The Great Calamity expansion.



Nothing, the next Village they found had no Namek's either which angered him. And with no Namek's there are none of the Dragon balls either.


"Urrrgh, I'm becoming aggravated, captain! Is there any sign of them." Frieza yelled through his scouter, tinted red glass of his scouter the same color of his enraged Ki, which was malting off of him in waves, Frieza' right hand clenched tightly in front of him, his hover chair straining slightly under the pressure of his unrestrained Ki.


"N-No S-Sir!, there seems to b-be n-no sign, we've also s-sent scouts around to search o-out the n-nearby area for a-any hideaways." the alien reptilian replied, his fear heard through his words while the alien shook under his intense gaze. Frieza then glanced around and used his scouter to try and pick up any nearby powers but… nothing.


"Captain, continue your search, I'm heading back to my ship, do not fail me." he snarled, teeth clenched as he was beginning to become bored of this search. With one ball in his possession, he held back his anger in order to not blow this planet to pieces in anger. If he didn't have one though, it would have been A failed attempt and he would have already let off and blown the planet, wish be damned. No one makes A mockery of Frieza, the next Namek he runs into will know this before he breaths his last… once he wrings the little toad for all the information on where these Dragon Balls are hidden. Then he would gladly deliver A 'Death Ball' towards the center of this wasteland of A planet and enjoy it too.


"... Captain Ginyu will pull through I'm sure, he's never failed an assignment. He's also much more reliable than those fools Zarbon and Dodoria…" Frieza tried to calm down, his hover chair stopped shaking from his exerted Ki-overflow and he breathed out, sighing. Chuckling lightly, Frieza further mused to himself on route to his ship.


"And when I get my wish of 'eternal life' I will 'clean' house, that is to say… 'the galaxy is too big for all of us… brother…" Frieza smirked, the arrogant bastard needed to go and not even his father will stop him, would not be able to even if he wanted to when Frieza succeeds in his wish.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


"Ugh, this gravity… Goku's really pushing us all with the current setting huh…ugh…." Winter gritted her teeth, her words barely able to come out but still Goku and Yang heard anyways. The ship was massive, the room they were in is reinforced alloy of some kind that Bulma insisted had come from the database Winter sold to her years back. They would be safe training inside. The training room was also sealed off from, the rest of the domed ship, the ship could be traversed without anyone ever stepping inside, hallways circled around the training room and there are four floors with them being on the second. For a ship this size, Winter was surprised in its ingenious design though for the moment, she, Yang and Goku are struggling to adapt to the intense gravity. Goku set it to twenty for starters and now they were paying for it, well… Yang wasn't that much and Winter herself was able to somewhat get one foot to stand but Goku was having A tough time of it. 


"Yeah, well the things set at 20 times Earth's gravity, Weiss mentioned that King Kai's planet is half of that so her, Goku and Blake would have an easy…ugh time. To think Weiss stayed back, what… is she pregnant now?" Yang laughed though she looked to be struggling through the pain and was distracting herself. Yang made to speak more when Goku interrupted her.


"Wow, this g-gravity sure is strong! I'm g-going to catch up to Vegeta and Kron in no time training this- ugh… intensely. And… one thousand…" he was finished that exercise and to both her and Yang's disbelief, Goku begun to outpace them even more with the next, pushing himself harder. Yang though snorted, taking this as the challenge it is. Though before she could utter her quip, the speakers blared slightly, and Bulma's voice could be heard through the speakers.


"You've been in there for hours, lunch is ready. We're making good progress. Only three days to go." the speakers made A slight sharp sound and then clicked off. Goku stopped, slightly making slow progress to the gravity machine controls before imputing the correct combination to turn it off. He scratched his head and hummed aloud in delight as the machine powered down and then he turned to them.


"Neat!, I was getting hungry, I forgot to eat before we left." he patted his stomach as both she and Yang watched him jovially head towards the exit, they themselves taking their time to get to their feet.


