Your Strength Is Lacking.



Frieza's face was in great concentration as we fought, arm to arm, leg to leg… tail vs tail. Our maneuvers only matching each other and from his snarling visage, he was beginning to get angry from me as I matched his strength, blow to blow. I kept up my facade of being his equal, sure I could destroy him but, this fight was what it was all about. I awaited the time when he would transform but at this moment I would continue to belittle and mock him with fist, not words. Afterimaging, our he would try and out-blow me in A weak point, I either caught his attack or used A cross-guard to stop him. I would in turn knock him around, attacking either with punch or kick, he would block my attacks in turn. Our movement was all over the place, fighting in the air, through various obstacles like mounds of hills or cliff-faces, destruction of the natural environment was the furthest from my mind, but we collided, forces of opposites and our impacts dramatically affected the climate, shockwaves of air collided or blasted out in whatever which way. A nasty punch into Frieza's stomach sent him crashing through A side of A cliff, his impact continued through, and he smashed through. Impacting the ocean nearby.


An orb of light-pink colored Ki arose in A dome, before expanding to fire at me. The explosion rocked the area, and I was pushed backwards into the side of the cliff. Frieza could be heard, the sound of his laughter echoing even through the explosion. As the detonating faded, his laughed was replaced with A frown. He landed nearby, the impact of his forceful landing roughening up the dirt.


"I've got to give you credit... nice... foreplay. But let us get down to business. You Saiyan's like A challenge yes. Well, I am A merciful lord, and I will offer you an opportunity to how we say, get on with it. … … … … … -oh, you don't understand my own language, yes. Well that meant, if you have the guts to face me at my best, put up or shut up." Frieza chuckled, I was living the badass realization that it would be me, not Goku who would destroy this puny punk, Goku wouldn't make it in time I'd think. If he did make on time though, I would wager Goku being much weaker than 'canon'- no, I made this mess, it's my cleanup and I would enjoy it, living A dream as it we're.


"Sure, Frieza. I'd love to tear you down at your best, it be good karma… for myself. So go ahead. I want you at your best, so when you lose… you'll know you tried your hardest, but you failed anyway." Frieza's grinned slowly turned into A snarl then into anger though this anger was him actually charging his Ki, which exploded around him. Him grunting in preparation for his change, as I slowly awaited him. His howls and grunts got more intense, as his form slowly melded into that 'monster' form, his voice went from deep to A feminine wail but still he transformed again, almost continuously through that form in order to reach his final form. His bodies protruding spikes and his face as it elongated begun to shrink smaller and his form, engulfed in his purple Ki-aura engulfed him, obscuring him from my visage but i could sense him, as the locks on his Ki unshackled, and his power unleashed. I could feel him, his power unleashed, and I eagerly awaited him, to begin this fight properly.


Frieza continued to scream in deformed snarls and his voice radically changed to A deeper feminine-like voice. His size was smaller than his second and third transformations. At once, his power settled, and I could see Frieza… final form through the disappearing smoke and dust that whisked up around him while his transformation ripped up the earth around him.




"Down there, hurry." Vegeta snarled, she frowned at his insistent whining but didn't say nothing. Landing while Krillin, Gohan, Chiaotzu and Nail secured the area from PTO grunts. They were easily knocked aside and dealt with. Entering the ship with Vegeta now finding his strength, he led them to A big room within the ship, filled all sorts of machines and some of said machines had liquid inside, these machines looked like someone could fit inside, if they wanted to die from, asphyxiation by drowning.


"Alright, we've got no time. Gohan and I here are Saiyan's. We're going to have to be weakened to the point of death, Saiyan's strength return even greater every time this happens, I know as my increased power shows. If you want to help that idiot Kron, this is how we do it." Vegeta managed, out. He fell to the ground in pain but was able to re-stand and turned to glimpse at them, hiding his frustration as he gritted his teeth. Pyrrha thought he was speaking madness but something on his face told her that he wasn't and so she replied.


"Fine, will have the opportunity to check this out. I'll do it… on you Vegeta, show us how to operate this thing and will see about how stronger you get afterwards... if at all. If Gohan want's once we've seen if it works, will ask if he would like to do so too, he's just A boy." she said, Nail grunted adding further.


"I'll do it. I owe you much for killing my brothers so don't expect me to go easy on you, Saiyan. Your use will run out once Frieza is dealt with." With that, Vegeta scoffed and replied through A laugh.


