Enter The Ginyu Force.

(Winter Schnee-POV)


"We're landing on the planet within an hour, guys. I'd prepare for that." Bulma said through the comm-system. Breathing heavily, she inwardly acknowledged her words but continued her training in earnest, finishing her set of exercises.


"Huh already, man… Bulma and her dad can really make A ship huh. I'm going to ask them If they can make me A capsule building for me to train in when this is all over…" huffed Goku, finishing up with his regime. Yang nearby also is finishing up too. They managed to reach one-hundred times normal gravity, she and Yang. Then there was Goku who had managed with them not in the way to get to one hundred-fifty times though he could barely move in that gravity well. The ship really could get to two hundred times but since the ship is also very fast, they hadn't much time to acclimate to the gravity levels.


"Right then, huh… let's find Dende and his brothers, get healed up. I'm going to need to shower after this." Winter said, Yang nodded towards her as she got to her feet. Yang too had tried the one hundred-fifty times normal gravity level but had immediately dropped to her knees unlike Goku who could stand but barely move.


Winter went ahead, heading to where Dende and the other two Namekian boys spent their time on the ship. Bulma, being the sweetheart she is had brought them coloring supplies and these intricate-looking building blocks the size of pebbles that they have since been busy building with. Having fun, they would heal up her, Yang and Goku whenever they needed it. It was better than using their huge amount of Senzu beans, the twenty beans we're kept for emergencies on the planet Namek. Winter groaned another time, stretching her sore body A bit while she headed for where the boys are, she felt much stronger from the few days of training they managed to grind out here in space.


"Time to test ourselves now, seeing Kron wouldn't hurt either…" she smiled at the thought of seeing him again before groaning again as she run A hand along her left neck area.


"Shit… that hurts." she whispered, entering A hallway where the boys had since turned into their fun area, they seen her and immediately gotten to their feet, one of the others, Dale had spoken up in surprise.


"Hey! Let's heal you up. Lady Bulma spoke that we'd be home soon!" the boy said and Dende and the other boy begun to heal her, her self-inflicted damage and muscle pulls quickly become the thing of the past. She sighed, speaking up.


"You three could make A killing healing people, why I would like to learn to use this ability. Maybe you three could teach me sometime." Winter questioned in contentment, her neck now not sore from being strained and her muscles stopped screaming at her internally. Dende responded once they finished up.


"Well, we could teach you… myself and all the Namekian's since Kron had first appeared on the planet had been gifted with our latent potential unleashed by our father. We've been also granted A wish thanks to Kron which had been to allow all Namekian's on the planet Namek to grow much faster than normal, in any aspect of our lives so everyone has improved from healing, to fighting, to farming. It was A great boon to my people, Guru has gotten much better and more unleashing potential and done so with us, all his children. I bet he would do the same with you." Dende finished and while intrigued by that information, that Kron was A better guy than she knew and that the Namekian's have A better aptitude for any talent they want, her question wasn't answered.


"So, that's A yes then? That be grand, thanks Dende." Winter smirked when the boy stammered in surprise when she hugged him awkwardly around his shoulder as thanks and then she walked off, to get A shower and then some uniform that Bulma had planned for them all, made of the same alloy that Kron's Saiyan armor was made out of but with Bulma's family, this armor was much better and the style too, very appealing. Especially the woman's appeal. 


"I doubt Goku would wear his though… he's got A lot of his same fighting Gi- ah, we've must be coming down now." Winter murmured at the bump, which felt like entry into atmosphere. Her guess was correct when she glimpsed the nearby window and noted the fire surrounding the ship, that of A similar look as when she and Salem landed on earth.




"Huh… seems more of these fools are arriving… Hmph, Capsule Corp…" Vegeta, on top of Frieza's ship was watching the effects of the battle happening very far away when the ship was seen at the corner of his eye. He huffed and prepared to raise his hand, Ki emitting from it when he felt A similar Ki signature, his Ki sense had become much more… familiar with his ability getting better. The Ki signatures he could sense on the ship were of seven people but one… he felt.


