I’ve Retired.



Arriving to where they were fighting, the sight that was very strange to witness. It seemed like Ginyu was watching while Vegeta and Goku fought against each other which is what she assumed with her eyes. But then again something felt 'off' with Vegeta and Ginyu too now that she fought about it, her sensing was quite honed compared with the others except for Krillin, Chiaotzu and Goku himself so she felt weirded out from their 'aura's she felt when glancing at them on A Ki-level.


Yang was nearby, seeing them so she raced towards them, halting them in their tracks, Winter wanted to know what was up, so she voiced her concerns.


"Yang, what is happening here, why is Vegeta and Goku fighting while the head of the Ginyu force is watching- queer-like I might add. I don't like his glare either, shall I finish him off?" Winter removed her rapier and engulfed in Ki as she begun to swirl with her power, but Yang laughed, before seriously she responded to her query.


"Nah, that isn't Vegeta fighting Goku, that be Ginyu but inside Vegeta' body, it's weird I know but Goku looks to be having an easy time with him, he explained that even if he took Vegeta's body which is stronger, he can't release all that potential because it isn't 'his' body or something along those lines. So, what's up, you're here to help then? Get in line sister." Yang turned, eyes aglow as she sped towards the fight again. 


Winter grunted at the brash woman's words, but shrugged towards her entourage and then landed, she sheathed her sword, getting into A thinking pose as she watched Goku continue to easily outmaneuver 'Ginyu' inside Vegeta's body. The rest bar Pyrrha who landed with her had rushed towards the fight to where Yang floated there watching from close up and Pyrrha spoke.


"Somethings wrong, I can't sense Kron nor those two other powers anymore." she asked concerned which got Winter to look at her questioningly to which Pyrrha laughed halfheartedly before shrugging. Winter smirked in understand though Weiss and Blake had final say and therefore she kept quiet on that tidbit of information and instead agreed with her assessment, turning to look to where Kron was supposed to be fighting against Frieza. Her eyebrows quivered in concentration, and she felt Kron… where Bulma, Dende and the other two are but her seemed to not be 'all-powerful unlike earlier whenever she senses him. Winter spoke up, mouth agape in worry but turned to Pyrrha all the same.


"He's here, I can… feel him but it seems he's all steamed out. His Ki, overwhelming before has gone back to A calm presence, I can't sense that Frieza.-


"-Nor the other one, that's… good then. I'm glad." she said, turning away and quickly adding.


"What's going on now?" Winter turned to look at the battle, A beam of yellow energy connected 'Ginyu' inside Vegeta's body and wad about to hit Goku when 'Vegeta' inside Ginyu's body jumped in the way and the attack hit, the beam connecting them momentarily. A fierce yellow blazing light shown, and the attack ended, she and Pyrrha didn't get the brunt of that attack, but they closed their eyes all the same from the strong light. Winter opened her eyes first and then turned to Pyrrha.


"We better see what's going on." they flew closer and joined the rest, 




I woke up not to long after, headache gone, and fatigue gone too. Still tired though but that can't be helped. The Namekian boys seen me move and then Bulma turned around from where she sat, tinkering with some stuff and listening to A radio.


"Hey there, you're finally awake. Well, is Frieza dealt with then?" Bulma asked, glaring and I chuckled, nodding to her question. Seeing Chiaotzu sitting with her, looking curiously at me but he didn't speak up and instead looked to be meditating.


"Yeah, it's done. Not as… glorious as I'd liked but yeah, it's done. Do you want to go back home for now, I need to check out this battle but since I'm here I can take you…" an easy trip, she thought about it for A moment before nodding in agreement.


"Would you, hang on, let me get my stuff together." she went about doing so while the tree boys who healed me through my short rest waited too, too shy to say anything which was fine. A moment or seven, Bulma had packed up with using one of her capsules to clear the place of her stuff and then spoke.


"Let's go, might as well take the boys, they probably want to be with their family, right guys." she said and they nodded slowly, Dende being the brave one, spoke.


"Y-Yes sir. Is the bad man gone?" he asked innocently, and I nodded slowly, tapping him on the shoulder lightly. 


"Sure is, right. If we go people, I need to see what's happening on the battlefield so let's make this quick. Are you coming as well Chiaotzu?" he wordlessly nodded in agreement and stood up from the boulder he was on, heading on over. It was instantaneous, we were back on Earth, Capsule Corp and I released them before heading back. Blasting off in the direction of where everyone is, I arrived within A minute full power, aura engulfed around me, purple-colored waves rolled off of me.


Seeing the back of Winter, Pyrrha, yang, Krillin, and the other's heads as they watched Goku fight against Ginyu, it seemed like Ginyu and Goku are almost spent with Vegeta nearby hesitant to join in for some reason. Shaking my head, I afterimaged behind Ginyu and grabbed him from behind, shocking him and letting Goku's punch hit him before Goku stopped to look at me.


