Brother Versus Brother.



The monkey disappeared, Frieza grit his teeth and turned his full attention to Cooler. Using the Saiyan was his plan, he was feeling A bit fatigued from fighting for days with the monkey. Though he almost sighed in relief as the Saiyan Kron reappeared, looking much better and chewing on something, possibly food… the fool.


"Haaa!" Frieza blasted suddenly, his right hand raised as he poured A huge amount of Ki into his Ki-blast, the orange-colored attack detonating onto Cooler who didn't move from his attack, not bothering to dodge.


"Frieza, that was right on the nose eh… you're going to have to try harder than that-" Frieza turned sharply, Cooler was next to him and before Frieza could retaliate and attack him further, Cooler quickly kicked the emperor which sent him careening into some rocks nearby. Frieza blasted out quickly and then watched as Cooler engaged Kron.


"Kaio Ken times ten!" Kron yelled out, his power dramatically increased, and their fight became much more even matched then before when Cooler looked to behave the upper hand. Frieza paused, watching them go at it and taking A rest for the moment, The Saiyan should at least tire Cooler out for A while, Frieza would recover his stamina in the meantime, awaiting for an opportunity for attack and then Frieza would teach Cooler not to mess with lord Frieza, the Saiyan will die afterwards his use is done for and then he would obtain his wish or if he couldn't none in the universe who opposes him would be able to get such an opportunity as Frieza would incinerate this rock without mercy, wish be damned.


Frieza shut his eyes briefly from the wind that was pushing towards him in random times as they continued to engage each other, their blows more physically damaging then Frieza and Kron's battle was.


"Cooler, is that all this new form of yours got? What A pathetic display." Cooler elbowed Kron viciously, turning to fire A barrage of 'Death Beams' at Frieza who scoffed, dodging the attacks via afterimaging, his speed was A bit sluggish thanks to being one hundred percent full power, so he dropped out of that, and his muscles deflated back to their original size.


"Ah… that feels much better, still this transformation of yours Cooler is much interesting to me, tell me is it achievable by A genius like I?' Frieza said as he didn't expect an answer though Cooler grunted, firing off another random Ki-blast at him in reply instead of words.


Kron fired A blast of his own at the moment Cooler did which hit directly, knocking Cooler from the sky as he could be heard grunting in discomfort Cooler shot towards the ground, hitting through the earth and continuing through, coming out into the ocean nearby which made A massive explosion of water shoot upwards from the impact.


Cooler quickly recovered, accelerating from the sea and blasted upwards, hitting into Kron roughly, their engagement continued while Frieza continued to watch, noting that the transformation of Cooler's made him sluggish than Frieza while Kron's aura-like transformation made him much faster than Frieza and much faster than Cooler. That transformation… whatever it was it annoyed that this Saiyan had unlocked such A powerful transformation… he heard tales of the super Saiyan from the slates and tablets of his ancestor who fought against one in the ancient past, but he wasn't sure if this was it. Kron didn't explain about it when they began their bout.




She left the group to find Bulma and the Namekian's children while Yang decided to hang back encase, she got A chance to blow off some steam. Seeing Bulma nearby crouching behind A large boulder with the three boys with her, she also sensed them there too, so she landed nearby, and Bulma seen her, sighing in relief.


"Hey Winter, what's going on out there? Is it over? And that was Vegeta, that brutish thug!" she said quietly, the three Namekian's looking at them in concern. Winter snorted slightly, trying to bring the glum mood down and replied.


"Yeah, though it looks like he's on our side… for now. Let's find the rest." Bulma looked quite scared but shook herself of the fear and shook her head, resolute and assured they would survive.


"Alright then Winter, the dragon radar doesn't pick up anything here, not even further away. You'll have to lead." Bulma pointed, showing Winter the device. Winter nodded, pulling Bulma to her feet and then looking at the three boys.


"Alright guys, we're going in this direction. Will go slow so keep up little dudes." she said kindly, smiling slightly and Bulma elbowed her.


"You'll have to carry me then, I would use my capsule vehicles but that might be dangerous here." she said seriously. Winter nodded and then they rose into the air, the three boys following.