"Feels like the brat inside the ship. So… Kakarot has arrived has he…" lowering his hand and the Ki running along it in static formation dissipated and he chuckled, further speaking to himself.


"I'm very interested in finishing our bout but for now. Frieza is the priority. Hope that fool Kron can keep this fight up much longer. To think he's been fighting for hours against Frieza, almost A day now." Neither of them seemed to be taking the conflict seriously but there was some very heavy Ki use he'd been able to pick up on, it really helped him hone such A technique to sense and frankly Vegeta would use every bit of help he can get.


The ship landed A ways off and Vegeta decided to head over and see the other Saiyan.


"Here I come Kakarot!" he blasted off, engulfed in his blue-colored Ki.




"Heh, men! I've spotted A ship of unknown make. Everyone regroup at the location I've left via our scouters and will go investigate, over and out." he spoke through his device and then awaited his men. It wasn't much longer than ten minutes when his Ginyu force minus Recoome and Kron had arrived. Noting that the last two hadn't arrived, Ginyu wasn't worried and instead spoke to those assembled.


"Where's Recoome, that oath and that bastard Kron hadn't arrived yet." Jeice said aloud, Burter grunted, replying.


"They must have found someone to beat on, never mind those two." Burter rasped, smirking as he roughly itched his face.


"Men! We're got some unknown here. Let's go greet them now!" they had gotten into pose mid-blast off and they moved quickly, blasting towards the ship in the distance. 


"Hey, there are some strong fighting powers here, men. Jeice, read them out for us yeah." Ginyu said smirking.


"Right captain. Uh let's see, uh… one's at-" his scouter blew up mid-scan and Jeice grit his teeth in anger.


"That one, before my scouter blew read 244,460." Jeice said very concerned, Ginyu though was intrigued from such A high power and then smirked.


"Really… well, that is interesting." his smirk grew larger and then his cackling got much louder. Finally, someone he could go all out on, not some scrub with A low battling power.




"-Oaf-" He knocked Frieza downward and then continue to bombard the alien with multiple punches and kicks, Frieza recovered mid-hit and retaliated, their blows either dodged or blocked with A blow matching in kind, the impacts causing the air to sonic boom all around them. They had been going on like this for A long while, Frieza looked tired, and I too felt like resting but still we kept it up. Frieza begun to take me seriously and would try to user his larger Ki blasts to try to inflict damage, damaged in which I wouldn't let him get around inflicting. Those attacks could do much cataclysmic damage to the planet so in that regard, stopping him before he done so was A high priority.


"Harrrfgh! ... Harrrfgh! … Harrrfgh!" Frieza launched multiple blasts of pink-colored blasts as well as firing Ki-beams from his eyes. Dodging his attempt, every afterimage brought me closer to Frieza until in range I could headbutt him and though I was in range, he landed one blast to my abdomen at the same time as I appeared to headbutt him brutally. The result was both of us sent backwards from each other.


Frieza and I then glanced at each other, heavily fatigued but Frieza smirked, speaking up for the first time in A while that wasn't him threatening me or cursing me in his native tongue.


"You've been this strong for all this time huh… my, what A clever trick but I'm afraid you're fresh out of luck. I've been impressed but… you do not yet realize how outclassed you are. I mean, really…" he laughed mockingly, his smirk made me A bit mad though instead of reacting in A hostile way, I retaliated with A few words of my own.


"Yeah well, you've been fighting at your maximum. I'm surprised myself that I'm strong enough to do so." he sneered though his smirk remained while he replied.


"Yes… very impressive, though I do not like your tone. Monkey, your life is over. I might be fighting at one hundred percent, but I can push this further if I want to though that would be taxing on me. No, I think you're out of tricks, you're on your last legs, it's only A matter of time before I kill you monkey!" I smirked then, knowing exactly what to hit him with.


"One hundred percent you say… that is impressive… of you seeing as I've been lasting against you at only fifty percent of my true power." in saying this, I meant what with my one clone inside the Ginyu force being around, with it I was currently at fifty percent my full strength. Frieza took this as an insult as he gritted his teeth and then replied angrily.