"Hey! who is that! let me go now-" now that I heard his insistent whining, I knew it to be Ginyu alright, so I hefted him skyward to the shock of everyone else.


"H-Hey K-Kron! What are you-" hefting two fingers upward and sending A miniature blast of my 'Royal Spear', the blast engulfed him and then exploded, expanding outward. I had quickly shot into that Ki-blast fifty percent of my energy overkill I know but that guy had to die encase he got around to switching on someone else as I'm currently immune to that trick thanks to my wish.


"So, Frieza has been dealt with-" Vegeta looked tense, his body battered but still the fool made sure to speak, I could hear his teeth grinding after every syllable.


"-Where's your proof Kron, you're-" Ignoring the prince, I looked around at the others.


"-I don't suppose anyone else believes me besides Vegeta here." I asked them, their faces scrunching in concentration and then Krillin spoke up first.


"Huh, yeah, I can't sense that evil power! He's not lying." Alright they looked like they believed me and Goku looked somewhat annoyed that I done in Ginyu like that… or interrupted his battle. Vegeta though responded angrily.


"And how did A third class reject like you got one over Frieza, not to mention Cooler as well. Unless you let them fight first and then took them out while they we're weaken-" I burst into my super Saiyan form which startled them and then appeared in front of Vegeta, I spoke neutrally trying to keep my anger in check at his arrogance.


"This… is what I call... Super Saiyan. I know you know what this form represents, the legend, I have ascended to A higher level… and that is how I got the upper hand over Frieza and Cooler." Kneeing him in the stomach while he was still awed by my transformation or rather, mad at my audacity in becoming A Super Saiyan before royal blood. The hit though to his stomach, he bent forwards with his head meeting my left fist which knocked him out.


"Alright then, we can head to Earth. The threat to Namek is over. We've got work to do. Never mind Vegeta here, I'll take care of him." ending the Super Saiyan transformation, I awaited the large group to slow congregate towards me.


Moments later, when everyone linked up with arms, we transported via 'Instant Transmission' back to earth and having deal with Frieza and his ilk, Cooler too, there were A few stragglers but they being measly grunts would be easy prey for the Namekian warriors who desired their own revenge. Now it was time for making the various wishes, getting things back in place and then I could stay here, on earth and no longer play fiddle to Frieza, even in A capacity in spying on him and his men as that was no longer needed. 


Appearing, I released them except Winter and then walked to find Guru, we had much to discuss in regard to the wishes. 




A couple of days ago he was reported to by the remnant forces on Frieza planet No.69. They reported in regard to his sons and that they were in war with each other. Their whereabouts being unknown. Finally, though as luck would happen, someone did have some information, one of the members of the Ginyu force arrived at his side to report on the happenings of his sons, someone named Recoome. The oaf of A man, A big lummox bowed deeply to him, regarding him the respect afforded to him and Cold nodded, bidding he rise and speak up on current events in regard to his sons.


"I'm Recoome my king, a part of the now defunct Ginyu force. Uh, we we're betrayed and by Kron the Saiyan, also Cooler wanted to uh, take over and kill Frieza. I was knocked out on arrival of the planet Namek, by my own teammate so I… don't know much. Just that Kron would know more." Cold listened, the information of the planet is new. Hearing about this Saiyan though didn't really surprise him, they were mangey beasts that needed to be put down. A mistake Frieza made, Cold would rectify.


"Hmm… and suppose I would like to 'speak' with this trifle, where would he be, do you know the answer, I need coordinates, not just the name?" Cold chuckled lightly at the giants flinch, Recoome shook his head and then replied.


"No, I only know from briefing that Vegeta was involved and he came back from some unsanctioned mission, A planet called Earth. That dumb Saiyan lost two thirds of his force to that planet so-"Cold held A hand upwards, silencing this Recoome who stopped speaking.


"-Yes… this 'Earth' is in the database, what of the planet Namek. I would reckon if Frieza or Cooler both fought against each other or, even unheard of but not impossible, someone on par with them both. Wouldn't you think that the planet would have been collateral? They are known for their destructive tendencies, I'd imagine it not being there anymore." Cold asked, growing bored of the conversation with the dunce, but Recoome replied.


"The planet is empty as of now, the remaining forces lord Frieza brought with him uh, they routed to Frieza planet, taking Frieza's ship. There was only A bare enough force to pilot that ship-"


"-Hmph, and what of the battleground, is my son's bodies found, if even one of my foolish son's have survived, they would know more." he would of course find out everything and then punish them for their foolishness. Cooler looked to be the instigator, so he'd be punished especially. Frieza though hadn't come to him and instead fought back… he sighed, clearly the two hadn't learned enough from his teachings.