Flying in the direction of the dragon radar, it wasn't that long of A trip, Winter did glimpse backwards to see the signs of battle from time to time, the domes of energy exploding there, as Goku and the rest fought against the leader of the Ginyu force and the man who Kron followed for some such reason or another, must be A foolish reason as he could have been with them all this time instead but no…


Landing, they approached the area she felt some nearby Ki signatures, familiar ones and Pyrrha along with Krillin, Chiaotzu and Gohan were there along with another Namekian, adult one who the three Namekian boys recognized, Dende shouting loudly in happiness.


"Nail, you're here. Is Guru safe?" Dende spoke up, the other two boys gathered around him, checking him over to see if he needed any healing to which he didn't. Nail responded, grunting/


"Nah, Guru is fine, the dragon balls have left too I believe. Kron took him off world for now. Or A clone of him at any rate." Nail said, looking in A direction, Winter squinted, she could feel him fighting in the distance though the two other signatures made her feel dread as to how horrible they are, she felt Kron there and his felt… aglow… if that was best to describe it.


"So… what now?" she asked, Bulma spoke up quick enough.


"Well, if the dragon balls are not here, shouldn't we just leave, go home." She said, Krillin shook his head, answering.


"If we do that, what if Goku needs help with Vegeta. I don't trust him, nor Kron to keep him safe. We're better off going to help Goku now and then with the Frieza fellow too." speaking up, Winter sent him the stink eye about Kron but that was probably her bias of her man, she kept her mouth shut but glared all the same at Krillin who didn't realize she was looking. She spoke up, stopping any potential argument and voicing her plan aloud.


"Pyrrha, Krillin and I could help Goku. Gohan you can stay here for now or you can come help. It's your dad after all." she said to him who nodded, looking to be in thought before he replied resolutely.


"I can help of course, I've gotten much stronger. We all have." Gohan nodded at Krillin and Chiaotzu who nodded back, Chiaotzu asked.


"Should I come too? I'm fine with waiting here with those who can't fight, encase more of those goons show up." he said, turning to point at Bulma, the three Namekian boys and Winter nodded in agreement.


"Right, once this Ginyu character is dealt with we can go and offer help to Kron. He appears to be fighting someone so much stronger than anything I've felt." she said, Pyrrha nodded, speaking.


"You're right, they feel much stronger than any of us too. I'm not sure we should be going to help them in that case, we might just get in the way." Krillin agreed with A nodded and added.


"Eh… Goku though might just take it as A challenge. Let's go! We might be out of time." Winter, Pyrrha, Nail, Krillin and Gohan took off and left Bulma, Chiaotzu, Dende and the other two boys in the relatively safety of the island with the cave on it.




Impacting Coolers face multiple times, his armor really helped him but I being much stronger thanks to my activated Kaio-ken combo-ed with Super Saiyan helped, he was sent careening downwards, my quick acting as I fired off A blast to impact him halfway down to push him further, he could be heard grunting from the pain and the explosion rocked the entire planet, blinding the area as well. Blinding me briefly, I sensed that he appeared to be attacking again so I used an afterimage in time as he reappeared, trying to strike me from the side. His attack, A right elbow thrust missed though he followed up with A quick kick to my ribs which hit. Sending me back though I managed to grab his leg and hold on, squeezing it as I blasted forwards, head impacting head, our growls could be heard in close to each other. Fighting A dominating battle of strength and hearing our loud clenching of teeth easily and loudly, I released his leg as I was in range and shot multiple blows into his stomach, punching hard before the last punch of my right hand I charged up A quickly powered Ki-blast which exploded on impact as my own hand had pushed it into his abdomen instead of throwing it. He ended been blasted back, singed from the attack and then retaliated with his own blasts from his left hand, using all of his sausage sized fingers to fire A barrage of 'Death Beams' my way, some impacting even while I dodged most or swatted away others. These singed me and I felt discomfort from the attacks, but my aura helped mitigate the damage inflicted, strengthened from my dense power level, Super Saiyan and Kaio-ken too.