"What! You little beast think you're something special! No, not anymore! You die, I don't care about those-" he was smacked into from the back by A harsh whip from A tail... A Saiyan's tail, my clone behind him though not in super Saiyan but using his wrath state and Kaio-ken floated nearby and then landed.


"Yo." I said to my clone who at the same time said 'Yo'.


"Right, your job is to take Guru to Earth like right now. The dragon balls will follow and then you can dispel. I'm going to need to be full power if I want to take this guy down without losing the planet." I nodded to myself, and 'I' agreed.


"Sure thing, you look like shit." heh 'I' said to which I snorted. Hearing Frieza powering up, the land surrounding where he was currently buried in the rubble and fallen rocks started to either evaporate or rise up floating, as Frieza arose into the air in seething anger, seeing two of me now.


"-What is-" I cut off Frieza before he could speak and explained to him.


"-This is why I'm currently fighting you at half my strength. Now if I, being my clone is finished, we can get back to it. I'm enjoying this bout far too much to end it here yet, what say you Frieza." he in turn replied not with words but his Ki increasingly engulfing him as he powered up, he rose into the sky and raised A hand with one finger upwards. Finally, while he gritted his teeth in upmost hate as he looked at me, he spoke.


"You- y-you little fool, how dare you play with me! I'll end you and this miserable planet. If I cannot make my wish than none of you or your pitiful friends will either, I refuse to be mocked by some mare animal, I will annihilate you!" the airily light above Frieza's finger glowed A sickly purple, before the dot emitting the light begun to grow larger, then the laughing begun as the dot expanded every increasing in diameter.


I turned slightly to my clone when the clone spoke up.


"Have fun with that, unless you want me to dispel now so you can-" Interrupting my clone with A shrug, nodding in disagreement, I spoke up.


"-Nah, then I would have to take Guru and interrupt my fight yeah. Get going." I responded, not very bothered by the attack though I was concerned on where Frieza planned on using it, his tells were beginning to make me think he'd planned to use this on the planet instead of me.


"I'm out." the clone of me said, laying A finger and using 'instant transmission'. It was just me and Frieza now.


"Now, you fool. Dodge this one if you can but even if you do, this planet is finished!" he lowered harshly his hand and the finger upon it in an arc and then the monstrosity of an attack came down upon me.


"Kaio-ken times fifty! … … Royal… … … Spear! Harrrrgh!" I launched an attack in retaliation, Kaio-ken boosted briefly as my attack launched from the palms of my hand, my golden aura Ki flashing crimson briefly whilst charging such an attack and the beam flashed purple with red streaks, golden too as it impacted his attack. The massive dome of Frieza's Ki then was begun to be pushed back over his head and Frieza looked shocked as my beam continued to hammer into his planet buster, pushing it out of the range of the planet and higher into the sky slowly.


"No! You little monkey!" he raised his hand in retaliation, he must be telekinetically connecting with his attack because his Ki seeped out of him, an aura glowed upon his form and some wisps had begun to flow into his attack. The oversized attack of his continued to be pushed back until it stalled and then it came back down again, fighting of the wills of both our attacks coming into conflict.


"Hey Frieza, idiot, you're in range!" I yelled out, the 'Royal spear' beam I created no longer been fed by my Ki as I launched another Ki-beam, 'Royal Spear' attack intent on just blowing both my first beam and his monstrosity of A sphere now that it was out of range of the ground and high up where the damage should be minimal to the planet itself.


"Dodge this idiot!" my fast fired and hastily charged Ki-blast launched not at him but at my other attack, intent on blowing it then and there. Frieza looked surprised before realizing how close he was and then the barest hint that he was about to yell out was snuffed out from the interference of my own attacks, one pushing against his and the other intent on detonating his and mine forcefully on impact.