"Heh… fine do it and be quick about green bean. I'll prove it to you. Go find one of those grunts scouters and keep it on hand if you feel like I'm lying but don't waste time. I'll prove to you all I'm right and the kid will be able to help out real Saiyan's, that is... if he isn't soft like his fool of A father." Vegeta spoke haughtily while Gohan and the rest of them all glared at him. 



He glanced at the Saiyan, now from A height much shorter but still... he indeed was much more powerful now, his ultimate, one-hundred percent strength unleashed. He stood within the dust as it cleared away and surveyed the Saiyan. The Saiyan had not shown anything on his face, neither fear nor nothing from his new appearance which infuriated Frieza somewhat, but Frieza chuckled. Good, twice the pride… harder the fall.


"You do not look impressed Saiyan, that's alright. You'll be in A mere moment, of which there is no doubt." he approached the Saiyan Kron cautiously and then added.


"Well, shall we continue where we left off. I admit this warm up will help me with my estranged brother who is coming here as we speak." he said, sneering at him. Kron, finally replied, his face turned into A smirk as he spoke.


"Right, sure. But First… Haaaa rarhhhhaaa!" The Saiyan was engulfed in A bright yellow aura, his Ki exploded outward as he took A step forward. After A brief moment, the air was knocked in all directions and Kron's hair turned from black to A golden color and his black eyes turned from black to green.


"What-" Frieza was attacked, A flurry of blows and their fight renewed.


Kicking Kron in retaliation, his hit knocked the Saiyan backwards, he followed with A afterimage. Their blows in A range of Flurry of attacks at each other were evenly matched, as they took to the skies than fighting on the ground, probing each other's defenses.


"Heh, eh Frieza- we're pretty much evenly matched at the moment." This statement made Frieza even madder, and he tried to axe kick the Saiyan or take A wing with his hardened tail, he missed the kick but got his tail in at him instead and knocked the Saiyan downwards, firing multiple 'Death Beams' after him.


"This I'll teach you to make A mockery out Of Frieza!" he charged up A 'Death Ball' and launched it downwards to where the explosions of his beams were finishing going off and exploding. His sphere of death attack slowly sunk down upon the Saiyan and the planet, intense as it begun to rupture the immediate land around its diameter. Surprisingly though, his attack didn't go any deeper and instead started to rise. 


"Oh right, this is yours I take it mate." the Saiyan said, risen in the air, his clothes badly damaged but other than that he looked fine as he held Frieza's own attack upon his left hand. Frieza gritted his teeth but seen an opening, the gloating fool should have known better.


"Stupid monkey!" he quickly fired off A quick Ki-blast towards his captured 'Death Ball' and the interruption in Ki set the attack off.


"Heh, what A dumb idiot, can't expect much from his kind though anyway... Now, to-" Frieza laughed, mockingly as his attack decimated the area and it seemed the Saiyan too.


"-Oh, that was impressive display of fireworks but Frieza, where here to fight-"


"-What! -" he was smacked in A blink; A leg came down upon him and Frieza shot towards the ground like A missile.




I wasn't lying when I said we'd be evenly matched. With my clone heading to Namek, I was currently fighting at 50%, this against Frieza though seemed to be evenly matched with his full power, he definitely wasn't holding back and was taking me seriously. I could use the 'Wrath State' but I could only use that trick once and for half A minute at most. I can use Kaio-ken though-


-the flurry Frieza used I was able to block with A cross-guard, launching my own blows in retaliation, our attacks sent sonic-booms in every which way, Frieza launched beams with his eyes in part with his melee assault, to which I had to take head on with my own mouth Ki-blast I hastened to spit out, the small explosion rocked our faces. This knocked both of us backwards and we began to attack upon each other again, Ki or melee on A scale most I know would fall short to be able to keep up with someone like Frieza... or myself.


"I need to concentrate; this guy is my equal for now. Now I can test every ounce of my strength... test myself but I have to be careful encase he decides to 'Death Ball' the planet or something similar." attacking again, our fight more like A dance, the speed in which our attacks hit caused pockets of air to explode around us. Punching his abdomen, knocking him clear of the sky, though he landed and blasted back up, using his tail as A club which I was able to retort, grabbing his tail to throw him.

Frieza moved quickly and got me from on top my head, knocking me down and I grunted through the pain to such A spot. Looking up, he blasted multiple, Orange-colored Ki blasts upon me, further knocking me down and through that I flinched from the pain inflicted. The explosion he forcefully fed via the blasts continued to engulf me and only my Ki flaring out was keeping myself somewhat safe from further damage. Blasting out of the explosion, I landed my left elbow into his face and then followed up with A huge flurry of blows, he couldn't defend at that moment and with A upper-cut, I aimed an axe-kick whilst flipping which sent him careening towards the ground.


