and smirking as he gazed outside his pod. 


"...Hmm, what an interesting assignment, and to think, this mission we are looking to be working alongside the emperor himself! Such an exciting time to be alive heh! Ah, well, now… Time to get some shut eye." He continued to chuckle, shutting his eyes as he listened to his pod and the shattering and shuddering of his pod while it left the edge of the asteroid field.




In the cave, with one of the Capsules Bulma gave to us we ate, me and Gohan along with Vegeta ate the most obviously. We also had stocked water for the six Namekian's and Nail who also quenched their thirst. After seeing what we we're up against, feeling that overwhelming power of Frieza that even got Vegeta frustrated, I kept quiet about my own power and let them stew in their worry, perhaps they now understood the gravity of the situation, Frieza obtaining his wish is what we are here to stop. Saving this many Namekian's had brought me closer to the Namekian's then anyone else, with only one of the villages being out of hands as Frieza already slaughtered them. I think, at this point if I had any ridiculous wish requests, they would grant them… well, some ridiculous requests at any rate. Vegeta gulped down another packaged brew rather quickly, before speaking to me.

"So, Kron. Tell me, how are you here while you're supposed to be A member of the Ginyu-force? Does Frieza know you've turned traitor to his and his cause, lie me?" Vegeta grunted, ripping into some kind of chicken on his plate, eyes waiting for an answer. Krillin who was almost tranquil from his meal, glared at Vegeta and then me but kept quiet. I answered the Saiyan prince, A simple answer to A simple question.


"Clones of course. Very versatile and if you improve upon such A technique like I've done, well… they become much more useful than for only training. Currently, with one clone, my maximum power is halved. But that is no problem… for me anyway." Vegeta glowered at him, his answer barely satisfying him when he further prodded.


"Just how strong are you? Truly, even now with my fledgling subpar abilities in sensing Ki, I can feel… ugh, just tell me fool." Vegeta said, growling, Pyrrha's face looked at Vegeta in disdain and Gohan, Chiaotzu looked quite mad at his insistent tone. Krillin ignored them as I replied to the arrogant prince.


"Hmph… well, before you and Nappa arrived, I roughly rounded up my power to be in the millions-


"You're lying! what-"


"Believe me or not, right now I could take out Frieza no problem-"


"-Well, why don't you, instead we're in this here cave, hiding our power-levels while this Frieza flies about the planet Namek unopposed." Krillin asked, accusation in his voice and I snorted. He wasn't wrong, I could end this all, but I smirked his way and answered.


"Tch, where's the fun in that? If I continue to fight your battles, how will anyone of you even get to the level of power I can release? I've cleared the stage of innocent Namekian's and lord Guru knows to hide his power to A level comparable of the indigenous species of this planet, it's wildlife so he will be alright and he does have the ability to communicate telepathically with me or any of the remaining Namekian warriors here with us if needs be. He's safe, I can get to him instantly and help him. What I'm waiting for is the Ginyu-force where each of you're here will battle against, I have… faith that you all will be able to at least hold them at bay when they arrive. I've also, encase your wondering, had some of the younger Namekian's whose skill in healing is paramount to the hospital where Goku, Winter, Weiss and Yang are in, healing them of their own wounds from the battle you instigated Vegeta, then Turles joined." Vegeta replied instantly, cutting off Krillin before he could speak.


"Hmph… so you're holding back because you believe in all these weaklings are capable in defeating the Ginyu-force huh? And Kakarot is coming, you realize he couldn't even beat me. Why wait for that clown or has he increased more in power since our last bout… like myself… hmph, but what of these earthlings, they are not that great power-wise either, that technique of this, that 'Kaio-ken ability didn't help them much either-"Pyrrha huffed, interrupting the arrogant Vegeta who turned to glare at her in response.


"-I'm from Remnant, not earth. I and Kron also have another advantage, our Aura which acts as A defensive mechanism, and when strengthened with Ki-"Vegeta had enough of Pyrrha, speaking over her.


"-I wasn't speaking with you woman, keep your mouth shut while I speak with my subordinates-" Vegeta was kicked in the… ohh… ow, that smarts, and the way Vegeta delicately held himself, tears in the corner of his eyes from Pyrrha's kick, the twitch on her face when Vegeta insulted her had made me both shudder and chuckle. She sharply turned my way, her angry visage somewhat faded to give me an amused glare before she continued to speak.


"But, besides our aura. Kron, why haven't you evacuated Guru yet? He to me looks like A non-combatant, wouldn't it be safer for him elsewhere, with the rest of his people on planet Earth while we help sort this out? Or-" I spoke up, putting my hand up to speak so she would quieten down to which she did.


"-Yes, or… there is A reason lord Guru remains. Nail, could you tell our allies here why he remains, yet the majority of his children are off world?" I said, turning to Nail as I brought him into the conversation. Nail nodded, flexing A arm and placing his half-drunk bottle down before he coughed, speaking up clearly.


"If Lord Guru left the planet, the dragon balls would follow him off world, taking who knows how long to get to where lord Guru ends up next, how far this Earth is, thew trip would take A while, I'm sure. This planet Earth that my brothers are on, Kron makes it A quick trip but even he wouldn't be able to stop the overwhelming speed of the dragon balls when they left the planet in pursuit of their creator. No, lord Guru has spoken, he will remain for now until Frieza has exhausted himself looking for our people and whence this calamity has ended he and our people shall return. Until then, Lord Guru is safe and should be out of the way of this tyrant Frieza. We just have to play our part." Nail finished, I nodded as I already knew though now everyone else knew and so keeping lord Guru alive was paramount. With only A small number of his children deceased because of the actions of Frieza, not the whole lot of them except for Dende and Nail like in 'canon', he shouldn't be in danger of dying via A 'broken heart'. I further added, to explain what would happen next.


"When the time to face Frieza comes, lord Guru and the dragon ball's will be moved at the same time when we're ready and then those on Earth will be able to make use of them. At that point we, or more like 'you' guys will have to combat Frieza while I move Guru and be in the wings." Gohan, quiet no more asked questioningly.


"Why would you be waiting in the wings uh, so to speak Mr. Kron?" he said, I answered whilst properly formatting what I would respond with.


'Well, you remember that Saiyan? The one who almost ended your life, the one named Turles? Well, he showed up out of nowhere, I didn't foresee such A thing and thus planet Earth could have been A ruined barren world had I have not destroyed the tree of Might. So, in saying that, I'm-" Vegeta scoffed, realizing what I was thinking.


"-You're worried that the likes of King Cold or his eldest son, Cooler show up. I see, hmph, you worry too much for A Saiyan Kron. We stare these sorts of opportunities in the face, yet here you are dangling us like puppets in your attempt at being clever. Well, it's- I admit it's A alright… idea, but mark my words, when Frieza is dealt with, A million or not… I will fight you and defeat you. I will put you in your place." I smirked as he challenged me, for the first time the bastard smirked which held A fire in his eyes in challenge. I nodded, responding to him… mockingly.


"...You're welcome to try… boy." I replied.