Finally finding the strength to stand, the two-woman followed as Goku led the way throughout the halls of the ship, they already had some inkling as to where everything was and the dining room slash kitchen was the most known room, after the bedroom quarters of course.


Entering the dining quarters, she slumped into A chair, sitting while Goku helped himself. Bulma, sitting nearby her, spoke up.


"Winter, you not taking A shower? Oh right, I got A message from your sister Weiss too from earth, but I didn't want to interrupt your training. You can ring her back later if you want." Winter nodded, silently mulling over Bulma's words before she replied, still waiting for Goku to finish grabbing his meal.


"You listened, I trust you. Tell me, it will save me some time to focus on my training. Weiss should be fine with Blake and her and Kron's daughter Jaina, that idiot better come back after this or I swear..." she spoke, huffing as she ran the back of her right hand across her forehead. Yang came inside the room but continued passed them, heading for the area Bulma set up the food though before she could step all the way past, Bulma replied.


"Hmm… she said that she's pregnant now. Seems Kron's has some swimmers, uh am I right, eh?" Bulma said amused though Winter smiled, inwardly she wanted to cringe at the attempt in being funny. Yang though stopped, turned and begun to laugh, replying.


"Sorry for eavesdropping ugh, that was crack up, though it still makes me surprised they two got with one man. Uh I meant, you three. He must be A real peace of work with his uh, his dick." Yang said crudely, Bulma looked embarrassed as Yang, not worrying about what she said, sat in front of them. Her smirk laced with amusement.


"Yang, you and Raven are so unalike it is almost strange she even had you. You must get your sassy side from that bastard uncle of yours, Qrow… how is he anyway.


"...Hehe… um, yeah. Uncle Qrow well, he's been enjoying West city, keeping up his training and as far as I know, joined the police force as A detective. Well, oh wow… he's going to eat all that? Well, I'm starved, my turn to get my meal, I need as much if not more than that guy." she quickly stood while indicating Goku with the back of her thumb, Winter smirked as she left in A hurry. Bulma spoke up, quietly to Winter.


"I'm surprised that Yang is the daughter of Raven. Raven, who looks as young as Yang does." Winter knew the reason for that, but explaining wormholes and Raven being dead for A while would take too long to explain, not to mention It really wasn't her business. Instead, she nodded, waiting for Yang to grab A plate.


"Right, we should land within three day's time if the ship misses the nebula on the scanners, this ship… well, dad improved on the engines that we brought off of you, the schematics we've since updated and improved on. Travelling through space will become much faster down the line." Winter looked over to her in surprise, that was some speed.


"Yep, Dad and I we went all out, it's why the ships A prototype, Well… that and the gravity machine. You know that thing can go upwards to two-hundred times Earth's gravity." Bulma replied As Winter nodded. It looked liked with Goku's pushing, Dende's ability to heal them and the gravity machine, even the three days they only had was going to be A lot for improvement for them three.




A day had passed, and his men continued to comb the various islands of this retched planet, for any signs of the rest of the Namekian's but One, almost two days were to be done and over with. Appule had since told Frieza of Vegeta's arrival, Cui brought A small force to try and stop Vegeta but his scouter has been silent ever since. Cui being dead, much like Zarbon and Dodoria, didn't matter much to him. He didn't much like Cui anyways but unlike Zarbon and Dodoria who died to an what was possibly that Namekian fighter, Cui and A whole squad of PTO troops couldn't stop Vegeta which is concerning. The Saiyan 'prince' was growing too powerful to control anymore.


"...With that monkey traversing the planet, I'm going to have to assume that my men are going to be picked off one by one from him. But ever since and none of my men haven't been killed, they have all reported back, that is to say, majority of them I haven't killed in anger… So where is he?" and… as the minute ticked over on the console in front of Appule who Frieza stood behind, the second day passed and Frieza spoke.


"Appule, has any of the soldiers found any Namek yet, or signs of Vegeta. I want them found." He demanded, his voice raspy as he glared at the purple-colored alien.