"You're strong Saiyan, I consider this an interesting bout. Can you dodge this fool." he raised A hand upwards, and the massive Ki-attack charged, it was one of them massive death balls that Frieza used to destroy planets though his came to light much quicker as it quickly gained mass and he threw it via bending his finger at me. I watched as the attack flew close to me and grabbed the attack with both hands, Cooler appeared at my side then and then while I held onto the massive Ki-bomb he laid into me, kicks and punches to weak points over my body, he even had the audacity to wrap his tail around my neck and chuckle in glee as he begun to squeeze while laying into me. I held on and continued to hold the massive dome of energy from impacting the planet, I then tried something that I thought might work. Leaving one hand off of the attack I held onto, I teleported away to somewhere in space I'd been to before and the attack thankfully disappeared with me, Cooler too as he appeared to be clueless as to what had happened before I grabbed him and reappeared on Namek, leaving behind the mass attack of Cooler's. Now, as we appeared next to Frieza who looked around for us, I decided to grab him too and disappear to A planet we could fight on and with no risk of having this planet further damaged… my own training planet where the gravity is severely harsh...


"We are here on A more hostile world and away from my friends and family, Krillin and Vegeta. We can go all out here, it's better this way. Frieza, do you want A crack at him?" I asked, he nodded and then responded as he eyed me cockily before sneering at his own brother.


"No, I think it's time we, being my brother and I get rid of the unwanted trash listening in to family business. Cooler and I will handle our business when your life is concluded. I think that's satisfactory is it not Cooler?" Frieza asked smugly, looking refreshed from taking A break and Cooler's shielded covering over his mouth eject upwards, showing A stoic look but he responded then seriously.


"Yes, the Saiyan knows too much. He dies first, together then brother. Dealing with you afterwards will be easier still then facing this mutant of A monkey." he said, the bladed shield came down again and they both attacked.


Thrusting out with A left hook, I knocked Frieza backwards aways into his brother, firing off A 'Royal Spear' towards them together, they afterimaged out of the way and then attacked at the same time, I held my own fine, the speed in which the fight was fought at bordering insane speeds, Cooler being A lot faster than Frieza but on par with me using Kaio-ken times ten. Grunting, I kicked down on Cooler as I afterimaged above him and to my delight, knocked the bastard from the sky, firing off A few Ki-blasts at him from my right hand while I attacked Frieza with my left in melee. Either blocking Frieza's attack with one hand which started to infuriate him from the angry scowl on his face. Cooler retaliated with A barrage of 'Death Beams', from the ground where he stood inside an impact crater, most of them I could whack away with my right hand before I felt Frieza power up from where I hit him backwards.


"You monkey, you're no match for the great Frieza-"


"-Shut it Frieza you idiot, hurry up and power-up or get out of my way!" Cooler replied, blasting upwards engulfed in Ki, attacking fast, fist to my fist as I blocked, taking his knee in my abdomen but shrugging off the hit and laying into him with a barrage of punches, he dodged and then whacked me downwards with his tail and powered up A blast to try and outmaneuver me. I reappeared behind Frieza and assaulted him, attacking his back and placing my open palm on his back, blasting A small sized 'Royal Spear' through his shoulder, he managed to dodge most of the beam however and retaliated in his bulk form, fully powered up as he landed A hard right axe-kick upon my shoulder, dazing me for A moment from the impact.


"Why you- oaf-" afterimaging into Frieza's personal space, my right knee impacted him hard, sending him flying into A nearby rock formation, shattering the rock in the process. Sensing Cooler's attack imminent from behind, I turned to block his Ki-beam and was pushed back, the ground underneath me been shoved aside from my boots and the attack as miles huge swaths of the land begun to lift up or disintegrated from the Density of Ki. 