"We head to the planet Namek, I'd like to look over the world before I blow it into pieces, my son's might still be found. And Recoome, you'll lead the ground team to search for any signs of my son's, is that clear, you're the remaining elite of an obsolete force, you'll be used to your full capacity." he chuckled, Recoome gulped but nodded, at attention before stepping away in A military strut to prepare himself. Cold turned to stare outside his ship.




A couple of days passed since the first use of the Namekian dragon balls. The three wishes being to wish Piccolo back to life and therefore, Kami also came back to life which made the inert earth dragon balls work once again.


The wishes afterwards were to revive Tien and Yamcha before Raven was also brought back to life with the Earths balls, her first time being revived with them. A hefty amount of time passed, two days and the Namekian's stayed on Earth still, there was more wishes to make but seeing as they had to wait for the time for the dragon balls to be used again, they relaxed in their make-shift homes on Capsule Corps lawn. I spent my time At Winter's Villa, with the girls and out of my armor for A change but I had six clones created, with four of them training and the other two either at Capsule Corp or with Weiss and Winter doing their bidding. I though am Keeping myself busy not by training but by learning to be A parent and 'all' that entailed, being weaker from so many clones made helped as I feared I would accidentally hurt Jaina or something with my strength, hence the clones. Shit, this is going to be A learning curve. Right now, though I was finished for now, Jaina asleep and myself resting on the couch. Blake leaning on my shoulder half asleep as I sat and relaxed for A change. Kali is in the kitchen helping out around the house, with Weiss and Winter visiting their mother and brother in the city with A clone.


"..." sighing in comfort, I held Blake to my side while contemplating the future, Goku and Vegeta should be able to obtain the Super Saiyan state no problem though I was unsure how Goku would go about it. I'll stay put, put up roots here and live my life. I also had to go and pick up my money I've been getting paid to which I stored with the Arcosian's on their planet Arcose. I've been saving on their planet, they being the Saiyan allies in the past and their favorable exchange rate, I made sure to convert my Friez-credits to gold bars. I'll grab that haul later on. Blake stirred, mumbling before she got to her feet. She wordlessly walked towards her mother in the kitchen and went for the fridge. I stayed where I was, I had priorities now that wouldn't make training hard but ones that I didn't want to fuck up all the same.


"...Weiss is pregnant now too, Damn I need to eat, I have time for myself until Jaina awakens. For now, I'll relax." standing up and making my way to the other kitchen in the other side of the place, where A huge amount of food is stored strictly for heavy eaters like me. The android saga is going to be vastly different for sure. 


Life on earth passed by normally with my new duty, one hundred thirty days passed by and the Namek dragon balls could be used again. Guru had seen that his Dragon balls we're lacking in A particular wish. The wishing of multiple souls back to the mortal plain so he had spent some time overhauling the dragon's wishing ability. The guy is A genius, it took considerable effort but he made it so the Namekian dragon balls could now wish multiple souls in bulk, if the words used and the intent is clear to understand. The wishes were used to revive the Namekian's who died from those associated or used to be associated with the Planet Trade organization, so the two villages killed by Frieza and his men and Vegeta were revived.


Round this time Vegeta begun to harass one of my clones verbally to which said clone would beat him into the ground but yeah, the fool was getting stronger in his own way and so I decided to train him. He wanted Super Saiyan so badly to overcome me, well my clones would handle him. Goku on trained normally though he did want to fight, such is the nature of Saiyan's, but he at least asked. He was also destroyed by one of my clones through the days from the last use of the dragon balls to now. They grew stronger from the beat down and experience in fighting increasing for said bouts.


Raven returned stronger though not by much and so got right back into trying to become A more deadly killing machine, her Daughter Yang avoided the woman which Raven didn't seem to mind. Tien and Chiaotzu went off to train. Yamcha trained but he also spent time getting back into his money hunting way, namely baseball. With Tien, Krillin and Yamcha knowing Kaio-ken, they would no doubt get stronger, and Tien at least also knew the usefulness of clones so I much doubt he wouldn't not use them. In terms of strength, everyone was much stronger since we returned to Earth except for Blake who decided to quit fighting for now. Goku was the only one not as strong as his 'canon' self at this point with not unlocking Super Saiyan, but his base strength seemed to be much higher from rough estimation of his fighting skill against my clones. Heck, with the humans of the Z-fighters knowing Kaio-ken, they are all much more useful in future fights to come.


Krillin trained within the first use of the Namekian dragon balls and now, I got everyone gather except for Vegeta and asked Guru to unlock those of the team's potential so they could also grow to new heights. Guru accepted this on the condition that Vegeta wouldn't be also offered it nor the use of their dragon balls. I accepted of course and also sent A clone to Namek, just to check that things were fine because soon enough, the Namekian's would leave. Before returning to Namek my clone informed everyone how Namek didn't exist anymore and instead there is an asteroid field in it's place.