I quickly went to Guru first, as I appeared I glanced backwards as the sky had lit up, ignoring it though even from here the harsh blowing of the winds that happened because of such A raw undiluted explosion of Ki was felt even here. I could sense someone nearly coming here, I familiar signature that had to be Nail so I would wait here but after getting Guru to Earth. Whatever 'I' have in store must be carried out even if I don't know the plan.


Going inside quickly, I went up and then spoke to Guru who looked quite content even here. Speaking up.


"Hey Guru, I'm here to take you to Earth, umm. This might feel weird." I warned, walking closer and raising two hands, one to use the 'Instant Transmission' and the other intent to place upon Guru's hand.


"Ah… Kron, you're different looking than before." he said, taking note of my Ginyu uniform though i wondered how he could see me with those squinty eyes of his... A real mystery.


"Yes, that Kron is the original, I'm just A clone of the original." I explained, he hummed before nodding.


"...I see, well… make sure you take my chair with me Kron." he said, and I snorted in amusement before nodding in agreement, concentrating as to also take his chair with him.


"...Ready now, hold on to your lunch sir... oh, and your chair of course." I added, he only grunted in anticipation.


(Winter Schnee-POV)


Ready, dressed and eaten A Senzu bean each as Goku explained that eating one is the equivalent of eating dinner too and he was quite hungry, we left the ship while Bulma and the Namekian boys helped her. Bulma had then pressed A secret button on the side of the ship, which is hidden behind A kind of lock, which would then return the ship to its capsule. That done, Yang, Goku and herself along with Bulma and the three boys looked around.


"Huh, hey guys I'm sensing some people, with bad Ki signatures approaching us and then there's another coming from the north…" Goku said suddenly, going from calm to serious in one movement. Winter felt them too, so they would be fighting this early huh…


The one signature which felt somewhat evil who arrived was Vegeta himself who looked quite different and also arrogant as he smirked upon them, he landed in front of Goku and laughed lightly.


'"haha, so yes, you're here Kakarot. Excellent, I'm-" then there was A bigger group who upon seeing them landed further away from them, four of them. They wore armors which had the symbol that Kron had on his usual armor, the insignia matching the one on his uniform.


"Heh… the Ginyu-force then, I presume..." Winter murmured loudly, Vegeta and Yang scoffed at the same time, which had them checking each other out briefly. Turning around fully, Vegeta spoke up.


"Ah, so the clown squad has arrived. Guldo you little troll, man… you're as ugly as I remember." Vegeta smirked and then looked at the purple one, who continued to smirk at them.


"Well boys, you've seen the enemy. Go get them!" they rushed them, they begun to engage immediately and the three Namekian boys and Bulma retreated further back in fright. Winter and Yang went against the red and blue fighters who gunned for them, their speed impressive but they were much too slow, and Yang didn't muck around as she unsheathed her blade and went in for the kill. Slicing into the red guy, who managed to dodge slightly but half his right armor on his shoulder was sliced into and some of his hair was cut off which made Yang cackle in amusement and the fighter to bemoan about his hair.


"What! You little bitch! My Hair-" Yang knocked him into the ground with the butt of her sword, firing off A large Ki-blast reminiscent of Kron's 'Royal Spear' which it most likely is though she didn't put much power into it. The blue alien was faster than the red guy, Winter easily caught up to him though and attacked him easily, the alien rasped with gritted teeth, bemoaning that 'he is the fastest in the universe' which made Winter amused at his arrogance. From the corner of her eye, Vegeta made short work of the alien with too many eyes, annihilating him easily and cackling about it while Goku took his time, testing himself against the purple one with horns. 


With Guldo done in, Vegeta attacked the purple one with Goku, Vegeta seemed much stronger than them even with their training which is concerning but the fool didn't have the abilities they did, Kaio-ken included in which she could now use times nine, Yang got to times eleven and Goku managed to get the multiplier to times sixteen before he would tire from its conflicting usage.


Though the purple alien was been beaten much easier with two Saiyan's working him over, the smirk on the purple alien's face remained, A smirk that made Winter quite pissed off but deeper still, she felt like something must be wrong or this guy had some kind of ability himself that he is hiding.