Ginyu Is Vegeta, Vegeta is Ginyu.

(Winter Schnee-POV)

"Heh, I'm impressed, you're both big guys-" the alien begun but was interrupted by Vegeta.


"-For you, heh…" Vegeta scoffed, as they paused their fight whilst Ginyu grinned at both Saiyan's.


"Heh, you're both reminding me of A certain Saiyan of mine. Well guy's I'm thinking like him, you both want A challenge. So, who wants to fight me, one on one. An honorable fight." Winter landed near the blue guy who was getting up, her boot landing upon his throat harshly crushing him and ending his life, she done so and walked forward while Yang removed the blade from the red-skinned alien's body and used the remnant of his hair to quickly wipe off her sword. Sheathing it, they remained further off but close enough to hear them talking.


"Well, who will it be huh. The one I'm being fighting or the arrogant prince who decided to rebel against lord Frieza… which one… Come on boys, I'll allow you to pick heh…" he smirked, watching them carefully.


Finally, Vegeta scoffed and then replied while cackling loudly, his laughter mockingly annoying the purple alien somewhat.


"Heh… you're going to be facing me worm, you want to face A superior opponent. I'm that opponent and let me tell you, killing more of Frieza's men gets my blood pumped!" Vegeta smirked, his Ki exploding from within, and Winter held up A hand to block her hair flailing every which way.


She involuntarily stepped back from the Ki emitting from the ass Vegeta and had to step over the corpse of the alien she just executed brutally before, Yang seen her and came closer.


"Shit, should we leave the fight to them or what. There's only one of these Ginyu guys left." she asked, and Winter replied, quick.


"I think we should find Bulma and the three Namekian's, then get somewhere out of the way, Vegeta seems much more powerful than even us and even Goku too."




Standing in anticipation of the coming battle, he continued to gloat in choosing the right one, the arrogant Vegeta, so sure of himself, so foolish. His hairstyle will have to be changed… yeah, that is one hairdo he will not be needing. His new body, his rules. Smirking, he'd test himself against this traitorous cur and then he would 'switch'. Finding A moment that was right between their fight would be easily, these Saiyan's like to go head-to-head in battle and this one is no different, Ginyu spent much time around Kron to know some of their habits.


"Fine then, little prince… I'd happily take your head to Lord Frieza… show me what you can do!" he laughed almost manically at the power Vegeta was displaying, finally though, Vegeta quickly blasted towards him, speeds on par with Burter, Speeds not A problem with himself now.


"haahrah Harahrah rahah!" their fists and kicks met each other, furious blows exploded upon one another in combat for dominance, taking to the skies, their attacks effecting the environment around them, either through kinetic force or their Ki battling alongside them, submerging each of them in their own strength. 


Rattling blows Ginyu managed to connect in succession upon the Saiyan princes head, rattling him briefly before he had time to move, Ginyu used his signature attack.


"Hah! 'Milky Cannon'!" The blast of purple Ki formed as quickly at his resounding growl, before shooting his attacks name and the orb fired, launching for the surprised and close-ranged Vegeta who gritted his teeth in defiance. Vegeta surprised him by taking the attack by the palms of his hands, Vegeta slowly been pushed on the defensive and he wrestled control with the attack from Ginyu, Ginyu smirked in astonishment as Vegeta was really pushing him and the fight barely even started, the fool though was still in range of his attack as her held onto it which Ginyu could detonate any time. He got some distance from Vegeta and then let the blast explode.


"You fool Vegeta!"


"Grrr- What-" Ginyu mentally allowed his attack to explode, the resulting explosion engulfed the Saiyan and A huge diameter of the planet around them, even as so much as touching and inflicting an impact crater from the massive diameter of the blast. Ginyu laughed with glee, finally someone who could be used to test the pinnacle of his true strength, which had been further honed from him taking on Kron into his elite strike force, training with that Saiyan increased his own strength to an impressive degree. Somehow though, Vegeta was, no… he is stronger than Kron is, Vegeta has to be over two hundred thousand to have been on par with himself. Ginyu made sure to push himself past what Kron had shown as his full power, the leader of such an elite squad had to be the strongest of the force or there could be dissent among the ranks. 