Landing nearby, I waited for his next attack, trying to keep the planet out of our fight. I was close enough so to retaliate if I needed to stop him pulling A planet buster attack out of his ass. The dust settled and Frieza stood, slight grazes but otherwise he looked to be fine.


"Round two Frieza, I'm just getting warmed up." Keeping him busy for days is my plan, should be capable of doing so with what my stint in the hyperbolic time chamber had done to temper me.




Beating up on Vegeta, Nail had savagely gone rounds with him who didn't fight back and took it. They placed the arrogant short Saiyan with an attitude inside the healing pod and awaited for his healing. The planet would shake occasionally, from Kron and Frieza's battle, Nail right now was on top of the ship overlooking the battle from afar. Tough you couldn't see nothing, sensing made feeling what was happening easier.


"Well, Vegeta looks to be out. How about it Gohan, want something to eat. I've got these remember." Krillin pulled out two capsules and threw one of them, poof and out of the smoke appeared A fridge. Chiaotzu replied as his face lit up and Gohan nodded perking up also.


"Yeah, let's eat. I'm starved. Come on Gohan!" the two of them approached Krillin and he noticed Pyrrha looking sideways at them.


"You want some too Pyrrha, Bulma packed it all, so it's got to be good." he said, already helping himself. She shook her head, replying as she left the room to see what Nail was doing and to get A better view of the battle.


"No, I'll be back. Going to check on Nail." she already left and then dashed into A sprint, heading through the narrowing corridors and leaving the ship. Flying upwards, she landed nearby Nail and then looked at the horizon.


"He's incredible… and from what I'm feeling, they feel rough equal in strength…" she spoke up almost dazed in awe while Nail grunted, keeping his eyes on the horizon and not replying. The silence that accompanied the occasional explosion in the distance, the fierce windstorms, the lightning of the sky in the distance, that of battle that came from Kron and Frieza's engagement.




A lot of hours passed so far, and it was crazy, the fight between Frieza and Kron continued, where they are you could glimpse their destructive powers in the distance. Vegeta had been released from the healing tanks twice so far, he gloated that he could feel powerful but still he continued insisting in Nail or them to beat him to near death. Gohan, seeing the strength increase Vegeta was 'cheesing' wanted to help in the current battle between Frieza and Kron who fought for hours so far and thus, begrudgingly asked for their help. That talk didn't really go over well with Pyrrha who seen it as inhumane to beat upon A kid but surprisingly Gohan retorted that he wasn't just A child but also like them, A fighter. A fighter with Saiyan blood, Krillin so far didn't like these Saiyan's except for Goku and from his half-blood status, Gohan who showed his Saiyan-side at that instance in arguing his case and they had accepted it. So, in that and the thirteen hours that had passed, Vegeta is on his third healing tank 'run' and Gohan on his second.


Vegeta was impressed by Gohan and as his way of showing thanks, beat upon Gohan to near death the first time Gohan was to go inside and heal, benefiting from A warrior's blood Vegeta had explained while impressed. Nail had beaten Vegeta A bit more ruthlessly after that though Vegeta only laughed it off, mockingly at the Namekian warrior. Now they we're in A stasis of wait while Vegeta and Gohan got stronger in A weird sort of way while they continued to squat inside some alien tyrant's ship and said alien tyrant right now was in A battle between someone Krillin wasn't sure about and could at any moment reduce the planet to ash... it was harrowing. In A way to lighten the mood between himself, Chiaotzu who looked to be glum about his best friend Tien being dead from the looks of him and Pyrrha who returned hours ago from the top of the ship. Nail hadn't returned for A while, he told them that he intended to head to Guru and watch him for now.


"Hey with all that flashing lights outside from those two, it's A wonder that the planet hasn't taken A direct hit by either of them. Also, I'm not sure Goku would approve of the uh, beatings I'm forced to give his son so he can use his 'Saiyan blood' to become much stronger, man… Vegeta is-" Krillin was interrupted, pushed aside as he strolled inside the room, freshly dressed in A new uniform of the PTO.


"-Is what baldy, huh… I'm feeling much better, and the healing pods are healing me much quicker now that I think about it, taking less time. It's all very strange, Hmph… I'm hungry, woman! Bring me some food." Vegeta demanded of Pyrrha, who frowned, turning to look at Krillin before she replied.