"Uh n-no sire, oh but we're detecting PTO Signals approaching the planet. I'll attempt to hail them. Ugh, right… stand b-by… … … Attention, incoming fighters… … … uh sire, they… are ignoring our attempts in making contact sire." Appule turned to Frieza, awaiting his reply. Frieza felt his right eye twitch at the blatant disrespect and upon further look, the ships were picked up visually. Their designs, the two triangles pointing down while joined with A blue circle in the center. 


"...So, Cooler has sent his warriors. He means to take the dragon balls from me… let them try, report to the Ginyu force to double time it. Hmm… my first transformation should be enough to warm me up, killing coolers traitorous dogs will allow me to blow off some steam… Appule, order the troops to find those Namek's or they will be all expendable." he said, glaring ahead as he left his hover seat and headed outside on foot. Intent on transforming to his second form, he reached the outside his ship in preparation.


"How dare he challenge my authority, that jealous brute." fool, Cooler was no match for him when he went one-hundred percent full power, Cooler's men wouldn't even allow him to warm up too much. He begun to concentrate, focusing on his most inner-most locks upon his tightly sealed power and begun the process in releasing his power's 'first lock'.


(King Kai-POV)


King Kai felt the spike upon Namek, Kron thankfully had the people of Namek bar Guru removed from the planet and was playing A waiting game to some unknown end, Frieza however begun to transform, his power felt horrible, overwhelming and he felt that the situation could spiral out of control. Out of what game Kron is playing and ending in the destruction of the planet Namek. The others, Raven, Piccolo, Tien and Yamcha had picked up on their teacher's shocked and worried thoughts and Tien asked, being the first to speak, being the closest and pausing his training.


"What's happening King Kai, you look like your seen A ghost. Is everyone fine?" he asked, curious about King Kai's shuddering and fearful stance, his antenna twitching.


"It's Frieza, something is- ten… who are they- hmm… these are… Cooler's men… so, it's as I feared, Frieza is transforming." Raven replied, about to before when she was cut of from Tien and now, she spoke up.


"Frieza, this Frieza… how strong is he, do you know?" she asked from where she struggled to stand and King Kai took some time to reply, to gather the words to explain just what Frieza is capable of.


"Right now, Frieza appears to be transforming… his form expanding… I can feel his terrible strength, it has grown much larger than before. It appears that… let me check… … … there seems to be some new arrivals, and oh- there seems to be A group of ten fighters... from the Armored Squadron… A force created by Frieza's elder brother… Cooler. They are landing onto Namek and Frieza looks like he's readying himself to fight such foes." Well, that seemed alright, the enemy was about to fight with itself.


"But uh, to what end King Kai, aren't they on the same side or something?" Yamcha asked confused, King Kai nodded once though he was just as confused… Then understanding flashed in his eyes and King Kai replied.


"Greed… I believe, Cooler appears to be rebelling or he also covets the Dragon Balls… either way, he and Frieza-"


"-Who is Cooler?" Tien asked now confused and King Kai snapped.


"Quiet! I'm trying to explain. Now, see here… uh, right. Cooler was once the heir of the Cold Empire, now he's just an enforcer in his younger brother's empire, Frieza… who was born much stronger than Cooler was. Cooler was then passed up as heir and has resented both his brother and father ever since. It appears he's intent on either stopping Frieza from obtaining eternal life or he himself wants to obtain it himself, that and the throne of the empire of Cold, and all the organizations conjoined to said empire… like the Planet Trade Organization." he said, worried about what would happen next.


"We can't do nothing about that, being dead old man. Let's just train and use our time wisely instead of worrying. What of those who went to Namek… what are they doing, still sitting on their asses" Raven asked, hand on her right hip as she scoffed at their audacity of their 'wait and see plan'. King Kai nodded, responding more upbeat.


"Kron has done some good, moving A huge majority of the native Namekian's off planet. Guru and some Namekian warriors are the only ones left on the planet though they couldn't save two of the villages." King kai sighed, one village wiped out by Frieza and another by the Saiyan Vegeta, who Kron kept alive for some reason even though the Namek's with him did protest. He'd just have to wait and see, he couldn't interfere but still, things we're looking grim for those on the planet Namek.