"...Ranks, ah yeah right. Recoome and Kron unaccounted for, those strong females managed to take out Burter and Jeice too. Then there's Guldo who Vegeta took out, perhaps over their rivalry… I'm down A damned squad! Dammit, now I've got to go through all the motions of finding new members and teaching them the proper dancing moves-" Ginyu was struck had in the face, an enraged Vegeta who looked pretty downbeat from his attack managed to snag him in the jaw, knocking the words from his mouth and then from the sky as he launched A flurry of blows upon him. His torso rattled by the strikes, Vegeta raised his hands upwards. bringing them down like A volleyball strike and knocking the esteemed captain down like A missile into the ground below. 


"-Gahh you little-" he couldn't finish his sentence as the impact from the blow had ended, he struck hard the ground and made A sizable impact crater, though he was far from wounded. Only bruised ego but Vegeta wasn't finished. Ginyu realized that the prince of all Saiyan's had sent A blast of sizable proportions downwards after him. The size of that thing made Ginyu wide eyed, and he laughed out in both surprise and acceptance.


"heh, good… good Vegeta, this attack might just weaken me to the point… in which I'll then use the opportunity to take-" he was further interrupted again, now that the attack came upon him, Ginyu hunkered down and powered up to try and mitigate the blow, his Ki keeping him somewhat safe from the full might of the explosion of the impact.




Frieza launched A continuous blast of orange colored Ki-blasts my way, its blasts feeding the explosion in which I continued to dodge from, being quicker than his attempts to blast me. The explosions reminiscent of flak, his blasts continuing to slowly come after me after every afterimage. I appeared in front of Frieza, headbutting him and then sending my own tracking Ki-blasts his way, engulfing him in similar small explosions. Frieza's retaliation, A dome of Ki, purple of color formed from where he was hidden in the explosion I launched upon him, the beams the size of his fingers, death beams filled the sky, and some blew my own Ki attacks mid-flight. 


"You little Saiyan, die!" Frieza appeared at my side, afterimaging near to me at punching distance, I was then smacked hard multiple times via his aggressive kicks and tail strikes. Recovering after the foremost blows against me, I retaliated with my own, our speeds against each other turning the air around us into A condensed area in which our blows continued to cause shock waves. 


"Hey, it is I." my clone appeared nearby, Frieza immediately turned, knowing my voice by now and replied indignantly.


"W-What, there's-" his distraction made this apparent but, I took advantage of such A situation, knocking him further away whilst powering up A 'Royal Spear' to be thrown after him. While the beam of condensed Ki charged in the palms of my hands I sideways glanced at 'myself' and questioned the smug looking clone.


"So, Guru's gone then. Why are you still A clone, I told you to dispel?" I asked, the smugness of my clone faded, and he replied seriously.


"I might stick around encase Ginyu becomes A problem, you know he can still 'body snatch' and all that right." my clone said to I, the clone made A good point. I nodded, my concentration almost submerged in my attack that I thrusted towards the missile image of Frieza as he continued to shoot down like A missile.


"Go ahead, hell's… take him out yourself but then dispel, I'm going to be one hundred percent for the battle to come, you know whom I speak." the attack fizzled out of existence, no longer feeding the attack with my Ki, I landed to the ground while my clone disappeared from sight.


"Heh… shit, I need to grab A bite to eat soon." waiting for the dust to settle, I waited for Frieza to get back up and continue our fight. He really was the best fight I've been in since planet Remnant, all that training of mine had made finding A worthy adversary rather… difficult and with my Saiyan blood vying for A challenge such as this, savoring it was the right thing to do, killing him quickly here would make things boring. Besides, putting into practice what I've learned thus far from my training is also good for my combat experience, which isn't in the grand scheme of things really, not that much. 


"Heh… eh, you're so annoying… Come on Frieza-" A blast blew out from the already fading dust cloud though it was barely A threat as I swiped it aside, the attack bounced upon my impact with the back of my hand and headed over towards Frieza, blowing up behind him. He really looked pissed off, his face went from angry to passive. Then Frieza smirked, chuckling as he wiped his face of the blood that flown from his bottom lip. About to speak, Frieza and I glimpsed A ship of similar make to Frieza's own. He looked angry again, his face turned into A scowl.