The Namek's were distraught from this news, and I hazard A guess as to who was behind it… King Cold must have figured out where his sons ended up on and finding none to pin the blame on, took out his anger on the planet itself. Well, that would be fine though as there are two more wishes. Currently, we were awaiting the dragon as Moori summoned it, now that it was ready to be called.


They wished for their planet to be remade, the second wish was to revive Summer Rose on behalf of myself who asked, their final wish was to move the planet Namek to another star system but closer to Earth, A gesture of friendship to us. The Namek's could be shipped with help by Capsule Corp to the newly remade Planet Namek, I sent A clone with them and the trip would only take two days, from the closeness of the planet and the advanced technology of Capsule Corp engineering, A total of three ships including the one Bulma personally owns took the Namekian's and my clone, Bulma flew one ship while Winter and her father flew the other two.


Earth had neighbors now, moving on… 


After the ships left packed to the brim with All but Guru, Nail and Dende. Guru addressed everyone gathered.


"I'd like to thank you all for your assistance to my people." he started, those gathered, Goku, Krillin, Gohan with his mother, Roshi, Winter, Pyrrha and Yang stood in front of me while those newly revived including Rubies mom who still had no idea what was going on at the moment and Raven who looked at her like she saw A ghost and glared at me in annoyance. Yamcha, Tien and Chiaotzu with Piccolo standing further off. Kami stood nearby to the other Namekian's, getting A good view of his own people. Many more of the cast from Dragon ball and some of those from Remnant stood by too, Blake with my daughter and Weiss with her mother. Salem didn't come, she was enjoying her new life here and had the villa to herself for now.


"Aw shucks, it was the least we could do, our friends have returned to us, and uh Piccolo too… Anyway, are you sure you're not going to be regret missing the ships, they were taking the rest of your people to Namek no?" Krillin said jovially, scratching his head and Guru replied.


"No, I wasn't sure of the… nature of the dragon balls, they would follow me I'm certain, I couldn't risk them damaging those ships that held my people if they would be stored within them. Kron, I would ask that you make your last wishes next time the balls are- Cough- are ready and then take myself and the balls directly to Namek. Your ability to teleport is indispensable for such- cough- A task." I nodded seriously, considering that elder Namek was wise to not go along with the ships encase the dragon balls acted A bit weirdly, even if he had them with him if he decided to take A ship too which he didn't. The big guy was thinking for the safety of his people, something I could respect. Goku replied, looking my way in admiration, which served to make myself wearily on what he wanted as he still wanted to fight me, and not my clones.


"I wanted to ask you about that technique, seeing its usefulness in battle, are you going to teach that move to others too? I've only seen you use it. I'd like to learn such A technique, it looks to be uh, what's that word... uh, versatile, yeah that word." Goku said, getting a good majority of those gathered here to also reply, Yamcha being the first.


"Yeah man, that technique would help me getting to my job on time." Tien shook his head at his reply and added.


"And get us to battle against threats to the earth much faster, did you come up with it?" I replied to Tien's question while shaking my head.


"No, I learned it from the Yadrant people, on the planet Yadrat. They were targeted to be purged by the Ginyu force before Frieza ordered the Ginyu force, including my clone to head to Namek. If the Ginyu landed on the planet, my clone would have dealt with the whole squad then and there upon arrival, but we didn't get there. I could take those who wish to learn from them that technique. It isn't mine to teach and it is A difficult ability to teach unless you're learning it from A Yadrant. But enough about that, we could do it later, for any other technique besides that one, I'll make A clone-"


"-I want to fight you too, your clones are all well and good but fighting you at full-strength would-be A very-" Chichi looked about to be blowing A fuse, she interrupted her husband by grabbing his arm and pulling him A little which surprised him, but he managed his footing being A fighter.


"-You're going to relax and get A job Goku! What kind of example are you setting for our son!" Chichi said loudly, Gohan tried to step away but was hugged by her next as she hovered over the boy, and I sighed. Well… these are the people I'm going to be living with for now on… better get used to it. It's going to be interesting being A part of all this from now on.


"We all need to keep up our training, those who destroyed Namek before would likely do so again and might even come here too looking for A fight. I don't know about you all, but I want to live." Piccolo said seriously, glancing at Goku, then Raven nearby me and then his gaze locked onto me challengingly. I responded back, eye to eye and nodded.


"Yeah, there is still King Cold, the father of the two I uh- 'took care of'. The empire right now could be fracturing right about now, though if he's involved, they would rally to him." They all contemplated the words being spoken and every one of them, even Gohan much to Chichi's disdain also volunteered to fight too. Now it's A matter of time before anything else happens, I better keep up my training also.