"Krillin has the capsule, how long until Gohan is done then." Pyrrha asked while Vegeta walked over to Krillin, Krillin gulped before throwing the capsule and four fridges appeared from said capsule and Vegeta mockingly smirked towards him before helping himself. Ripping into some chicken, through bites Vegeta replied to Pyrrha, burping loudly as he took A full swig of the can of drink and threw it half full behind him to get something better at least by that look from his face and the spit, he wasn't A fan of that flavor.


"The Boy has A fierce fighting spirit, but unlike me he is only half Saiyan and suffers from his inferior genes. He will take A little longer to heal, now I'm about to eat so quit asking. I've felt the ship shake even from my healing pod, is that bastard Kron and Frieza still battling, that fool." Vegeta asked through his eating and Chiaotzu replied the quickly.


"Yep, it's impressive how they can still go. It's been half A day, they must be really tired by now. From the looks of things, they are fighting mostly with their physical prowess than their Ki attacks, I can catch glimpses of it if I use my telekinetic abilities otherwise, I can't keep up with them." Chiaotzu said and Vegeta scoffed but continued to eat while Pyrrha responded to Chiaotzu in question.


"I didn't know you could do that- can you feel that. The trembling of the planet, like an earthquake hit. They must be going all out about now." Vegeta however stood up in disbelief then responded.


"No, that feels like an impact crater, no- several of them. We've got company." Vegeta stood while everyone else including Krillin also stood and prepared to head on out.




"We've arrived and it looks like the boss is turning up the heat. Jeice, I've noted several attack balls that belong to the Armored Squadron from here, seems like will be dealing with them. Recoome, Kron! Locate the enemy and report it in! The rest of you, spread out and keep your scouters on, Salza is around here somewhere… I bet the fool is in hiding or dead by now, that idiot chose the wrong side." Ginyu yelled out and then chuckled, smirking all the while.


"Well, let's go smash in some heads Kron! Haha! Remember make bet, I got A few bars of chocolate, good flavors too." Recoome clicked his scouter and then flew in the direction of where it appeared to be Frieza's ship.


Landing nearby while the rest of the Ginyu force headed out, I awaited who I could feel was Krillin slowly leave the ship cautiously, though it felt like Krillin, but he seemed much stronger. Seeing him, Recoome went to attack him in glee... when I knocked Recoome out from behind, A swift judo chop to the back of his head which incapacitated him and Krillin seen me, sighing in relief somewhat.


"Kron, you're the Kron of the Ginyu Force right, the clone? Well, come on inside and uh, your friend, are you going to-"


"-Kill him? No, I have some use with him and besides he's technically Kron's somewhat friend so there's that... Maybe I should just kill him but it's not my decision to make. Fine Krillin, lead me inside, tell me what you know before I decide what will happen, hmm…. is… is that Vegeta inside, no matter… let's go." I picked up A comatose Recoome and then brought him inside quickly following behind Krillin as he led me through the ship and to the interior healing and sick bay of the ship. I could see that Gohan was inside and he felt A almost more powerful than what I would have been If I held my power at its suppressed form, so he's… uh, maybe three times stronger than 200,000… A rough estimate, though it was Vegeta that had me surprised somewhat. He felt A little stronger than Gohan though not by much. He seen me and then the confusion on his face shown through though he seen my Armor and must have come to the conclusion that, oh… he seen Recoome, of course. the big oaf on my shoulder.


"Kron, clone right. Recoome too, why haven't you killed him you fool, we've no need for blockheads here. Your 'real self' is currently fighting Frieza, I want to see the look on that purple bastard of A captain's head when he realized one of his own has betrayed both him and Frieza-"I moved forward, passing Vegeta as I ignored him and spoke to the others awaiting me, nervous of the for them, unknown fighter on my shoulder.


"-Hey Pyrrha, Chiaotzu. Where's Nail, and why is Gohan inside there?" I asked, ignoring Vegeta for now. He didn't like that but kept quiet all the same, folding his arms and grunting, looking away before turning to walk off in long strides. Pyrrha looked quite happy to see me, she answered before any of the others could get A chance to.


"Kron you're uh, you're fighting Frieza at this moment, been fighting him for half A day so far, I'd go and see what yourself wants to do but, seeing you dressed differently tells us that the group you're with has landed. That big guy there proves it also, are you-." she said, standing up as she gripped her sword within its sheathe.


"-Not now, Well, I'll go see the real me... see what I can do to help if anything. If the original told you not to help, I'd instead ask you to watch Recoome here for me, the Ginyu-Force is looking around for the Armored Squadron, so they didn't stay here, instead they are looking for them elsewhere." I dropped the oaf on the floor right there and turned to leave, intent on heading to the battlefield.