"Blasted! That damnable fool of A brother has arrived!" Frieza yelled out, ignoring me largely now. Powering down though remaining in Super Saiyan for now, I approached him cautiously. The fool continued to growl in anger, I could feel someone, possibly from that Ki it could be Cooler coming towards us, it felt like Frieza so, similar but stronger than Frieza himself... He felt much stronger than my 'current' fighting power in part thanks to my clone not yet dispelling, I wasn't worried as I still have my 'trump' card.


Landing on the opposite side of us, Cooler though not in his fourth form but his secret fifth form stood, landing heavily on the soil. This put Frieza out slightly, I could see him eyeing Cooler with hate and… curiosity. I guess I should get serious right about now.




Arriving at the sight of the battle with Ginyu, I could see Vegeta and the enigmatic captain hammer away at each other, trying to outbid the other in A contest of strength, their blows I could feel from here via the tinging sensations of the wind sent randomly outward from them, they were giving it their all. They clashed in the air alone, Goku nearby awaiting his own turn. 


"Winter I could sense nearby, Yang too. Bulma and three Namekian's could be sensed as well though I need to keep an eye on Ginyu, ah fuck him… the captain needs to die for all of them sessions of his poses he put us through." reappearing in front of both Vegeta and Ginyu, already charging up A blast from the inside of my mouth, releasing the blast as Ginyu realized who it was.


"Kron! The heck-" my blast was canceled as Vegeta, attacked me from behind, in my arrogance, forgot how ruthless the bastard is at this time, that was the right amount of damage that forcefully dispelled me, disappearing outright.




That was just A clone, but it felt good all the same, smirking. Vegeta attacked in earnest A shocked Ginyu who even now retaliated in kind as he snapped out of his stupor, Kron long forgotten as A grin appeared on the captain's face. 


"Heh… Vegeta, killing my men… you're trying to piss me off right, well I like you… I'm sure I'll be able to make you see that before the end. Oh, and don't blink." he said creepily as A blast manifested inside Ginyu's hand, Vegeta scoffed, catching the captain off guard and hammering into him into his kidneys, the blast sent off in A random direction and exploding nearby.


"That's it you monkey bastard! … Change… Now!" the flash of light, A yellow beam connected between the two of them and Vegeta found that he couldn't move at all, Ginyu smirking at him in glee as the beams connected them together. Vegeta felt weird, he now was looking at his own body from the outside and finally the beam connecting them had severed.


"Coughing slightly, he felt his stomach where his kidneys are to be in pain and then he got A good look at his own hand which… turned out to be A purple appendage with sharpened fingers. His eyes widened and he turned to look up, seeing his body there and in disbelief, Vegeta asked what had happened, pausing when the first syllables had left his mouth, sounding entirely… like himself but it wasn't from his body in front of him but the body he was now in. His body looked the same though his body appeared to be stretching slightly, smirking in his direction briefly, before 'Vegeta' spoke up alarmed.


"W-What have you-" Vegeta was interrupted when his actual body chuckled, sounding like Ginyu.


"Ah… relax Vegeta… or should I call you Ginyu, haha heh… this… power, you're A surprising one Vegeta, becoming this powerful. I should thank you, your body will do well for me… Haha heh." HE laughed more.


"You bastard! How dare-" Goku came up and interrupted them, looking a Vegeta though and then in anger at himself, inside Ginyu's body.


"Vegeta, you feel different… what is going on, I can sense you're Ki signature has changed." Kakarot spoke almost assured, flying backwards from Vegeta and turning to looking at him in question, keeping some distance from them both.


"Kakarot! This bastard has stolen my body! Be careful, he has the ability to do so." Vegeta said, using his voice but inside Ginyu's body, looking in disgust at his purple hands and glaring hatefully at Ginyu inside his own body. Ginyu smirked, chuckling slightly before replying in glee.


"Heh… it doesn't matter anymore- ah what's this blonde bimbo want?" he turned to glare at the female blond, Yang who came up to them cautiously glancing at them.


"Need any help or are you guys getting along well." she asked sarcastically, hefting her large blade onto her shoulder, one of her fists wearing those same gauntlets that she considered A weapon as she glanced at them all, looking at Vegeta inside Ginyu's body in disgust which pissed off Vegeta A bit, though he understood she was disgusted with Ginyu, not himself which he felt better about… for some reason.