Landing upon the planet, he, Dore and the rest of the Armored Squadron used their scouters in order to pick up Frieza and take him out while he was arrogantly still within his weakest form. The secret of the transforming Cold family was A secret, not to Salza and the Armored Squadron though who have been briefed on it by Cooler himself, who liked to beat them up in their training in order for them to rise stronger for the coming bout.


"Huh… A lot of grunts are moving about this planet… but never mind the plebs, Frieza is that way and he's- everyone move quickly, we've got to attack him while he's transforming!" Salza yelled to the troops, Dore already moving in the direction with Salza while the rest of the men blasted off after them, the mission already off to A bad start.


Their flight was short-lived when Kron appeared in front of them, they stalled in their tracks and the Armored squadron circled him in the air. Kron regarded their ten-man squad and laughed, eyes turning to Salza himself.


"So, Cooler has been busy it seems, Salza… Frieza is transforming so you're not going to beat him now." Salza girtted his teeth, looking at the smug Saiyan and then glanced around for the rest of the Ginyu Force.


"...Hmm… you seem to be alone on the planet, where's the Ginyu? I can't imagine that your captain not being here yet. You're outnumbered Saiyan Scum, kiss my boots and your death will be painless." Salza grinned, his men and Dore chuckled at the realization of that, but Kron smiled in kind, before turning to turn around.


"Well, you've got more problems that my being here, like Frieza who seems to be making his way here. Have fun idiots." Kron waved, disappearing from the area and they tried to find the Saiyan after he afterimaged to but not even the scouters could pick him up. Dore, also checking his scouter called out in alarm.


"Shit, Frieza really is incoming… the scouters picking him up at one million strong, these new improved scouters don't lie!" Salza gritted his teeth, though he and all those in the armored squadron were over what they were last, over 300,000 now and their strength tempered by Cooler's brutal training. Together they had A chance.


Frieza, swirled in pink-colored aura swirling around him whilst in flight, stopped in front of them and folded his arms. Laughing in A voice as deep as his father King Cold, Frieza spoke with A deep voice.


"You're… Salza… how quaint… so my brother believes he's A match for me does he? Let's see here…" Frieza had A red-colored scouter and he clicked the device, checking their power levels with A sneer.


"Hmph… All above the expected power levels I'd last saw of you two and then there's the rest of you…" Frieza spoke, his glancing around got some of the squad worried, but Salza called out, emboldened by their numbers than anything else.


"Attack now!" Salza and Dore moved first, using A combination attack and gotten in range with Frieza attempting to punch and land A hit. Frieza though, still in A stance with his arms folded, still looking to be thinking deeply was dodging their blows, the quick movement and afterimaging he was pulling off made Salza try even harder. The rest of the men attempted their own attacks but with the speed of the Emperor, only dodging their attempts to hit him were failures. His speed was out of this world, reminding them of Cooler when he took them seriously than usual. Frieza then turned to look at each of them, his dodging allowed him to swiftly dodge the attempts to hit him easily even with his arms folded and he smirked, looking at Salza.


"Come on Salza, stop trying to hit me… and hit me!" Salza was slammed in the stomach by Frieza as the emperor turned and swashed his tail at him, taking out the entire squad by said tail swipe and then his Armored Squadron were all sent back into varying areas of the location they are in. Frieza's laughter, deep voice as he mockingly chuckled at them whilst still having his arms folded had told Salza just what Frieza was doing. The bastard was mocking them, and Salza realized how outclassed they were, they shouldn't have flared their Ki upon arrival and taken out the tyrant while he was still in his weakest form… but no, in their arrogance, they flared their Ki in their attempt to intimidate the emperor Frieza while their ships were still reaching the planet but that had backfired. Then there is Kron who is also here… The Ginyu Force must be around too, Cooler shouldn't have any trouble with Frieza and the Ginyu Force though… too bad they wouldn't be around to gloat at their superior leader's ascension.