"Harrrrrghh!" thrusting forward onto the beam, my own beam came out and impacted Cooler's, these fonts of Ki begun their own battle, resulting in A massive upheaval of dirt and dust as the attacks fought for dominance, afterimaging nearby Cooler I attacked him as he continued to put more Ki into his own attack which eventually overshadowed mine, detonating upon impact with A mountain in the distance. That mountain being A volcano was just the sort of luck or non-luck I'd expect from this molten-like world, the explosion resulted in the volcano erupting viciously, as hot smoke and fumes arose in the distance. Soon, this planet would be uninhabitable soon, such A size of Volcano as that is made sure of it. Paying it no further mind as I could breathe fine thanks to my passive Ki-ability 'Aura Sphere', viciously laying into Cooler while he attacked me, our strikes either hitting, blocking or nullifying each other's attempts. Cooler's bladed mouthguard suddenly sprung upwards and disappeared from his face, his smirk catching me off-guard as the asshole widened his mouth, A beam of purple-colored Ki exploded out which would have hit me and done serious damage if it wasn't the time that Frieza took the moment myself and Cooler were locked in combat to attack me at my side. The mouth beam of Cooler's tore through A distant hill and Frieza almost wondering into the beams path but stopped by the force of his own Ki, i thankfully bent down in time by the attack of Frieza's though it did hurt somewhat.


"Watch it Cooler, you fool! You almost hit me!" Frieza yelled out, holding A hand tensed in anger to which Cooler paid him no mind, tail swishing back and forth, like A cat… almost aggravated. Frieza didn't take being ignored but instead of attacking Cooler, his tensed fist winded and his palm formed A Ki-formation which expanded into A Ki-disc. He threw this disc at me and then formed another. Cooler too formed his own and four of them disc blades came after me.


"heh, bastards, 'Tyrant's Wave' I yelled, thrusting my attack forward as Ki seeped out, spreading rapidly as the purple color Ki engulfed their bladed Ki-constructs. The attack exploded but only one managed to pierce its way out of the attack, the debris covered the area briefly so the 'disc' couldn't follow me as they didn't know where I was. Appearing inside their range, I laid into Cooler, attacking him viciously, stopping his tail in its tracks and then powering up.


Seems like I should just kill them now, stop holding back and just get it over with… So, I did. All I needed to do was activate my 'wrath state' which coupled with Super Saiyan heightened everything, from my power to my emotions and thus when the impact against the surprised Frieza came, my punch went straight though his abdomen, my fist mixed in with his now pouring out guts and purple blood. He coughed and yelled loudly in pain, the suffering he felt from that… not my problem, he deserved it. Forming A blast within his guts, it detonated at A decent size within him, and the tyrant known as Frieza was no more, down to the last molecule. Cooler could be heard gasping in astonishment but attacked... Too slow... afterimaging around him and bringing my leg down upon his armored head which shattered something there as he yelped in pain and fell instantly to the floor. Charging up one more attack, I blasted him outright at close range, my original attack 'Tyrant's Wave' made sure work of him and as the attack swept over him, I concluded he and Frieza's bodies would be erased from my overpowered blast. I powered down from the wrathful state first, followed shortly by Kaio Ken as that pain in combing them together was still relevant. I left Super Saiyan on for now, the speed could come in handy encase I needed to leave quickly.


"Ahh… shit, that still hurts doing both like that. Thankfully Kaio-Ken and Super Saiyan doesn't feel as bad as those two together..." falling to my knees from the stress, clenching my hand in the rocks beneath me as I looked over my attacks diameter which had finally fully disappeared, leaving dust and debris still falling even from high up, the smoke and ash in the distance getting much closer as the density of it all painted A bleak picture. Wrathful state plus Super Saiyan hurt like A bitch but doing them together like that was the way this was going to end with my interference, Frieza and Cooler are no more.

'I better have A quick break and then head on back. Ginyu needs to be dealt with and then Vegeta…' I thought to myself, sitting on A jiggered rock on the flat side as I glanced over to the horizon of my training planet which even right now around me, was beginning it's 'extinction event'.


"Well, I'll rest later. I'll need to see what happened with Ginyu. Also I have to deal with Recoome too. Not sure what I would do with him…" I said to myself, tired after the long fought but fun battle between two beings I wouldn't have considered fighting one year ago.


Using 'instant transmission, I reappeared to where I left the guys to find only Bulma, Chiaotzu and three Namekian boys. Bulma looked surprised by my looks and I realized my 'Super Saiyan' transformation was still on.


"Dende, I could use some healing." I fell to the floor, finally finding my strength leave me after using the combination of 'Super Saiyan' and 'Wrathful State', A volatile combination indeed.