"Ah bitch, you interrupted me, you'll die first, sword or no sword." Vegeta watched Ginyu reply inside his body and Yang frowned, incensed at being called A bitch, she snarled angrily but before she could act Kakarot flew nearby her and responded.


"I don't know how but Ginyu has switched bodies with Vegeta, they both feel different. Ginyu's body has Vegeta's signature inside and Vegeta's body has Ginyu's ugly signature inside, we better be cautious." Kakraot spoke, Veget grunted, hopeful that this mess could be fixed if they teamed up though he wouldn't say nothing.


(King Kai-POV)


"Oh no! Cooler has arrived! Kron would be fighting both him and Frieza together I'd expect." He said to those gathered around him, their faces either grim or uninterested in the case of Piccolo or angry in Raven's case, that woman…




Here he is then, the coming bout will either be A three-way or them versus me which I felt excited about more than the former. Though from their looks to one another, Frieza still confused from the new appearance of his brother well… it might be them fighting while I sit and watch. I felt my full strength come back to me, my clone having dispelled from Vegeta and his foolish attack that my clone couldn't foresee meaning I could foresee. Cooler spoke first, his eyes red and piercing while his smirk at his brother and his glare my way made him confident in speaking loudly for Frieza to hear him mock him.


"Frieza you fool, always playing around, always making light of the situation. Now you've failed as an emperor for the last time. If you step down now and then officially to the empire later, I will not have to do something I might not regret one bit. It's up to you. In the case of the Saiyan, your life is already over, my power level is much higher in this newly adapted mythical 'fifth' form of mine, through blood, sweat and toil I have ascended to another level above our people… above that ingrate over there. Frieza you mutant freak, surrender now. You've taking A beating from A savage of all things, you've but one choice to make. Say the words Frieza… and I'll allow you to leave, unscathed by me, you'll live with the shame though of being beaten by A lower life-form though, not even you can live that down you fool..." Cooler liked the sound of his voice it seemed, I wasn't worried in the slightest at this point I was overwhelmingly stronger than Cooler if I used both Super Saiyan and the wrath state together, not to mention Kaio-ken too. Beating this proud alien would allow me to go all out, Frieza had been fun, but he couldn't handle me at fifty percent, Cooler should fare much better. Frieza continued to growl ferally almost at every barb sent his way before his wincing stopped, he calmed down and then turned to me, A surprise for sure.


"...Kron, I've A bone to pick with my brother here, he's become too big for his breeches. Help me deal with him and I'll spare you and your friends. I'll even allow you all to leave unopposed and this worlds case, once I get my wish, I'll leave it and those rats called Namekian's to live on this backwater rock without further bloodshed. What say you monkey, your species are known for fights of A caliber I feel this bout will become." he turned to glimpse his hated enemy, his brother Cooler whose smirk vanished as the bladed armor clinked into existence over his mouth, signifying that Cooler was done speaking and preparing for A fight. I could see where this goes though, I have my doubts.


"Fine. I'll team up with you for now though if you think I'll allow you to use them dragon balls-" I was interrupted by Frieza who turned to his brother with A glare.


"-Will discuss this after my elder brother is dead." Frieza glared at Cooler and then powered up, his muscles convulsed and expanded, and I could note that his Ki was rising slightly. He was going to one hundred percent strength it seems. Lighting danced across the sky, headless of our standing around and Frieza stopped growling as he pulsed with renewed power, he could be heard laughing in arrogance, his power destroyed the island we were on as we begun to float in the air. Full power I would be fine, but I was tired too, having not slept for A long time. Fuck Frieza, he can fight his brother, I'll watch him and then when I feel like it, I'll kill them both. They both will die by my hand so sorry Goku, but it will have to be me that finishes this. The situation is already getting out of hand and we are one blast away from the planet being destroyed in the coming bout.


"I'll be back." I said simply disappearing via 'instant transmission', heading towards Goku, Yang and the rest for they had something I could use to 'pepper' me up… Senzu beans, when I get one of them, I'll head on back, I have to be there encase the fight goes out of control and one of them decide to dodge and the planet suffers.